
Islamic countries should be agreed at a point for hajj arrangements

A religious cleric of Qom said that Islamic countries should be agreed at a point for hajj arrangements and they should increase relations with each other so that they can successfully review this issue.

Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani, while meeting with health minister, has pointed towards Mina incident and said that this tragedy was great for Muslims. Therefore, we must think about it so that it would not happen in future.

He further said that Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries must make planning in this regard so that such type of tragic incidents would not happen in future.

He, while emphasizing upon the requirement of proper management of hajj affairs, said that hajj organizers must organize it properly and they should focus on religious principles for this spiritual program.

Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani added that incident of Mina was highly tragic. Therefore, we must try to prevent such type of incidents by proper management.

He said that Islamic countries must reach at a point for hajj arrangements and they should increase relations with each other so that they can successfully review this issue.


Imam khamenei: Enemy masterminding well-planned soft war against Iran

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei warns of the arrogant system’s pre-planned, extensive and all-out soft war against the Islamic Republic.

The most important goal of such a complicated war is to manipulate the Iranian nation’s beliefs, the Leader said in a meeting with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) Mohammad Sarafraz and its managers and officials in Tehran on Monday.

“The main goal of this well-thought-out and pre-planned war is to transmute the Islamic Republic of Iran, and change its essence and nature while maintaining its appearance” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Leader also added that Iran’s national radio and TV has a unique role to play in this “serious battlefield” and should draw up “precise and wise” plans to fulfill its duties.

The enemy’s soft war is aimed at having Iran serve the interests of the US, Zionists and the global network of powers, the Leader added.

The main targets of soft war are the officials and people, especially the elite, academics and university students, Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.

“They (the enemy) seek to influence the people and a wide range of their beliefs, especially [among] the youth and elite,” said the Leader, adding, “The people’s religious, political and cultural beliefs are among these beliefs.”

Another objective of the enemy’s soft war is to get people to change their beliefs about the past, Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.

“Our people have some beliefs about the former corrupt and authoritarian regimes, and in the soft war efforts are made to depict this ugly, wicked and black past to a brilliant and beautiful one,” said the Leader.


President Rouhani: Iran to Continue Efforts to Shed Light on Mina Tragedy

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made assurances that his administration is resolved to pursue the issue of a recent deadly crush in Mina, Saudi Arabia, in which hundreds of Hajj pilgrims, including 465 Iranians, were killed.

Addressing a huge gathering of people in the northern city of Sari on Monday, President Rouhani expressed sympathy with the bereaved families of the victims of the Mina tragedy and praised the stance taken by Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on the issue.

“The duty of the (Iranian) administration to the victims has not been discharged completely,” he noted.

“Our follow-up efforts in diplomatic, political and even legal areas will continue until all aspects of the Mina disaster are clarified,” the president said, adding that his administration is duty-bound to make the efforts.

Earlier on September 30, Ayatollah Khamenei sent a clear message to the Saudi government after the September 24 crush of people in Mina.

The Leader criticized Riyadh for failing to fulfill its duties to repatriate the bodies of the victims to Iran.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has had respect for fraternity in the Islamic world up to now, showing self-restraint and Islamic politeness, Imam Khamenei explained.

“However” the Leader underlined “they (Saudis) should know that the slightest disrespect for tens of thousands of Iranian pilgrims in Mecca and Medina and failing in their duties to transfer the holy bodies (of pilgrims to Iran) will result in Iran’s severe and tough reaction.”

The Leader also called for the formation of a “fact-finding committee” with the participation of the Muslim countries, including Iran, to make an inquiry about the incident.

Many Iranian pilgrims still remain missing following the tragic event.

Iranian officials say some 4700 Hajj pilgrims from different countries died in the tragedy.


Iran Slams Escalation of Israeli Cruelty to Palestinians

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham condemned Israel’s efforts to judaize the al-Aqsa Mosque in the Holy Quds.

Afkham expressed concern about continued judaization in Holy Quds and holy sites especially al-Aqsa Mosque by the Zionist regime of Israel.

She further called on all Muslim governments and nations as well as international community to react immediately to stop crimes of the Zionist regime against the Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza strip.

Afkham criticized attack of Jewish settlers and the occupying forces on the Palestinians inside al-Aqsa Mosque and prevention of Muslims from entering the mosque.

Over recent days, the Israeli forces and vandals stepped up sacrilegious assaults on the holy al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—and tightened military grip around the necks of the peaceful Muslim sit-inners who have been maintaining vigil at the Mosque.

Tension has mounted across the West Bank districts and Jerusalem with Israel’s repeated assault of al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, particularly its growing attempts to temporally divide the site between Muslims and Jews.

The situation has also been significantly deteriorating since the deadly arson attack on the Dawabsheh’s family home on July 31, which was carried out by Jewish settlers.

According to the Palestinian health ministry, Twenty three Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army and security forces since the beginning of October 2015.


Iran strongly condemns deadly bomb blasts in Ankara

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in the Turkish capital of Ankara on Saturday, in which dozens of people were killed.

“The news of the terrorist bombing in Ankara that killed and injured a large number of innocent people has caused deep sorrow,” Afkham said on Saturday.

She further expressed the Islamic Republic’s condolences to Turkey’s people and government as well as the bereaved families of the victims.

At least 95 people were killed in the twin explosions outside the main train station in Ankara where protesters were gathering for a peace march, according to prosecutors.

Graphic pictures from the scene showed several bodies covered by flags and placards, with bloodstains visible and body parts scattered in the road.

Turkish prime minister’s office said 246 wounded people were still being treated, 48 of them in intensive care.

“There was a demonstration,” one eyewitness told local television. “I was walking next to a stage rally truck.
Right here, behind two banners, an explosion went off. We lay on the ground. The second bomb went off there. There were two bombs but the one that went off here was a very strong one.”

The blasts came ahead of a planned political rally by labor unions and aid groups protesting the country’s conflict with Kurdish militants in southeast Turkey.


IRGC Commander: Israel to Disappear from International Scene Soon

IRGC Lieutenant Commander Brigadier General Hossein Salami underlined that Iran’s policy towards Israel will not change, and said that the fake regime will disappear from the international scene in the near future.

“Iran’s policies towards the terrorist groups and the Zionist regime will not change, and this regime will be vanished from the global political scene,” General Salami told reporters on Sunday.

He pointed to the recent remarks of the Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei who said that Israel will not be alive in 25 years from now, and said, “The life of the Zionist regime is coming to an end and as the Supreme Leader said Israel will disappear from the global political landscape in coming decades.”

Last month, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described Israel as a “fake” regime, and said there won’t be any Israel in 25 years from now.

“Some of the Zionists have said that given the results of the nuclear negotiations (between Tehran and the world powers), they have been relieved of concerns about Iran for 25 years, but we tell them that basically, you will not see the next 25 years and with God’s grace, nothing under the name of the Zionist regime will exist in the region by then,” Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing a large number of Iranians in Tehran.

He added that the heroic spirit and morale of Muslim fighters will not let the Zionists feel comfort and tranquility in the next 25 years.


Iraq launches its first drone from Kut Airbase to target ISIS sites in Anbar

Iraqi has launched its first drone flight from al-Kut Airbase towards al-Anbar to target sites belonging to the ISIS organization in the province.

The Iraqi TV channel Alsumaria reported that, “the first Iraqi combat drone took off, this morning, from Kut Airbase in Wasit province,” pointing out that, “the plane headed towards Anbar to strike a target for ISIS,” and adding that, “the process of launching the aircraft was conducted in the presence of Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi,”

It is noteworthy, Iraqi forces are often assisted by US drones to provide information about ISIS targets and the situation in the provinces controlled by the organization.


Funeral procession of General Hamedani held in Tehran + Pics

The funeral procession for the martyr Brigadier General Hossein Hamedani who was killed by Daesh terrorists in Syria, was held in Tehran on Sunday morning.

Secretary of the Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei delivered a speech in the funeral ceremony.

The body of martyr Hamedani is set to be delivered to Hamedan, in south west of Tehran, on Monday to be buried in his hometown.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Saturday condoled the nation on the martyrdom of Hamedani.

The Leader said in a message that the veteran combatant attained the honor of martyrdom while defending the sanctity of the shrines of the Prophet Muhammad’s Honourable Household.

Ayatollah Khamenei further expressed condolences to the Brigadier General’s family and his fellow combatants.

General Hamedani, a veteran IRGC commander during the Saddam-imposed war (1980-88), was killed when he was on a military consultant position in the vicinity of Syria’s city of Aleppo on Thursday evening.

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firoozabadi, and IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad-Ali Jafari expressed their condolences over his departure too.

Also ministers of defense, foreign affaris, and interior, secretary of Expediency Council and Friday Prayers leader of Hamedan issued condolence messages on General Hamedani’s martyrdom.


Iraq air force hits convoy of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

The Iraqi air force struck a convoy of ISIL terrorist group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the western Anbar province close to the Syrian border Sunday, a military statement said.

The fate of the militant leader, who has declared himself the leader of a Caliphate in areas it controls in Iraq and Syria, is still unknown, the statement cited by Reuters said.

“Iraqi air forces have bombed the convoy of the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi while he was heading to Karbala to attend a meeting with Daesh commanders”, the statement read, using the Arabic acronym for ISIL.

The statement did not make clear when the strike was carried out.

The military said the air force bombed a location where Baghdadi was planning to meet ISIL commanders.

“The location of the meeting was also bombed and many of the group’s leaders were killed and wounded.
The fate of murderer al-Baghdadi is unknown and he was carried away by a vehicle. His health condition is still unclear,” the military said.

The statement was released by the “war media cell,” a structure which provides updates on the war against ISIL and speaks for the interior and defense ministries as well as the paramilitary Popular Mobilization forces.

ISIL has seized swathes of Syria and Iraq and has declared a caliphate over territory it controls.


President Rouhani Offers Condolences over Deadly Bombings in Turkey

President Hassan Rouhani in a message on Sunday offered his condolences to Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the terror attacks at a peace rally there.

In his condolence message, President Rouhani expressed sympathy with his Turkish counterpart and the Turkish nation over the Ankara terrorist attack and said Iran, as a victim of terrorism, has always condemned such brutal measures.

Sympathizing with the brotherly nation of Turkey, President Rouhani conveyed his deepest personal sympathies for those killed and injured in these heinous attacks that killed at least 95 people and wounded more than 200.

The twin bombings – the deadliest attack in modern Turkish history – were set off by suspected suicide attackers in a crowd of leftist and pro-Kurdish activists at an anti-government peace rally.

The attacks, near Ankara’s main train station, left bodies of dead demonstrators strewn across the ground.
