
Palestinian goverment slams Israeli ban on al-Quds entry

The Palestinian government has slammed the Israeli regime’s new restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the Israeli-occupied Old City of al-Quds (Jerusalem) for two days.

“The Palestinian government denounces the Israeli escalation policy by Israeli occupation authorities against our people in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank,” it said in a statement released on Sunday in reaction to the fresh restrictions.

Earlier in the day, Israeli police announced that only Israelis, tourists, residents of the area, business owners and schoolchildren are allowed to enter the sacred site.

Only Palestinian men aged 50 and above could worship at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, while Palestinian women of any age would be allowed entry.

The measure was taken after two Israelis were killed and two others wounded during clashes between a Palestinian man and Israeli settlers in al-Quds on Saturday night.

Tensions have been on the rise in the occupied West Bank and al-Quds over the past several days, with Israeli forces attacking Palestinian protesters at the holy site.

Israel has applied sweeping restrictions on entries into al-Aqsa Mosque compound since August 26. The mosque is Islam’s third holiest site after Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and Masjid al-Nabawi in Medina.


Saudi Mismanagement, Imprudence behind Mina Crush

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan on Sunday referred to the imprudence and mismanagement of Saudi authorities as the main causes of a recent crush outside the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in which hundreds of Hajj pilgrims lost their lives.

The Saudi rulers’ mismanagement and imprudence are behind the tragic incident in Mina which brought pain to the hearts of the Islamic Ummah (community), Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said in response to a condolence message by Lebanon’s Defense Minister Samir Moqbel following the deadly crush.

“This tragic disaster, along with Saudi rulers’ inhumane crimes against the oppressed and defenseless people of Yemen, reminds one of the Zionist regime’s cruel atrocities in Lebanon and Palestine,” he said.

The Iranian defense minister further stressed that the Saudi crimes set the alarm bells ringing for the Islamic countries, adding that they need to put an end to the crimes vigilantly and tactfully.

He further called on Muslim countries to follow up on the tragedy and form a fact-finding commission to prevent the repetition of such tragedies in the future.

464 Iranians were among over 4700 pilgrims who lost their lives in the disaster in Mina when performing religious rites.

The repatriation of the bodies of Iranian victims started on Saturday.

It came a few days after Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei sent a clear message to the Saudi government.

Addressing a military ceremony on Wednesday, Imam Khamenei warned Riyadh that the slightest disrespect for the Iranian pilgrims or its failure to repatriate the bodies of victims will draw Iran’s “severe and tough reaction”.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has had respect for fraternity in the Islamic world up to now, showing self-restraint and Islamic politeness, Imam Khamenei noted.


President Rouhani: Iran ready to cooperate with EU in fight against terrorism

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that Iran is ready to cooperate with all countries particularly the European Union (EU) to fight against terrorism.

The Iranian president made the remarks in a meeting with Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko this morning calling Iran-Croatia ties friendly. “In the new post-nuclear-deal environment, both countries can expand all-round economic ties. Iran and Croatia enjoy great potentials in scientific, research and technical fields as well and they can expand cooperation on issues of mutual interest,” the president said.

Rouhani added “by gaining a proper momentum in cooperation between the two countries in the coming months, we can further improve the level of Tehran-Zagreb ties in 2016.”

Speaking about terrorism and violence in the region, President Rouhani said: “Today, the consequences of violence and terrorism have spread to Europe like a contagious disease; therefore, if there is violence and terrorism in any region, everyone must be alarmed”.

Rouhani noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to cooperate with all countries particularly the EU members to fight against terrorism. Tehran is also fully prepared to consult and cooperate on important regional and global issues.

The president also appreciated Croatia’s support for Iran’s rights to peaceful nuclear activities, and said “the Islamic Republic of Iran has not accepted, nor agrees with double standards in any issue and we believe that there should not be any discrimination among countries, or any privilege for a country over another in using science and technology.”

Josip Leko, for his part, expressed condolences over the Mina tragedy and said that his talks with his Iranian counterpart and other officials were “fruitful and constructive.”

He also said that both capitals can enhance relations particularly in the field of economy. “Croatia views Iran as a great power with a vast economy not only in the region, but also in the world” said he and that “we are determined to develop ties with Iran and believe that these ties can improve peace and stability in the region and the world.”

Leko also said that his country viewed Iran’s role in solving the regional disputes as ‘undeniable;’ “Croatia gives a lot of credit to Iran’s stances, especially regarding solving crises in the region, particularly in Iraq and Syria.”


ISIS-linked terrorist cell kills Japanese man in Bangladesh

ISIS extremist group has claimed responsibility for killing a Japanese man in Bangladesh on Saturday.

The group announced in a statement posted on its official Twitter account its link to the murdering of a Japanese national in Bangladesh.

Kunio Hoshi, 65, a Japanese citizen born in Bangladesh, was reportedly attacked by unidentified assailants in Kownia in Rangpur district north of the capital Dhaka.

Hoshi has died on the way to hospital, Bangladesh police said in a statement.

Four suspects were arrested on the background of the incident, the police added.

This comes five days after the ISIS extremist group claimed responsibility for fatally shooting an Italian aid worker in the diplomatic zone in the Bangladesh capital of Dhaka.

The group said in a statement that an allied security detachment in Dhaka has killed the Italian aid worker Cesare Tavella after tracking him. ISIS statement added that Tavella was shot with silenced weapons.

Tavella, 50, was the project manager of Profitable Opportunities for Food Security (Proofs), a project of the Netherlands-based organisation ICCO Cooperation.


Senior Iran diplomat slam Bahrain unwise acts

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A senior Iranian diplomat has called on Bahraini authorities to stop playing a blame game over domestic problems in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom and act with prudence.

“Bahraini officials have been facing problems inside their country for years and instead of thinking about ways to solve these problems, they are playing a blame game,” Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said on Friday.

He added that Bahrain has repeatedly leveled false accusations against the Islamic Republic.

He said the Bahraini government’s move to expel Iran’s charge d’affaires in Manama, Mohammad Reza Babaei, after declaring him persona non grata, showed “the climax of Bahrain’s political problems.”

Amir-Abdollahian emphasized that domestic problems in Bahrain would be solved through national dialog among all parties.

Iran has never interfered in Bahrain’s internal affairs and will never do so in the future, the Iranian diplomat pointed out.

Amir-Abdollahian’s remarks came after Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Friday gave the second highest-ranking diplomat at the Bahraini embassy in Tehran, Bassam Dalhan al-Dosari, 72 hours to leave Iran amid baseless allegations made by the Manama regime against Tehran.

The move was in reaction to a Thursday statement by the Bahraini Foreign Ministry, recalling its ambassador to Iran and ordering the Islamic Republic’s charge d’affaires in Manama to leave the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom within 72 hours.

This is not the first time the Al Khalifa regime has sought to implicate Iran over the ongoing instability in Bahrain.

Iran has repeatedly dismissed the accusations, saying the blame game Bahrain is playing is aimed at covering up the Arab country’s internal problems.

The Islamic Republic has urged the Bahraini government to stop pursuing a security approach toward the tensions in the country and solve its problems through dialog.

Since early 2011, anti-regime protesters in Bahrain have held numerous demonstrations on the streets of the country, calling for the Al Khalifa family to relinquish power.

Scores of people have been killed and hundreds more injured and arrested in the ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.


World Muslims demand probe into Hajj stampede.

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Local Muslim scholars have demanded formation of an international probe team on the cause of last week Hajj stampede that took more than 4,173 pilgrims dead, joining the world camp of those accusing the Saudi authorities of inefficiency in managing the world’s largest gathering of Muslims from across the globe.  
They told reporters in Dar es Salaam on Thursday that Tanzanian government ought to join the team made of countries with high toll of the fallen to probe onto the mystery behind the worst Hajj horror in the past 25 years in what appeared to be putting the blames on Saudi authorities.
“Mismanagement was the main cause of the stampede in September 24,” said Sheikh Abdulmalik Almas, a Shia-ithna asheri theological scholar and a pilgrim who survived the ordeal.
“The regime of Saudi Arabia is directly responsible for what happened, but it was quick to lay the blames on ‘African’ pilgrims, saying they did not follow regulations and were haphazardly pushing each other to cause the mayhem,” he said.
His assertion was echoed by Alhajj Abdul Kaway, a surviver who alleged that the officials closed the exit route causing the returning group of pilgrims who had accomplished the devil stoning  ritual through the entrance route, colliding with the incoming pilgrims.
He also urged the government to carry out a serious inspection and review registration of the local hajj travel agencies, accusing some of inexperience and inefficiency in handling matters related to the Pligrimage.
Ghawth Nyambwa, lecturer at Al- Mustapha International University insisted of the need to create an international probe team that will hold Saudi Arabia liable for the tragedy.
The outspoken pilgrims were reflecting the stance of other countries who had casualties topping the list of the victims.
They include Iran that declared the number of its fallen pilgrims to have  risen to 464 from the earlier toll of 239 after the missing pilgrims were presumed dead on Thursday.
Iran had demanded apology from Riyadh and accused it of hindering efforts to repatriate the bodies, but the Saudi government responded by forming a local probe team on the issue amid anger and anxiety elsewhere throughout the Muslim world.
Nigeria has 64 confirmed deaths but has the largest number missing.
“We have 244 Nigerians unaccounted for but we still presume they are not dead until we have seen their corpses,” said Uba Mana, spokesman for the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria.
Frustration has also risen in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-populated nation, where the official death toll reached 59 on Thursday with 74 missing.
Pakistan gave a figure of 46 dead and more than 40 unaccounted for, while its neighbour India has reported 51 deaths.
 “There was crowding. The police had closed all entrances and exits to the pilgrims’ camp, leaving only one,” Ahmed Abu Bakr, a 45-year-old Libyan who escaped the stampede with his mother told CNN.
“I saw dead bodies in front of me and injuries and suffocation. We removed the victims with the police.”
He added that police at the scene appeared inexperienced.
“They don’t even know the roads and the places around here,” he said as others nodded in agreement.
Irfan al-Alawi, co-founder of the Makkah-based Islamic Heritage Research Foundation said despite the large numbers, police were not properly trained and lacked the language skills for communicating with foreign pilgrims, who make up the majority of those on the Hajj.
“They don’t have a clue how to engage with these people,” he said.
 “You just find soldiers gathered in one place doing nothing,” said 39-year-old Egyptian Mohammed Hasan who was a witness of the incident.
An amateur online video footage showed the Saudi police blocking the way to the three columns, target of the stone throwers while a man who was identified as Saudi prince in casual attire was performing the devil stoning ritual.
Earlier this week authorities in Tanzania confirmed that five pilgrims died in the stampede and 50 others were still missing but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said the Tanzanian  Embassy in Saudi Arabia was working hard looking for the missing pilgrims.
About 3,000 Tanzanians including 1,300 from Zanzibar went to Saudi Arabia this year to perform Pilgrimage to Mecca, the fifth pillar of  Islam prescribed for those who are able for at least once in their life time.
Saudi authorities say victims of September 24, 2015 Hajj stampede are about 4,173 but Iranian sources cite more than 4,700 people died in this incident.


Saudi aggressor soldiers, senior commander, Killed in Asir

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The senior military commander, identified as Naser al-Ahmari, was killed in the retaliatory attacks in al-Rabuah area, reports said Friday.

A number of military vehicles were also destroyed.

Yemeni forces also targeted a military base in the Saudi province of Jizan with rockets and artillery fire, and destroyed an armored vehicle and several other military vehicles.

Also on Friday, a large number of Saudi officers and soldiers have been killed in the Yemeni army’s operations in Jizan and Najran regions, informed military sources announced.

“Several Saudi military men were killed in the Yemeni army and popular forces’ operations in the city of Najran,” the sources close to Yemen’s popular forces said.

Meantime, reports from Jizan said that several Saudi soldiers and officers were also killed in heavy clashes in there.

Earlier, a military source said that at least 55 troops of the Saudi-led coalition were killed or wounded in the Yemeni army’s operations in the province of Ma’rib.

The military source said that, in addition to the killing and wounding of nearly 55 soldiers of the Saudi army and it allies by the Yemeni army, over eight military and 5 armored vehicles of the Saudi-led coalition were destroyed in the vicinity of Al-Balaq, Thaat Al-Ra’ and Marbat Al-Dam in Ma’rib during the past few hours.


"Punish thous who responsible for Hajj stampede"

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined that Tehran seeks punishment of those Saudi authorities who are responsible for the recent stampede incident in Mina which killed over 4,000 pilgrims, including hundreds of Iranians.

Addressing a ceremony in Tehran on Saturday to pay tribute to the bodies of a number of Iranian pilgrims who died in Mina incident late in September, the President said it should be clarified if anyone is to blame for this incident or not, and Iran will then ask for justice and punishment of those responsible for the incident if it is proved that police or security forces have failed to comply with their duties.

465 Iranian pilgrims were killed in Mina incident and the bodies of 104 of them were returned home on Saturday.

Noting that Iran has, so far, used the language of sympathy, brotherhood, politeness and diplomacy vis a vis the Saudis to pursue the death of the Iranian nationals, Rouhani said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran will also speak in the language of might and power, if necessary.”

He stressed that the reality of this catastrophe should come under light in full details, and said, “All Muslim nations should come to realize through a fact-finding committee the cause of this disaster and they should be assured that such catastrophes will not occur in coming years.”

A stampede during one of the last rituals of the Hajj season on September 24 killed at least 4,173 people and left thousands wounded.

The stampede occurred during the ritual known as “stoning the devil” in the tent city of Mina, about two miles from Mecca.

At least 464 Iranians lost their lives in the incident, while 150 others were wounded. The latest reports said 14 Iranian pilgrims are still hospitalized in Saudi Arabia, while others have either died or been treated and left the hospital, preparing to come back to home.


More than 450 gunmen turn themselves in to Syrian authorities

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – More than 450 gunmen on Saturday turned themselves in to competent Syrian authorities and handed over their weapons in southern Daraa province so as they could have their legal status settled, Syrian news agency reported.

On Oct. 1st, 70 wanted persons from Damascus and its Countryside and from Homs, Daraa and Idleb turned themselves in to authorities to have their legal status settled.


Nigerian pilgrim rewarded for honesty after returning over $2,000 to its owner

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A Nigerian pilgrim has been rewarded for his honesty after he returned the amount of N500,000, equal to $2,345, to its Afghani owner after finding in the Grand Mosque in Makkah.

“He [Suleiman Bello] chose to fear Allah knowing he would account to Allah on the Day of Judgment,” Abdullahi Mohammed, the chairman of NAHCON, was quoted by Premium Times.

“He chose to be a good ambassador of Nigeria. He took the property to his state pilgrim officials and they brought it to us so that we can return it to the owner. This shows that Nigerians are honest and God-fearing,” he said.

The Nigerian Muslim, Suleiman Bello, went to hajj this year as part of hajj mission from Nasarawa state in centeral Nigeria.

Finding the money belt around the vicinity of the Holy Mosque in Ka’aba, Bello came to the Saudi Arabian office of Nigeria’s National Hajj Commission (NAHCON) to report it.

The belt reportedly contained $2,345, SR303 (Saudi Riyal) and 3,020 Afghan currency.

Bello said that he handed over the money to his coordinator, Hamza Naibi, who easily traced the owner by his identity card in the bag.

The owner of the money belt, Mosa Gousdin, expressed gratitude to Bello for his honesty.

Speaking on behalf of the Afghan delegation, Sayed Tahir Hashimi, an official of that country’s International Ministry of Hajj, said that there were not words enough to express the country’s gratitude.

Recognizing him as a role model for Muslims, Nigeria’s NAHCON also awarded Bello for his honesty, presenting him a free seat for next year’s hajj.

Bello is not the first Muslims to make news headlines for his honesty.

In 2008, a world-class violinist gave a free concert at a New York airport taxi stand to show his gratitude to an honest Muslim cab driver who reunited him with his lost 4-million-dollar violin.

Last November, a Muslim owner of a Burger King branch in San Jose returned to police a backpack which contained US$100,000 after finding it abandoned at one of the restaurant’s tables.

More recently, a Pakistani Muslim has been praised for his honesty after returning Dh50, 000 he found on an ATM machine in Dubai.
