
Saudi Regime behind All Terrorist Crimes in Region

Bahrain’s main opposition block, the February 14 Coalition, underlined that the Riyadh regime is behind all the terrorist crimes in the region.

Issuing a statement in condemnation of a recent terrorist attack on a Shia religious centers in eastern Saudi Arabia, the group said those who spread the Takfiri ideology of Wahabism are to blame for these acts of terrorism.

On Friday, at least five people were killed and nine others injured after a Daesh Takfiri militant opened fire on a group of Shia Muslims attending a religious mourning ceremony in eastern Saudi Arabia.

The Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri terrorist group, which is believed to be supported by the US and some regional countries, including Saudi Arabia, claimed responsibility for the attack in an online statement.

The February 14 Coalition further slammed the Saudi regime and the ruling Al Khalifa regime for refusing to allow popular committees to provide security for Shia mourning ceremonies in the two countries. 

Shia Muslims, and others in different parts of the world, have been holding ceremonies starting from Thursday, to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions in the month of Muharram.

Imam Hussein (AS) and a small group of his followers and family members were martyred by the tyrant of his time – Yazid Bin Moaweya.

They were martyred in the battle of Karbala on Ashura- the tenth day of Muharram which is the first month on the lunar calendar.

Muharram mourning ceremonies reach their climax at noon on Ashura.


Sunni clerics to address Shia ‘majlis’ during Moharram in Lucknow, India

In a first ever such move, the Shia community has invited Sunni clerics to address their “majlis” (congregation) during Moharram in Lucknow.

Majlis is an integral part of Moharram mourning where the congregation is addressed from a scared podium by eminent Shia clerics known as “zakirs”. For a change, the “majlis” this year may witness a mix crowd with Shia community inviting Sunni clerics as “zakirs”.

The attempt has been made to end differences between the two sects as Moharram in Lucknow has a history of conflict between the Shias and the Sunnis.

The three major centres in Lucknow where “majlis” is held are Bada Imambara, Shahnajaf Imambara and Shia PG College.

The largest “majlis” is held at the historical Bara Imambara. This year eminent Sunni cleric and Mufti-e-Azam of Rajasthan, Maulana Prof Kamal Ahmed Shamsi Tehrani will address it as “zakir”. He will also address the “majlis” at the prominent Nawabi era Shahnajaf Imambara in Hazratganj.

“Maulana Tehrani will be addressing the congregation at Bara Imambara for first nine days of Moharram at 1 pm followed by another “majlis” at 7 pm at Shahnajaf Imambara,” Adil Faraz, press secretary to Maulana Kalbe Jawwad and organiser of the “majlis” said.

Shia-e-Ulema Hind, another organisation, which organises “majlis”, too, has invited several Sunni clerics for its event at Shia PG College, a seat held with reverence among Shia community. “We are doing this to send a message across the country that Muslims are united and there is no division on sectarian lines. The clashes will be now things of past,” Maulana Ali Hasan Qummi, general secretary of Shia-e-Ulema Hind told The Indian Express.

Qummi claims to have received confirmation from Maulana Syed Arif Shah Qadri Naqshbandi of Khanqah-e-Huzooriya, Hardoi. “We are being harassed by taking advantage of our division. Need of the hour is to unite and stop our exploitation. I will be attending the “majlis”,” Naqshbandi said.

Shaher Qazi of Lucknow Mufti Abul Irfan Miyan Farangi Mahli, too, has been invited. “I will take up the proposal after meeting Qummi tonight. Everybody wants unity in the community,” he said. Invitation has also been sent to Maulana Mohammad Jahangir (Sunni cleric) who is Imam of a mosque in Wazirganj area in Lucknow.


Iraqi Shiite Commander In Syria: Russia has the sky and we are on the ground

The head of recruitment for an Iraqi Shiite militia fighting in Syria in support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime said Russia’s intervention in the country’s war has “changed the situation for the better.”

In an exclusive interview with Vocativ this week, Fadel al-Fartousi of Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba (HHN) — or the “Hezbollah Movement of the Outstanding” — said Russians have “liberated areas speedily” from the Islamic State and from Al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra.

“The Russian Air Force is dealing great with the situation, in contrary to the coalition,” he said, referring to the U.S.-led coalition that is also battling ISIS militants.

Al-Fartousi corroborated reports that HHN has coordinated with Russia in Syria to strengthen al-Assad. “Russia has the sky and we are on the ground,” he told Vocativ.

Al-Fartousi said HHN is also fighting ISIS and al-Qaeda militants in Iraq, and that the group was in the Syrian city of Latakia, although he declined to specify when.

He also said that his militia is not directed by Iranian commanders, although he was clear that the group helps Iran. “The leadership is totally Iraqi and the soldiers are Iraqi,” he said. “We liberated areas in Iraq and it is the same enemy in Syria, one enemy.”

The enemy in his eyes is also the U.S.: “My message to America is that it was built on the destruction of other nations, and its hegemony will not last,” he added.


Economic situation in Bahrain reveals the significant failure of the government

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The economic situation in Bahrain reveals the significant failure of the Government in its diversification of income sources and the improvement of citizens’ living standard.

The Society Services Unit in Al Wefaq said in a statement it issued marking International Day for the Eradication of Poverty that the hidden numbers indicate that a large segment of Bahraini citizens live below national poverty line.

The middle-class is diminishing in Bahraini society while the lower-class is growing, this reality implies that major mistakes have been committed due to the monopolization of national wealth for a group of people on the expense of others. This was all veiled by the absence of accountability in the issues of corruption that have been documented in the consecutive reports of the National Audit Office.

Reform of the nation can only be reached through radical political reform that is able to achieve an advanced economic vision to escape the crisis. Redistribution and political participation are necessary means to put an end to the misuse of public funds by a small group of people.

Instead of implementing policies that lift the burden off from the citizens who are bearing an economic situation that can be fairly described unsatisfactory, the Government is laying the weight of its irresponsible mistakes on the citizens by lifting meat subsidies as public debt and deficit increase. This decision received wide resentment among citizens, however, the Government is talking about lifting subsidies on fuel. A decision that will lead to uncalculated consequences.


Iran army begins ‘Muharram’ maneuvers

Deputy Commander of the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces Brigadier General Kiyoumars Heidari announced the launch of the two-day military exercise, dubbed Moharram, on Monday.

Iranian Army’s ground and air forces as well as Air Defense units are taking part in the maneuver.

On the first day of the drill on Monday, rapid reaction units, which have been set up to confront threats from terrorist groups, are set to take part in the operations. Armored and infantry units of the ground forces will also join the exercises.

The forces were deployed in the preparation stage on Sunday.

Different types of fighters and military transport aircraft from four air bases will also support operations involving ground forces and air defense units.  

The Army’s Air Defense units will also conduct exercises, using different radar and missile systems to support the air and ground forces.

Commander of the Iranian Army’s Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan told reporters on Sunday that the military exercise has been planned and will be conducted in proportion to potential threats facing the Islamic Republic.

The Iranian commander emphasized that one of the objectives of military exercises of this sort is to maintain and increase the readiness of the Iranian Armed Forces.

In recent years, Iran has made major breakthroughs in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in the production of important military equipment and systems.

The country has also conducted major military drills to enhance the defense capabilities of its armed forces and to test modern military tactics and state-of-the-art equipment.

The Islamic Republic maintains that its military might poses no threat to other countries, stating that its defense doctrine is merely based on deterrence.


Bahrain authorities, a source of terror & violator of Shiite religious rights

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Bahrain Forum for Human Rights stated that the Bahraini authorities’ campaign against Ashura Banners and Slogans reflects “the deep-rooted hatred and discrimination in the government’s structure,” pointing out that “turning the state whose duty is to protect freedoms into a terrorizer of citizens and violator of their religious rights raises dozens of questions about the sides responsible for the incidents that took place in Damestan and Al-Hamla and whether the authorities were involved.”

In a statement issued on Saturday (October 17, 2015), BFHR added that “these violations committed by the security forces such as taking down Ashura banners, sculptures and black flags and threatening to take measures against religious discourse, although the government media and figures close to the authorities are still delivering hate speeches, not to mention all kinds of sectarian suppression against the indigenous Shiite Bahrainis all confirm the validity of PEW warnings that the authorities are striving to put an end to the presence of an entire religious sect in the country according to a report issued in 2014.”

“Why are the authorities insisting on not allowing the UN special rapporteur on religious freedoms to visit Bahrain,” the forum wondered, asking why “38 mosques and religious centers were destroyed, a group of religious scholars were stripped of their nationalities and the levels of racial and religious discrimination have increased in the past few years.”

“All this clearly shows that the level of the authorities’ aggressiveness against the religious freedoms of a main indigenous national group of Bahrainis which is the Shia,” BFHR further stated, stressing that “when the authorities start to respect the basic rights of citizens, it will be the beginning of the solution to the crisis in Bahrain.”


Ashoura’ in the Words of Imam Khomeini

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Commemorate the battle of Karbala and the blessed name of the Master of Martyrs, because through [this] commemoration Islam is revived.

The blood of the Master of Martyrs is what has caused the blood of all Islamic nations to stir.

The blood which was shed in the battle of Karbala destroyed the castle of the oppressors, and our Karbala undermined the castle of the Satanic authority.

They killed the Master of Martyrs, but [nonetheless] Islam advanced [even] more!

The issue of Karbala- which is one of the most important political issues- should always remain alive.

Muharram is the month when justice faced oppression, and Truth [confronted] Falsehood. Throughout history, it has been proved that Truth always triumphs over Falsehood.

Muharram is the month when the Master of the strugglers and the oppressed revived Islam and saved it from the conspiracy of the corrupt individuals of the Umayyad authority who had moved Islam to the edge of the abyss.

If we want our homeland to be free and independent, we should safeguard the secret to the endurance of Islam and the Shiite sect. This means that we should maintain the commemoration of Ashoura’. These assemblies for mourning were first established by the order of the Imams (peace be upon them) and continued throughout history.

We have sacrificed our young men just like Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) did, so we must preserve this path of struggle. You think that crying for Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) is only a [matter of shedding tears]. No! It is a political, psychological, and social issue.

Assemblies for mourning should be established across the entire country and we should all console the Greatest Messenger (peace be upon him and his Household) and cry because of the oppression which was inflicted upon his Household (peace be upon them) and especially Hussein, the Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him).

The Islamic Revolution in Iran is a beam of light from Ashoura and the great divine revolution which occurred in it.

For the Shiite sect, the month of Muharram was the month when victory was connected with sacrifice and blood.

The Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him) sacrificed himself for Islam.

It is true that they killed the Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him), but his [death] was an act of obedience to Allah and in His way. To him, being killed was the peak of glory and honor.

The sacrifice of the Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him) is what has preserved Islam for us.

The Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him) was overcome in Karbala through the military aspect, but he was not defeated nor did he fail. He revived the entire world.
You notice that the best of Allah’s creation in his time, the Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him), the Hashemite youths, and [the Imam’s] companions were all martyred and departed from this life, but when they were mentioned in Yazid’s assembly, Sayyida Zainab (peace be upon her) swore that: “I have seen nothing but beauty”!

If Ashoura’ had not occurred, we would not know what would have become of the Holy Quran and the cherished Islam.


British Woman Arrested over Abuse of Muslim Group on London Bus

A British woman was detained by police and framed charges of a racially aggravated public order offence after she racially abused a Muslim group on a London bus.

The dilemma started when a footage showing a woman’s anti-Muslim tirade on a London bus was uploaded to Facebook.

The video was filmed on a bus in north-west London and uploaded on Facebook by a person, who wrote, “Yesterday I was out with my mum and this happens.”

Another commentator added: “Muslims are being abused, harassed and threatened on the bus. #Islamophobia.”

It starts with a woman in the middle of a rant. She’s shouting and swearing at a pregnant Muslim woman, and threatening to kick her in the stomach.

The abusive woman goes on to lob several insults, calling the other woman an ISIS supporter, a suicide bomber and saying: “go back to your country.”

At one point the bus driver stops the bus and tries to calm the woman down – to no avail. When the bus starts up again the confrontation escalates.

The video was viewed more than 750,000 times before it was taken down or blocked on Friday morning (it’s unclear who took it down and why).

The incident sparked criticism on social networks.

“This behavior is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated on our network,” Mike Weston, Transport for London (TfL)’s Director of Buses told Daily Mirror on Saturday.

“Passengers who use our services should be allowed to do so without fear of abuse and we are working closely with Metroline and the police to fully investigate this incident.


Takfiri Groups Follow in Footsteps of Yazid: Iraqi Cleric

Speaking to IQNA, Sheikh Foad Kazim al-Miqdadi said Takfiri terrorist groups who shed the blood of innocent people are taking the same path that Yazid took.

He said Islam condones none of the atrocities committed by Takfiris, including the massacre of people and desecration of Islam’s sanctities.

Sheikh al-Miqdadi underlined that these terrorist groups’ mentality and views originate from Wahhabi ignorance.

He said their ideology and thought is the opposite of the movement of Imam Hussein (AS) that introduces the true Islam.

According to the senior cleric, the movement of Imam Hussein (AS) is a model for distinguishing the truth from falsehood.

Moderation is the axis and basis of Islam, he stressed, saying that the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS) was also a model of moderation.

He said the movement proves that people’s blood should only be shed on the path of God and in defense of humanity and human dignity.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Sheikh al-Miqdadi said the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) in the battle of Karbala was a profound lesson for all generations to stand up against injustice and oppression.

He went on to urge scholars and preachers to promote the teachings and features of the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS).

Shia Muslims, and others in different parts of the world, have been holding ceremonies starting from Thursday, to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions in the month of Muharram.

Muharram mourning ceremonies reach their climax at noon on Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram which is the first month on the lunar calendar.


Syrian Troops Kill ISIS Terrorists in Daraa

The army killed a number of terrorists in al-Bajabja neighborhood, South of the old customs building, around the technical institute and East of the shoes factory in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood in Daraa city on Sunday.

Also on Sunday, the army conducted a military operation against a group of al-Nusra Front terrorists to the East of the bridge of al-Ghariyeh al-Gharbiyeh village, Northeast of Daraa city, killing and injuring all the terrorists and destroying their arms and ammunition.
