
Distrust escalate between Iraq & US; Iraq’s ruling bloc wants Russian airstrikes against ISIS

“The largest bloc has sent a request to the prime minister to add further forces to the fight against terrorism and not only to rely on the United States and the international coalition, which has up till now been rather shy in its efforts to destroy [Islamic State] bases in Iraq,” Saad Al-Matlabi, said a member of the country’s State of Law Coalition.

“Therefore it is understandable that the Iraqi parliament and the defense committee would send a request to the prime minister to add more forces and in particular the forces of the Russian Federation, which has proved quite efficient in destroying [Islamic State] bases in neighboring Syria.”

The Iraqi politician said that the US has been “shy” in its efforts to try and eliminate the threat posed by the so-called Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL). He also mentioned that not only is there a consensus amongst Iraqi politicians for Moscow to be involved, but also from the general public.

“The public mood is definitely in favor of Russian involvement because it has been over a year and a half now and ISIS has flourished in Iraq under the American airstrikes. One could question the honesty and integrity of the US airstrikes.”

Al-Matlabi pointed to information received from US sources, which stated that 75 percent of American warplanes returned to base without firing their weapons against ISIS targets, while Washington has not been forthcoming in living up to its promises. The State of Law Alliance member stated that so far Baghdad has only received “three or four F-16’s” out of a total of 36, which were promised back in 2011.

“There is a lack of trust amongst the Iraqi forces towards the US forces,” he said. “The Americans definitely do not trust the Iraqi forces; therefore the Americans will not strike targets that they have been sent by Iraq. The Americans only attack targets they define to be ISIS.”

Despite this “breakdown in trust,” he said that Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi has been coming under pressure from Washington not to ask for help from Moscow.

“Abadi told the meeting parties that it wasn’t the right time to include the Russians in the fight because that would only complicate the situation with the Americans and could have undesired consequences even on long-term future relations with America,” a senior Shi’ite politician close to Abadi told Reuters.

The US’s top general announced Wednesday that he has been told by Al-Abadi and Defense Minister Khaled Al-Obeidi that Baghdad would not be seeking Russian assistance.

“Both the minister of defense and the prime minister said: ‘Absolutely.’ There is no request right now for the Russians to support them, there’s no consideration for the Russians to support them, and the Russians haven’t asked them to come in and conduct operations,” Gen. Joseph Dunford said on a visit to Iraq, as cited by Reuters.

The US general, who was appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on October 1, said that he was against Russia becoming involved as it would make it harder for the US to operate.

“I said it would make it very difficult for us to be able to provide the kind of support that you need if the Russians were here conducting operations as well,” Dunford said.

However, Dunford’s optimism seems to be contradicted by Al-Matlabi’s admission and previous statements by Al-Abadi who on October 1 said that he would “welcome” Russian intervention.

In an interview with France-24 TV, he accused the US-led coalition of a lack of support as well as questioning the will of the West to defeat self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). He added that Russian airstrikes were a “possibility” but such an option had not been discussed.

“If we get the offer, we’ll consider it,” Al-Abadi said. “In actual fact, I would welcome it.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov seemed to rule out Moscow getting involved for the moment, saying: “We are not planning to expand our airstrikes to Iraq. We were not invited, not asked.”

“We are polite people, as you know. We don’t come if not invited,” he said on October 1 at the UN General Assembly.


The first international film and photo competition for “kind Moharram”

Eighth National Mourning Ceremony ”KindMoharram”

The first international film and photo competition for “kind Moharram”

One thousand three hundred and seventy six years passed from the great ASHURA event. Every year when “Moharram” arrives, world people’s heart beats so quickly and pumps fresh blood to the world people’s body. Hossain’s voice who says: “Is there anybody who helps me?” is currently heard by the people from all over the world. The leader and master of martyrs was thirsty for acceptation and artists of Ashura will yell “we accept you oh Hossain” through their camera lens and will echo his liberalism and truthfulness all over the world.

Now contemporary with arriving Moharram 1437 AH, Culture Wave Institute in cooperation with Information Technology and Digital Media Center from Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance holds Eighth National Mourning Ceremony and the first International Film and Photo Competition under the title of “Mehr-e- Moharram”. So all the photographers and film makers are invited to send their works by registering and uploading in or send it to our secretarial office by the post.

Goals of the Mourning Ceremony

1-    To spread out Ashura culture and art in community and cyberspace

2-    National and international convergence and synergy in producing and publishing the cultural content of Ashura

3-    Strengthening the links among religion, art and media

4-    Public acquaintance of people in Islamic Republic of Iran and the other countries of the world with customs and rituals of mourning during Moharram.

5-    Revival of traditional customs rooted in Islam and Iranian culture and away from any superstitions.

6-    Culturing optimal use of digital media tools to encourage the production of original content.

Mourning Ceremony Sections

This competition will be held in both video and photography parts

Video section


  • The life of Imam Hosain(pbuh)
  • Behavior and personality of Imam Hossein (pbuh)
  • Moharram (free looking to Moharram)
  • Generiosity of Imam Hossein (pbuh)
  • Imam Hosain’s (pbuh)Thoughts and culture
  • Rituals for mourning in Moharram
  • fighting against superstitions and alteration of Ashura and Moharram
  • Speech and debates of Imam Hossein (pbuh)
  • Imam Hosain’s (pbuh) Pilgrimage and Ashura
  • Servants of Imam Hossein (pbuh)
  • Utilizing the teachings of Imam Hosain (pbuh) for how to live
  • Insight in the understanding of right and wrong based on intellectual foundations of Imam Hosain (pbuh)
  • Symbols and cues for Ashura
  • Hidden subjects and less paid attention points in the life of Imam Hosain (pbuh) (new or less paid attention subjects are in priority)
  • March in fortieth memorable of Imam Hosain (pbuh) and artistic aspects of this great pilgrimage
  • Reconstruction of Holy Shrines in Iraq


1-Sending production is open to the public.

2-For the experience section, the conditions for loading up to 20 MB for each film is provided.

3- Each of the videos should be sent to review independently, after registering the art work on the system (complete personal information and video), inserting the tracking code, the specifications of the film, the director and time of the film completely on DVD (including three photographs from the scene and a photograph of the director on CD).

4- The Secretariat office will not be responsible for possible damage caused by incorrect sending by the participants.

5- The applications sent with incomplete documents or defective films are not accepted

6-Delivering the original video is necessary at most after 7 days for national section and after 20 days for international section. Otherwise, the video will be eliminated from competition.

7-    Selected original film must be presented with one of FULL HD, HDV, HD, DV formats. The films sent for Experience section can be with one of the current formats for mobiles or personal cameras.(PreferablyAVI)

8-    Final decision is the secretary authority for any point that is not foreseen in this regulation or the ambiguities which are due to its content.

9-    The prize will be awarded to just one winner in each field for this competition.

10-For producing TV advertising the organizer of competition is allowed to use minimum of works which are received.

11-There is no limitation in sending art works.

12- Participating in this competition means acceptance of the rules.

13- Maximum time for short fiction and documentary films are 30 minutes.

14-The time for films applied for participating in Experience section must be at least 3 and at most 6 minutes.

15- For real and legal film producers, the license must be sent to the secretariat office by the supplier if accepted.

Photo section

Parts of photo Section:

–         Single photo

–         Photo collection

Photo Competition Subjects:


–         Mourning ceremonies and rituals in Moharram

–            New artistic and creative observation to Ashura event and Moharram

–            Great march for Hosain’s fortieth day and everlasting effects of Hosain(pbuh) pilgrimage.


1-   Participation is free for all people.

2-   Each photographer can send 7 single photos and 1 photo collection (containing 3 to 5 photos)

3-   All photos must be sent in JPEG format, 40 cm in small side and with dpi300 resolution.

4-   Sending photos with less than 10 MB must be done by loading in photo registration time.

5-   For photos with size greater than 10 MB insert the tracking code, the name of the photographer and the title on a CD after registering on the site and send it to the Secretariat office.

6-   Photos must be taken Moharram 2014 and 2015.

7-   . Participants should send their photos with their full name and numbered in English, for example: Ahmadi1

8-   . Specifications of each entry includes: first and last name, age, educations, exact address, phone and mobile number of photographer, title. Place and time of each photo should be entered at first in personal information and then in additional information section on the site and tracking code must be received.

9-   Works must be documented. Avoid any manipulation by computer software or revising which skews the documentary aspects of image.

10-sent photos should not have the photographer’s signature, date, pass-partout, frame, watermark or logo. 11- Secretariat office, recognize the sender as the owner. If the contrary is proven the photo will be removed from competition and all the privileges will be canceled.

12- If the photo has already won any prize in a competition or exhibition it will be removed from judgment phase.

13- Sent photos will not be returned.

14- If sent files are incomplete they won’t be shown in exhibition.

15- All printing and publishing rights (digital or printed sheet form), and holding national or foreign exhibitions are preserved for organizer.

16- The organizer will be charged for unforeseen problems.

17- The secretariat office won’t pay any attention to the works which are sent after the deadline time.

18-Sending works to the secretariat office means accepting the conditions.


Consideredvaluableprizes that will be announced in the nextnotifications


     Closing Date For Registering Sending Works: Sunday 13 Dec 2015

Address :

Semnan,Qods BLV,Kumesh Art and CulturalComplex,Digital House,  Postal Code: 3513698791, Phone number: 00989393313711                               E-mail :

Website :

Moroccans reject fanatical Saudi Imam ‘Mohamed Al-Arifi’ due to his calls for jihad against the Shia Muslims & supporting ISIL

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Saudi Sheikh Mohamed Al-Arifi announced on his Facebook page, that he decided to postpone his upcoming lecture in Morocco, scheduled for October 25 in Rabat. The annulation came apparently after a massive wave of critics by Moroccan intellectuals to the invitation addressed to Arifi by a Moroccan association. According to many posted views and opinion, the controversial Saudi Sheikh was unwelcome because of his fanatical worldview and his frequent calls for jihad, holy war, especially against the Shia Muslims, and his support to the ISIL and al-Qaeda.

The Moroccan writer Salah El Ouadie has expressed in a column published by many media outlets in Arabic and French, his complete rejection against the supposed visit of the clerical sheikh.

Salah El Ouadie voiced that rather than claim banning the cleric from visiting Morocco, he prefers to ask those who invited Arifi, as Moroccans involved in the present and the future of their country, “to fully shoulder responsibility for their act, before the law and the national collective consciousness, in the interest of Moroccan generations to come.”

The Moroccan columnist inquired the inviting NGO to wonder whether Arifi’s visit would have served Morocco or been useful to Morocco and Moroccans in any way. He added that no one would have paid attention to the issue, if the man invited was a theologian preaching a moderate and tolerant Islam and not an extremist known for his stances, initiatives and calls that represent a clear threat to our country, and more particularly to Moroccan youths, on all fronts and at all levels.

“Also, is it wise that we receive on our land an individual who does not hesitate to set Muslims against each other, by his imprecations and incitements supporting ISIL  followers in Syria?” Salah El Ouadie wrote, quoting one of Arifi’s statements vowing moral and material backing to the Islamic State group’s fighters.

The controversial Saudi Imam is banned from visiting several countries, including Qatar and Switzerland, for holding extreme views. In March 2014, the British Home Office excluded him from the United Kingdom and banned him from returning to the European country after a series of sermons in Cardiff, Birmingham and London.

In his native country, he has been expelled from the University where he was teaching and in October 2014, he was jailed for 40 days for stating that the train linking Mecca and other holy sites was “one of the worst in the world.” He has also been arraigned in 2013 for interfering in Egypt’s internal affairs.


Photos: Arabs’ ritual of torch spinning in Muharram


ISIS finance official killed in Mosul, Iraq

A senior leader in the terrorist group of ISIS was reportedly killed in an airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition in the Iraqi northwestern city of Mosul, eyewitnesses reported.

Hajeb Mizhir al-Jayji, who served as finance minister in the terror organization, was reported dead in an airstrike on Tuesday.

“The corpse of Hajeb Mizhir al-Jayji has arrived Wednesday to the forensic medicine center in the city,” a local source in the Iraqi province of Nineveh said.

The source said that al-Jayji was killed along with six of his bodyguards near the sub-district of Budush in western Mosul on Tuesday.


Malaysian police raids Shiite mourners in Kuala Lumpur / Photos

Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- Malaysian police on today’s evening (October 22, 2015) and on the eve of Tasua raided Imam Hussain (AS)’s mourning ceremony at the Imam Reza (AS) Hussainiyah in Kuala Lumpur and interrogated Hojjatulislam Mohammed Kamel Haji Zahir bin Abdul Aziz.

ABNA correspondent from Malaysia has just reported that the police now is taking Hojjatulislam Mohammed Kamel Haji Zuhairi to the Religious Affairs Organization of Selangor(JAIS) in the region of Shahi Alam.

Five years ago (December 15, 2010) also security forces of Selangor province raided Shia mourners on the eve of Ashura and arrested many of mourners.

That year Hojjatulislam Mohammed Kamel Haji Zuhairi and another Iranian scholar Hojjatulislam Mohsen Radmard were arrested and spent some time in prison.


Photos: Blood Donation of Yemenis in Muharram

Bahrain sentences activist to one year in prison for ripping king’s photo

Bahraini anti-regime activist Zainab al-Khawaja has been sentenced to one year in prison for tearing up a picture of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa during a court session last year.

Reports said on Wednesday that Bahrain’s Court of Appeals reduced the human rights activist’s sentence from three years in prison to one year.

The court also imposed a 3,000 Bahraini dinar ($7,700) fine on the 32-year-old activist, the daughter of prominent Bahraini imprisoned rights activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja.

The mother of two who has been detained and released a number of times since December 2011, has already served one year in prison on charges including taking part in illegal gatherings, insulting police forces and ripping another picture of the king back in 2012.

Meanwhile, human rights group Amnesty International (AI) has slammed the court’s decision, saying it is just the latest example of the Al Khalifa regime’s “total disregard” for the right to freedom of expression.

“The Bahraini Court of Appeals’ decision to reject Zainab Al-Khawaja’s appeal for freedom and to incarcerate her for one year is a vindictive assault on freedom of expression and offers yet another example of the Bahraini authorities’ use of oppressive tactics to silence peaceful activists,” Amnesty International’s deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa Program, James Lynch, said.

Zainab’s father is currently serving a life sentence for allegedly plotting to overthrow the kingdom.

Thousands of anti-regime protesters have held numerous demonstrations on the streets of Bahrain since mid-February 2011, calling for the Al Khalifa family to relinquish power.

Bahraini regime forces, backed by Saudi troops, have cracked down on protesters, killing scores of them. A large number of Bahraini activists are also serving time behind bars.


Israeli forces detain 26 Palestinians in East al-Quds

Israeli forces have arrested 26 Palestinians during a series of raids on a number of houses across the occupied East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Mohammad Mahmoud, a lawyer for the Ad-Dameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Association, said Israeli military vehicles stormed the al-Suwanna neighborhood on the Mount of Olives east of the Old City of al-Quds on Thursday morning.

The Israeli forces broke into dozens of homes and rummaged through them, causing excessive property damage before detaining 10 Palestinians.

He added that the rest of the detainees came from the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in southern East al-Quds, the al-Issawiya neighborhood as well as the Silwan neighborhood on the outskirts of the Old City of al-Quds.

The latest developments come on the same day Israeli forces shot two Palestinians after accusing them of attacking an Israeli with knife in the western part of al-Quds.

The shooting took place near the bus station in the city of Beit Shemesh. One of the Palestinians later succumbed to his wounds, while the other is in critical condition.

The fresh wave of tensions was triggered by the Israeli regime’s imposition in August of restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the al-Aqsa Mosque.

Palestinians are also angry at increasing violence by Israeli settlers who frequently storm the al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam after Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and Masjid al-Nabawi in Medina. They say the Tel Aviv regime seeks to change the status quo of the compound.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, more than 50 Palestinians have been killed and hundreds of others injured since the Israeli regime began a harsh crackdown in early October on the Palestinians.
