Rouhani: Iran supporting ME nations in anti-terror fight

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has reaffirmed the country’s support for “oppressed” nations in the region, saying Iranian Armed Forces will help crisis-hit states in their fight against terror.

Addressing a large military parade held on the occasion of Sacred Defense Week on Monday, Rouhani described Iran as the “anchor of stability” in the strategic Middle East region and said Iran will stand by the “oppressed” nations everywhere.

“Regional nations will stand up to terrorism and the Iranian government and Armed Forces will also assist them in this battle,” President Rouhani stated.

The Iranian chief executive also hailed the resistance of regional nations in the face of enemies and said violence-stricken Middle Eastern states will ultimately manage to defeat terrorist groups and plots hatched by hegemonic powers.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rouhani hailed the sacrifices made by Iranian people and soldiers during the 1980-1988 Iraqi-imposed war, saying enemies failed to bring the nation to its knees despite providing all-out support to the regime of former Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein during the eight-year Iraqi invasion of Iran in the 80s.

In recent years, hegemonic powers have waged a new economic war against the Iranian nation by imposing sanctions on the Islamic Republic over its civilian nuclear work, added the Iranian president.

Rouhani reiterated the country’s determination to pursue its right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, saying the “peace-loving” nation of Iran has never been after building weapons of mass destruction.

The regime of the executed Iraqi dictator invaded Iran on September 22, 1980, in a war that dragged on for eight years.

The Sacred Defense Week commemorates the bravery of the Iranian soldiers who fought in the Iraqi-imposed war and defended their country from enemy aggression.
