
Iran: Canada’s Election Underline Nation’s Opposition to Ottawa Radical Policies

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham said that the recent election outcomes in Canada proved that the country’s people have decided to return rationality and wisdom to the Ottawa officials.

Afkham said that the Canadian people call on the government to refrain from radical policies and elect desirable members of parliament.

She added that Iran respect vote and choice of Canadians.

On Monday, the Canadian Liberal Party won an overwhelming victory in election. Voters decisively rejected the ruling Conservative Party and placed the Liberal Party far ahead of the left wing New Democratic Party.

In July, the Iranian foreign ministry lambasted the Canadian government’s radical stance towards Tehran.

“The continued radical stances by the Canadian officials against Iran, specially under the present conditions, show that the Canadian government’s approach towards Iran lacks a logical rationale,” Afkham said at the time.

“By following the Zionist regime’s stances Canada’s conservative government is quickly moving towards a self-imposed isolation in the international community and even among its old allies,” she added.

Afkham called on the Canadian officials to step in a rational and wise path against war-mongering and extremism.


Saudi Warplanes Attack Residential Areas in Yemen

The Saudi fighter jets bombed several residential areas across Yemen, reports said Wednesday.

Saudi airstrikes destroyed residential buildings in the province of Sa’ada.

Meanwhile, Saudi warplanes also bombed several areas in Ma’rib province.

On Tuesday, Saudi warplanes bombed a residential area in the Razeh district in the province of Sa’ada, killing two civilians.

Earlier, Saudi fighter jets pounded the Dar al-Shoja’ area in the Mokha port city, situated 346 kilometers (214 miles) South of the capital, Sana’a, though no reports of casualties were available.

Saudi Arabia has been striking Yemen for 210 days now to restore power to fugitive president Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh. The Saudi-led aggression has so far killed at least 6,691 Yemenis, including hundreds of women and children.

Hadi stepped down in January and refused to reconsider the decision despite calls by Ansarullah revolutionaries of the Houthi movement.

Despite Riyadh’s claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi warplanes are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.


ISIS executes six women for allowing sons to join Iraqi army

Extremists of ISIS have executed six Iraqi women in Anbar province, local sources reported on Tuesday.

Eyewitnesses confirmed that the victims have been executed on charges of having sons fighting in the ranks of the Iraqi army –which is in conflict with ISIS.

“Six women, some of them older than 60, have been brutally shot dead by ISIS terrorists in front of a crowd of people in the Hit district,” an eyewitness said under the condition of anonymity.

“Daesh (ISIS) has also executed four Arab tribal leaders and a number of children in public in the same district last week, claiming their family members have joined the Iraqi army,” he said.

Iraqi civil rights activist Ahmed Mahmoud said that ISIS’ strategy of killing, raping and torturing is aimed to terrorize its opponents in the region.

“The barbarian group has used all means of brutality in order to expand its power in Iraq, preventing people from joining the ranks of the army and the mostly Shiite Popular Mobilization Forces, that are fighting the group,” he added.

In August, ISIS has brutally murdered 12 Christians, including a 12-year-old boy, three women and seven aid workers in northwestern Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam, local activists said.

In the meantime, the terrorist group has beheaded a 22-year old girl in the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor for “talking disparagingly” about ISIS on the social media.

The victim was executed on charges of igniting hostility against the ISIS self-declared caliphate, according to activists.

The terror group has reportedly executed more than 10,000 civilians, including women and children, in Iraq and Syria since June 2014.


Australia gets anti-Islam political party

The Western Australia state’s capital, Perth, has hosted the secret launch of the Australian Liberty Alliance, a right-wing anti-Islam political party.

The party was inducted into the Australian politics during an inaugural ceremony at a private home on Tuesday after state officials begrudged it a public venue.

Its agenda features efforts aimed at introducing a ban on face veil across Australia and stemming the flow of Muslims into the country, where adherents to the faith comprise 2.4 percent of the population.

Andrew Horwood, the party’s director, alleged that Australians sympathized with its cause.

“Islam in its current form doesn’t fit with Australian values and if we want to retain the gift of living in the greatest country in the world and passing it onto the next generation, we need to be able to have these honest and frank discussions,” he claimed.

The alliance also defended having held its inauguration ceremony in secret, alleging it had to ensure the safety of the event’s keynote speaker, controversial far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders, who is widely known for inciting hatred against Muslims and spreading Islamophobia.

The politician, who is the founder and leader of the anti-Islam Party for Freedom in his home country, addressed the event, saying, “Let us reclaim our countries. Stop the mass immigration from Islamic countries. We say no more to the governments and the Islamization process.”

West Australian Premier Colin Barnett had banned state-owned venues from hosting Wilders. “I do not support him and I do not support the things he says,” Barnett said, noting, “He can say what he wishes to, but he will not have any support from the West Australian government at all.”

The Australian party has registered with the Australian Electoral Commission and plans to field candidates in the 2016 federal election.

One Nation, a similar Australian right-wing party secured nine percent of the national vote at its peak in 1998, winning one seat in the Senate, which it lost in later years.

Earlier in the year, different locations across the country played host to far-right anti-Muslim protests and counter-rallies supporting multiculturalism.


SANA and Syrian TV press team targeted by terrorists in Aleppo countryside

ISIS terrorists on Wednesday targeted the press team of the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) and the Syrian TV with a mortar round while they were covering the army’s counter-terrorism operations in the eastern countryside of Aleppo province.

SANA photographer George Ourfalian, who was with the press team, said that ISIS terrorists fired a mortar round at the car that was transporting the journalists near Tal Sab’een village, an area that the Syrian Army established control over on Tuesday.

He said that the attack caused considerable damage to the car, but all the press team members are well and none of them were injured.


10 ISIS elements Killed in aerial bombardment east of Mosul

A Kurdish security source announced on Tuesday, that ten members of ISIS had been killed in a shelling by the international coalition on ISIS sites east of Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad).

“the international coalition aircraft launched this morning massive air raids targeting ISIS gatherings in Shakholi village in Khazar area (45 km east of Mosul),” pointing out that, “The raids resulted in killing ten elements of the organization” the source said.

The source, who asked to remain anonymous, also added: “The raid caused big losses in the ranks of the organization”.


Video: Abu Azrael Cycling in the Baiji

Israel withholds bodies of 15 slain Palestinians

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) have been withholding the bodies of 15 Palestinians recently shot dead by Israeli army troops in the West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem.

The bodies of 15 slain Palestinians have been withheld by the IOA, including those of 11 Jerusalemites and four West Bankers.

The 15 Palestinians were fatally shot by Israeli gunfire after they allegedly carried out or planned for stabbing attacks against the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers.

Earlier, on October 15, Israel’s security cabinet voted in favor of a suggestion by public security minister Gilad Erdan not to return to families the bodies of Palestinian activists killed during anti-occupation attacks.

Israeli news outlets reported that the Israeli occupation government intends to withhold the dead bodies of slain Palestinian anti-occupation activists in the so-called cemetery of numbers.

According to human rights organizations, Palestinians are buried by the occupation authorities in the Numbers Cemeteries without regard, whatsoever, to religious law and national traditions.

In such cemeteries dead Palestinians are also thrown in small graves with a depth that does not exceed 50 centimeters. Once the body is buried, it is covered with a kind of earth that lays the cadaver bare with the lightest wind blows, and thus, allows wild animals to mutilate the body and gulp it down.


Number of Palestinain martyrs in Israeli jails mounted to 55

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Number of Palestinian martyrs who died in Israeli jails due to deliberate medical neglect mounted to 55 after prisoner Fadi al-Derbi has recently died.

Detainees and ex-detainees committee said, in a statement on Saturday, that prison doctors do not conduct required health examinations for patient prisoners in full disregard to Geneva agreements and international conventions.

The committee accused Israeli prison administration of failure to bear its responsibility for and to fulfill its duties toward Palestinian sick prisoners. It expressed its concerns over the serious health conditions of dozens of detainees.

The committee said Israeli prison administration adopts a policy of slow death against sick captives and even commits crimes against them.

The detainees committee demanded to open an international investigation supervised by the United Nations in order to investigate Israeli violations of human rights. It also demanded the Red Cross to oblige Israel to offer health care services to prisoners within international rules and regulations.   


Senior Hamas leader arrested by Israeli forces in West Bank

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Israeli forces have arrested a senior leader of Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in the occupied West Bank.

On Tuesday, Israeli soldiers raided the residence of Hassan Yousef in the Palestinian town of Beitunia, southwest of Ramallah and transferred him to a prison.

Israel had released Yousef, 60, in June a year of administrative detention.

Administrative detention is a sort of imprisonment without trial or charge that allows Israel to incarcerate Palestinians for up to six months. The detention order can be renewed for indefinite periods of time.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces detained at least 35 Palestinians during overnight raids on a number of houses across the occupied West Bank on Monday.

Tel Aviv regime forces also demolished the home of Palestinian detainee Maher al-Hashlamoun in the city of al-Khalil (Hebron) in the West Bank.

Reports also say that Israeli settlers backed by the Tel Aviv regime’s forces entered the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) on Tuesday.

Palestinians who were present at the site denounced the move by shouting slogans.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian for allegedly attempting to attack an Israeli soldier with a knife in the occupied West Bank. Odai Hashim Mosalemah was killed in the southern village of Beit Awa in al-Khalil on Tuesday.

An Israeli trooper was reportedly critically injured in the stabbing attack in al-Khalil.

There has been growing confrontation between Israelis and Palestinians over the past few weeks.

Since the current violence erupted on October 1, Israeli troops and armed settlers have killed some 48 Palestinians while nine Israelis have also been killed.

The tensions were triggered by the Tel Aviv regime’s imposition on August 26 of sweeping restrictions on entries into the compound of the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds and Israeli settlers’ repeated attacks on the mosque.

Meanwhile, United Nations Secretary General Ban ki-Moon is expected to arrive in the occupied Palestinian territories in an attempt to address the growing violence in Palestine.

During the visit, Ban will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
