
Houthi leader: Yemenis will resist Saudi aggression

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Yemen’s Abdel-Malek al-Houthi, the leader of the Shi’ite Houthi movement, gave his first televised speech since the beginning of the Saudi-led war against him, saying that the group will continue to resist Saudi aggression.

At the same time, al-Houthi said that the offers for negotiation of a political settlement to the conflict remain on the table, and that Houthi delegates went to the “peace talks” in Oman this weekend, even though pro-Saudi aggressors already ruled out taking part in it.

This has been a recurring problem with attempts to start peace talks, as the Saudi Wahhabis have maintained that any talks be conditional on the Houthis first disarming and surrendering the entire country to their side. The one round of talks the pro-Saudi faction even attended, the only time the two sides were in the same room was when the pro-Saudi delegates attacked a press conference by the Houthis.

Houthi did not address the surrender demand, but did say there would be a public celebration Monday to commemorate the one year anniversary of Ansarullah fighters forces capturing the capital city.

Abdel-Malek also accused Saudi Arabia of barring most Yemeni pilgrims from traveling to the kingdom to perform the annual haj pilgrimage, which starts this week.

According to a report by the nongovernmental organization (NGO), which was published on Saturday, 6,091 Yemenis have lost their lives in the Saudi airstrikes and a total of 13,552 people have been injured.

There are 3,006 women and children among the dead. The report also says as many as 2,997 women and children have been wounded.

In retaliation for the Saudi airstrikes, the Yemeni army, backed by popular committees, targeted a number of Saudi military bases in the border region, inflicting heavy losses on them.

Riyadh launched its military aggression against Yemen on March 26 – without a UN mandate – in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to the fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.



Yemeni forces take full control of several area in Saudi Jizan

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The Yemeni army and the Popular Committees announced on Sunday their full control over several area in Al-Khoba in the Saudi province of Jizan, including Qamar, Al-Dhahira and West of Dar Al-Nasr towns, amid confusion among the Saudi army units.

Yemeni national military and the Committees managed to advance into Al-Khoba city and to destroy nine of coalition vehicles, leaving scores of Saudi troops killed and wounded, Lebanese al-Manar reported.

In Qamar town of Khoba, one Saudi tank and three military vehicles were destroyed and several Saudi soldiers were killed.

Moreover, a Saudi-US Apache fighter jet was shot down in Safer region in the province of Ma’rib, according to the state-run news agency Saba.

Safer witnessed a revengeful operation by the Yemeni army and the Committees two weeks ago, when around 300 coalition soldiers were killed by Toshka missiles.

In the meantime, a joint delegation of Ansarullah powerful group and the General Popular Conference headed to the Omani capital under the request of the United Nations.

In a similar development, another delegation of the Higher Revolutionary Committee in Yemen is expected to travel to a number of neighboring states to discuss the latest developments in the Saudi-US aggression on the country.


Nigeria: Martyrs of September 96 remembered in Kaduna / Pics

Ahlul Bayt News Agency –  On Saturday 19th of September, 2015, Kaduna zone of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria under the spiritual leadership of his eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky remembered martyrs killed by the despotic late General Sani Abacha’s regime.

The event took place at Markaz T/Wada Kaduna and was attended by numerous brothers and sisters from Zaria,  Kaduna and environs.

During the event, some veterans (living martyrs) such as Malam Auwal T/Wada, Malam Aluyu Bakin Ruwa, Malam Muhammad Maude and a Sister, briefed the attendants on different aspect of the Abacha’s despotism. How brothers and sisters were displaced, apprehended and tortured in different Police Stations and Prisons within Kaduna and some other Nigerian convict prisons.

Ameer of the zone, Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Sahabi delivered a prolong lectures on the arrest of leader of the movement Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky and steadfastness of brothers and sisters, where he derived some lessons to be learnt from the upset situation. After his lectures, there was peaceful procession to the tomb of the martyrs located at Bashama Road grave yard T/Wada Kaduna where Supplications were recited by Malam Auwal T/Wada for the repose of the soul of the martyrs.


Yemen forces shot down another Saudi Apache helicopter

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Yemeni armed forces have brought downed a Saudi Apache helicopter near the city of Ma’rib in central Yemen as Riyadh continues with its deadly aggression against its southern neighbor, reports say.

Yemeni military sources confirmed on Sunday that army soldiers backed by popular committees had downed a Saudi Apache helicopter after firing a missile in the al-Safer area.

Reports say the Yemeni army and volunteer forces also launched counterattacks on Saudi soldiers, inflicting serious damage on them.

Earlier, 10 people were reported killed and more than 50 others wounded in an attack by Saudi warplanes in Yemen’s Ibb Province.

It came a day after a total of 100 Yemenis were killed in Saudi airstrikes on the northwestern Yemeni provinces of Sana’a, Sa’ada and Ma’rib.

According to a report published on September 19 by the Yemen’s Civil Coalition NGO, 6,091 Yemenis, including 3,006 women and children have been killed in six months of Saudi Arabian airstrikes. The report also said that 13,552 people –2,997 women and children– have also been injured during this time period.

Saudi Arabia launched its military aggression against Yemen on March 26 – without a United Nations mandate – in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to the fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.

Riyadh has been targeting Yemeni infrastructure and residential areas in its airstrikes, in defiance of international conventions.

Saudi Arabia has been reportedly using cluster bombs in Yemen.

Houthi fighters release six foreign hostages

Yemen’s Ansarullah Houthi fighters have released six foreign captives, including two Americans, three Saudis and a British citizen.

The hostages, held for months by the Yemeni fighters, were released on Sunday and later flown from the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, to neighboring Oman.

Oman’s Foreign Ministry, which helped negotiate their release, said in a statement that the hostages were released following mediation efforts by the country’s diplomats acting on behalf of Oman’s ruler Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

The two Americans were identified as Scott Darden, an employee of a logistics company, and security consultant Sam Farran.

They were arrested along with the British national in the early days of Saudi Arabia’s military aggression against Yemen in late March. Their release appears to be a goodwill gesture by the Ansarullah ahead of UN-brokered peace talks later this week.

Both the US and the UK have been supporting the Saudi onslaught against Yemen by supplying arms to the aggressors and providing them with intelligence and logistical support.

Both the US and the UK have been supporting the Saudi onslaught against Yemen by supplying arms to the aggressors and providing them with intelligence and logistical support.

Sufi scholars hide truth of Ahlul Bayt to prevent spreading Shiite doctrine

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – John Phema, a Kosovan convert into Islam, came to Iraq to make pilgrimage to Imam Hussein and other holy Imams.

“95% of Kosovo’s population are Muslims. In 2013, I moved to France and embraced Islam – Ahlul-Bayt’s (Peace Be Upon Them) belief” Phema said and added, “I have several children and I speak several languages, such as Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian, French, and Italian”.

In a question about the incentive behind his embracing Islam – Ahlul-Bayt’s (Peace Be Upon Them) belief, he said: I embraced Sufism, but I was aware of Ahlul-Bayt’s (Peace Be Upon Them) belief and their humanistic rank, but, at the same time, there were many facts that were hidden from us. Therefore I felt the need to research in order to be more knowledgeable.

I read some Sufi books that talk about the traits of Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them), their ethics, and the source of their knowledge, in addition to asking some converts into the Ahlul-Bayt’s (Peace Be Upon Them) belief. Since then, I have learned who Ahlul-Bayt were and embraced their belief.

In another question about the reason why Sufi people hide the truth of Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them) he answered? There is fear of Shiite doctrine to be spread. Therefore, they deliberately don’t manifest the truth about Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them) in several countries such as France.

Thus I decided to visit the holy city of Karbala in order to collect as much information and tangible evidence as possible to spread in France and to let people know what Karbala is and who Imam Hussein and his brother al-Abbas (Peace Be Upon Them) are; those who represent the symbol of sacrifice and loyalty to the religion and belief.

He also mentioned that there is a great number of Sufi people in France who have no knowledge about Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) due to being taught different materials and lack of books on Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them).

He said further that there are entities that are promulgating the Salafi belief by attracting the intelligentsia to convince them of Salafi belief (Wahabism), and distorting the truth of Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them).

Phema described his feelings at the holy shrine of the master of youth of Paradise (Imam Hussein), and added “My happiness is indescribable and words would fail to express what is inside of me. This is the feeling I have never ever had before; I am so proud to be at such a place, seeing those who serve the pilgrims of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him)”.

He added that people used to think that Imam Hussein is merely a building, but it turned out that it is an enormous edifice, full of spirituality and holiness, where people of different Islamic denominations should witness.


Hamas intervenes to stop pumping of seawater from Egypt into Gaza

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The Hamas Movement has said it has started conducting contacts with the Egyptian authorities to stop them from pumping water from the Mediterranean Sea into the Palestinian border areas in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri stated on Sunday that contacts were underway with Cairo to halt pumping seawater into Rafah, expressing his Movement’s hope that such “objectionable” measure would stop immediately.

Abu Zuhri underlined that the creation of saltwater swamps along the Palestinian border with Egypt would be posing a great danger to the aquifer and homes in Gaza.

The Egyptian army started at dawn Friday to flood the Palestinian side of Rafah in Gaza with considerable amounts of seawater at the pretext of destroying tunnels.

The network of tunnels is a vital lifeline for the population in the blockaded enclave of Gaza, through which all vital goods and needs trickle in.


UK must oppose Bahraini dictatorship murdering its Democracy Movement and Saudi bombs on Yemen

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – New leader of the British Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, said that the United Kingdom “must oppose Saudi bombs falling on Yemen and the Bahraini dictatorship murdering its democracy movement, armed by the US.”

Corbyn’s words came in an exclusive article for the Observer and published by the Guardian, in which he set out his vision for the future of his party and Britain.

He said that the “Labour’s leadership election has been an extraordinary demonstration of grassroots democracy and public participation,” adding that “the election has shown that millions of people want a real alternative, not business as usual, either inside or outside the Labour party.”

“We can create a new kind of politics: kinder, more respectful, but courageous, too. We make things possible by campaigning for change. We can change minds, we can change politics, we can make things better,” Corbyn further stated.

Corbyn was elected on September 12 a new leader of the British Labour party. He is a left-wing and parliamentarian who has won the leadership of the party based on promises he gave to increase governmental investments by printing money and renationalizing wide sectors of the economy.

Jeremy Corbyn is known for advocating Arab causes, especially Palestine and Bahrain. In a speech during the fourth human rights conference on Bahrain, held in Beirut, in April, he said that what raises concern the most in Bahrain is that the Bahraini government is incapable of protecting democracy, freedom of expression and assembly and individuals as well, and that those who lead the opposition are inside prison (…) since the protests escalated, the Bahraini government was keen to reflect Bahrain’s best image to the international community. “However, all signs indicate now that no changes have taken place. Simply, people remained imprisoned and it is difficult to stage protests,” he added.

He concluded his speech at that time saying that he hopes to raise during the coming Parliamentary session and UN session in June subjects of democracy and human rights in Bahrain, stressing: “We want to work together with the whole people to defend freedom of expression.”

Corbyn has always embarrassed his country with his repeated questions about Bahrain. His last question raised to Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in March 20, 2015, whether he will make an assessment of the implications for his policies of the communication to Bahrain by the UN Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression, Special Rapporteur on free assembly and Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders on 14 October 2014, expressing concerns about the trial of Mr. Nabeel Rajab in Bahrain. He also embarrassed the secretary asking him if he will make a statement or if he will make representations to the government of Bahrain concerning the cases of Nabeel Rajab and Hussain Jawad and other human rights activists charged with expression-related offences.

Corbyn was born in 1949 in Chippenham. He has been a Member of Parliament for Islington North since 1983.

Since entering the Parliament, Corbyn has been known for his political activism. He was arrested in 1984 in front of the Embassy of South Africa for violating a protest ban. This was during the apartheid era in South Africa.


US plans to destabilize Syria back in 2006: WikiLeaks

In the 2006 document classified as ‘secret,’ the US allegedly wrote plans to want to destabilize the Syrian government.

That in itself may not be very interesting; the US is not exactly known for its support for President Bashar al-Assad. The whole country has been listed as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ since 1979. The devil, however, is in the details.

There have been several conspiracy theories when it comes to the US involvement with Daesh (ISIS)-creating the militant group to overthrow Assad and destabilize the region. This document appears to support some of those theories. 

‘Possible actions’ to destabilize the regime addressed lots of issues that continue to play on Middle Eastern politics today, often seeming to have a disregard for the consequences for Syrians. 
Strategies included using the media to cause ‘Bashar personal angst and may lead him to act irrationally.’

Another listed strategy was playing on ‘Sunni fears of Iranian influence,’ a description that seems to fit the militants who formed Daesh.


Sheikh al-Kiswani: Zionist regime will never succeed in al-Aqsa

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The director of al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani said on Monday that the Zionist regime would never succeed despite its all-out war against the unarmed worshipers in Beit-ul-Muqaddas (Jerusalem).

Al-Kiswani underlined that the Arab countries are keeping silent about the Tel Aviv regime’s atrocities in Beit-ul-Muqaddas, Irna news reported.

‘The brave and generous Palestinian nation as always safeguarded the first Qibla (direction) of Islam regardless of the Zionists’ efforts to ruin its holy mosque before the eyes and ears of the world,’ he added.

‘The history has proven that when the patience of Palestinian nation is over, all the threats and repressive measures are useless,’ he added.

On Sept. 14, more than 200 Israeli soldiers once again stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque firing rubber bullets and tear gas at Palestinians.

At least six Palestinians, including an elderly man, were wounded during the second consecutive day of clashes at the mosque.

Dozens of Palestinians were also detained in the new attack.

The latest incident at the al-Aqsa Mosque followed violent clashes at the compound a day earlier.


US ‘fake war’ against terrorism has made ISIS stronger: Syrian diplomathas

The air raids “were not effective and they in fact achieved nothing,” Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad told Japan’s Kyodo news agency in a Sunday interview.

Daesh “has become stronger in both Iraq and Syria under the American war against terrorism,” Miqdad said.

He also highlighted that cooperation with the Syrian government is essential for all parties engaged in the fight against ISIL terrorists.

Since late September 2014, the US, along with some of its allies, has purportedly been conducting airstrikes against Daesh extremists inside Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

The airstrikes in Syria are an extension of the US-led aerial campaign against alleged Daesh positions in Iraq, which started in August last year. Many have criticized the ineffectiveness of the raids.

This is while the US and some of its regional allies, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have lent staunch support to the Takfiri groups fighting against Syria’s government.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Miqdad said Syria has not yet demanded the deployment of Russian troops to Syria, adding, however, that Damascus will not hesitate to make such a request depending on future developments in the crisis-hit Arab country.

“Russian military support does help… the Syrian army advance in the struggle against terrorists,” he said.

On Thursday, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem had said Damascus would ask Moscow, if necessary, to send its troops to fight against the terrorists along with the Syrian army.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov later told reporters that Russia will consider Syria’s request to send military forces if such a demand is made by Damascus.

Syria has been wrestling with deadly violence since March 2011, with reports saying more than 240,000 people killed in the conflict.
