
ISIL members detained in Chechnya

 Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The leader of Chechnya in Russia’s North Caucasus, Ramzan Kadyrov, has announced the detention of three members of the Islamic State international terrorist organization, which is outlawed in Russia, on Chechen territory.

“There were three people: two sympathizers and one newly recruited [member]. We tracked them down and detained them,” Kadyrov told the Russian News Service on Friday.

ISIL has begun recruiting people from respected families “because they know that if a member of such a family says something it will sound significant,” he said.

“For this reason, they are doing everything, whatever they need to recruit such a person rather than 100 others,” Kadyrov said.

Measures to identify ISIL terrorists and recruiters are being taken not only in the republic, he said.

“We are sending people to Syria to bring them back and return those who have not yet reached [Syria] and have not taken part [in the fighting],” the Chechen leader said.

He reiterated the need to counter radical ideas both by methods of force and intelligence, as well as with the help of awareness-raising, by explaining that terrorists interpret the Quran incorrectly.


Muslims impact the homeless in Detroit, Michigan

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – DETROIT — “This is godsend,” said Francois, a homeless Detroit native who was waiting in line for a warm plate of food on a Sunday afternoon. “Without these people coming out here, we would probably starve. I really appreciate what these guys are doing for us.”

For several months, Francois and dozens of other homeless people being sheltered at the Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO) at 3430 Third Street have been breaking bread together on Sundays.

For now, the food being provided every Sunday might be the only guarantee they have. They are all aware that in the coming months, the NSO’s homeless shelter on Third Street will be razed, as the area will be reconstructed for parking for the new home of the Detroit Red Wings.

Project Dignity Outreach (PDO), a non-profit organization started by Dearborn resident Nahid Ayoub, has led the initiative to feed the homeless in this mid-town neighborhood.

On this particular afternoon, steak, pizza, beans, chicken fingers, corn and pasta were among the food items being served by volunteers and members of PDO. The food is mainly donated by local businesses in the Dearborn and Dearborn Heights area. The Lava Lounge in Dearborn Heights, Super Greenland Market and Habib’s Cuisine in Dearborn are among the organization’s biggest contributors.

During some weeks there may be limited resources, but Ayoub and a handful of others can still be found on Third Street, regardless.

A few weeks ago, Ayoub’s family wanted to celebrate her birthday. Instead, she had them come down to Third Street with a cake to share with everyone.

“I’ve never missed a Sunday,” Ayoub said. “Rain, shine, snow or sleet, I’m out here.”

Ayoub has developed a personal connection with the poverty-stricken in this area. She knows most of their names, engages in conversations with them and offers them hugs, along with their plates of food.

“I know it’s hard to believe, but I’ve never been asked for a dollar,” she said. “I’ve been asked for hygiene stuff and I’ve been asked for hugs. It’s amazing.”

Many of the volunteers involved with PDO’s Sunday charity efforts are Arab Americans. The group is constantly asking for help from the community on social media.

Dearborn resident Solan Darwish began volunteering with the organization a couple months ago, after learning about PDO.
Darwish said the charity efforts have been very fulfilling and given her a different outlook on life. She noted that she feels guilty if she were to miss a Sunday. She’s even  contemplating canceling an upcoming weekend trip so that she can be here to help serve meals.
“This has been in my heart for a very long time,” she said. “Right now with all the turmoil happening abroad many in our community devote most of their effort to collecting cloths and monetary donations for refugees and send them abroad, and I think that’s a really great effort. But here at home there are so many that need our help as well and I feel it’s evenly important to pitch in and help the needy here in the City of Detroit.”

Darwish, along with other volunteers, set up a table with the warm trays of food on the curbside of Third Street, as a line grew down the block.

Dearborn resident Stephanie Wilks, a student at Henry Ford Community College, was also among the volunteers. This marks the first time she’s worked with PDO.

“We like helping people,” Wilks said. “People need to eat. This is a basic need that everyone should have taken care of.”

Dearborn resident Brian Stone, a Democratic candidate for state representative, has also been volunteering his time every Sunday to help the needy with the PDO.

“This keeps me centered and focused,” Stone said. “It reminds me of how good we’ve all got it. I think when you are running for office, it’s easy to lose track of what really matters. The people here have nothing, so they remind me of what really matters.”

While waiting in line, Gregory Belanger, 61, a homeless Detroit resident, said he is among those who appreciate every bit of help they can get.

“The services are great,” Belanger said. “This is the only decent meal we get all week. They serve everybody and don’t turn anybody away. A lot of times they have more people than they have food to serve.”

Ayoub said her biggest fear each week is not having enough food to serve the dozens of people who are expecting the organization’s presence.

She pointed out a middle-aged woman suffering from diabetes, who was upset with her because the week before she had to turn her away from receiving a second helping. Ayoub only wanted to make sure everyone else had a chance to eat before some of the others returned for more.

Kimberly Ismail, a PCO board member, told The Arab American News that within the last six months, the organization’s efforts have expanded, thanks to growing support from local businesses.

“That’s always our concern,” Ismail said. “Do we have enough food? Today, it looks like we are going to be okay. It makes me want to cry, sometimes. But we do have such a good outlet for help in the community. It’s now getting to the point where we don’t even have to go to them. They’ll call us and say come pick it up.”

PDO has also been giving the needy in the area clothes and hygiene kits.

On this Sunday, Delta Airlines donated the hygiene kits to distribute to the neighborhood. The kits include a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner.

Ayoub said the organization has come a long way in the three years since its start up.

Despite the growing support, she said there’s still somewhat of a hesitation in the community to give a helping hand. She noted that the majority of the Arab American community is focused on Middle East efforts, often overlooking what’s happening here.

“I believe we should clean our own backyard before we clean anywhere else,” she said. “I really tried to get my community involved, but I got backlash. I’ve never asked anybody for a dime. I ask for leftovers. If we could send leftovers overseas, I would do it in a heartbeat. But these are also our people. They are human. Poverty does not know religion, race or ethnicity.” 


DETROIT — “This is godsend,” said Francois, a homeless Detroit native who was waiting in line for a warm plate of food on a Sunday afternoon. “Without these people coming out here, we would probably starve. I really appreciate what these guys are doing for us.”

For several months, Francois and dozens of other homeless people being sheltered at the Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO) at 3430 Third Street have been breaking bread together on Sundays.

For now, the food being provided every Sunday might be the only guarantee they have. They are all aware that in the coming months, the NSO’s homeless shelter on Third Street will be razed, as the area will be reconstructed for parking for the new home of the Detroit Red Wings.

Project Dignity Outreach (PDO), a non-profit organization started by Dearborn resident Nahid Ayoub, has led the initiative to feed the homeless in this mid-town neighborhood.

On this particular afternoon, steak, pizza, beans, chicken fingers, corn and pasta were among the food items being served by volunteers and members of PDO. The food is mainly donated by local businesses in the Dearborn and Dearborn Heights area. The Lava Lounge in Dearborn Heights, Super Greenland Market and Habib’s Cuisine in Dearborn are among the organization’s biggest contributors.

During some weeks there may be limited resources, but Ayoub and a handful of others can still be found on Third Street, regardless.

A few weeks ago, Ayoub’s family wanted to celebrate her birthday. Instead, she had them come down to Third Street with a cake to share with everyone.

“I’ve never missed a Sunday,” Ayoub said. “Rain, shine, snow or sleet, I’m out here.”

Ayoub has developed a personal connection with the poverty-stricken in this area. She knows most of their names, engages in conversations with them and offers them hugs, along with their plates of food.

“I know it’s hard to believe, but I’ve never been asked for a dollar,” she said. “I’ve been asked for hygiene stuff and I’ve been asked for hugs. It’s amazing.”

Many of the volunteers involved with PDO’s Sunday charity efforts are Arab Americans. The group is constantly asking for help from the community on social media.

Dearborn resident Solan Darwish began volunteering with the organization a couple months ago, after learning about PDO.
Darwish said the charity efforts have been very fulfilling and given her a different outlook on life. She noted that she feels guilty if she were to miss a Sunday. She’s even  contemplating canceling an upcoming weekend trip so that she can be here to help serve meals.
“This has been in my heart for a very long time,” she said. “Right now with all the turmoil happening abroad many in our community devote most of their effort to collecting cloths and monetary donations for refugees and send them abroad, and I think that’s a really great effort. But here at home there are so many that need our help as well and I feel it’s evenly important to pitch in and help the needy here in the City of Detroit.”

Darwish, along with other volunteers, set up a table with the warm trays of food on the curbside of Third Street, as a line grew down the block.

Dearborn resident Stephanie Wilks, a student at Henry Ford Community College, was also among the volunteers. This marks the first time she’s worked with PDO.

“We like helping people,” Wilks said. “People need to eat. This is a basic need that everyone should have taken care of.”

Dearborn resident Brian Stone, a Democratic candidate for state representative, has also been volunteering his time every Sunday to help the needy with the PDO.

“This keeps me centered and focused,” Stone said. “It reminds me of how good we’ve all got it. I think when you are running for office, it’s easy to lose track of what really matters. The people here have nothing, so they remind me of what really matters.”

While waiting in line, Gregory Belanger, 61, a homeless Detroit resident, said he is among those who appreciate every bit of help they can get.

“The services are great,” Belanger said. “This is the only decent meal we get all week. They serve everybody and don’t turn anybody away. A lot of times they have more people than they have food to serve.”

Ayoub said her biggest fear each week is not having enough food to serve the dozens of people who are expecting the organization’s presence.

She pointed out a middle-aged woman suffering from diabetes, who was upset with her because the week before she had to turn her away from receiving a second helping. Ayoub only wanted to make sure everyone else had a chance to eat before some of the others returned for more.

Kimberly Ismail, a PCO board member, told The Arab American News that within the last six months, the organization’s efforts have expanded, thanks to growing support from local businesses.

“That’s always our concern,” Ismail said. “Do we have enough food? Today, it looks like we are going to be okay. It makes me want to cry, sometimes. But we do have such a good outlet for help in the community. It’s now getting to the point where we don’t even have to go to them. They’ll call us and say come pick it up.”

PDO has also been giving the needy in the area clothes and hygiene kits.

On this Sunday, Delta Airlines donated the hygiene kits to distribute to the neighborhood. The kits include a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner.

Ayoub said the organization has come a long way in the three years since its start up.

Despite the growing support, she said there’s still somewhat of a hesitation in the community to give a helping hand. She noted that the majority of the Arab American community is focused on Middle East efforts, often overlooking what’s happening here.

“I believe we should clean our own backyard before we clean anywhere else,” she said. “I really tried to get my community involved, but I got backlash. I’ve never asked anybody for a dime. I ask for leftovers. If we could send leftovers overseas, I would do it in a heartbeat. But these are also our people. They are human. Poverty does not know religion, race or ethnicity.” 

French translation of Imam Sajjad’s work released in Senegal

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The book, ‘Secrets of Haj’ or ‘Shebli’s Hadith’ by the forth Shi’ite Imam, Zain ul-Abedin (AS) was translated into French and released in Senegal by Iran’s Cultural Attaché in this country.

According to IBNA correspondent quoting from the public relations department of Iran’s Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO) this work which is in line with wisdoms of Shi’ite teachings is also available in French language in the website of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization in Senegal.

The hadith narrated in this book comprises the questions raised by a pilgrim called Shebli answered by Imam Zain ul-Abedin (AS) which reflect the philosophy of Haj particularly the state of Imamate in Haj pilgrims from the view of Ahl al-Bait (members of prophet Mohammad (PBUH).


Malaysian PM Slams Israeli Entity on ’Systematic Dehumanization’

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Najib Razak stressed that there was a need to “permanently address the injustice” suffered by the Palestinians since 1948.

“Decades of impunity and the systematic dehumanization of Palestinians has culminated in increasing violence, increasing illegal settlements, and increasing violations of rights,” said Razak.

“If the world continues to turn a blind eye to their sufferings, we risk another catastrophe in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” he said.

“We will also fail to uphold the right to self-determination, which was at the very basis of the United Nations when it was created 70 years ago.”

Razak called on the occupation entity to return authority over the Al-Aqsa Mosque — Islam’s third holiest site — to King Abdullah of Jordan, whom he called its legal custodian.

Jordan administered the mosque up until the time of the 1967 Middle East War.

He further announced that Malaysia would accept 3,000 Syrian migrants over the next three years to help alleviate the current Middle East refugee crisis, saying the international community should be pushing for new solutions to it.


Grand Ayatollah Sistani Calls for Global War against ISIS

“The battle with Daesh is destined for all Iraqis. But it’s not their battle alone but the whole world, because terrorists target with their dark ideology all humanity, its culture, and morals,” Ayatollah Sistani said through a representative after nationally-televised Friday prayers.

The Daesh terrorist group controls parts Iraq and Syria. The Takfiri group has been carrying out heinous crimes in the areas under its control.

“It’s essential to join together all efforts and expand the parameters of countering this movement,” said Ayatollah Sistani.

‘Russia welcome’

The Iraqi top cleric’s comments came a day after Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told France 24 television that Baghdad would welcome Russia to carry out airstrikes against militants on its soil.

Russia has been conducting air raids against Daesh and other terrorist groups in Syria, but Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said Moscow was not planning airstrikes in Iraq.

Since August 2014, the United States and some of its allies have been conducting airstrikes against what they say are positions of the Takfiri terrorist group in Iraq.

Some members of the US-led coalition have also been pounding purported Daesh positions inside Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a United Nations mandate since last September.

Neither campaign has so far managed to dislodge the group, which has overrun several parts in each country.

According to the United Nations, more than 21,000 Iraqis have either lost their lives or sustained injuries due to the acts of violence and terrorism in the embattled Arab country since the beginning of the current year.

In a statement released on Thursday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Iraq Fadel Ghraoui pointed to the dramatic rise in the number of Daesh operations against Iraqi people, noting that a total of 6,238 Iraqis were killed and another 14,933 injured between January 1 and October 1, 2015.


Saudis Must Fear Iran’s Anger: Tehran’s Friday Prayers Leader

In the second sermon of Tehran Friday Prayers, Ayatollah Movahhedi Kermani paid homage to all pilgrims victimized in Mina tragedy of September 24, and asked for investigation on the causes of the event.

The senior cleric lamented that the disaster caused sorrow of Muslims all over the world on the occasion of Eid al-Adha and just before Eid al-Ghadeer.

“We are trying to get along according to Islamic brotherhood, but you have to beware of Iran’s anger and the anger of Iran’s Leader,” said the grand Ayatollah addressing Saudi dynasty who are running all parts of Saudi Arabia.

Offering condolences over the loss of thousands of innocent pilgrims in the catastrophic incident, Ayatollah Movahhedi Kermani highlighted that the event marred Saudi reputation in a way that they would never get rid of it.

Addressing Saudi officials, the senior cleric questioned their hospitality in hosting pilgrims and rhetorically asked, “how did you treat your guests, while you were saying welcome?” “Saudi police was hostile towards the pilgrims,” he said, noting that the Saudi government is definitely responsible for the occurrence of tragedy in Mina and the world is waiting for Saudis’ excuses.

Condoling, apologizing and summoning charge d’affaires will not solve anything, Ayatollah Movahhedi Kermani stressed

Movahhedi Kermani urged the Muslim states to set up fact-finding committee to find out the reasons for blocking the roads to Mina. “The committee should examine the root causes of the incident,” he said, noting that the Saudi officials should not think that the issue will conclude only by delivering the bodies.

Ayat. Movahhedi Kermani blamed Saudi rulers for incompetency in Mina tragedy, saying that if they cannot run Hajj rituals, they should consult with other Islamic states.

He also called on Saudi Arabia to stop strikes on Yemen, rhetorically asking them how many innocent women and children they want to kill.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he said in an address to US President Barak Obama, “we do not shake hands with the US. Shaking hands with US means that our ties with US are good but we will never have good relations with you. The US is the number one foe of Islam and as long as the enmity continues, we will remain a US enemy.”

Noting that nuclear deal has nothing to do with other issues, the cleric said that the agreement will take its course but the Iranian nation will never forget US’ crimes.


Eid-e Ghadir

Eid-e Gadhir is celebrated with great rejoicing by Shia Muslims where they remember Prophet Muhammad’s last instructions to the believers. Eid-e-Ghadir is one of the most important days of rejoicing for Shia Muslims around the world as that was the day our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) declared Hazrat Ali’s vicegerency at Ghadir e Khumm on his return from his last pilgrimage which is known in history as ‘Hajjat-ul-Wida’. This took place on the 18th of Zil-Hajj, in 632 AC, 3 months before his demise, when the Prophet and his followers were returning from his last pilgrimage. Prophet Muhammad announced that he had received an important revelation from Allah, and made a halt at the pond called Ghadir Khumm. A make-shift dias was erected from sadles, sticks and camel skins and as soon as all the pilgrims were gathered, he acted upon the revelation of Ayah-e Gadhir Khumm.

“O Messenger (Prophet), deliver to the people what has been revealed to you from your Lord and if you do not do so then you will not have delivered His message and Allah will protect you from the people. For God does not guide those who reject Faith.”
Ya ‘ayyuhar Rasoolu ballig maa unzila ilayka mir-Rabbik. Wa illam taf’al famaa ballagta Risaalatah. Wallaahu ya’simuka minan naas. Innal’laaha laa yahdilqawmal kaafiriin. Quran 5:67

The Prophet thence declared “‘Man Kuntu Mowlahu fa haza Aliyun Mowlahu’ – ‘He of whomever I am the Master-Lord (Mowla), Ali is his Master-Lord (Mowla). Prophet Muhammad had been discoursing all the other revelations among the muslims regarding the tenets and practice of the faith and about material life, and what could this verse of surpassing urgency mean and why was he admonished that if he did not reveal that message then his mission would be unfulfilled! Why had he been warned so strongly by Allah to deliver the message right away.

According to Shia tradition, Prophet Muhammad had been apprehensive about declaring his own son-in-law and cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib as his spiritual (Amirul Momineen, Commander of the believers) and secular (Caliph, King) heir, for fear that it would divide the nascent Muslim community. The rich Muslims were already jealous of Hazrat Ali’s favored position with Prophet Muhammad (being married to Hazrat Fatima, being his cousin, appointed as Commander at many important battles) and in the above revelation God reassures him.

Al Muayyad talks about the Gadhir-e Khumm appointment in his Majalis as follows:

“It must be borne in mind that after the death of the Prophet the belief in the Wilayat of the Imams from his progeny is as important a part of our religion as the belief in the Wilayat of the Prophet in his lifetime. This is supported by the Tradition according to which the Prophet is reported to have said at ‘Ghadeer Khum’, “Am I not more precious to you than your own-selves.” This is an echo of the Qur’anic verse which says, “The Prophet is more dear to the ‘Momins’ than their own-selves to them.” It is said, that in response to this question by the Prophet, when the ‘Momins’ said “Yes, you are dearer to us than our own lives”, the Prophet said, “O God, be witness to their admission”. After this he said, “‘Ali is the master of one who acknowledges me to be his master. O God love those who love ‘Ali. Help those who help ‘Ali. Desert those who desert ‘Ali. Let the truth accompany ‘Ali wherever he goes.”

Prophet Muhammad felt great relief upon accomplishment of his mission of declaring Hazrat Ali his successor and legatee, wasi, and thereupon received the final revelation:

“This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” Quran 5:3.

“Surely those who swear allegiance to you do but swear allegiance to Allah; the hand of Allah is above their hands. Therefore whoever breaks (his faith), he breaks it only to the injury of his own soul, and whoever fulfills what he has pledged with Allah, He will grant him a mighty reward.” Quran (48:10)

“And, He it is who made the stars for you that ye maybe rightly guided by observing them in the darkness of the land and the sea; Indeed we have made plain the Signs for the people who can know. Qur’an (6:98)
The Holy Prophet (sas) said:

“As the stars in the sky are the source of guidance to the travelers, the Holy Ones of my Ahl al Bayt (the Imams descended from the Prophet’s family) are the source of guidance for the people. And, as the stars will remain in the sky until the day of judgment, the earth will never be without a Divine Guide from my Ahl al Bayt, that is an Imam”.

The Wilayat of Ali 

By Al-Mu’ayyad fid-din as-Shirazi

O Mu’mins, may God help you in deriving the fullest benefit from the glories of the day. (Eid e Ghadir) (2) It was on this day that God conferred on us the highest of His favors. It was on this day that a great ordinance was issued by God which is the terminating point in the revelation of the religious laws. It was on this day that everything was made clear and the path was made smooth for the seekers of truth by the verse (of the Quran):

“I have perfected your religion. I have bestowed on you my highest favors. I have chosen for you Islam as a religion.”

At first the Prophet was reluctant to proclaim the ordinance to the people who, he believed, were prejudiced against it. A Qur’anic verse made the matter clear and left no room for hesitation in his mind. The verse is as follows:

“0 Prophet, deliver the message which has been revealed to you by your Lord. If you fail to do so, it will mean that you have not delivered His message to the people. God will guard you against the people.”

There is no sect in Islam which believes that the Prophet failed short of delivering the message of God in such matters as the performance of prayers, the payment of zakat, the fasting or going on pilgrimage, or taking part in the jehad. We know well that he exerted his utmost in making the people offer the prayers which one cannot perform without undergoing some physical discomfort. He preached to the people to pay the zakat and the people did pay, although one does not find it easy to part with money. The people were made to fast and we know well that in fasting one has to put up with unbearable heat and thirst. He exhorted the people to go on pilgrimage, which one cannot undertake without undergoing all sorts of hardships. He ordered the people to join the jehad and they did so at the risk of their lives.

In short, he made no hesitation in the delivering of God’s message in these matters. It was only the question of Wilayat (3) which worried him the most. It was the ordinance pertaining to the Wilayat, the allegiance to Ali and the Imams from amongst his descendants, that he was not prepared to proclaim. Finding the people burning with hatred and jealousy, the Prophet hesitated to deliver this ordinance to them and he was waiting for a favorable time when the above verses were revealed to clear his doubts. If one were to suggest that the Prophet was not hesitating to deliver this ordinance, this stand will make the revelation of the above verse meaningless and superfluous.

These verses, which lay emphasis on the delivery of the ordinance, prove to us that the faith in the Wilayat is the corner stone of our religion. If one does not believe in the Wilayat and discharges all the primary and secondary duties enjoined on us by our religion, the performance of these duties will not help him in the least. His good deeds minus the belief in the Wilayat will lead him to no other place than hell-fire. Belief in the Wilayat of the Prophet is a pivot. On this hinges the whole system of our religious laws. If one has no faith in the Wilayat, the duties laid down in our religion will lose the force of application on him. Hence, the performance or non-performance of these duties will make no difference in his case.

It must be borne in mind that after the death of the Prophet, the belief in the Wilayat Of the Imams from his progeny is as important a part of our religion as the belief in the Wilayat of the Prophet in his lifetime. This is supported by the Tradition according to which the Prophet is reported to have said at Ghadeer Khum: “Am I not more precious to you than your own selves?”

This is an echo of the Qur’anic verse which says:

“The Prophet is more dear to the Mu’mins than their own selves to them.” It is said that when the Mu’mins said “Yes, you are dearer to us than our own selves,” in response to the Prophet’s question, he said: “Oh God, be witness to their admission.” After this he said: “Ali is the master of one who acknowledges me to be his master. 0 God love those who love Ali. Help those who help Ali. Desert those who desert Ali. Let the truth accompany Ali wherever he goes.”

1 Reprinted from ‘Life and Lectures of al-Mu’ayyad fid-din as-Shirazi, translated by Jawad Muscati and K.B.M.A. Moulvi, published by Ismailia Association for Pakistan, Karachi, 1966.

2 The day referred to here is known as ‘Yomul-Ghadeer, when Prophet Muhammad declared Hazrat Ali as his successor. This incident took place at Ghadeer Khum on the 18th of Zil-hajj during the Prophet’s last pilgrimage, which is known in history as Hajjat ul- Wida. Ahmed bin Hanbal, founder of one of the four main Sunni schools of law, refers to this occasion in his book Masnad ul-Kabeer. He quotes Barra bin Azib, one of the companions of the Prophet: “We were in the company of the Prophet when he halted at Ghadeer Khum and led the congregational prayer. After finishing the prayer, the Prophet took the hand of Ali and raised it up saying, “Am I not dearer to Mu’mins than their own souls?” They replied “yes.” Again he said, “Ali is the master of one who acknowledges me to be his master. 0 God, love those who love Ali and hate those who hate Ali.” After hearing this, Omar bin Khattab went to Ali and said, “Congratulations to you, 0 son of Abu Ta’lib, you have become the master of every male and female Mu‘min.

3 The term Wilayat means the ‘power’, ‘authority’, ‘sovereignty’ or ‘plenipotency’ of the Imam. As a theological concept in Shiism, it involves belief in Imamat, love, devotion and allegiance to the Imams, obedience to their commands and recognition of their rights.


Nouri al-Maliki Urges Trial of Perpetrators of Mina Tragedy

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki insisted that those responsible for a deadly crush of Hajj pilgrims in Mina, Saudi Arabia, should be brought to justice.

Maliki said the Riyadh regime should be held accountable for the Mina catastrophe, and blamed “poor management” for the incident.

He also called for an inquiry to ascertain the cause of the crush, stressing that the whole countries whose nationals have died in the incident should oversee the process of investigation.

The Iraqi politician also hailed Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei’s stance towards Saudi Arabia after the Mina deaths.

Maliki said the Leader’s comments “well laid bare the threat of Takfiri Wahhabism originating from Saudi Arabia.”

Imam Khamenei said on Wednesday that the slightest disrespect for the Iranian Hajj pilgrims or its failure to repatriate the bodies of those killed in the Mina crush will draw Iran’s “severe and tough reaction”.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has had respect for fraternity in the Islamic world up to now, showing self-restraint and Islamic politeness, the Leader noted.

Iran has lost 464 pilgrims in the crush, which marked the worst ever Hajj disaster.


Israel arming ISIS terrorists: Syrian FM

In an address to the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York on Friday, Muallem described Syria as a strong nation, adding that the Syrian army is making many sacrifices to cleanse the country of terrorism.

Muallem emphasized the determination of Syrians in the fight against terrorism, saying the nation’s armed forces are capable of cleansing the country of Takfiri terrorist groups.

The top Syrian diplomat stressed the significance of the anti-terror battle as a top priority for the Syrian government, warning of increasing terror activities by Takfiri militant groups, such as Daesh and al-Nusra Front, in the Middle East.

He also slammed foreign support for such extremist groups, which seek to expand their acts of violence beyond this troubled region.

Referring to the air raids carried out by the US-led coalition against purported Daesh positions, saying such raids are “useless” unless they are coordinated with the government in Damascus. 

Muallem said a “Syrian-led national dialog” is the only way out of the foreign-backed crisis plaguing his country, adding that the Syrian nation and army stand united in the face of terrorism.


ISIS captures eight of its own militants in Syria before escaping to Turkey

The terrorist group of ISIS has arrested some eight militants who were trying to desert the group and flee to Turkey, activists in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor reported on Thursday.

“The militants were arrested in the northern countryside of Deir ez-Zor before escaping the province,” media activist Muhammad al-Shami said.

“After interrogations, ISIS discovered the suspects’ plan to leave the group and cross into Turkey,” al-Shami quoted an ISIS official as saying.

Five of the arrested militants were reportedly Moroccans and the three others were Tunisians who had joined the ranks of ISIS nearly one year ago.

The source reported a state of alert among ISIS militants in Deir ez-Zor following the incident.

“ISIS has closed all exists of Deir ez-Zor and imposed a curfew on the cities and towns of the province after receiving information about a similar attempt by another group of its militants,” al-Shammi said.

The ISIS-linked Sharia Court is expected to issue a decision regarding the arrestees next week, as the interrogations continue on the case.

Dozens of ISIS members had deserted the group and crossed into Turkey in the past few months. Most of them were foreign nationals who had lately recognized the brutality of the alleged caliphate towards Muslim citizens in Syrian and Iraq.
