
All Iranians Injured in Mina Incident Back Home: IRCS

The head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society’s (IRCS’s) hospital in the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, announced that all Iranian nationals injured in a recent deadly crush in Mina, near Mecca, have been transferred to the country.

“…Fortunately, there are currently no wounded Iranian nationals in Saudi hospitals or in the IRCS’s hospital in the holy city of Mecca,” Pir Hossein Kolivand said on Thursday.

He further described the process of transfering the injured Iranians to the country as “difficult and exhausting”, saying that seven of them were not in good conditions and had to remain connected to ventilators to be relocated to Iran.

Kolivand went to say, however, that the injured were transferred successfully with the cooperation of Mahan Airlines, the IRCS, Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization and the country’s health ministry.

According to Iranian officials, about 4,700 pilgrims, including 464 Iranians, were killed in the crush in Mina on September 24 when performing religious rites. Many pilgrims are still unaccounted for in the incident that marked the worst Hajj disaster in 25 years.

It came nearly two weeks after tens of Hajj pilgrims were killed in another tragic incident in Mecca.

On September 11, a massive construction crane crashed into Mecca’s Grand Mosque in stormy weather, killing at least 107 people, including 11 Iranians, and injuring 201 others.

Saudi authorities have come under fire for their inability to ensure the safety of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who converge on Mecca every year.


Clash of Mideast Titans: Certain geopolitical shift in uncertain times

Those growing pains will ultimately see manifest a new order – which one remains to be determined.

If the Middle East has long been a festering ground for political unrest, ethnic friction and sectarian tension, arguably the direct product of failed Western policies, both Russia and Iran’s insistence on challenging the powers has set in motion a new dynamic, one which could yet see a rise of a new geo-political order – where American exceptionalism and Saudi hegemony will no longer hold any diktats over world nations.

Just as political analysts and state officials debate foreign policy and strategy in Syria, arguing back and forth which nations should carry the burden of leadership in this global fight against terror, Russia has broken the code of silence, openly challenging America’s political monopoly.

Make no mistake: Washington’s new campaign against Moscow’s intervention in Syria goes beyond President Putin’s alliance with Syrian President Bashar Assad against ISIL, or even the choices of his military targets in the region. Control and political hegemony are at the heart of the matter.

But forget Syria and forget Russia’s military intervention against terror for a second, and let me take you beyond the immediate hustle bustle of politics for a greater perspective. A word of warning though – I’m not claiming to hold any absolute truth on world affairs here, I’m merely proposing that we look at different possibilities, from alternative vantage points. By the way, much of the world problems began when we, the people, were told that only one model is worth having … the infamous American dream!

For the first time since the United States rose as the world superpower, an erect giant over the ashes of the British Empire, America has known no real challenge to its political weight – safe maybe from the USSR, back in those Cold War days. But even then, Soviet Russia’s traction was limited to the reach of its political ideology, while American capitalism was already vying for global control over all resources.

Russia today is very different from the Russia of the 1980s … Russia today has become a leader of nations, a rallying symbol for non-aligned nations, and more importantly proof that America’s way is not the only way. This is not Russian propaganda, by the way! The above statement is merely a reflection of the political reality we find ourselves in. Russia has become the only real alternative to American hegemony in terms of its political weight within the international community – and not just in the Middle East – everywhere. And while many might not agree with President Putin’s political style, many have nevertheless conceded that Russia’s foreign policy and goals are by and large less pervasive than that led by the United States. Russia is not looking to become an empire as US officials have proposed – rather a grand world player within a tight network of mutually benefiting relations and collaborations.

Neo-cons have at it, I’m pretty sure that by now you want to explode on the page and let me know how diluted I am not to believe that America was chosen by God to be a leader of men and nations.

Back to the Middle East shall we! Here are some of the developments you might have missed as corporate media rained misinformation onto both hemispheres:

Over the past few weeks Saudi Arabia, the uber Wahhabi theocratic kingdom saw its clergy issue a series of fatwas (Islamic ruling) labeling all Russian troops in Syria infidels; thus calling for their immediate and “just” death. As far as Al Saud leadership is concerned all those opposed to its “divine rule” are enemies of God himself … America watch out, you never know what fatwas those Wahhabis will cook up next.

Why is that significant you may ask? Well for one, Saudi Arabia went from covertly supporting terror in the Middle East to overtly calling for the protection of its precious terror militants in the region. Now that Russia threatens its operations in Syria, Riyadh had to get the big guns out and play the religious card.

Now, THAT puts Washington in a tough spot. For all their billions of dollars and barrels of crude, Al Saud is fast becoming a liability the US would gladly do without – especially since playing terror to score political points did not exactly pan out. What could the White House do, I ask? President Barack Obama can’t exactly publicly slam his most trusted and richest ally in the region, can he? At least, not without some serious financial and political repercussions.

If only there was a country which could and would want to take on Saudi Arabia?

Hold on! There is … Iran, of course.

What if Washington was to covertly back Iran as Tehran goes after Riyadh in a grand regional match of hegemony? That would be a proxy sent from heaven – especially since Iran’s policies are by definition anti-Saudi, or rather anti-Wahhabi. Iran does not have a problem per se with Saudi Arabia, it is its leadership and religious radical devolution Tehran abhors most of all.

The idea of an Iranian-American rapprochement might have sounded farfetched only a year ago but not today.

Today, Washington finds itself at a difficult crossroad.

America can either stand by its alliances in the Middle East and watch as Al Saud’s billions swallow up Western influences or align itself with those powers which seek to introduce a new balance into the region.

Time is running out on Washington now that Moscow entered the military fray.

The gist is up neo-cons! Empires are going down and a new global narrative is being introduced, courtesy of President Putin – no more rigid model to abide to, welcome to pluralism.


Ayatollah Nouri Hamadani calls for protection of red lines in JCPOA

Referring to the JCPOA, Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani called for the protection of the red lines of the Islamic Revolution and Iranian national interests and to pay attention to the commands of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei.

Speaking during his advanced jurisprudence class at Qom’s Grand Mosque, Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani referred to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), saying that this agreement, which was signed between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries on July 14, has several points which must be considered. “First,” he said, “We should maintain our unity and harmony and any differences should be avoided.”

He said that any criticism of the JCPOA and the negotiating team should be in an atmosphere of friendship and must be just. “Another important point to note is that we should attack the enemy, not our own side,” the Iranian scholar stated.

The renowned source of emulation said that Iran’s negotiating team are religious and hard-working individuals and they should intend to serve but the enemy is wily and cunning and we have to be careful of them and every word, statement and action they make should be considered through law.

His Eminence stated that the JCPOA is currently being reviewed and addressing politicians, he stated that this agreement will remain so it should be reviewed in such a way it does not cause problems for Iran in the future.

Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani called for the protection of the red lines of the Islamic Revolution and Iranian national interests and to pay attention to the commands of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei. “We emphasize that the negotiators must not be attacked. The problems facing the country can be resolved without resorting to accusations,” he said.

In regard to the upcoming solemn month of Muharram, the renowned source of emulation stressed that lecturers and eulogizers must avoid saying anything that insults the religion and their first priority is to respond to doubt. “We have the ability to respond to all doubts and questions in a comprehensive manner,” he said.

In other remarks, Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani said that the Saudi government rules like a government from the era of ignorance and is a servant of the United States and the Zionist regime and the crimes of House of Saud in Yemen is a sign of these claims.

His Eminence offered his condolences to the families of the victims of the tragic stampede in Mina and appreciated the widespread and passionate presence of the people in the funeral ceremonies and commemoration ceremonies for the victims of this accident.

He also condemned the attack on Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque by the Zionist regime and its settlers and called for unity among Islamic countries.


Anti-Islamic group calls to demolish mosques in Australia

An anti-Islamic Australian group operating under the name of the Freedom Party has called for upholding a demonstration on Friday under the slogan “It’s time to tear down Islamic mosques” in the Australian city of Sydney.

The group specified that the demonstration occur outside Parramatta Mosque because of the recent incident when an Australian teenager called Farhad Jabir, who frequently prayed there, shot dead a police employee on Friday.

Police Deputy Commissioner of State of Sydney Nick Kaldas condemned the exploitive attempts of using the Parramatta attacks to launch malicious campaigns against Muslims.

In the same context, the Premier of New South Wales Mike Baird said that the shooting that occurred in Parramatta is an isolated incident and that it has been denounced by the Muslim community as well as the rest of society in the country.

It is noteworthy that the Australian police killed Farhad Jabir after the shooting incident, Australian authorities claim that the attack targeted terroristic groups.


Filipino Muslim community leaders condoles Iran over Mina tragedy

A number of Filipino Muslim community leaders expressed sympathy with Iranian government and people on the death of Iranian pilgrims in Mina.

In a meeting with Iranian Ambassador to Manila Ali-Asqar Mohammadi, they called for proper management of Hajj rituals so that such a tragedy never happens again.

The Mina disaster occurred on September 24 when according to reports two large groups of pilgrims arrived together at a crossroads in Mina, a few kilometers east of Mecca, on their way to performing the ‘stoning of the devil’ ritual at Jamarat.

As a result of the stampede, more than 4,000 people were killed and another 4,000 injured. 464 Iranian pilgrims have been confirmed dead of whom 71 are missing.

The event served to raise the name of Hajj victims in the world and initiated a wave to condemnation of the incompetence and mismanagement of the Saudi officials in managing Muslims’ largest annual ritual.


Seven killed in Sanaa mosque attack + Pics

Seven people were killed and scores were injured late Tuesday in a suicide attack at a mosque in Yemen’s capital Sanaa, a security source said.

The source said the bomber detonated his explosive vest inside al-Nour Mosque in the northern Nahda district.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement shared on Twitter by the militant group’s supporters.

Earlier Tuesday, Daesh claimed responsibility for a major attack that targeted the Aden headquarters of the Yemeni government and killed 15 troops from the Saudi-led international coalition.


Photos: Saudi airstrikes hit a cemetery in Sana’a, Yemen

Negotiation with US means infiltration into the country’s economic, cultural, political and security domains

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting on Wednesday with commanders and staff of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy and a group of their families as well as families of IRGC Navy martyrs, highlighted the role of IRGC’s young revolutionary officers as well as the brave youths of southern Iranian provinces in guaranteeing the country’s maritime security and intimidating the enemy, saying: “The enemies are trying to change [our] officials’ calculations and influence the thoughts of people, particularly youths, and everyone should be vigilant and conscious [to prevent this].”

During the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the significance of the issue of maritime security, saying: “Preparedness must be such that, in compliance with Quranic instructions, strike fear in [the heart] of the enemy and strip it of audacity to [take any act of] aggression [against Iran] because if embankments were penetrable, the enemy would penetrate.”

“Now, thanks to the formation of a revolutionary front in the south of the country, comprising the IRGC Navy and brave youths of the south, the Quranic instruction for striking fear in the [heart of the] enemy has been realized,” said the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.

Noting that Iran will never initiate any war, Ayatollah Khamenei, the commander in chief of Iranian Armed Forces, said: “But the nature of the enemy has always been [intertwined with] the spirit of aggression and infiltration. Therefore, scientific and equipment capabilities should increase day by day through [continuous] innovations.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution assessed synergy between the IRGC naval forces and Iran’s regular Navy as very necessary, and while reiterating the necessity of keeping alive the memory of such faithful and revolutionary youths as Martyr Nader Mahdavi and his associates, who courageously stood against Americans’ warship and taught them an unforgettable lesson, said: “In the light of these braveries and steadfastness, the enemies of the Islamic Establishment realized that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not an establishment that they could deal with in whatever way they would like.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also offered his gratitude to the families, particularly wives, of IRGC Navy commanders and staff members for their presence in southern regions of the country.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution went on to highlight the dangerous plans devised by arrogant powers for the region and after noting that these powers would not shy away from resorting to very dangerous equipment and inhumane methods for killing innocent people, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Their claims about advocating human rights and citizenship rights are unreal and absolutely senseless and absurd.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the recent US bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan, and the massacre of people in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine and Bahrain as examples of the disasters caused by arrogant powers and their cruelty and ruthlessness, adding: “Today, the biggest danger for the world is the hypocrisy and pretense and the dishonesty of the self-styled advocates of human rights.”   

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the role and standing of the Islamic Republic of Iran under the existing conditions, saying: “Under such circumstances, with God’s Grace, the Islamic Republic has, in addition to blocking the enemy infiltration, blocked the materialization of the enemy’s plots and plans in the region in many instances.”

Stressing the point that the enemy’s failures inside Iran and in the region are owed to the vigilance and preparedness and the determination of revolutionary youths and the power of the Islamic Republic in the region, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: “Therefore, the bulk of the arrogant powers’ efforts and planning is [concentrated] on enmity toward the Establishment of the Islamic Iran, and America’s claims [about its willingness] for negotiation with Iran lies within this framework and is aimed at [paving the way for] infiltration.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution took to task some negligent and simple-minded people inside Iran, who are not aware of various aspects and the depth of this issue, saying: “Alongside these simple-minded people stand carefree people and others who don’t care for and pay no attention to the country’s expediency and national interests.”

Ayatollah Khamenei then referred to some issues raised by simple-minded and negligent people about negotiations with the United States, saying: “These people say how come that Hazrat [Imam] Ali (AS) and Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS) negotiated with their own enemies, but now, negotiations with America face opposition?”  

In response to this doubtful point raised by such people, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: “Such an analysis about the issues of the history of Islam and the country’s issues indicates the ultimate degree of simple-mindedness because Hazrat Ali (AS) with Zubair, and Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS) with Umar bin Saad, did not negotiate in today’s sense [of the word] which means making a deal, but both of these venerable figures admonished their opposite party and advised them to fear God.”

“Unfortunately, a certain group, in a bid to justify negotiations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Great Satan, are raising these issues in newspapers, speeches and in virtual space through a commonplace view, which is totally wrong,” said Ayatollah Khamenei.

Stressing that Iran is not opposed to negotiations in principle with countries, including European and non-European, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “But the issue is different when it comes to America because they (Americans) have come up with a definition of negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, [which] means infiltration and paving the way for imposition [of their demands on Iran].”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution then pointed to cooperation and coordination between the United States and the inhumane Zionist current, saying: “Negotiations with America would mean paving the way for infiltration [of the United States] into the country’s economic, cultural, political and security domains.”

Referring to the recent nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “In these negotiations, the opposite side sought to seize any opportunity for infiltration and take a step against the country’s national interests. Of course, Iranian negotiators were fully aware, but Americans finally got the chance in some instances.”

“Negotiation with America is banned because such negotiation will not only have no advantage [for Iran], but will also entail numerous disadvantages,” said Ayatollah Khamenei.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: “The present circumstances are an important juncture in terms of the activities and efforts made by the enemies of the Islamic Republic, of which our intelligence organs are fully aware, because they are seeking to sway the officials’ calculations and change people’s thoughts with regard to revolutionary and religious issues and the country’s national interests.”

Reiterating that the main target in the issue of changing people’s thoughts is youths, Ayatollah Khamenei recommended young people to be vigilant more than ever, saying: “Of course, thanks to God’s Grace, our youths at universities and also in the [ranks of] the Armed Forces are vigilant and ready to work and I am not worried at all in this regard.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also touched on the anniversary of the Event of Mubahala (invoking the curse of Allah upon the liar) and the resistance by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Pure Household against infidels, telling Iranian revolutionary youths: “As in Islam’s heyday and in the issue of Mubahala, when faith had stood fully against infidelity, today in the Islamic Republic, faith is standing fully against infidelity, and as the spiritual charisma of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Household drove the enemy out of the arena, today, the Iranian nation will drive out the enemy by relying on its spiritual strength.”

Concluding his speech, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: “If we maintain full readiness for assisting God’s religion, the divine promise about helping those who assist God’s religion will come true, and the ill-wishers of the Islamic Establishment will fail in their security, military, economic and cultural plans and schemes.”

Prior to Ayatollah Khamenei’s speech, the IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi pointed to the IRGC’s braveries during the Sacred Defense [eight-year Iran-Iraq war], saying: “Your soldiers are waiting for order to teach a historic lesson to the Great Satan and its mischievous, guest-killing and child-murdering stooges in the region.”

Noting that the IRGC Navy is in the highest state of preparedness, Fadavi said: “Demonstrating only part of the combat capability and preparedness of the IRGC Navy has caused the enemies to speak about the necessity of changing their maritime strategy, while all they know about us could not be compared with what they don’t know about us.”
