
Iran Condemns Saudi Airstrike on Yemen Wedding

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman slammed a Saudi-led aerial attack on a wedding ceremony in Yemen’s Dhamar province that killed dozens of civilians on Wednesday.

“The attacks by foreign military forces on Yemen’s residential areas and civilian targets have slaughtered thousands of the Muslim country’s defenseless people so far, and have had no results for the invading forces but destruction and killing of innocent Yemeni people,” Marziyeh Afkham said on Thursday.

The spokeswoman also called on the United Nations and the influential countries in the Yemeni crisis to ramp up efforts for bringing an immediate end to the Saudi-led air strikes on Yemen.

She further stressed the necessity for plans and measures to protect the lives of Yemeni civilians, particularly women and children.

On Wednesday, Saudi warplanes targeted a wedding in the Yemeni town of Sanban in Dhamar province, 100km south of the capital Sana’a, killing at least 51 civilians.

The raid, which was the second airstrike on a wedding party in Yemen in just over a week, hit a house where dozens of people were celebrating on Wednesday evening.

Al Masirah television said on Twitter that the wedding was hit by “aggression warplanes”.

Back in September, a Saudi-led coalition strike killed at least 131 civilians at a wedding near the Red Sea city of al-Mokha, which the UN said may have been the deadliest hit since March.

Yemen’s defenseless people have been under massive attacks by the coalition for months.

On March 26, Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies began to launch deadly airstrikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement in an attempt to restore power to the fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.

More than 4000 people, many of them children and women, have been killed in the aggression against the Arab country so far.


President Rouhani Condoles Martyrdom of Iranian Commander in Syria

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani offered his condolences on the martyrdom of Brigadier General Hossein Hamedani, a commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) who was killed by the ISIL terrorists while in an advisory mission in Syria on Thursday.

In a message on Friday, President Rouhani described the passing away of Brigadier General Hamedani as a big loss, and applauded the senior commander for his bravery in protecting the holy Islamic sites and strengthening of the Islamic resistance front in Syria during his advisory mission.

The president also extended condolences to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, the Armed Forces, particularly the IRGC forces, and to all Iranians.

In separate messages, Parliament Spaker Ali Larijani, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani and Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian also expressed condolences over Brigadier General Hamedani’s death.

The general was martyred Thursday evening by the ISIL terrorists on the outskirts of the Syrian city of Aleppo.

A one-time commander during the 8-year Iraqi imposed war on Iran in the 1980s, Brigadier General Hamedani was a senior military advisor that played a “decisive role in the protection of the holy shrine of Sayyida Zeinab (AS)” against terrorist attacks, the IRGC said in a statement.

The shrine of Sayyida Zeinab, a sister of the third Shiite Imam (AS), is located in Damascus.

The IRGC statement also highlighted Brigadier General Hamedani’s role in strengthening the Islamic resistance front in the fight on terrorists in Syria.


ISIS abducts 200 people in Kirkuk, Iraq

According to a local source in Kirkuk province, the ISIS organization kidnapped 200 people southwest of the province on charges of cooperation with the security forces.

“Elements of the ISIS organization abducted, today, 200 people in the villages of the al-Halawat belonging to the district al-Zab southwest of Kirkuk,” the source said.

The source, who asked anonymity, added: “The abduction process of those people was carried out on charges of passing information on the whereabouts of ISIS leaders to the Peshmerga, al-Hashed al-Sha’bi and the security authorities.”


Number of Iranians missing in Mina tragedy down to 67

Head of the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, Saeed Ohadi, said on Friday that number of Iranians missing in Mina tragedy has lowered to 67 as bodies of two more pilgrims are identified.

Ohadi said identifying the dead bodies takes time after lapse of about two weeks from the incident.
He hoped that the bodies will soon be flown to the country.

The official said no information is yet available on fate of 67 pilgrims and Iranian consular office is busy probing into the case.

He said thus far bodies of 395 victims have been transferred to the country.

The deadly stampede took place on September 24 in Mina, also known as the Tent City, situated 5 kilometers to the east of the Holy city of Mecca.

The death toll from the overcrowding has been revised several times, ranging from 1,000 to 4,700.

With 464 pilgrims, Iran lost more people to the crush than any other country.


Tehran Court to accept Mina incident lawsuits

Country’s attorney-general has told reporters all government authorities should address the rights of families of Mina incident victims.

Hojjatoleslam Ebrahim Raeisi who was speaking to the press after a session specially met to examine the legal aspects of the Mina incident on Wednesday, said that several meetings had collected the expert advice and comments of judges of country’s Supreme Court and international law experts as well on the Mina incident; “today’s session brought together engaged authorities, inter alia, presidential deputy for legal affairs, foreign ministry, Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, and other responsible bodies; foreign ministry is definitely the pioneer of international addressing of the issue; however, Saudi government should know that the establishment of a truth-finding committee has our support yet, and we believe that it is a necessity,” Raeisi told reporters.

“The footages recorded from Mina incident should be given to Iran and other countries whose Hajj pilgrims have been killed to rule out the possibility that even a tinge of evidence remains outside of the investigations; the truth-finding committee would be of great help on this issue; Saudis on the other hand should understand that the passing of the time will add to our resolve to address Mina incident, and that it would not be forgotten any time soon,” he emphasized.

“During the first two or three days of the incident, I sent a letter to Saudi attorney-general demanding that they investigate all aspects of the issue, and file lawsuits against possible perpetrators, albeit with little hope that Saudi officials have the necessary will to do that,” said the attorney-general, “we would sue Saudi government in international criminal courts should Saudis failed to effectively address the issue of paying recompenses for the families of the victims and turn a blind eye to demands that the perpetrators be tried,” he added.

“The UN has a duty to bring the issue of security and safety of Hajj pilgrims to its Security Council agenda; we examined similar cases where the UN had in the past established truth-finding committee; we also examined possible roles to be played by ICC (International Criminal Court) and ICJ (International Court of Justice); the internaitola community is accountable in Mina incident,” Raeisi told reporters, highlighting the role of foreign ministry as the pioneer body in addressing the issue.

“We expect to see that Saudi Arabia seriously addresses the issue and officially communicates the results of probable trial and hearing sessions; however, with few days since the incident, no indication would signal to us that Saudi Arabian officials actually have that seriousness we expected,” he lamented.


Takfiri groups are misusing the ignorance of youngsters

A religious cleric of Qom said that takfiri groups have started different propagandas against Islam. Therefore, we must remain alert and we should not allow the Wahhabis to mislead our youngsters.

Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani, while pointing towards the selection of wrong path, has said in the beginning of his lecture that two types of people are moving on the wrong path, first one is apparent religious person and second one is such religious cleric which does not act on his knowledge.

He further said that we must remain alert because there is huge responsibility on the shoulders of those students which are wearing the cloth of spirituality. Therefore, they must focus on all issues.

Ayatollah Sobhani said that people look at the character of religious students and then make them as ideal so we must remain alert.

He further said that such religious cleric which does not act on his knowledge is harmful for society otherwise a mad person is not harmful.

He, while pointing towards the arrival of Muharram, said that religious students must try to promote the culture of Ashora in these days and they should know that religious preaching has great importance so we should not ignore it.

He further said that some so-called Muslims have become the agent of enemy so they should be saved from ignorance. Moreover, religious students must give appropriate answers of the misconceptions of youngsters.


Iran boycotts Frankfurt book fair over Rushdie speech

Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- Iran boycotted the forthcoming Frankfurt book fair because organizers have invited Salman Rushdie, one of the most hated figures in the Islamic world, to deliver his speech at the opening press conference.

In response to this anti-Islamic act, Iran’s Ministry for Culture and Islamic Guidance released a statement and called on other Muslim nations to join the boycott.

“Frankfurt International Book Fair under the pretext of freedom of speech, invited one of the most hated figures in the Islamic world, Salman Rushdie, to make a speech at the event and to present his last book,” the statement said.

“It is unfortunate that the organizers of this event are serving anti-Islamic elements and Zionists and try to hurt the feelings of Muslims all over the world,” the statement added.

“Iran’s Ministry for Culture and Islamic Guidance on behalf of the great nation that has always been respectful toward other religions and cultures, and despite its readiness and spending lots of money, condemns this act and refuses to take part in this event. We also call on other Islamic countries to take a strong stance against the issue,” the statement said at the end.

Rushdie, an apostate Muslim and British citizen who lives in the US, was made subject of a 1988 fatwa (religious edict) that called for his killing after his fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, was published. The Islamic republic’s founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, issued the order after he and many others in the Muslim world said Rushdie had depicted Muslim prophet Muhammad irreverently.


First mosque in North Carolina’s Chapel Hill to open soon

Catering to the growing number of Muslims, the North Carolina city of Chapel Hill will open its first mosque in the next few weeks, fulfilling a five-year-old dream of the religious minority.

“Chapel Hill has been known to welcome different faiths,” the Chapel Hill Islamic Society (CHIS) Secretary, Sohail Khan, siad on Wednesday.

“I think the Muslim community, as such, has been kind of missing. Though the city has more than 50 churches, a Jewish synagogue and two Buddhist temples, it doesn’t have a mosque.

Overcoming the problem, hundreds of Chapel Hill Muslims have been forced to pray alone, travel to mosques in other cities or meet at select hours in the rooms of a local church or the Student Union.

“There are three mosques in Durham, which are accessible to me because I have a car,” Omar Rezk, an Egyptian junior majoring in nutrition in the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Public Health, who has attended a mosque in Durham since he was a kid, said.

“I know for some students on campus who don’t have cars, that does affect them to a certain degree.”
Muslims students have their own prayer room in UNC, which is opened from 8 am to 10 pm on a daily basis.

The dream of having a mosque started in 2010 when CHIS bought a four-bedroom home on nearly an acre of land at 103 Stateside Drive for the purpose of creating a worship place. By 2014, Chapel Hill Planning Commission approved the property after applying some changes to the place, with a cost of more than $3,500 paid by CHIS.

“The fact that we got our primary approval in June of 2014 didn’t allow us to start work immediately. It meant a host of other, smaller approvals until we finally got our construction permit a year later.”

Providing funds for the mosque has been the biggest challenge for the city’s Muslim community.

It is noteworthy that with an estimated of $150,000 price tag from donations, the project is expected to be completed by November.


ISIS coins its money in Turkey + Pics

Turkish media reported that the security forces in the state of Gaziantep on the border with Syria has been able to capture coined money issued by ISIS in Turkey.

Turkish media quoted security sources in Gaziantep as saying, “anti-terrorism teams launched security operation on Safjala neighbourhood and arrested six suspects of belonging to ISIS.

ISIS is coining its money in Turkey






Mina tragedy result of Saudi mismanagement, inconsideration

The catastrophic stampede in Mina, Saudi Arabia, is the result of Saudis inconsideration and mismanagement, says Brigadier General Hossein Ashtari, Iran’s National Police Chief.

‘The Saudi police and security people, in addition to their mismanagement, did little to help the hajj pilgrims,’ Ashtari said on Thursday among members of Iran’s police force.

‘Even a drop of water could have saved the lives of many, causing the number of the dead to drop,’ he said.

General Ashtari called for a full investigation into the Mina catastrophic stampede that took the lives of more than 400 Iranian pilgrims.

‘The Saudi police and hajj authorities have so far refused to cooperate with Iran on the issue,’ he said.

Iran’s national police tend to be professional, knowledge-based, strong, and ethical in fulfilling its missions, Ashtari said.

The deadly stampede took place on September 24 in Mina, also known as the Tent City, situated 5 kilometers to the east of the Holy city of Mecca.

The death toll from the overcrowding has been revised several times, ranging from 1,000 to 4,700.

With 464 pilgrims, Iran lost more people to the crush than any other country.
