Takfiris have corrupted Islamic teachings

Rasa News Agency – Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad-Hasan Zamani, the international chairman of the Islamic Seminaries, has met with a number of Muslim women from Bosnia and Herzegovina. In a lecture to these women, His Eminence explained three important points about Islam and gave his opinions on these points. 


Takfirism is considered a fanatic, rigid and extremist movement which has deviated from Islam. The actions of the so-called Islamic State (IS) are one of the examples of these brutal Takfiri groups who do follow true Islam. They have claimed that they have revived the medieval caliphate in Iraq and Syria, but in fact, their state is not based upon the Quran or Islamic traditions or the practice of the Prophet Muhammad, but upon their own theories.


He further explained that the Wahhabi sect falsely believes that the actions of the Takfiri groups are representative of true Islam. “They consider that any person who do not accept the same thoughts and beliefs that they hold as an infidel. For this reason, they have murdered not only Shi’ites, but many Sunnis as well,” he emphasized.


The Boko Haram group operating Nigeria is another Takfiri group which has deviated Islamic teachings in an attempt to fulfil their goals. “Unfortunately, they are spreading false Islamic teachings among the Muslim people [of Nigeria],” Hujjat al-Islam Zamani explained.


He also rejected Takfiri ideas regarding religious hybridity and said: “They believe that some religious precepts of the Quran regarding worship should be used, but they adhere to the forms of culture, economy and politics from the West.”


Hujjat al-Islam Zamani explained that Takfiris mix together different theories from Western sociology and the humanities, as well as other fields, and they think that the Quran and Islam are merely about worship and that they contain no teachings regarding how to live a proper life.


“We call these Muslims ‘westoxified.’ Unfortunately, these ways of thinking are present in the thoughts of many Muslim youth and those with Western educations. For example, the [secular] Turkish authorities believe they should take religious precepts from the Quran, but in the realm of economics, politics, and others they believe they should follow the West and their theories,” His Eminence added.


“Against these false ideas of Islam, Islam has created a noble and wonderful civilization. Imam Khomeini (RA), and Ayatollah Khamenei (HA) have declared that it is necessary to implement the teachings and traditions of Islam completely. We believe that God Almighty has revealed all of the knowledge that is necessary for humankind in the Quran and prophetic narrations,” Hujjat al-Islam Zamani explained.


“All the teachings described in the Western humanities are encountered in the Quran and narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (S). These are such rich sources that if we wish to create an Islamic civilization, we could create a better and richer civilization than that of the West,” he argued. 


“For the past thirty-five years, the Islamic seminaries, universities and institutions such as the Imam Khomeini (RA) Education and Research Institute, have derived the foundations of the humanities from Islamic religious teachings,” he said in reference to the benefits of the Islamic Revolution.


“We believe all the laws that are passed in the Islamic Republic of Iran are based upon the Quran,” Hujjat al-Islam Zamani concluded.


