Serena Shim laid to rest in Lebanon

People from all walks of life have paid tribute to Press TV’s correspondent, Serena Shim, who was killed in a car accident in Turkey near the Turkish-Syrian border, Press TV reports.

People gathered in front of Shim’s house in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on Wednesday to attend a funeral ceremony held for the journalist.

Rounds of bullets were fired into the air as the coffin arrived in Burj el-Barajneh cemetery on the southern suburbs of Beirut.

Live images showed Shim’s body being laid to rest as hundreds of people including Lebanese political and religious figures attended the funeral ceremony.

Press TV correspondent at the memorial service quoted Shim’s family members and Burj el-Barajneh camp residents as saying that “she raised our heads high; she was really someone that gave us pride and dignity.”

Shim, an American citizen of Lebanese origin, was among the few journalists who had done stories about Takfiri militants’ infiltration into Syria through the Turkish border. She had also gained access to images showing militants crossing the border in trucks belonging to the World Food Organization and other NGOs.

On Friday, she told Press TV that the Turkish intelligence had accused her of spying probably due to some of the stories she had covered about Turkey’s stance on the ISIL terrorists in Kobani and its surroundings, adding that she feared being arrested.

Two days later on Sunday, her car collided with a heavy vehicle upon return from a report scene in Suruç, a rural district of Şanlıurfa Province of Turkey. The identity and the whereabouts of the truck driver remain unknown.