
ISIS executes 50 of its elements in Anbar on charges of “treason”

Iraqi security sources said on Saturday, that ISIS has executed more than 50 of its elements in Anbar on charges of treason.

Sky News quoted the sources as saying that “ISIS executed more than 50 people; most of them are members of the organization in Doulab area in al-Baghdadi district, west of Anbar.”

The sources added that “the reason for their execution goes back to being accused of treason and spying for the security forces.”

Anbar province is witnesing large-scale military operations to regain control of it. Local and federal police as well as the army forces and al-Hashed al-Shaabi are participating in these operations.


Iranian Judiciary expects international community appropriate response to Hajj tragedy

The Iranian Judiciary says it expects the international community to appropriately react to the tragic crush of September 24 in Mina, near the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

“We expect the international bodies and those who claim to advocate human rights to have a good reaction to the occurrence of the Mina catastrophe,” Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejeie, the spokesman for Iran’s Judiciary, said on Sunday.

“This disaster, which happened on the day of Eid al-Adha (the Feast of the Sacrifice) was a big crime and a tragic event; and it is self-evident that the Islamic Republic of Iran and the bereaved families cannot get over the grief,” the spokesman said.

He said the Tehran’s Judiciary Department is currently investigating the issue and is taking measures so that the families of the victims – in case of having any complaints about the incident – can file them.

He went on to say that the perpetrators of the “appalling tragedy” must be brought to justice, adding that Tehran has launched a probe to identify those responsible for the incident and hopes that other Islamic countries take similar measures.

The crush reportedly took place after two large masses of pilgrims converged at a crossroads in Mina, a few kilometers east of the holy city of Mecca, during the symbolic ceremony of the stoning of Satan in Jamarat.

Saudi Arabia claims nearly 770 people were killed in the incident, but officials at Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization say about 4,700 people lost their lives. The bodies of 399 Iranian victims have so far been handed over to Iranian officials, according to the Sa’eed Ohadi, the head of the organization. Ohadi said on Sunday that 65 Iranians are still missing after the incident.

A new tally by the Associated Press (AP) shows that at least 1,453 people were killed in the incident. The AP count is larger by 684 than the official toll of 769 provided by Riyadh.

The AP says it obtained the figure from statements made by 19 of over the 180 countries that had pilgrims in Mina at the time of the deadly tragedy. Saudi officials, however, have not made any comment on the AP tally, yet.


Iran Test Fires New Precision-Guided Ballistic Missile / Photos

Iran has successfully tested a new precision-guided ballistic missile, its defense minister said on Sunday, signaling an apparent advance in Iranian attempts to improve the accuracy of its missile arsenal.

“The Emad missile is able to strike targets with a high level of precision and completely destroy them… This greatly increases Iran’s strategic deterrence capability,” Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said at a televised news conference.

“Our leadership and armed forces are determined to increase our power and this is to promote peace and stability in the region. There is no intention of aggression or threats in this action,” he added.

The liquid-propelled rocket had a range of 1,700 kilometers (1,056 miles) and was accurate to within 500 meters (1,640 feet) of the target.

The rocket could carry a 750-kilogram (1,653-pound) payload and was scheduled for deployment some time after 2016.

Bahraini forces insult and take down “Ashura” flags and banners

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Activists on social media said that the Bahraini authorities on Thursday (October 7, 2015) took down flags and banners for Ashura season which the Shiites majority in Bahrain commemorates on the onset of the Hijri year of the Islamic calendar.

The activists posted photos of the civil defense forces accompanied by a large number of Interior Ministry security forces roaming through the streets of Eskan A’ali to take down any banner or flag related to Ashura.

Bahrain’s Shiite majority complains about the discrimination and marginalization exercised against them. Meanwhile, human rights organizations say that the authorities have imposed restrictions on Shiite religious freedom since the eruption of the widespread protests in 2011 which was led by the country’s Shiite majority.

The Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) headed by Cherif Bassiouni and appointed by Bahrain’s king, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, documented that the authorities demolished 38 Shiite mosques and committed other violations against Shiites in Bahrain.

Shiite man gunned down, two daughters injured in Peshawar

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A Shia Muslim was martyred while his two daughters were injured when takfiri terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba opened fire on them in Peshawar on Thursday morning.

A man identified as Malik Jarrar Ali Haider was killed and his two minor daughters were injured when their motorbike was ambushed by gunmen on Mohammad Ali Johar Road Thursday morning.

Police said Malik Jarrar, an employee of the Afghan Refugees Commissionerate in Hayatabad, was taking his daughters Bisma and Rubab to school when the incident occurred. Malik Jarrar died on the spot while his daughters, five-year-old Bisma and 10-year-old Rubab, were injured.

The police added the assailants managed to escape after committing the crime. The two injured children were rushed to Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) where he is in stable condition.

“This is a target killing motivated by sectarianism as the man had no enemies,” said an investigation official from Khan Raziq station, adding this was the second such incident in recent times. The policeman said an ice-cream seller from the Shia community was killed outside a mosque in the last month.


Message of Ashura Confab Held in New Delhi / Photos

Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- Closing to the month of Muharram, Ahlul Bayt Local Assembly in India held Message of Ashura conference in New Delhi.

At the beginning of the conference Secretary General of the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly told the audiences about the necessity of improving unity and sympathy among all the sects in the country.

Hojjatulislam Akhtari also said: “Message of Ashura is the message of peace and unity. The event of Karbala has brought a new sprit in the minds of people around the world.”

“Imam Hussein (AS) showed us how should we live and how should we die; he taught us how to beaggressiveagainstoppressorsand how to be the helper of the oppressed people,” he added.

Akhtari also referred to the Saudi war against Yemen’s people and said we must be aware of our enemies’ plots and don’t let them to interrupt us with disunity.

Hojjatulislam Mahdavi poor, the representative of Iran’s Supreme Leader in India, also was another speaker of the conference.

“The month of Muharram and organizing mourning ceremonies is the best way of delivering the message of Ashura,” he said.

Secretary General of the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly will meet with the heads of Islamic associations in his journey to India and Bangladesh.





Barack Obama: Putin’s move in Syria a sign of Moscow’s weakness

President Barack Obama has described military actions taken in Syria by Russian President Vladimir Putin as a sign of Moscow’s weakness.

Obama made the remarks in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” which will air on Sunday.

He said that that Putin’s move in Syria will not present a challenge to US leadership in the Middle East and that the Russian president is making a mistake.

“If you think that running your economy into the ground and having to send troops in, in order to prop up your only ally, is leadership, then we’ve got a different definition of leadership,” Obama said.

“Syria was Russia’s only ally in the region. And today, rather than being able to count on their support and maintain the base they had in Syria, which they’ve had for a long time,” he added. “Mr. Putin now is devoting his own troops, his own military, just to barely hold together by a thread his sole ally.”

Russia launched its air campaign on the Daesh (ISIL) in Syria on September 30 at the request of the Syrian government.

Russian air force jet fighters have reportedly demolished numerous vehicles, command posts, communication centers, fuel and ammunition depots, plants used for making bombs and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), as well as several training camps, all used by the Daesh Takfiri terrorists.

The Russian Navy has also been taking part in the battle against the terrorists by launching missiles at the Daesh targets in Syria from its warships in the Caspian Sea waters.

On Thursday, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Moscow will soon pay the price for launching the airstrikes against the terrorists.

The Russian military campaign against ISIL “will have consequences for Russia itself, which is rightly fearful of attacks,” Carter said, adding that “in the coming days, the Russians will begin to suffer from casualties,” the Pentagon chief claimed.


Russian Choppers kiled over 30 ISIS terrorists in Syria’s Hama

The sources said that the Russian Air Force’s MI-24 Helicopter Gunships carried out numerous strikes on the militant positions in the nearby areas of the towns of Kafr Naboudah, Kafr Zita, Latmeen, Al-Lataminah, and ‘Atshan, which resulted in the killing of at least 30 terrorists and wounding of more ones.

The Russian Air Force has continued to pound the militants’ strongholds with airstrikes on Friday morning; this is likely to continue, as they attempt to weaken the terrorists’ defense lines.

On Wednesday, the Syrian army forces, supported by the Russian fighter jets and helicopters, advanced 70km inside the province of Hama.

Some 50km deep into the freed areas were under the occupation of Jeish al-Fatah terrorist group which is supported by Saudi Arabia.

The Syrian forces managed to advance in the Northern countryside of Hama with the support of the Russian airstrikes against the terrorists’ positions.

They could retake control of Kafr Naboudat town, Markabat, Atshan, and al-Moghayr villages and Sakik, al-Havir, al-Sakhar and Tal Othman hills.


Bahrain NGOs call for Abolition on World Day Against the Death Penalty

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – On the occasion of the 13th World Day Against the Death Penalty, Americans for Democracy Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) condemn the ongoing use of death sentences in Bahrain and call for the abolition of this practice in the kingdom. In Bahrain, the death penalty is often employed as a means of intimidation. Seven individuals are currently on death row in Bahrain, most of whom were convicted as a result of false confessions extracted under torture. Many of the cases lack any hard evidence linking the individuals to the crimes for which they were prosecuted.

Bahrain’s use of the death penalty has followed a common pattern since 2011. Bahraini courts sentence to death persons who are suspected of killing policemen. These defendants are often subjected to torture, including whipping and electrocution, to coerce a confession. The criminal courts regularly dismiss the defence’s arguments and obstruct their access to an attorney. In 2011, military courts issued five death sentences, which the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry recommended to be commuted. Though Bahrain did so, death sentences continue to be handed down in unfair trials. In a troubling trend this year, the number of detainees on death row has increased by 75 percent since January.

Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, Director of Advocacy at BIRD: “The death penalty is a big problem in the Gulf. It has been Saudi Arabia’s ultimate tool of political repression for decades. Now we see Bahrain also threaten dissenters with this terrible weapon.”

BIRD, BCHR and ADHRB have consistently documented the torture and unfair trials of Bahrain’s death row prisoners. On 19 February 2014, the criminal court found Maher al-Khabbaz guilty of killing a police officer with a flare gun. The court convicted al-Khabbaz despite the prosecution’s inability to provide tangible evidence of the murder weapon, and inability to rectify the theory of the cause of death with the defense’s forensic report of the officer’s wounds. Al-Khabbaz’s trial is typical of all Bahraini detainees currently awaiting a death sentence.

Husain Abdulla, Executive Director at ADHRB: “Bahrainis on death row have endured humiliation, torture and unfair trials, and now they face the firing squad. No government should sanction the murder of its own citizens, least of all a country with a judiciary as corrupt and dysfunctional as that  of Bahrain.”

The death penalty as practiced in Bahrain is in breach of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Bahrain acceded in 2006. Article 6.1 of the ICCPR states that, “no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of their life.” As the seven Bahrainis on death row were subjected to torture, coerced confession and unfair trial, the sentence is therefore arbitrary, and in violation of Bahrain’s international commitments.

The campaign for the end of the death penalty is a global phenomenon. The United Nations General Assembly passed a moratorium on the death penalty in 2007, which called for the end of its use with a view towards abolition. The European Parliament has this week also passed a resolution condemning the death penalty and called for stronger international pressures on countries continuing to exercise the penalty.

Nabeel Rajab, President of BCHR: “The death penalty violates fundamental human rights. It’s time for Bahrain to join the majority of countries in the world which have abolished the death penalty. We need to build a society based on peace, not violence.”

ADHRB, BIRD and BCHR condemn of the practice of capital punishment in Bahrain, and call on the government to:

  • Commute immediately all death sentences;
  • Dismiss any and all judgments made with confessions obtained under conditions of torture;
  • Investigate all allegation of torture made by persons sentenced to death and prisoners of conscience; and
  • Abolish the death penalty.
