
Imam Ali, Sayyidah Fatimah wedding anniversary celebrates in Kano / Photos

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – On Friday 18th of Sept. 2015 Shiite Muslims under the Leadership of Sheikh Zakzaky celebrates the wedding anniversary of Imam Ali and Sayyidah Fatimah (PBUT) by organizing a thanksgiving at Fagge Jumaat mosque. 

Mallam Sanusi Abdulkadir delivered speech on the different aspects of the  marriage. Shuhada Group recited poetry on the marriage which is made in the heaven.

Islamic Centre of England hold an interfaith event on the future of faith in the UK / Pics

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Sheikh Hanif presented the idea that in the West the role of religion is declining because religious people are affected by secularism as a new religion, which claims to be universal with ideas permeating religious dialogue. To promote religion you need to look at the psychology of people who now seem to want concrete proof and experiences. In Christians and Muslims the spirit of mysticism practise is on the increase where people find things they believe in by experiencing them and if you cannot experience them then they find people who can. The Prophet said, ’The people are asleep and wake up when they die, die before die so you can witness things”. When a person dies they are cut off from the world. Fasting are important preliminaries to ascetism.

We should try to rediscover our mystical paths to see the realities that have been taught to us.

Spirituality and social action unite us. Every human is spiritual.

Catriona Robertson, Acting Director of the Christian Muslim Forum asked, ”What kind of secular society are we talking about? “ She quoted that in the last census three quarters identified with a world religion so as a majority we can say that we are religious. Linda Woodhead in a report stated that people have a spiritual life but it may not be institutionalised.

Catriona regards herself as a “Secular “person as well as being a Christian. Gone are the days when Christianity held a control over people. Public space needs value based voices, how we live what is important to us including the secularist voice. Sometimes senior public servants think the religious institutions are chaotic! We bring together our history we each have complex heritage which matters to us.  Below the radar, there will be at least one Islamic Centre and one Church and if something goes wrong who do you go to? You turn to communities of hope and love. If spirituality is lived out so we are bothered about hate crime migrants poverty and do something then we have a living faith. If spirituality is not lived out it becomes dry and dusty.

Dr MA Shomali, There is something of value in people who call for secularism who think people who are religious are divisive. There is however a positive role that religion can play. What religions can contribute is much greater to prosperity. We accept religion should not be imposed as far as Islam is concerned. In the Quran, the verse,” There is no compulsion in religion” was revealed in Medina when Islam was very powerful. When this verse was revealed about a person whose child converted to Christianity, he was instructed to leave them free. We should accept that being faithless and being disrespectful to religion is imposed on people. What we  observe are policies coming in are against religion and against certain norms. We face in name of freedom religion we are going through a pressure from people who do not believe in religions. The Quran tells us about a great Trust that was offered to mountains and mankind accepted His Trust, and to be vicegerent on earth. The problem occurred when mankind exhibited ignorance and injustice. There are two obstacles and without religion we cannot  get rid of these two problems. The only factor that can humble human beings and being a voice of mercy is when we see ourselves answerable to God. There is a problem of misuse of religion with some of the big tragedies that have happened in the name of religion. Anything powerful to unite people can be misused. If religion is misused what about weapons and armies are they not being misused.  Why are we not calling for a world free of armies?

Despite all the difficulties we face we religious people can do a lot to serve humanity.  We have entered a new era, we have reached a point our future is guaranteed only if we work together in face of pressure of materialism. Our progress lies in working together we would have association partnership of different religions that work for unity and happiness of mankind.  

The morning session can be summarised that the term secular and secularists promote the ideology of Godlessness.

We have to work together for common good and spirituality should be lived out otherwise it becomes rusty. There is positive role that religion can play in social life.

There are two major issues that prevents reaching full human capacity, that is ignorance and  injustice.

In both Islam and Christianity we both feel responsible to share the gift of God. If a person wants to live a life of piety and become conscious of God responsibilty is a main priority. As a Muslim we should help people of no faith to become Christian. Through social action and unity there is a need to love our neighbour’s religion as our own.

We have to take initiative, by introducing people to each other.

Christian Aid formed after the wars, we have faith based charities like Islamic Relief and we need to do more of that.

Dr Damion Howard of Heythrop University described how “Faith and secular “ are two words with lots of baggage. The New Testament described how Jesus believes in God. What is faith? In the Gospel of Mark:

Jesus went walking on a lake and asked Peter to take courage and said,” It is I, do not be afraid Lord if it you tell me to come on water. ‘Peter came towards Jesus and cried out, ”Save me.”

Jesus said,”You of little faith why do you doubt?”

 Faith is not just the belief that God exists but that He saves. Even when I am strong there is not a moment when we do not need God to save us.


The signs of times are that we are going to need faith to deal with the challenges which include:

  • Pluralism- in London and Europe, its not easy to get to know each other. There is a lot of work to do!
  • Global justice- there is the situation  that people are demanding to part of prosperous Europe- God will save us.
  • Care of this common planet and how we are addicted to gadgets.

God will save us! We can address problems calmly because God will save us!

I am just going to have fun and leave the mess to someone else attitude.

When I catch myself moaning, a reality check is that in modern life there is a very ambiguous mixture as to how is it that  godless has anything good?

Secularism is not foremost of not believing in God, it is a  symptom and not a cause as it is very hard to believe in God . In the last 500 years there is something profoundly different about individualism, since before people were deeply connected to others .

What happens is that the barrier between me and everything else outside and is disconnected and is the heart of secularism .

500 years ago everybody accepted the law of Christianity, but now people have to come to religion on own terms since faith is a journey.

Finally Sister Dhanji practising Muslim woman with faith in the UK at a social level .

Lived amongst the first generation of Muslims displaying faith in public growth with pride and a resilience in Islam as faith was on the increase in cosmopolitan areas. Global religions futures project not only a decline in religious affiliation, growing spiritual areas but not as a religious movement.

Aside from mosques and churches to say ‘G’ word one can’t say God and faith is  not relevant.

People of faith can remedy to keep faith.Places of worship offer a sense of community. The appeal of  the community is dwindling.

People of faith cannot gravitate together. People don’t need places of worship we have to be active can’t continue and expect to attract youth. Aid organisations are good examples of faith. Godliness fuels our caring unconditional as state retreating faith based groups mobilise skills in welfare net. These are opportunities to get involved in public support, social action in delivering services, charities faith groups can expand the PR of faith .

Traditions appreciate anyone and everyone. It’s purpose is to increase knowledge and reduce detriment. The people of faith must stick together and build on a common ground. Peaceful co existence solidarity of people of faith compassionate justice.

Chris Hewer

What if secular non religious people are right?

Try to imagine if there was no God how would my life change?

People could say, ”If I wasn’t religious I would be having a great time”

Imam Ali  said, ‘If I obey God out of fear that is a religion of a slave, if a person obeys out of reward that is worship of a merchant and if someone prays out of love that is worship of a free person.”

There are lots of people who think religion is taught through fear.

To be happy is a natural condition of human being.

The Quran mentions how the  souls were questioned,’ Am I not your Lord ?”

That means, are you not a relationship with me?

There is in every single human being, a vacuum filled by divine guidance when it comes to him or her they feel at home.

How do we evaluate Islamic teaching? Then if truly teaching about Islam it should reverberate in the hearts.

St Augustine said you made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until we rest with you.

There is no religious gene this is natural condition of all human beings. Prophet Muhammed came in order to lead people to a happy life and paradise .

In Christianity there is an understanding of being filled and growing into divine nature. Transformation into fullness of humanity. In every being there is the divine to be awoken is there to be turned on.

There was something our great religious figures something so appealing about Jesus.

People aught to be looking and saying there is something fascinating.

St Fransis travels through Muslim lands and writes a set of instructions first thing keep mouth shut or ridicule what Muslims find holy live subject to their norms serve those most in need. Seek to live a life that your life evoked questions and make a real sense of religion as a biting force.


Prominent Kashmiri Shia scholar passed away in Mecca

Ahlul Bayt World Assembly -ABNA- Sayyed Qalbi Hussein Rizvi, one of the Kashmiri Shia scholars of Ahlul bayt World Assembly died two days ago in Mecca from a heart attack.

Hussein Rizvi had done various activities for spreading Shiite school of thought in India and translated lots of books in this field.

Ahlul Bayt News Agency expresses its condolence to the Shiites community of Kashmir, his relatives, pupils and especially his son, Sayyed Rohollah Risvi.

Kalbi Hussain’s Death Widely Mourned

The demise of Agha Syed Qalbi Hussain Rizvi in Makkah on Friday has been widely condoled in Kashmir and beyond.

Representative of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei in India in his condolence message has paid tributes to the departed soul saying Agha Rizvi had dedicated his life to the cause of Islam and for propagation of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and his progeny.

For last twenty years Agha Rizvi has tirelessly rendered services to the Kashmiri Hajj pilgrims in Makkah by guiding them and making useful literature available in their language”, said Hojatul Islam Agha Mehdi Mehdavipur in his message.

Syed Kalbi Hussain Rizvi who was in Makkah as part of Iranian Hajj Mission passed away in the holy city at around 4 AM on Friday following cardiac arrest, family sources said.

Kalbi Hussain has been part Hajj mission for last 26 years acting as interpreter and guide during the period of Hajj. He has penned several books and translated scores others in Urdu

Born in Shalhar village in Ganderbal district, Qalbi Hussain migrated to Iran soon after the triumph of Islamic Revolution. Deeply influenced by the leadership of Imam Khomeini, Kalbi Hussain settled in the holy city of Qom and remained associated with various organizations involved in the propagation of Islamic teachings.

Maulana Abbas Ansari, patron Ittehadul Muslimeen has also paid tributes to late Qalbi Hussain describing him a revolutionary scholar who did a commendable work in introducing Islamic Revolution in Kashmir.

Kalbi Hussain Rizvi efferts in Kargil

Kalbi Hussain Rizvi was the key person who awakened the people of Kargil who were close minded.

Kalbi Hussain Rizvi passed accurate information to the Kargili people and dramatically changed the way of thinking of Kargili Shia Communtieis.

As a result of his efforts people of Kargil, boys and girls, started their education at the center of Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust. After that close to 60 public schools with secular education was establish.

Kalbi Hussain Rizvi contributed his good time in Education Trust, he was believed that Islamic knowledge should be introduced in every secular schools. He suggested that we need Coaching Center were all metric pass student can go to study Islamic knowledge.


Shiite man shot martyred in Karachi / Pics

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Thirty-five-year-old Irfan Haider Zaidi was gunned down in an anti-Shia attack, by unidentified men outside his shop -Bismillah General Store – situated in Block L of North Nazimabad.

SSP district Central, Muqadas Haider, said the deceased was a resident of the same area. He was shot by a 9mm pistol which were claimed to have been sent to the Sindh police’s forensic division.

He was shifted to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital in a critical condition where he died during treatment.

According to the SSP, the family told the police that Zaidi had escaped a murder attempt on his life just last week and that he was apparently attacked by the same men. The previous incident was, however, not reported to the police.


Russian scholar: Imam Khomeini, a real Quranic figure

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A translator of the Holy Quran into Russian described the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a real Quranic figure.

Nazim Zeynalov stressed that Imam Khomeini (RA) lived a Quranic life and acted upon the teachings of the Holy Book until the end of his life, Iqna reported.

He said the late Imam proved to the world that one can live all his life based on the commandments of the Quran.

Imam Khomeini (RA) not only cited Quranic verses in his speeches, but manifested the Quranic teachings the personal, social and political aspects of his life, Zeynalov said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Russian scholar referred to the upcoming “Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Quran” Congress, and said such scholarly events can help to further introduce the great character of the late founder of the Islamic Republic to the world.

The international congress of “Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Quran” is scheduled to be held in Iran on October 30.

It will discuss themes such as the significance of the Quran in view of Imam Khomeini (RA), Quran interpretation in view of Imam Khomeini (RA), and manifestation of the Quran in Imam Khomeini’s (RA) social and political life.

Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance will organize the congress in cooperation with the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works.


Over 6,000 killed since Saudi aggression against Yemen

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Saudi Arabia has killed in excess of 6,000 Yemenis as Riyadh’s military aggression against the impoverished Arab country enters its seventh month, says Yemen’s Civil Coalition.

According to a report by the nongovernmental organization (NGO), which was published on Saturday, 6,091 Yemenis have lost their lives in the Saudi airstrikes and a total of 13,552 people have been injured.

There are 3,006 women and children among the dead. The report also says as many as 2,997 women and children have been wounded.

Targeting infrastructure, civilians

Yemen’s Civil Coalition stated that the Saudi airstrikes target civilians, the infrastructure and residential areas of Yemen in defiance of international norms and conventions.

The report also highlighted an escalation in the airstrikes against Yemen over the past two weeks, which has increased the number of casualties.

The attacks are mainly centered on residential areas in the provinces of Sana’a, Sa’ada, Hajjah, Ta’izz, Ibb, Jawf, Hudaydah, Dhamar, and Bayda, according to the report.

Educational, medical and historical locations across Yemen are also targeted in the airstrikes, the report stated, calling on the United Nations to investigate crimes committed by Riyadh against Yemen.

Saudi warplanes carried out new airstrikes on the district of Razeh in Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa’ada during the early hours of Sunday. There has been no report on the possible casualties.

Similar airstrikes left over 60 people dead across the country the previous day.

In the district of Munabbih in northern province of Sa’ada, at least 50 people were killed and over a dozen others injured in similar attacks on a local market late on Saturday. Saudi warplanes also targeted a residential area in the district of Majz in the province, killing 10 members of a family.

Three members of another family were also killed when their house was hit by an airstrike in Ma’rib Province.

In retaliation for the Saudi airstrikes, the Yemeni army, backed by popular committees, targeted a number of Saudi military bases in the border region, inflicting heavy losses on them.

Riyadh launched its military aggression against Yemen on March 26 – without a UN mandate – in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to the fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.


Israeli mock raids on Gaza

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Israeli warplanes launched mock raids on the Gaza Strip on Sunday morning, Quds Press reported.

The agency said that a big number of Israeli F-16s suddenly appeared in the skies of Gaza Strip and launched mock raids.

It said that the warplanes flew at low altitudes and broke the sound barrier causing panic among civilians who feared that fresh raids were in the making.

Quds Press noted that intensive overflights of reconnaissance planes were seen over the Gaza borders.

Israeli warplanes launched a series of raids on Gaza on Saturday targeting resistance training sites and a communication tower.


German organizations slam Israeli aggression on al-Aqsa

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Germany-based pro-Palestine groups have staged rallies and campaigns in support for the holy al-Aqsa Mosque, in Occupied Jerusalem, and the nonviolent Muslim worshipers.

A mass-rally bearing the title “No Way to Divide al-Aqsa” was organized Friday in Berlin by the Palestinian Assembly in Germany, along with a handful of feminist and youth organizations.

The rally-goers firmly denounced the Israeli attacks on al-Aqsa and voiced their heartfelt solidarity with Jerusalem’s Muslim congregation.

Another vigil kicked off Saturday afternoon in Germany’s western city of Recklinghausen, where protesters spoke out against Israel’s preplanned terrorism against Islamic and Christian holy sites in Occupied Jerusalem.
Other anti-Israel rallies and forums are expected to kick off on October 3 across Stuttgart in solidarity with al-Aqsa Mosque.

A statement by the Palestinian Assembly in Germany slammed the mounting Israeli aggression on al-Aqsa.

The group’s head Dr. Suhail Abu Shamala said such pro-Palestine campaigns come in response to the dangerous escalation in Occupied Jerusalem and attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque.

He called for pressuring the Israeli occupation to cease its violations and terrorism in Occupied Jerusalem.

He vowed that Germany-based activists will continue to step up pressure on the European stakeholders so as to pursue steps that would seriously deter the Israeli occupation.


Shiite Scholar: Prophet Muhammad’s religion is religion of justice and kindness

 Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Speaking in a meeting with visiting Egypt delegation to Iran comprising reporters and news men, General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought Ayatollah Mohsen Araki highlighted the profound role of media and journalists in present situation of world of Islam.
President of Iran top unity center beckoned to the standing setbacks world of Islam and Islamic nations wrestling with noting the current problems Muslims are mired in stem from measures perpetrated by those who claim they are Muslims.
“These people offer their wants in the guise of religion to people,” said the grand Ayatollah went on to add what they project as a religion run counter to Islamic principles and teachings which invite humankind to justice and mercy.
To Ayatollah Araki, Muslims should be even-tempered in facing different takes and thoughts refraining from any extremist moves and measures. They should be too well united against Takfiri groups and other extremists at the present situation.
To many a cleric, those who fell silent cannot disavow involvement in the violence, since their silence provide the groundwork for enemies to fulfill their malignant aims. Given that it is incumbent upon Muslims to act swiftly and cautiously.


Hundreds of Italians hold anti-Israel protest

Hundreds of Italian people have staged a protest rally against Israel’s presence at an exposition in the city of Milan.

Waving Palestinian flags, the demonstrators rallied towards the city center on Saturday and chanted anti-Israeli slogans such as “Netanyahu, terrorist empire” and “Against imperialism and its violence, resistance now and forever.”

The angry protesters called Israel’s participation in the Expo Milano 2015 “unacceptable.”

“We decided to organize this protest to criticize the expo and especially Israel’s presence at this event, which we believe is unacceptable,” said Francesco Giordano, a member of a local Palestinian advocacy group.

Demanding justice for Palestinians, the demonstrators also urged an end to Israel’s violence against the people there.

“We want free children. We’ve had enough of cemeteries, prisons. We want freedom and a normal life,” said Sara, a Palestinian woman living in Italy.

Over 750,000 Palestinians — now estimated to number nearly five million with their descendants — were driven out of their homes by Israeli forces on May 15, 1948.

Since then, the Israeli regime has denied Palestinian refugees the right to return despite United Nations’ resolutions and international law that uphold people’s right to return to their homelands.

The Israeli regime currently holds over 7,000 Palestinians captive, many of them without charge or trial.
