Qom Friday Prayer: “US, UK and Zionist entity are Yazid’s of our time”

During his Friday prayer sermon in the holy city of Qom, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Mohammad Sa’idi, the trustee of the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’sumah (S), spoke of current events and tied the great injustices facing Muslim states in the current era with the evil and tyranny which faced Imam Husayn (A).

His Eminence offered his condolences on the death of Ayatollah Mohammad-Reza Mahdavi-Kani, a high-ranking Iranian politician and Islamic scholar who passed away on October 21st. Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi remembered this great scholar as an “ethical role model” and a “knowledgeable jurisprudent of our time.”

Regarding world events, Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi mentioned the Iraqi prime minister’s three-day visit to Iran last week saying Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi met with the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei] who expressed his strong support for the Iraqi government and insisted that “Iraq and Iraq have the ability to fight against terrorism and solve their problems without foreign interference.” Qom’s Friday prayer leader also appreciated former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki his resignation for the sake of the unity of Iraq.

Regarding Muharram and Safar, the sorrowful months of mourning which begin Sunday, Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi stated that these two months are “Days of God.” The goals of Imam Husayn’s (A) uprising were to stand up for truth, justice and to establish the true religion (Islam). The beloved grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (S) strove to re-establish divine Islamic law and to destroy the oppressive government of the  caliph Yazid ibn Mu’awiyah, a well-known enemy of the Ahlul-Bayt

His Eminence emphasized that the “Leader of the Martyrs” rose to eradicate all kinds of corruption – both internal and external corruption. He stated that external corruption refers to the fight against the evil tyrant Yazid. Internal corruption refers to the fight against the ignorance of the people. Imam Husayn (A) gave his blood so that people would wake up from their ignorance and misdirection.

Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi added that the United States, United Kingdom and the Zionist regime (Israel) are the “Yazid’s of our time.” “When we introduce the personality and the goals of the uprising of Imam Husayn (A) against Yazid, we must introduce the Yazid’s of our time as well,” he explained.

The renowned scholar advised that during their sermons in Muharram and Safar, preachers should use their powerful and influential voices to remove any distortions and doubts faced by the people and to speak about moral issues, teach religious laws and self-purification, and to also pay attention to youth issues. “Strengthening the faith of the people prevents the people, especially the youth, from getting caught in the traps of the enemies,” Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi stated.