
What Saudi Arabia means; Who gave Saudis right to own Arabia?

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Speaking at a meeting of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom, Hujjat al-Islam Golpaygani stressed the role of the Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution in the management and development of Iran and said his effective leadership role in the region, especially in the wake of the recent tragedy in Mina, has become clear.

The Chief of Staff of Ayatollah Khamenei’s office pointed out that unfortunately, as a result of Saudi incompetence, incapability and neglect, thousands of lives were lost in the aftermath of the September 24th stampede, adding that even after it became clear that many people had lost their lives in this event, Saudi officials refused to provide funerals for the victims. “Their sabotage is obvious,” he added.

He referred to a statement made by Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al al-Shaykh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, wherein he stated that the House of Saud were chosen by God, and said that this “ignorant Wahhabi mufti” supports the ISIL and the al-Nusrah Front both intellectually and ideologically. “These [Takfiri] groups have committed grave atrocities against Muslims since their establishment,” he said.

Reiterating that Saudi Arabia was responsible for the killing of 402 Hajj pilgrims in 1987, Hujjat al-Islam Golpaygani stated that the Quran states that Makkah’s Grand Mosque is a place of safety but many have since questioned whether the House of Saud has created a safe space for the pilgrims.

“Is a Muslim who enters the Grand Mosque truly free in his pilgrimage and to supplicate?” he asked.

His Eminence stated that the Saudi’s also destroyed the shrines of the Imams and religious personalities buried in Madinah’s Jannat al-Baqi’ Cemetery, explaining that Shi’ite pilgrims go there to cry to their Imams, but Saudi police treat the pilgrims with violence and they also do find security in Makkah either.

Hujjat al-Islam Golpaygani said that we must examine what Saudi Arabia means – it is a country of wealth but the name “Saudi” refers to the owner of this land. “What does this mean? Who gave them the right to own this land?!” he said.

He added: “May God destroy the leaders of the United Kingdom who have dominated over this land and its holy places since the establishment of the House of Saud.”

The Iranian scholar stated that Ayatollah Khamenei’s condemnation of the Saudi actions had such an impact that if the Saudis wanted to disrespect the bodies of the victims and refrain from giving them funerals, they would have a difficult time doing so now. “The House of Saud and their masters are vulnerable and have realized that they are facing a very serious problem,” he said.

Hujjat al-Islam Mohammadi-Golpaygani stated that the Supreme Leader stated that Iran will not negotiate nor have a relationship with the United States – adding that we negotiate with all countries, but we are not negotiating with the US and this is due to their black record in relation to their crimes against both Iran and the world.

“A bloodthirsty wolf cannot be trusted and we do not need a relationship with the US nor do we want one. In the words of Imam [Khomeini], the Iran-US relationship is like that between a wolf and a sheep,” he said.


How United States uses extremist movements?

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – By studding this article you will know better understanding why ISIS takes swats of Iraq and Syria, or Why ISIS takes Mosul by lightening offensive. Why Use-led coalition is so un-efficient or why Russia intervention in fight against ISIS opposed by West. This article shows prominent figure like Bin laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and other terrorist groups were less than chess pieces and more important we have a better understanding why fight against terrorism in Middle east is so long…

Many doubts, questions, and dilemmas have arisen concerning the contradicting conduct of the West while dealing with extremist movements. The West exploited these movements in Afghanistan during the late 1970’s, opposed them in the Arabian Peninsula in the nineties, and then launched war against them in Afghanistan in 2001, and in Iraq after the invasion of 2003.

However, in 2011, the West returned to taking advantage of these extremist groups and we are currently faced with a rather vague Western connection with ISIS.

Western scheme of indirect control of terrorist groups

This indirect control is due to the ideological and strategic disorder which extremist groups suffer from, and the disapproval which those in their infrastructure, supportive environment, and their mustering forces maintain toward any connection with the United States- let alone full alliance with America. This is what the inconstancies in relations from 1979 up until this day indicate.

Another factor which has spurned these doubts is the vehement self-defense which the “takfiris” display when they are accused of having connections with the United States or with any countries which adhere to America or revolve around it.

The examination of the course of this movement leads to a specific model which displays how the relation with ISIS is controlled by Western powers with the United States at their head. This model is composed of three aspects:

1) Commission 2) Steering 3) Restraint

Each one of these aspects forms a set of tools which The US select according to the time and condition they deem as most appropriate. They do not necessarily benefit from all of these aspects in a simultaneous manner.

1) Commission

This policy depends on assessing which geographical area is most suitable for the movement of extremist groups, but under the condition that these movements do not pose a threat on American interests and that they also provide a strategic advantage. This policy is fulfilled according to circumstances and through certain means which are chosen according to time and place. There are five essential means.

1-1) Ensuring geographical domains: Weakening a country’s control in the target region through commotions, political turmoil, political settlement, and national uprising – as was the case in Syria in 2011, and Mosul in 2014.

1-2) Securing logistical pathways: Ensuring roads for extremists to reach target regions whether these pathways are by land, sea, or air. They also provide visas and even means of transportation in order to reach the area of conflict. They used Egypt, Pakistan, and Yemen as transits during the war on Afghanistan in 1979, and Turkey and Jordan during the war on Syria in 2011

1-3) Allowing financial aid and armament: Giving approval to their allied powers which wish to support extremist groups with money and weapons whether directly or indirectly (through certain institutions and weapon dealers). Rationing and organizing financial aid is done according to the time which ensures the imposition of a strategic course upon extremist groups.

 1-4) Transport: Expelling extremists from the countries which are harmed by their presence or from countries which desire to take advantage of them.

 1-5) Facilitating the work of preachers: Allowing extremist preachers to fulfill their activity of spreading extremist ideology and mobilizing “takfiris” in the areas of transference, at departure, and at arrival. Extremist preachers are also allowed to spread their views on satellite TV stations and through different media.

2) Steering

This policy is based upon exerting an effort in media, mobilization, and in the field of action in order to direct the strategic priority of extremist groups toward movement in a certain sphere only, to target a specific enemy, or even to change the strategic and tactical course at a certain stage. All of this is done according to circumstances, requirements, and capacity.

 2-1) Specifying the “preferable enemy”: the US have created “stars” among the “takfiri” environment for their own purposes and interests.

They shed light on commanders or convenient extremist factions through inserting them on the list of terrorism. They focus on them in the media and select them in a way in which their prominence on the political scene leads to regional and international political achievements.

 This is what Israel did a few months ago when it imposed on Jabhat Nusra to assign certain commanders in charge of control of the positions along the Jolan Heights- under threat of military intervention.

2-2) Assassinating commanders: Targeting extremist leaders who pose a threat on American or Western national security, or leaders whose regional influence negatively affects the scheme of steering and exploiting. For example, assassinating Osama bin Laden, Ayman Al-‘Awlaqi, and most Qaeda commanders in Yemen.

2-3) Arabian and International Media: Delivering ideological and provocative concepts which aggravate extremist groups and urge them to head to a certain target region to fight the side which America chooses.

2-4) Saudi Arabian clerics: The Saudi Arabian religious institution is performing a central role through issuing fatwas which declare jihad in a target region.

2-5) Security Breaches: Recruiting, sending “Islamized” Western men to fight, the role of Arabian secret services, imprisonment, and attracting a supportive environment which is discontent with the conduct of the extremists. Prisons play a central role in recruiting commanders and prominent figures whether in an explicit or indirect way.

2-6) Taking command of conflicts: Handling the crisis in the target region in a way which achieves the goals of the United States, and preserving the controllable and exploitable extremist power through suspicious operations and different means of steering.

2-7) Causing a suitable environment of strife: Creating a setting of conflict in which the mustering forces of the extremist groups are presented as the targets, the oppressed, and the infringed upon – as in the case of Afghanistan and Syria.

2-8) Dividing the “takfiri” factions: Creating conflicts, tactical clashes in the field of combat, and producing a multiple set of goals and priorities through different means in order to prevent the formation of a unified power- as in the case of the clash between Isis and Jabhat Nusra in Syria.

2-9) Strategic Theorization: Presenting comprehensive strategic plans which represent the interest of the extremist scheme in the targeted geographical range. The security services infiltrates the Salafist jihadi virtual world and make their own Salafist websites, and in some cases they have the advantage of recruiting few ideologue under the coercion or persuasive instrument in the secret jails, those ideologue are capable of making the paradigm shift when needed.

3) Restraint

Takfiri factions strive to maintain their own agendas – in spite of the great influence of the United States and its agents – in order to preserve their rank among their mustering forces and political authorities. Western powers need to restrain takfiri groups in order to prevent them from crossing strategic or military limits, and they fulfill this through force or control of their incomes.

Regulation is based on six essential means:

3-1) Direct Confrontation: Carrying out direct military operations to strike at the critical takfiri forces or those which pose a threat, as in the case of Afghanistan in 2001 for example.

3-2) Limiting financial aid and armament: Monitoring the flow of money and weapons; the amount, type, and timing. They also uphold the limits which prevent the takfiris from becoming a threat while allowing them to act in a way which benefits the United States, as in the case of Syria since 2011.

3-3) Geographical Restraint: When necessary, the military forces of the United States or its allies fire at the posts where takfiris pose a current or future threat, as the coalition forces did when ISIS fighters entered Irbil.

3-4) Providing a Geographical Substitute: If takfiri groups increase in number or if it becomes hard to control them or their actions, a new battlefield is provided which forms a vent for emotional and military zeal. The most prominent example is allowing ISIS forces to engage in fighting in Mosul.

3-5) Steering through the Media: Provocations in the media contribute to maintaining military and political zeal to achieve the intended and previously specified goal. Thus, it becomes difficult for the leaders of takfiri factions to turn around on the intermediate range.

3-6) Assassinating Commanders: This was explained among the aforementioned means of steering.


The usage of these means was fulfilled in different circumstances and course of events. In Afghanistan in 1979, the United States had previously designated the course of events. The National Security Advisor to President Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, had formulated a plan to bring “Islamists” to Afghanistan, to lure the Soviets, and to trigger a long term exhaustive struggle between them.

The second example was after the eleventh of September when the United States resorted to means of restraint in the face of takfiri groups which had left Afghanistan in search of a range of movement. A clash of interests ensued and resulted in the war on Afghanistan in 2001 and the operation of complete security restraint in Saudi Arabia. Subsequently, the zeal of these takfiri groups was directed toward Iraq in 2003 under the banner of fighting America only to be steered toward internal strife.

After that, the great operation to engage in Syria commenced and it is still continuing. The takfiri factions had envisioned in their consciousness and political cognizance an old enterprise in that country. One of the results of this operation was the emergence of ISIS whose military effort has been steered once again toward Iraq- in limited mutual interests which the United States has not allowed to cross their specified sphere. Now, Isis is heading toward targeting Saudi Arabia which induced the international coalition to strike it.

Art of the Possible

 The second reason is the difficulty in engaging in direct combat with takfiri groups which Bin Laden had been temporarily able to drive toward fighting the far enemy in the late nineties and the new millennium, and the need which arose after September eleventh to return these groups to their favorite ideology of targeting the near enemy and regional foes.

Thirdly, Western powers were most of the time in need for an excuse for military intervention. They were also in need of signing long-term agreements (in security, economics…) with the terrorist takfiris. This is why they enabled the takfiris to be present- in order to justify intervention as in the case of Iraq in 2003.

Fourth is the need of America and Western countries to import the takfiri individuals who are active on their soil and to get rid of them.

 The nature of the takfiri groups is the reason why they have a tendency to be under this strategy. They are hostile and excommunicate everyone, even one another. Thus, they are prone to be steered in any possible direction.

Due to the intellectual and jurisprudential differences among takfiri groups, and the lack of a unified command and strategy, they have a tendency to be infiltrated and to be steered in different directions.

They also suffer from great vulnerability in security and this has facilitated the endeavors to recruit agents and secret intelligence infiltration.

They are also faced with a major problem which is financial aid – they lack an independent Islamic country which provides them with the money they need. This is why they depend on countries which exclusively adhere to the United States such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Pakistan. On the other hand, due to the security and political pressure exerted on takfiri groups, they are usually in search of any available outlet- especially since their speech carries very ambitious goals in comparison with their ability and narrow range of movement.

Courses of Action and Achievements

The main cases in this strategy are Afghanistan 1979, Iraq 2003, and Syria 2011. These cases have been generally successful in accomplishing their main goal which is transformation as much as possible of the threat which takfiri movements pose into a chance, and to take advantage of their blood-thirsty and destructive nature for the benefit of strategic US enterprises.

They were successful in Afghanistan which the Soviets left, and they were successful in kindling sectarian and ethnic turmoil in Iraq in 2003.

 On the long term, this strategy has been successful in shifting the military effort of takfiri groups away from directly targeting the West. In Afghanistan, the enemy was the Soviet Union, and in the period after that the targeting of American interests commenced up until the eleventh of September.

Steering and indirect control were successful in Iraq in making American interests a secondary priority for takfiri groups in opposition to the priority of targeting other regional powers.

As for Syria, American interests became completely distant from takfiri attacks, and ISIS has almost fully eliminated attempts to target American interests. The main concern has become the geographical region- to establish the state of ISIS, expand it, and to preserve its lands.

The profound and structural results show that America has been able to prevent takfiris from being active in regions where they pose threats on American interests.

As a result of wide American domination, takfiri groups have not been able to move in an effective way which has influential political results anymore. They are only able to do so when there is no opposition to US interests which means where the US are at an advantage due to their presence. Thus, these takfiri groups – in an objective way- have become a part of the American scheme. With time they have avoided all regions vital to the United States and are active in less crucial areas.

Article by Hadi Kobaysi published on October 9, 2015 in


Tearing, taking down Ashura banners provokes emotions of citizens

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The preacher of Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in Bahrain’s Diraz, Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour. criticized the authorities for tearing and taking down Ashura Banners and flags “in a manner that contradicts with the sanctity of Imam Hussein,” deeming this action unjustifiable, provoking and offending to the emotions of a major faction of the Bahraini population.

“The slogans, banners and signs of mourning during Ashura shouldn’t offend any of the Muslims and security forces, for Imam Hussein is an Imam (master) of all Muslims and is the Prophet’s grandson. The slogans of his uprising, his words and the words of Ahlul Bayt (Prophet’s family) which are raised in gatherings and on the streets only reflect the values and principles of Islam. The black flags and banners that cover the villages and towns are only an expression of the mourning and grief over the Prophet’s grandson and the master of youth in heaven, so none of this should provoke any Muslim,” Sheikh Sanqour stressed.

“This repeated act of tearing and taking down some Ashura banners and flags in a manner that contradicts with the sanctity of Imam Hussein is considered a provocation and offence to the emotions of a major portion of this country’s people and also contradicts with the right to freedom of practicing religious rituals guaranteed by the constitution,” he further stated.


Sheikh Isa Qassim: Bahrain’s Muharram motto is “Ashura for Islam, peace and unity”

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Bahrain’s leading Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Issa Qassem said the Ashura uprising was aimed at bringing about full and comprehensive reform.

Speaking at a ceremony to unveil Bahrain’s motto for this year’s Ashura, he added that the reform that Islam advocates is one that covers all aspects of life both in this world and the next.

The motto of this year’s Ashura in Bahrain is “Ashura; For Islam, For Peace, For Unity”.

Ayatollah Qassem underlined that Ashura’s message is one of unity among all because Islam does not belong to one group or tribe, the Manama Post reported.

Shia Muslims, and others, in different parts of the world will hold mourning ceremonies starting from next week to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions in the month of Muharram.

Imam Hussein (AS) and a small group of his followers and family members were martyred by the tyrant of his time – Yazid Bin Moaweya in 680 AD.

They were martyred in the battle of Karbala on Ashura – the tenth day of Muharram which is the first month on the lunar calendar.

Imam Hussein (AS) and his 72 companions stood in the face of Yazid’s large army, and were killed for refusing to pledge allegiance to him.

Muharram mourning ceremonies reach their climax at noon on Ashura.


Photos: Muslims and Christians; Celebrating brotherhood in Scotland

Muslims and Christians; Celebrating brotherhood in Edinburgh, Scotland

A guest at the invitation of Archbishop Conti.

At least 30 killed, 120 injured in terrorist attack in Turkey / Photos

Two explosions have rocked a road junction in the centre of the Turkish capital Ankara, killing at least 30 people and injuring dozens of others, local media reported. 

The explosions took place several minutes apart, with the first going off at around 10:00am (0700 GMT), according to local Dogan news agency.

A video on social media showed the moment of the explosion: young people were dancing and waving banners as a massive fireball erupts.

The explosions occurred near a train station where people were gathering for a peace march to protest against the conflict between the state and Kurdish fighters in southeast Turkey.

Video footage on social media showed several bodies lying on the ground, as survivors tried to give first aid to the wounded. 

The peace protest, which was called for noon, was canceled.

Emergency crews were at the scene, responding to the injuries, with ambulances rushing off to several local hospitals. There were reports of shortages of blood and calls for donations.

The peace rally was called ahead of a snap election on November 1 and after violence erupted in July between Turkish army and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) armed group, ending a two-year ceasefire.

The violence was kicked off by a bombing that hit a pro-Kurdish group’s meeting in Suruc, a town in southern Turkey, which the authorities have blamed on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group.

Turkish government officials said the blasts in Turkey were a “terrorist attack” and they were investigating claims that a suicide bomber was responsible.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was to hold a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan, government officials and security chiefs at 12pm (09:00 GMT) in response to the attack, Davutoglu’s office said.


12 Somalians Dead in Latest Saudi Air Raids on Yemen

The 12 Somali citizens were killed after Saudi fighter jets pounded a bridge in the Bagim district of Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa’ada on Saturday, Yemen’s Saba Net news agency reported.

Saudi warplanes also bombarded two areas as well as a village in the Khawlan district, located in Sana’a Province, multiple times.

Tens of families also left the al-Mukha District in the southwestern province of Ta’izz following similar Saudi airborne assaults.

Saudi jets further struck two areas in Yemen’s central Ma’rib province.

Meanwhile, in response to the fatal Saudi raids, Yemeni army, backed by popular committees, fired retaliatory rockets into two military bases in Saudi Arabia, Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah satellite television network

Yemen has been under military strikes on a daily basis since Saudi forces launched their military aggression against their southern neighbor on March 26, in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to the fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.

Some 6,400 people have reportedly lost their lives in the Saudi attacks, and a total of almost 14,000 people have been wounded since March.


100 Taliban killed in Afghanistan airstrikes

Afghan officials say at least 100 Taliban militants have been killed and 50 others injured when Afghan and US-led NATO forces mounted joint airstrikes against the militant group in Afghanistan’s southern province of Kandahar.

Local officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Saturday that the aerial assaults targeted the terrorists in the Shorabak district of the province, located approximately 186 kilometers northeast of the capital, Kabul, the previous day.

The officials added that the Taliban members had gathered in an area in Shorabak, and were planning to wrest control of the district in a major offensive. However, Afghan and foreign forces foiled the plot as they bombarded the terrorists’ hideouts.

The unnamed authorities further noted that the Taliban militants had recently flocked to the Shorabak district from bordering areas, and that no civilians were killed or injured in the strikes.

The Taliban militant group has made no comment on the report so far.

The Afghan Defense Ministry said in a statement on Friday that 175 militants were killed and 82 others injured in a series of operations across the country. Afghan soldiers also lost their lives during the offensives, according to the statement.

Afghan soldiers also confiscated light and heavy weapons, defusing several rounds of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Afghanistan is gripped by insecurity nearly 14 years after the United States and its allies attacked the country in 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror.


Israeli Forces Killed Six Palestinians Near Gaza Border

Israeli fire killed six Palestinians and wounded scores during clashes Friday near Gaza’s border, medics said.

Ahmed al-Hirbawi, Shadi Dawla, Abed al-Wahidi and Nabil Sharaf, all aged 20, were martyred in clsashes with occupation forces on the border between the occupied territories and Khan Yunis, Gaza medics said.

Mohammed al-Raqab, 15, and Adnan Abu Alian, 20, were also martyred in similar clashes east of Gaza City.

Medics said another 80 Palestinians were wounded, 10 of them seriously.

The clashes in Gaza took place as Palestinians in West Bank are engaged in similar clashes with occupation forces over Israeli restrictions on Palestinians’ access to al-Aqsa Mosque.

Occupation authorities have been preventing Palestinians from entering al-Aqsa, as well as supporting Zionist settlers in storming the holy mosque, prompting Palestinian anger and stabbing attacks against the Israelis.

Meanwhile, Hamas’s Gaza chief Ismail Haniyeh called the clashes taking place between Palestinians and occupation forces in West Bank Intifada or uprising.

In a sermon for weekly Muslim prayers at a mosque in Gaza City, Haniyeh said “we are calling for the strengthening and increasing of the intifada.”

“It is the only path that will lead to liberation,” he said. “Gaza will fulfil its role in the Jerusalem intifada and it is more than ready for confrontation.”

Stabbing attacks in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Israel itself along with rioting have raised Israeli fears of a third Palestinian intifada, following a first that began in 1987 and a second in 2000.