What happened on the day of Mab’ath?
Certainly (the Almighty) has conferred a benefit upon the faithful when he appointed among them a prophet from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them, and teaching them the Book and the wisdom, although they were surely in manifest error before that.
(The holy Quran, 3:164)
What happened on the day of Mab’ath?
over a millennium and four centuries ago, the Archangel, Gabriel, descended by God’s command on Mount Noor on the outskirts of the then obscure town of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula with the following divine message to the 40-year old person popularly known as as-Sadeq or the Truthful, and al-Amin or the Trustworthy:
Read in the Name of your Lord Who Created; Created man from a clot; Read and your Lord is Most Honourable; Who taught (to write) with the pen; Taught man what he knew not?
(The holy Quran, 96:1-5)
The moment Archangel Gabriel brought these ayahs to the person whose light was the first thing created by God Almighty, Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), as calm and confident as ever, recited them as if he knew it more perfectly than the conveyor of the message. What transpired on the 27th of Rajab at Cave Hera, exactly 1447 lunar years ago, was that glorious moment which would change the destiny of the world. This was the start of the gradual revelation for the next 23 years of the holy Qur’an, which remains till this day as the Immortal Miracle of Islam.