
118 US troops committed suicide in Q2 of 2015: Pentagon

In its latest Quarterly Suicide Report (QSR) released on Wednesday, the Pentagon said that a total of 118 service members killed themselves from April 1 to June 30 of this year.

“There were 71 suicides among service members in the active component, 20 suicides among service members in the reserve component and 27 suicides among service members in the National Guard,” the report said.

The report noted that within the active components of the US military, Army members committed the most number of suicides with 28 cases, and were followed by the Air Force and Navy with 17 and 14 suicides respectively. Not far behind was the Marine Corps that stood at the bottom of the list with 12 suicides.

With a total of 16 cases, the Army also had the highest rate of suicide within the reserve components.

The numbers mark a significant increase compared to the first quarter, when a total of 57 US troops killed themselves.

During the second quarter of last year, a total of 104 suicides were recorded among US troops, according to the Pentagon.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) believes that as much as 22 former soldiers, sailors, airmen or Marines kill themselves every day.

However, the real figure is estimated to be much higher since the number is based on data collected from only 21 of the total 50 US states.

The remaining 29 states, including California and Texas, the two states with the largest veteran populations, are unaccounted for in the VA reports.


Saudi King Wished Tranquility Accompany the Mina Tragedy Victims

After people watched the news of Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz sending a thank you letter to the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef “and all other officials, our sons of Security Men, their brothers and sisters in the governmental and civil apparatuses who participated in serving pilgrims of the Holy Mecca, for their honorable efforts and high discipline in serving the pilgrims the conditions that allow them perform their Hajj duty at ease and tranquility,” perhaps many of them remembered what was said by the Director of the Washington Institute’s Gulf and Energy Policy Program “Simon Henderson.”

Henderson said last year that the current Saudi King suffers from difficulty in mental concentration (Alzheimer.) So did the King consequently forget the stampede accident in that took place less than a week ago, which killed (according to Saudi records) around 769 Hajjs, injured 934 others, as well as 600 pilgrims who are still lost till the moment, and still he considers that the Hajj performance of this year was accompanied with “tranquility”?!

Besides everything, the thanks letter mentioned above shows the kingdom’s denial of its responsibility towards the victims, the wounded and the lost pilgrims of the Mina accident, their families and the countries they belong to, on the base of “as if it didn’t happen,” in addition to its responsibility towards all pilgrims who entered its land, to provide the highest levels of organization and good management of the pilgrimage performance.

Until the moment, the kingdom didn’t issue any official apologize, clarification or explanation for what happened. The kingdom also doesn’t show enough cooperation with the concerned countries as it caused the delay in the Iranian delegation’s arrival at its land because of denying them the urgent visas. In addition, they delayed sending the bodies of the victims to their countries to start the funeral processes.

Despite the tragedy, Saudi media played its role in spreading rumors; perhaps the most distinguished of them was saying that the Former Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghadhanfar Roknabadi has entered the Saudi lands under another name. Later on, Abadi’s visa was shown publicly, and so was the video showing him performing the rituals of denouncing the polytheists before the accident, which proved this media tells lies and raised the question of the authorities’ interests in spreading such kind of rumors.

Since this year’s Hajj season has witnessed “high discipline,” then why did the Saudi King issue few days ago some five royal orders to exempt the Minister of Pilgrimage, Director of General Security and three other high level officials from their jobs?

The dissociation on the level of royal orders, in addition to inconsistency on the level of the official toll of the victims is clear. It was suddenly announced on the website of “the Saudi Ministry of Health – General Directorate of Health Media and Relations”, and reported by the deputy Health Minister Hamad bin Mohammad Dwaile’ that the Mina accident’s victims hit 4173 pilgrims. The news was removed soon after, which reflects the clear confusing on the level of the kingdom’s dealing with the tragedy, either before it happened when they closed some ways in front of the pilgrims, which caused crowdedness that led to the stampede accident as it was reported by eyewitnesses, or after it happened when they couldn’t control the situation, and so many reasons that we have already mentioned. However, it is still the most provocative behavior to despise the souls of those who passed away, and that the head of the kingdom considered “ease and tranquility” had accompanied the pilgrims of the Holy Mecca this year.


Bahrain recalls envoy to Tehran, orders Iran’s to leave

The Bahraini Foreign Ministry, in a statement issued on Thursday, said it asked the kingdom’s ambassador, Rashid Saad al-Dosari, to return, and declared the Iranian diplomat, Mohammad Reza Babaei, persona non grata and ordered him to depart in the light of what Manama alleged to be Tehran’s interference in the internal affairs of Bahrain.

The statement further accused Tehran of forming and arming groups opposed to Bahrain’s ruling Al Khalifa regime.

The decision was taken a day after Bahraini officials claimed they had arrested a number of people that allegedly had terror links with Iran and Iraq.

A Bahraini Interior Ministry statement said the Al Khalifa regime forces had also uncovered a large stash of weapons at a house in the village of Nuwaidrat, situated about 10 kilometers (six miles) south of the capital, Manama.

The cache purportedly included a ton and a half of powerful explosive materials, automatic rifles, pistols and hand grenades.

On September 13, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham dismissed as “baseless” allegations leveled by Bahraini Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Al Khalifa against the Islamic Republic, urging Bahraini authorities to stop playing blame game and instead consider the settlement of the ongoing tensions there through “real political dialog.”

She added that the unfounded accusations against Iran are aimed at covering up the Arab country’s internal problems.

Since early 2011, thousands of anti-regime protesters have held numerous demonstrations on the streets of Bahrain, calling for the Al Khalifa family to relinquish power.

Scores of Bahrainis have been killed and hundreds more injured and arrested in the ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.


Iran sends protest letter to Saudi Arabia

The protest letter was presented to the Saudi Arabia charge d’affaires in Tehran on Wednesday when he was summoned by Foreign Ministry for the last time in protest to the Saudi government’s mismanagement of the Jajj rituals and lack of its cooperation for transporting the bodies of the Iranian victims of the Mina tragedy.

The letter also protested against Saudi government’s delay in issuing visa for a special delegation that is to travel to Saudi Arabia to examine the situation of the Iranian pilgrims.

The Saudi rulers’ measure towards the issue of Hajj is against the international and diplomatic disciplines, Jannati said in his letter.

He further stressed that Iran would seriously following up the Mina tragedy through the international bodies till it would end in a proper way.

This year, 64,000 Iranians travelled to Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj rituals.

Unfortunately, 465 Iranians lost their lives in Mina due to the inefficiency and mismanagement of the Saudi ruler’s in handling the largest gathering of Muslims.

The Hajj tragedy happened when two large groups of pilgrims arrived together at a crossroads in Mina, a few kilometers east of Mecca, on their way to performing the ‘stoning of the devil’ ritual at Jamarat.

According to official reports, more 241 Iranian pilgrims are still missing.

The Hajj disaster has triggered public anger in the Islamic world that condemned the incompetence and mismanagement of the Saudi officials in administrating Muslims largest annual rituals.


Israel closes al-Aqsa mosque denying Muslim worshipers to enter

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Thursday morning closed all the gates and entrances to the holy al-Aqsa Mosque, denying Muslim worshipers below the age of 50 the right to enter the holy site.

The Israeli occupation officers closed the al-Aqsa Mosque before the Muslim worshipers while providing a security shield to dozens of Israeli fanatics stationed at al-Aqsa Gates.

According to the head of manuscripts and heritage department at al-Aqa, Redwan Amr, the Israeli occupation soldiers have, since the early morning hours, cordoned off the al-Aqsa and its surroundings, banning Muslims below the age of 50 from entering the Mosque.

“Dozens of Israeli fanatics flocked to the entrances of the holy al-Aqsa Mosque and its vicinities in an attempt to pave the way for mass desecration break-ins,” the activist said.

He added that the Israeli occupation troops summoned reinforcement and intensified deployment at the Maghareba Gate in an attempt to secure the break-ins and crack down on the unarmed Muslim worshipers.

Amr said the fact that most of the entrance gates to al-Aqsa have been closed since the early morning hours is a manifestation of Israeli intents to divide the Mosque between the Muslim congregations and the Israeli fanatics, both spatially and temporally.

Over recent days, the occupation police and soldiers have come down heavily on the peaceful Muslim sit-inners and congregation at al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam—in an attempt to hold sway over the Mosque and Judaize its typically Islamic identity.


Bahrain al-Khalifa regime issues cabinet reshuffle decree, Only two ministers eliminate

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued Royal Decree 65/2015 reshuffling the cabinet and merging some ministries and departments. This came after announcing the formation of a smaller cabinet.

The cabinet reshuffle excluded the Minister for Shura Council and House of Representatives, Ghanim bin Fadhel Al-Buainain, whose ministry was merged with the Ministry of Information, and Minister of Health, Sadiq Abdulkarim Al-Shehabi, who was replaced by Faeqa bint Saeed Al-Saleh.

The composition of the new cabinet is as follows:

1- Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa as Prime Minister.
2- Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander, as First Deputy Prime Minister.
3- Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa as Deputy Prime Minister.
4- Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa as Deputy Prime Minister.
5- Jawad bin Salim Al Arrayedh as Deputy Prime Minister.
6- Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa as Deputy Prime Minister.
7- Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al Muttawa as Cabinet Affairs Minister.
8- Lt-General Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa as Interior Minister.
9- Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa as Foreign Minister.
10- Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa as Finance Minister.
11- Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi as Education Minister.
12- Abdulhussain bin Ali Mirza as Energy Minister.
13- Shaikh Khalid bin Ali bin Abdullah Al Khalifa as Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister.
14- Essam bin Abdullah Khalaf as Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Minister.
15- Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan as Labour and Social Development Minister.
16- Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed as Transportation and Telecommunications Minister.
17- Bassim bin Yaqoub Al Hammer as Housing Minister.
18- Yousef bin Ahmed bin Hussain Al-Jalahma as Defense Affairs Minister.
19- Faeqa bint Saeed Al-Saleh as Health Minister.
20- Zayed bin Rashid Al-Zayani as Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister.
21- Isa bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammadi as Information Affairs, Shura Council and Council of Representatives Affairs Minister.
22- Hisham bin Mohammed Al-Jowder as Youth and Sports Affairs Minister.


Iran Supreme Leader warns not only Saudi regime but their allies too

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Head of the Strategic Research Center of the Expediency Council Ali-Akbar Velayati underlined that the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei’s warning on Mina incident was not only targeting the Riyadh government, but its allies too.

‘The warning by Supreme Leader about the Mina incident was not only pointing to Saudi Arabia, but this warning included the supporters of Al Saud regime,’ Velayati said in an interview with the state-run TV on Wednesday.

‘What the Supreme Leader said has several aspects; first that the Leader warned the Saudi government to fulfill its duties; showing that Saudi Arabia has not fulfilled its international and regional obligations to this end,’ he added.

He noted that another point is that the Saudi officials after the painful Mina incident made contradictory statements on providing the true figures which resulted in Muslim countries’ mistrust.

Velayati warned against the potential plots by the same western countries that wreaked havoc in the region and specially in Iraq, Syria and Yemen to extend the chaos to holy land of inspiration.


Israel assassinated Palestinian resistance fighter along with his little girl, and pregnant wife

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A Palestinian collaborator with Israeli occupation disclosed that Israel targeted the fighter’s vehicle despite knowing about the presence of his wife and young girl in the car.

The unnamed collaborator confessed that he was involved in the assassination of a Palestinian resistance fighter, Yasser Mohamamd Taha, in 2003.

A security source of Hamas said that Israeli intelligence officers followed the car that was carrying Martyr Yaser Taha in Gaza in 2003 and ordered to strike it with three missiles. This led to the death of fighter Taha, his little girl, and his wife who was pregnant.

The fighter belonged to al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas Resistance Movement.

Israel has always blackmailed vulnerable Palestinians and turned them against their own people.


Army visit to East Lancashire mosque ‘opens doors’

In the first event of its kind in the UK, the Army Engagement Group was invited by religious leaders from the Minhaj-ul-Quran mosque in Nelson to give a presentation to those attending evening prayers.

The group, which tours the country explaining the Army’s role to various audiences, then faced a question and answer session at the Carr Street centre, which dealt with subjects such as the effects of conflict on civilians and career opportunities in the military.

Earlier in the day they had also visited Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School and Sixth Form College and Tauheedul Islam Boys’ School in Blackburn.

Col Philip Harrison, deputy commander of 42nd Infantry Brigade, said: “It’s important that we talk with communities in our region so that we better understand their perspectives and they have a better idea about our role in society.

“It’s clear from the questions we were asked after our presentation, and the discussion we had over our meal, that everyone found the evening helpful and informative.

“But this is just a starting point for us and I’m looking forward to more opportunities to meet with many members of the Muslim community, and other faiths, across the North West.”

General secretary of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (UK), Moazzam Raza, described the event as “informative”, adding: “It’s very important that local communities understand the services that the civilian and state institutions provide for the nation, the challenges they face and support they require.

“It is equally important that the great institutions of our country understand our diverse communities and serve them accordingly.”

Faz Patel, who works with the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, said: “We have had a great day. 

“It was quite something for ours to be the first mosque in the country to host a visit by the Army Engagement Group.”


UN experts call on Saudi Arabia to cancel execution of al-Nimr

Ali al-Nimr was given the death penalty in May after taking part in demonstrations three years ago for democracy and equal rights in Saudi Arabia’s oil-producing Eastern Province.

“Any judgment imposing the death penalty upon persons who were children at the time of the offense, and their execution, are incompatible with Saudi Arabia’s international obligations,” the U.N. group said in a statement Tuesday, invoking the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Saudi Arabia is a party.

France said it was “concerned” about the situation.

“Opposed to the death penalty in all cases and circumstances, we call for the execution to be called off,” Foreign ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said.

France does not usually comment on death penalty cases in Saudi Arabia due to their frequency. It has nurtured strong relations with Riyadh Wahhabi due to its tough stance on the Shia Muslims.

Nimr was convicted of sedition, rioting, protesting and robbery in the Eastern Province district of Qatif, home to many of the Wahhabi-ruled kingdom’s minority Shia, who say they face entrenched discrimination.

Nimr, who activists said was 17 at the time of his arrest in 2012, was also convicted of chanting anti-state slogans in illegal protests and inciting others to demonstrate, according to state media.

“Saudi Arabia’s plans to behead and crucify someone arrested as a child are indefensible,” said Donald Campbell, spokesman for international human rights charity Reprieve.

“The international community – particularly Saudi Arabia’s close allies, the UK and the U.S. – must stand with the French government and U.N. experts against this outrage, and call on the Saudi authorities to put a halt to this unjustified killing.”

The conviction of Nimr, a nephew of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a prominent Shia cleric who is also on trial, followed that of Rida al-Rubh, 26, the son of another cleric who has been critical of the authorities.

The clerics are part of a group of around a dozen defendants on trial for their part in protests and violent unrest in Qatif, particularly in the village of Awamiya, where police officers and facilities have been attacked.
