
ISIS claims responsibility for killing Italian aid worker in Bangladesh

ISIS has claimed responsibility for fatally shooting an Italian aid worker in the Bangladesh of Dhaka on Monday.

The group said in a statement that an allied security detachment in Dhaka has killed the Italian aid worker Cesare Tavella after tracking him.

ISIS statement added that Tavella was shot with silenced weapons.

The shooting took place in Dhaka’s diplomatic zone, where the victim was shot three times, police officials said.

“The attackers fled the scene after Tavella fell to the ground. He was rushed to a nearby private hospital where doctors declared him dead,” a police statement added.

Meanwhile, the Bangladesh government said in a statement that it did not have any proof regarding the ISIS claim.

Dhaka’s security commissioner Ohiduzzaman Mian told reporters: “We are not clear who killed him but we think it was a preplanned murder.”

Tavella, 50, was the project manager of Profitable Opportunities for Food Security (Proofs), a project of the Netherlands-based organisation ICCO Cooperation.


Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani: Mina catastrophe defamed Al-Saud

Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani said on Wednesday that Mina catastrophe has defamed Al Saud regime, Wahabism and those claiming to be the custodians of holy shrines in Mecca.

Al Saud regime has not revealed the exact number of casualties to save its face and only tried to lower the figures but the pressure exerted by world nations forced it to admit the deaths of 4,000 Haj pilgrims.

Mina catastrophe brought sorrow and dismay among world Muslims and the worst of all is that the Saudi regime avoids delivering bodies of stamped victims, he said.

All should know the real nature of Al-Saud that claims to be the custodian of holy shrines, he said.

The incident proved the mismanagement and incapability of Saudi officials in handling Haj rituals, said Ayatollah Hamedani.

Over 4,700 pilgrims were killed, injured or announced missing with the number of Iranian casualties standing at 239 and 241 are still missing.

Some 64,000 Iranian pilgrims went to Mecca for this year’s Haj pilgrimage.


Photos: Counter-Terrorism Summit in New York

Cartoon: Al-Quds caught in the grip of Zionist regime


Iran to Lodge Complaint against Saudi Arabia for Deaths of Pilgrims: Vice-President

Iran’s Vice-President Mohammad Baqer Nobakht said on Tuesday that Tehran is going to file a complaint against Saudi Arabia for its shortcomings that led to a tragic crush of pilgrims during the annual Hajj rituals and deaths of Iranians.

Speaking to reporters in a weekly press conference in Tehran, Nobakht announced that Iran will lodge a complaint against Saudi Arabia and follow up with legal actions.

Tehran also pursues mechanisms in the international arena to pursue the case, the vice president added.

He made it clear that Iran will spare no efforts to defend the rights of the Iranian pilgrims, the missing ones and those injured in the disaster.

Asked about Riyadh’s possible decision to bury the dead pilgrims in the Arab country, Nobakht underlined that the Saudis cannot do that without the official procedures or permission from the victims’ families, stressing that Iran has not granted permission to Saudi Arabia to do that.

The deadly crush of pilgrims in Mina, near the Saudi city of Mecca, on Thursday killed thousands during religious rituals, marking the worst ever Hajj disaster.

So far, at least 239 Iranian pilgrims are confirmed to have died in the incident. Some 240 other Iranians are still unaccounted for.


Iran’s Health Minister in Mecca to track status of injured pilgrims

The Iranian Minister of Health, Treatment and Medical Education Seyed Hassan Hashemi arrived in Mecca earlier today to track the status of the injured pilgrims in Mina disaster.

The official entered Mecca today morning to investigate the latest status of Iranian injured and missing pilgrims in Mina Tragedy.

Indeed, Iran had planned to send a delegation to Saudi Arabia immediately after the incident but Saudi government refused to issue a visa for Iranian political figures.

Meanwhile, having the visa, Iran’s health minister was scheduled to travel to Saudi Arabia on Monday noon but his trip was postponed due to delay in issuance of flight permit by Saudis.

Deputy Health Minister Iraj Harirchi said that, “during his trip to Mecca, Hashemi plans to meet and talk to some Saudi officials to address the situation of Iranian pilgrims who were affected by the Mina incident, particularly those who are missing.”

According to the latest statistics, 226 Iranian pilgrims have been confirmed dead so far in Mina tragedy, 28 others injured while 248 others are still unaccounted for.


Photos: VIP pilgrims just could be safe in Hajj!

Tehran’s Grand Bazaar closed in protest at Hajj stampede

Traders in Tehran’s Grand Bazaar closed their shops on Tuesday morning in protest against Hajj stampede.

Releasing a statement on Tuesday, the merchants’ unions announced the merchants’ closure of their shops to show their resentment to Saudi Arabia over its incompetence and mismanagement of Hajj rituals.

The death toll of the Iranian pilgrims reached 227, Head of Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, Saeed Ohadi announced Tuesday.

Ohadi said the numbers of injured and missing Iranian pilgrims are 27 and 247 respectively. The Hajj stampede happened in Mina, a neighborhood of Mecca, on Thursday while the pilgrims were taking part in the stoning the devil ritual.


France: Objections raised over discriminatory discs for Muslim students

A French school is under investigation after Muslim and Jewish pupils were told to wear red discs around their necks at lunchtime, sparking parents’ outrage.

“It’s revolting. It reminds you of the darkest times,” a local councillor, Malika Ounès, told The Telegraph.
“Practices like this are not acceptable. No one has the right to impose this on children.”

The dilemma started when Piedalloues primary school in Auxerre, in Burgundy, gave red discs to non-pork eating pupils, basically Muslims.

Eighteen of the school’s 1,500 pupils were made to wear the discs.

The discs were withdrawn after protests by angry parents and community leaders.

It was “an isolated, clumsy and unfortunate initiative” that lasted only one day,” Christian Sautier, director of communications in the mayor’s office, said.

He said it had been put into effect by canteen staff without informing local authorities, who ended it immediately.

“When we learned about it, we fell out of our chairs,” Sautier said, adding that the mayor had ordered an investigation.

Muslim students school meals has always been a thorny issue in France.

Last August, a court upheld a local move to stop offering non-pork meals to students in school cafeterias, possibly setting a precedent for municipalities elsewhere in the country.

The court ruled in favor of the Republican mayor of Chalon-sur-Saône who announced in March that students would no longer be guaranteed a non-pork option at lunchtime for the coming school year.

In March, the former centre-Right president, Nicolas Sarkozy, said he too opposed pork-free options in schools.

France is home to a Muslim community of nearly six million, the largest in Europe.

French Muslims have been complaining of restrictions on performing their religious practices.


Coach Crash near Mecca Seriously Injures Blackburn Pilgrims

A coach carrying passengers from Blackburn, Britain, crashed in the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.