
US Muslims Launch Gaza Alert

Muslims Launch

Offering US Muslims a direct link to their representative congressmen, a leading US Muslim advocacy group has launched a new service designed to enable American Muslims to share their concerns about foreign policy issues.

“We hope CAIR Connects, by providing a quick and easy way to contact elected officials on important issues, will enhance American Muslim civic participation and provide public officials with viewpoints on foreign policy they may not have heard previously,” Robert McCaw, Government Affairs Manager at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said in a statement obtained by

“While our first ‘CAIR Connects’ alert deals with Gaza, future alerts will deal with other international issues as they arise.”

McCaw was announcing the launch of the new community service called “CAIR Connects”.

In its first “CAIR Connects” alert, the nation’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization, made an alert on ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza.

“This alert is provided to allow you an opportunity to communicate your concerns regarding the current crisis in Gaza to your elected officials,” it said.

“Please take a few moments to compose your e-mail and it will be delivered to congressional staff,” it added.

Israel has been launching relentless airstrikes against Gaza since Tuesday, July 8, in which more than 202 have been killed and over 1000 injured in the tiny coastal strip.

Israel has claimed that its new war on Gaza, under the title Operation Protect Edge, was a response to the rocket attacks being carried out by Hamas.

It added that its offensive is intended to halt rocket fire at its cities from the Gaza Strip.

There have been no Israeli casualties from the hundreds of rockets that have been fired by militants in Gaza.