
Iran continues helping Syria in War on Terrorists

Top Military Aide to the Iranian Supreme Leader Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi underlined that Iran will continue helping the Syrian government and nation in their ongoing fight against the Takfiri terrorists.

“The counseling aids of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Syria’s battle against the Takfiri terrorists will continue and Iran will continue coordinating efforts among the Lebanese Hezbollah, Russia, Iraq and Syria in the fight against the Takfiri terrorists and to push the US and the Zionist regime’s quest for their goals in the region into failure,” Major General Safavi said, addressing a conference in Western city of Shahr-e Kord on Saturday.

He, meantime, pointed to the resistance of the Syrian nation and government against the Takfiri terrorists, and said, “It is for five years now that the Syrian nation and government are resisting against the terrorists and over 250,000 Syrians have been killed or wounded; Iran, Iraq and the Lebanese Hezbollah are helping them to combat the corrupt and child-killing groups who are mercenaries of the Zionists and the US.”

Major General Safavi also commemorated the death of IRGC Commander Brigadier General Hossein Hamadani who was killed in Syria on Thursday while providing military counseling services to the Syrian forces, and said, “Brigadier General Hamadani was a brave and wise commander who had gone to Syria as a military advisor to the Syrian forces and he rendered valuable services for saving the Syrian nation from the ISIL terrorists… .”

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in a statement on Friday announced that Brigadier General Hamadani was killed in Northern Syria.

Brigadier General Hossein Hamadani, the veteran commander of the IRGC, was martyred during an attack by the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in the outskirts of the city of Aleppo while fulfilling his duty as military advisor and defending the holy Shiite shrines in the country, said the statement.

Brigadier General Hamadani was in Syria to render military advice to the Syrian army and popular forces in their fight against the ISIL terrorists in the Arab country

In September 2014, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Gholam Ali Rashid announced that Iran’s military advisors are present in the friendly regional states to provide those nations with necessary military recommendations.

“Some of our commanders are in the field to give military advice to the Iraqi army, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance movement,” Major General Rashid said, addressing a conference attended by a group of senior military commanders in Tehran.


Supreme Leader Condoles Martyrdom of IRGC General in Syria

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei has issued a message following the martyrdom of senior IRGC commander Gen. Hamedani who was killed in Syrian on Friday while on an advisory mission.

Here is the full text of message:

In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

I congratulate and condole martyrdom of honored Gen. Hamedani to and with his respectful family, relatives, friends colleagues in glorious IRGC. This veteran, intimate and tireless fighter spend his pure and devout youth ages in frontlines of dignity and honor to defend the Islamic nation and the Islamic Republic and dedicated final years of his fruitful life and holy existence to defend Household of Prophet (AS) and to fight against the Takfiri and anti-Islam ruthless and realized his wish for martyrdom on the path of God and in fight for the sake of God in the same glorious front; and may Divine blessings and grace be pleasant to him.

The endless rank of those wishing this blessing and those committed to path of Jihad and martyrdom in the Islamic Iran and in IRGC and all Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic is a long rank and ‘compact structure’: “and of them are some who still wait, and they have not changed in the least” (33:23). May Divine blessings be upon martyr Hamedani and all fighters in the path of truth.

Seyyed Ali Khamenei

10 October 2015


Saudi arabia seeks to sully image of Islam

Ayatollah Kazem Seddighi led this week’s Friday Prayers of Tehran lashing at Saudi House for Mina tragedy and war on Yemen.

The weekly ritual of Tehran Friday Prayers, on October 9, was led by Ayatollah Kazem Seddighi who, along with a host of other issues, touched upon the massacre of civilian Yemenis by Saudi-led air-strikes and the mismanagement of Hajj rituals by the monarchy of the KSA in his second sermon.

Referring to Mina tragedy of September 24, during which thousands of pilgrims suffocated in the stampede caused by blockade of the main road, the Grand Ayatollah called the incident a pain in heart never to be relieved.

“Al-Saud have demonstrated their ineptitude over and over in the past but this disaster was the worst among all of them,” Seddighi stressed.

Further he questioned Saudi manipulation of the death toll and called it another malicious behavior of KSA in the event.

How it is possible to have such an accident with around 5000 victims, Ayatollah Seddighi enquired highlighting that the causers deserve the worst punishment.

The senior cleric pointed to the history of the monarchy of the KSA who were appointed by the colonizers of the region, especially the UK, and lamented that Saudis are alike Zionists puppeteers of the UK and the USA.


Ashura means revolution, resistance against enemies of Islam

Ayatollah Arafi added that Ashura means revolution and resistance against the enemies of Islam and stressed upon the importance of the slogan of “Hayhat minna dhillah” – a saying from Imam Husayn which means “disgrace is far away from us or “no to humiliation.”

During his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom, Ayatollah Ali-Reza Arafi referred to the solemn month of Muharram, which starts at the end of this week, saying that every year we must add to the grandeur of this lofty occasion.

“Due to the grace of God, the glorious flag of Ashura is raised higher every year in every part of the world thanks to the victory of Islamic Revolution,” he added.

The principal of al-Mustafa International University called preachers and eulogists to speak the truth and avoid misconceptions and falsehood during their lectures during Muharram, especially those deviated concepts that have been influenced by “Mi6 Shi’ites.”

Ayatollah Arafi added that Ashura means revolution and resistance against the enemies of Islam and stressed upon the importance of the slogan of “Hayhat minna dhillah” – a saying from Imam Husayn which means “disgrace is far away from us or “no to humiliation.”

“Currently the voices of the oppressed nations of the world are becoming louder in opposition to the enemies and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Syria and other regions is progressing on the battlefield,” he said.
The Iranian scholar referred to the September 24 stampede in Mina, saying that this this “unforgettable” tragedy seems like a deliberate act, and called for a fact-finding mission and for the Iranian government as well as and other governments and the international community to “stand firm” and work together and investigate what occurred in Mina.

Ayatollah Arafi added that the authorities must seriously pursue the Mina issue and learning from the epic of Ashura, they must not show any weakness in their investigation over the scandalous and criminal actions committed by the House of Saud against the innocent Hajj pilgrims.

“This isn’t the only act that the Saudi’s have committed, the treachery of the House of Saud and their promotion of the Wahhabi and Takfiri ideology and their crimes in Muslim countries are also unforgettable actions, but pursuing the Mina case is sufficient [to bring the House of Saud to justice],” he said.

Referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Qom’s Friday prayers’ leader said that Iran’s parliament has the right to analyze and comment on the agreement. “Also, the revolutionary people who are active in this field should be respected and their comments heard. However, any action taken must be with the support of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei] and the negotiating team,” he said.

He stressed that the weak points of the JCPOA must be recognized and removed and Iran’s ability to defend itself, support the Islamic Resistance and confront the global arrogance, especially the United States, must be preserved and these issues must not be forfeited in any final agreement.

Ayatollah Arafi stated that Iranians must not think that negotiating with the US will solve the problems their country faces because they will not allow Muslim nations to have scientific growth or political independence. “The US’ black record has been proven throughout history,” the scholar said.

His Eminence added Iran should not be trapped by their plots, but must recognize the depth of these issues. “We must not think that we can reconcile with the wolves of the world. These bloodthirsty wolves will only be satisfied when the Iranian nation has given up its ideals. Thus, we must stand firmly against foreigners and realize that only the discourse of the Islamic Revolution can save us,” he said.


160 Saudi-led forces killed in Yemen over the past two days

At least 160 Saudi-led forces have reportedly been killed and 378 others injured in Yemen’s central province of Ma’rib over the past two days.

A military source, requesting not to be named, told Yemen’s Arabic-language Saba news agency on Thursday that Yemeni forces have dealt heavy blows to the Saudi-led military contingent in the Sirwah district of the province, which lies about 120 kilometers (75 miles) east of the capital, Sana’a.

The source added that the Saudi-led forces were killed when Yemeni army troopers and their allies engaged them near the Kofel military camp.

The source further said that Saudi fighter jets have conducted a number of sorties over Kofel district, Sirwah market as well as Jebel Hilan, and purportedly dropped a number of phosphorus bombs across Sirwah.

The source said Yemeni army soldiers and Popular Committees are making further headway in the fight against the Saudi forces, praising tribesmen from Ma’rib for their support for the Yemeni forces.

Saudi Arabia began a deadly military aggression against Yemen – without a UN mandate – on March 26. The strikes are meant to undermine the Ansarullah movement and restore power to Hadi.

About 6,400 people have reportedly lost their lives in the conflict in Yemen, according to reports.


Lebanese cleric urges Saudis to clarify fate of missing Hajj pilgrims

A prominent Lebanese Sunni scholar stressed the need to clarify the fate of missing Hajj pilgrims and called for the establishment of a fact-finding committee to evaluate the tragic stampede in Mina.

In statement, Shaykh Ahmad Qattan, the head of Lebanon’s Qawluna wal-Amal (“Our Sayings and Action”) Society referred to the actions of the Saudi Arabian authorities after the recent stampede in Mina on September 24 and stressed on the need to establish an impartial fact-finding committee to clarify the causes of the accident.

The Lebanese Sunni scholar said one of the issues that has concerned many Muslims is the unknown fate of the missing pilgrims. He demanded Saudi Arabia to clarify their situation with all Islamic countries and cooperate to avoid political and racial issues.

He also mentioned the critical situation in Lebanon and noted that Islamic unity must be persevered in the small, yet religiously-divided country more than ever before.

“Sunnis have announced their innocence from the actions of Takfiri terrorist and extremist groups and believe that ISIL and the al-Nusrah Front are tarnishing the image of Islam and are not representative of Islam,” he said.

His Eminence added: “Shi’ites, with their knowledge of the matter, should maintain their alliance with Sunnis.”

Shaykh Qattan announced that the Qawluna wal-Amal Society supports the Islamic Resistance Axis in Lebanon and especially in the West Bank, saying: “With Arab and Islamic countries keeping mum over the Zionist regime’s atrocities against the al-Aqsa Mosque, all hope is given to the Palestinian resistance fighters.”

In conclusion, he expressed surprise at the favouritism of some Arabic countries toward the Takfiri groups who are involved in unspeakable crimes in several Middle Eastern countries, saying some countries in the region are willing to support reactionary terrorist groups in the region, but are completely indifferent toward the Palestinian cause and does not show any reaction.


Commemoration Ceremony of Mina Victims was Held in the Razavi Holy shrine

On behalf of Ayatollah Waiz Tabasi, the grand Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi and the respected Representative of Wali Faqih in Khurasan, the commemoration ceremony of Mina decedents was held in the Razavi Holy shrine.

The ceremony was held in the grand Imam Khomeini (R.A.) portico with presence of Ayatollah Alam ul-Huda, Mashhad Friday Prayer Leader, Alireza Rashidian, Khurasan Razavi governor, Mr. Azizian, Deputy Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi, a number of province and city managers, scholars of seminary, victims’ families, and pilgrims and citizens.

After recitation of Qur’an by Master Jawad Panahian and Hujjat al-Islam Shuja and panegyrizing by Sayed Ja’far Mahrukhsar and Ahmad Waizi, Hujjat al-Islam Sayedabadi delivered a lecture.

“The incident that occurred this year in Mina was very painful and heart-rending that happened out of negligence, irresponsibility, and inefficiency of Saudi rulers”, the professor of seminary remarked.

“As the Supreme Leader of the revolution said, all the aspects of the incident should be thoroughly examined, though it will not reduce the burden of the pain in the heart of the Islamic nation of Iran and the survivors of the incident”, he pointed out.

Referring to some verses of Touba surah, he reiterated, “God almighty asserts clearly that custodianship of the two holy shrines (Mecca and Prophet’s holy shrine) would not be a cause of pride and honor for you; it is never comparable with Jihad and migration for God sake and fighting against the despots and pagans.”

“From Islamic viewpoint, resistance against despotism and blasphemy is a value and not only Saudi rulers and agents lack such a virtue, but they are conspirator with despots and bullies of the world working for their interests”, he continued.


FBI says it disrupted activities of dozens of potential ISIS recruits

US counter-terrorism agents have tracked down dozens of potential Daesh (ISIL) recruits around the US, disrupting their terrorist plots, claims the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Speaking to Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Thursday, FBI Director James Comey said FBI agents were working full time during the summer, trying to foil potential threats coming from Daesh proxies in the US, Reuters reported Friday.

He added that US investigators were aware of numerous US-based militant suspects who, according to him, used encrypted communications.

The security official further maintained that recruits were becoming younger, and more women under 18 were seeking to join the Takfiri group.

Comey also referred to the group’s widespread use of social media for recruitment purposes and mastery of technical skills to hide away their tracks on the Internet, giving their recruits the opportunity to safely consider their offers without fear of getting in trouble.

“When they find a live one, they will move them off Twitter, and move them to an end-to-end encrypted messaging app,” Comey noted. He said to read such encrypted message traffic, the FBI would need a court order.


Iranian commander martyred by ISIS terrorists in Syria

Iranian military commander Brigadier General Hossein Hamedani has been killed in Syria, where he was giving military advice to the Syrian army in its fight against Takfiri militants in the Arab country.

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said in a statement carried by Sepah News on Friday that Brig. Gen. Hamedani, a commander with the IRGC, had been killed by Takfiri Daesh terrorists on the outskirts of the Syrian city of Aleppo the night before.

Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. Around 250,000 people have lost their lives and millions more been displaced in the crisis. Takfiri terrorist groups, including Daesh and the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda (al-Nusra Front), have been engaging in a terror campaign in Syria.

The Syrian military has been fighting the terrorist groups for over four years.

Iran has been offering Syria military advice in its fight against terrorist groups.


Sayyed Nasrallah: Saudi Will Be Dealt Severe Blow in Yemen

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said Saudi Arabia will be dealt a severe, historic blow in Yemen, stressing that victory was definite for the Yemeni people.

In an interview with the Iranian TV, Al-Ahvaz, on Thursday, Sayyed Nasrallah said Saudi Arabia destroyed Yemen and abolished its unity and development. “It’s depriving the Yemenis from their own natural wealth so that they’d remain poor and needy to Saudi Arabia. It has also been paying bribes and trying to impose its doctrine on the Yemenis forcefully,” his eminence said.

“I’m still confident that Saudi Arabia will be dealt a severe blow in Yemen and victory will be achieved there, but Allah will decide how and when would that happen,” the S.G. added.

Rebuffing lies about the dependency of the Yemeni revolution on Iran, Sayyed Nasrallah said: “Saudi Arabia wants others to believe that the Yemeni revolution is dependent on the Islamic Republic. This is a big and unfair lie.”

On Bahrain, he said the battle of the Bahraini people was a ‘historic’ one, “and according to the course of events, I believe it’s the battle of existence.”

Talking about Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Syria constituted a significant key factor in the axis of resistance and was a big factor in disrupting the US projects, the reason why they wanted to hit and destroy it.

His eminence hailed the steadfastness of the Syrians, saying it formed the basis for any help and solidarity from allies and friends.

“Facts began to unfold before the Syrian people eyes that what’s needed wasn’t ‘democracy’ but rather was ISIL’s savage and defamed model” that’s committing the most horrible crimes against people in the region, Sayyed Nasrallah said.

“We’ve overcome the danger line in Syria in the light of internal, regional and international developments and the Syrian issue will take a new path. There’s a possibility that a serious political solution will be considered because the world has begun to think in a more realistic way,” his eminence pointed out.

“Billions of dollars have been spent so far for the destruction of Syria in addition to the hundreds of tons of weapons and tens of thousands of fighters who were brought from countries around the world down to the sectarian incitement. The aim was to topple Syria and control it.”

Sayyed Nasrallah was confident that tyrants would be defeated if everybody took responsibility. “If we all shoulder our responsibilities, we’ll be able to defeat hegemonies, tyrants and plunderers, restore our decision, destiny and resources, and build our region and country. We’re hopeful.”

Speaking on the Islamic Republic of Iran and its constructive role in the region, Sayyed Nasrallah said; “The Islamic Republic is a hub of security, stability, will, civilization and popular sovereignty. It’s preserving its place in the regional and international equation.”

“If the Islamic republic wasn’t there, where would have countries and peoples of the region been? We’re talking out of facts and our generation is witnessing it.” The S.G. also said the Islamic Revolution was a great blessing to the Iranian people and Muslims in general, but the problem was that there are those who are ignorant and unthankful.
