Speaker of Alabama House arrested

Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard was arrested on Monday on felony ethics charges, according to Acting Attorney General Van Davis.
Hubbard was charged with 23 felony ethics and is accused of using his office as speaker and his previous office as chairman of the Alabama Republican Party.

The 52-year-old Republican used his office to gain personal benefits in the run-up to the general election in which he is favored for re-election.

Hubbard, whose indictment is part of an ongoing statewide corruption investigation, said he did nothing wrong, calling the charges “a political witch hunt.”

However, he is charged with securing business for his media and printing firms in Auburn. He also faces charges of misusing his legislative position to help, the Auburn Network, one of his companies benefit.

In addition, the indictment accused him of soliciting former Gov. Bob Riley for assistance in finding clients for the Auburn Network.

In 1998, the Republican was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives and then was appointed as chairman of the Alabama Republican Party in 2007 and 2009.

He is now regarded as one of the most powerful politicians in the state of Alabama.

Also in August, Texas Governor Rick Perry, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, was booked on two felony charges related to his handling of a local political controversy.

In July, New York State lawmaker Sen. Thomas Libous was charged with providing false information to FBI agents investigating whether he used his influence to get his son a job.