Saudi Arabia continues aggression Yemen

byislamSaudi Arabia has continued bombarding areas across Yemen as the United Nations calls for the cessation of conflict in the Arab country.

According to media outlets, Saudi warplanes conducted a number of airstrikes on the western province of Hudaydah late on Thursday, killing an unknown number of civilians.

Saudi fighter jets also bombarded the northwestern province of Sa’ada, killing at least one civilian there.

In retaliation for the deadly Saudi aggression, the Yemeni army backed by Ansarullah fighters targeted Saudi military bases in the southwestern province of Jizan.

There has been no report on the possible casualties or damage caused in the Yemeni attacks.

The development in Yemen came as UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator urged an end to the violence in the impoverished Arab country, saying, “The dialogue of weapons needs to be replaced by the dialogue of words. There is no military solution to this conflict.”

“What we need is peace,” he added.

O’Brien further noted that the international community must step up its measure to help the provision of critical aid for Yemeni people.

“I call on all parties to the conflict, and those who can influence them, especially in the region, to find a durable political solution for the sake of the Yemeni people. We must not fail them,” he said.

On Tuesday, Peter Maurer, the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), warned of the grave humanitarian crisis in Yemen, which has been under heavy bombardment by Saudi warplanes for more than four months. He said Yemen is “crumbling” under a deepening crisis, which is nothing short of catastrophic.

Since March 26, Riyadh has been pounding various areas in Yemen without a UN mandate. The Saudi military aggression is meant to undermine the Ansarullah fighters and restore power to Yemen’s fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of the Riyadh regime.

The UN says the Saudi war on Yemen has killed over 4,000 people, nearly half of them civilians, since late March. Local Yemeni sources, however, put the fatality figure at a much higher number.

Lady Gowharshad Agha and the Oldest Shi’ite Mosque

Lady Gowharshad Agha[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s a wealthy, prudent, and perfectly decent woman, she founded a mosque in the vicinity of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) out of deep devotion and sincerity that later was integrated into the holy shrine.

Lady Gowharshad Agha raised two educated sons who both were artist and scholar; the inscription upon the arch of the Gowharshad Mosque scribed in Thulth script is a work of Baysanqar, Gowharshad’s son, who scribed it in his twenties.

Mirza Sultan Ibrahim, another son of Gowharshad, also has written a Qur’an in Naskh script that was endowed in 827 A.H. to the holy shrine and now is being preserved in the museum of Astan Quds Razavi library.

Lady Gowharshad Agha, who had also the reputation of art and knowledge, founded the Great Mosque of Mahd-e Ulyia Gowharshad Beigum and monastery of Mahd-e Ulyia Gowharshad Agha in Herat.

After completing the construction of the Gowharshad Mosque, she endowed several villages to the mosque and assigned the custodianship of the endowments to her sons and in case of decease of her descendants, to the decent children of Ali Hamidi Alawi and finally to one of pious Sadat of Mashhad.

After Lady Gowharshad, some other endowers followed her in endowing several villages to the Gowharshad Mosque. Lady Gowharshad was finally martyred in the age of 81 and her body was buried in the Gowharshad School in Herat.

Effects of Halal and Haram Food on Personal and Social Behavior

halal 2[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the special program of ‘Tebb al-Masumin’ that was held in the Dar al-Hidayat of the Razavi holy shrine, Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Mahdavinia noted that there are over 300 verses in the holy Qur’an that refer to the issue of nutrition and added, “This number of Qur’an verses in addition to hundreds of traditions from the Infallible Imams (A.S.) about nutrition indicates the particular attention of Islam to the health of body since just like worshipping, nutrition affects the human behavior and many of irritabilities of people come from their bad nutrition.

According to this expert in the Islamic medicine, that food cooked traditionally in home may contain much more energy and positive mental effects on people compared with fast foods.

“The first recommendation regarding the healthy nutrition associates with the issue of Halal; observing Halal and Haram in any domain should be extremely cared. A Halal money or food can sometimes turn into Haram just by telling a lie or coming short in responsibility”, Mahdavinia added.

Regarding pure nutrition as manners of food he added, “Eating pure food brings about good deeds and eating Haram food, on contrary, vitiates the human body and soul and makes him prone to committing sins.

The professor of seminary and university considered obliteration of blessing and abundance, refusal of prayers, and intensified incentive for doing sin as the outcomes of Haram food and said, “Other outcomes include hardheartedness, black-heartedness, and impenetrability to admonition, proved by this account from Ashura when Imam Hussein (A.S.) said: your bellies are filled with Haram and your hearts have been sealed; you will not admit the truth nor listen to it.”

In continuation of his speech, Mahdavinia recounted ‘equipment with piety’, ‘thankfulness to God’, and ‘doing good deeds’ as the precious outcomes of Halal and pure food.

It is notable that special program of ‘Tebb al-Masumin’ is held for pilgrims of the holy shrine in the Dar al-Hidayat portico of the holy shrine on Saturdays, from 17:30 to 19.

Source : AQR

“Velayat-e Faqih in Shia Jurisprudence” Discussed in Armenia

[dropcap]A [/dropcap]forum titled “Velayat-e Faqih (leadership of jurist) in Shia Jurisprudence and its role in Iranian Government” was held by the Iranian Studies Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Yerevan State University.

The program was attended by Professor Malikian, dean of the faculty, Veskanian, head of the department as well as a number of lecturers and students of the university.

Addressing the forum, Hojat-ol-Islam Hashemian, an Iranian scholar, elaborated on the concepts of “Velayat” (leadership) and “Faqih” (jurist).

He mentioned some verses of the Holy Quran about Prophet Joseph (AS) and noted that based on the verses “knowledge” and “trusteeship” are the two necessary characteristics of Vali-e Faqih.

Hashemian stressed that such a person can guide the human society towards salvation.

The scholar also clarified the concepts of confrontation, interaction and perfection and noted that today’s world is a world of interaction and the society will reach perfection as a result of interaction.

He concluded that according to Islam, one who is at the highest level of knowledge and moral virtues should take the leadership of the Islamic society.


Obama is a “Shiite Muslim” and his name reflects something

9a579afac2e609171a42f56094b08786[dropcap]A[/dropcap]n opinion column written by a Bahraini journalist about the US president Barack Obama turned into an opportunity to launch sarcastic comments and jokes on social media platforms.

Hisham Al-Zayani, a regular columnist in Al-Watan newspaper funded by the Bahraini Royal Court, wrote an article on Monday (April 6, 2015) in which he described Obama as a Shiite, referring to one of the Islamic sects.

His claims were based on a number of comments made by the Syrian opposition member, Mohyeldeen Al- Lazikani, during a televised interview with Al-Jazeera, as he said: “US President Barack Obama descends from a Kenyan Shiite family” and was born to “a Shiite father” “in Mombasa village whose residents are Shia.”

“It is not unlikely that his claims are true considering president Barack Hussein Obama’s decisions, and even his name reflects some of what Al-Lazikani said,” stated Al-Zayani, who quoted all the remarks made by Al-Lazikani in his article.

“To the leaders of the Gulf…Do you tell that to Obama?” he added, also clarifying his point: “I remembered just after Al-Lazikani’s interview that president Obama is the only US president who has mentioned Al-Wefaq is his addresses, which is a Shiite Bahraini group that became well-known because of its sectarian conduct and it also follows the concept of Wilayat al-Faqih.” according to him.

Tweeters and Bahraini activists seized this opportunity to launch a series of jokes.

The Bahraini sociologist, Lund University professor, Abdulhadi Khalaf, tweeted: “The unknown has been unveiled: US President Obama is a Shiite from a Kenyan village that embraced Shi’ism at the hands of the Ibadis.”
In another sarcastic tweet he posted on his Twitter account with an edited picture showing Obama holding a

loudspeaker amongst crowds, Khalaf said: “A young Obama leading a Husseini funeral procession in Mombasa,” signifying the mourning funeral processions that Shiites hold to express their grief over their Imams.
As for Jassim Morad, he posted: “The Arab spring is starting to bloom some geniuses. Hisham Al-Zayani endorses Al-Lazikani’s statement, who was the first one to discover that Obama is a Shiite and even says that his name signifies this (Barack Hussein Obama).”

Meanwhile, the tweeter “Shahid” posted: “There is no use anymore…Hisham Al-Zayani revealed the secret and found out that Obama is a Shiite.”

“Patriot”; however, tweeted: “This is utter stupidity! Hisham Al-Zayani’s Hallucinations: Obama has Shiite origins!”
Bahraini tweeters made fun of Al-Zayani’s article by posting sarcastic remarks and jokes, yet Al-Zayani himself was completely serious about his claim. He even used it as a threat too.

“Tell Obama that America’s conspiracies against Saudi Arabia and Gulf States are clear now and everyone knows about them,” he added. “We tell (Obama): Don’t you dare harm Saudi Arabia just one bit, for Saudi Arabia’s leader has the strongest and most dangerous weapon that could terrorize you, the Iranians and the Zionists, and that is the weapon of (declaring Jihad and Mobilization).”

“If that happened, all nations from Canada in the West to Indonesia in the East will march towards you. This is what you fear most.”

Al-Zayani is not joking. Believe him or await the “Declaration of Jihad and Mobilization” to be printed on the pages of the Al-Watan newspaper, the voice of those who have no voice in the Bahraini Royal Court!

Michigan Muslim man in a trip to enlighten on true image of Islam in 50 US states

e2cda8d030c20be40ba8c3f904d0c896 [dropcap]O[/dropcap]n a spiritually motivated journey, an American Muslim from Michigan is to visit 50 mosques in 50 states to perform the Adhan (call for prayer) with a special call to the nation’s Muslim community, amid soaring Islamophobia, according to media reports.

Jameel Syed is aiming to become the first person to perform the Adhan in all 50 U.S. states, using his voice across America to help educate the public about Islam, praise its Prophet (peace be upon him), and also honor the memory of his father.

The 35-day road trip will include occasional flights to reach states like Hawaii, and will end May 8 at the Rochester Hills mosque.

“Islamophobia is real, there is no question about it,” Syed told as he traveled from Mississippi to Florida.

“It’s one thing people in our community are really aware of. And the big message here is we have to go out there and meet and interact with people.

“Give them the opportunity to let them know who you are. That’s your best shot to dispel any myths, to breakdown any stereotypes, and to make a real dent into discrimination.”

After reciting the call to prayer at each mosque in 50 states, Syed will deliver the last sermon given by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a talk that Syed said promoted gender equity, racial equality, trust, and peace.

“It is the most eloquent speech ever delivered in the history of humanity,” Syed told the worshipers. “I want for us to be able to hear those words and take it to our family members, take it to our co-workers, take it to our neighbors and live by them.”

According to the 40-year-old marketing executive and graduate of the University of Michigan, the initiative aims to showcase the beauty and diversity of Muslim communities across America.

Canadian Muslim Scholars Stand Up to ISIL Recruiters

8e6b6a68e2a6ea545e22996f4f69032d [dropcap]I[/dropcap]n a religious edict (fatwa) issued in March against ISIL, 37 imams and religious scholars from across Canada denounced its threats against Canada and its online recruitment.

The fatwa further urged Muslim youth to shun the sway of ISIL, for having violated Islamic tenets “in the most horrific and inhumane way.”

“Some Muslims, having the fatwa against them, will have second thoughts before seeking to join an extremist group”, said Khalil Khan, president of Calgary’s Al Madinah Islamic Assembly.

“(They) will wonder if this is right or wrong,” commented one of the fatwa’s 37 signatories.

Also addressing the issue, Zaheera Tariq, one of the Assembly’s directors, said that recruits are being lured by misrepresentations of Islam.

“It’s a lack of education, a lack of knowledge,” she said, adding that young people are “being influenced by those people who are misrepresenting Islam, who are misquoting the Prophet.”

She added, “They need to find proper imams.”

Calgary’s religious leaders weighing in on the disturbing trend, including Dr. Tariq Khan and other leaders say more resources are needed to address a growing religious education gap facing Muslims whose numbers are soaring in Calgary.

The city’s Muslim population has increased fourfold in the past two decades to 120,000, and in 2010, Naheed Nenshi became the first Muslim to be elected as mayor of a major Canadian city.

American girl reveals why she joined the ISIS in Syria

bfa87282f2d20069385b0dca33fb3f2f [dropcap]I[/dropcap]t was a trend no one wanted to see catch on, young educated foreigners from primarily well to do backgrounds, fleeing their countries to be part of one of the most dangerous organisations in the world – [the so-called] Islamic State (IS). They come from all walks of life and their numbers are increasing every day.

Hoda, a 20-year-old girl from Alabama in the United States of America, is the latest to run away from home to join the fight with IS. Hoda left home in November 2014.

In a recent interview from Syria, Hoda agreed to give Buzzfeed an insight into why she wanted to leave the US and join IS. Her father Mohammed shared the family’s pain and an unnamed classmate of the girl revealed the warning signs that led up to Hoda’s departure to Syria. Mohammed said he wanted to share his story so no other family lost their child to the IS.

He never imagined his child would make such a choice, he said, as he had fled Yemen with his wife more than 20 years ago and all of his five children were born in the US.

The family resides a little outside Hoover, Birmingham, Alabama which was ranked as one of the top cities to live in the US. Hoover has a large Muslim community and three mosques owing to a high number of international students from the Middle East attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Hoda was a student studying business at UAB before she left for Syria.

Mohammed states that his family is like any other Muslim family in the community, and the women dressed modestly, wearing the hijab when they left home. Hoda described her parents as strict, a fact that her father did not dispute, but added that it was not extreme and believes that IS brainwashed his daughter.

He also believes that gifting her a smartphone after graduating high school resulted in her affiliation with IS. As a concerned parent, Mohammed said he regularly checked her phone, which she hated. But she only had Islamic apps like the hadiths, Quran, sura, nothing out of the ordinary.

Around 2012, Hoda turned to her religion, as she was struggling to find her purpose in life. Through her access to the internet, Hoda revealed that she got more in touch with her faith as she found scholars and readings of Islam, a year-and-a-half before fleeing to Syria. Scholar lectures about Islam on YouTube made an impact on her more than the ones in her hometown, she said.

Hoda said her dedication to her faith pleased her parents, who saw her dress more modestly and behave well. Mohammed was especially proud of her ability to retain the most important chapter of the Qur’an, Surat Al-Kahf, which talks about the backlash by the society against the first adopters of Islam who were forced to abandon their home and live in a cave.

In 2013, Hoda secretly set up a Twitter account where she gained thousands of followers and support for her opinions. Her anonymity on social media allowed her to speak freely on controversial and religious issues.

A former classmate who followed her on Twitter described Hoda as an activist who supported radical interpretations of Islam online. She said it was strange to see her persona on Twitter and the quiet girl she was in person. It almost seemed like Twitter was her alter ego. It didn’t surprise the classmate that Hoda joined the IS.

Hoda’s classmates and her father both described her as a loner who didn’t hang out with friends. Hoda explained it was something she chose as she did not want to associate with people who did not share her views. She said she wants every Muslim to move to the IS-controlled territory.

After secretly renewing her passport and paying for a plane ticket with her tuition money, Hoda was ready to make her move while her father was away in Washington. Hoda told her family she had a field trip to attend and that her grades depended on it. In the evening, she called her sister and lied again, saying that she’d got on the wrong bus and would return the next day. Not pleased, but unable to do anything, Hoda’s family waited till the morning for her to return.

By then, Hoda had already landed in Turkey and texted her family to say that she had left to join the IS. The family was hysterical and immediately called the FBI. But by the time her father arrived from his trip the next day, she was already in Syria.

Mohammed told Buzzfeed that all attempts to urge his child back to the US failed and so he ordered the rest of his family to terminate all contact with her. After a month, Hoda informed her family of getting married to a 23-year-old fighter called Suhan Rahman, an Australian also known as Abu Jihad al-Australi on December 20. However the marriage was short-lived (just 87) days and Hoda posted on Twitter that he had died in battle.

Mohammed fears that the Muslim community and his neighbours in Hoover blame him and his wife for their daughter’s choice. He fears for the rest of his children – for their future jobs and marriages.

Hoda is one of the thousands who have run away to be part of the Islamic State terrorists – 200,000 foreigners from 90 countries have fled, according to CNN. They come from all walks of life and seemingly normal backgrounds.

Like Hoda, Aqsa Mahmood from Scotland also left to join the militant group in November 2013, when she was just a 19-year-old. CNN reported that her father said she was a normal child, who listened to Coldplay and read Harry Potter books. It was only when the civil war broke out in Syria that she grew concerned and started praying a lot. Then like Hoda, she ran away to become a recruiter for the Islamic State. To encourage more women to join, she started a blog to talk about her life in the Islamic State.

However, there is no one more prominent than Jihadi John, originally named Mohammed Emwazi who is now infamous for beheading seven journalists, including James Foley. Emwazi born in Kuwait, was just six-years old when he came to the UK with his family. He attended Mohammed Kynaston Community Academy, north London and later graduated in computing from the University of Westminster in 2009. According to BBC, one of Emwazi’s school teachers said he didn’t have a troubled background.

Another fighter for IS was former model and well known DJ Sharky Jama (25) from Melbourne, Australia, who was described as a likeable person who also had a promising future ahead of him. He is believed to have been shot dead fighting alongside fellow militants in Syria.

Raising banner of Imam Hussein In northern Pakistan / Pics

[dropcap]A[/dropcap] large population of Skardu, a city located in northern Pakistan welcomed delegates from the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine which carried the official banner of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him).

Muslim Abbas Sekban, Head of the Holy Shrine delegation team stated that they were surprised by the enormous crowd that gathered around the city’s airport hours before the delegate’s arrival.

The crowd’s strong love and desire for Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) left them with tears while chanting the name of their beloved Imam.

The Holy Shrine established an event as a part of the Cultural Week, where the banner of Imam Hussein was raised amongst the lovers of Ahlul-Bait.

Moreover, the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine Electronic Media Division got hold of a video which illustrates the welcoming of the delegates as well as the activities of the ceremony.


Chinese imams forced to brandish slogan “our income comes from Chinese Communist Party not from Allah”

In another attempt to suppress religious freedoms, China forced imams from its eastern Muslim majority Xinjiang region to dance in the street and swear to an oath that they would not teach religion to children.


The imams were also forced to tell children that prayer was harmful for the soul.

The Muslim imams were further forced to brandish the slogan that “our income comes from the CKP [Chinese Communist Party] not from Allah”.

State Chinese news said the imams were gathering in a square in the name of civilization where they were forced to dance and chant out slogans in support of the state.

The slogans included statements glorifying the state over religion such as ‘peace of the country gives peace to the soul’.

Speeches were also given which directed youth to stay away from mosques and that prayer was harmful for their health. They were instead encouraged to dance.

Female teachers were instructed to teach children to stay away from religious education and made to swear an oath that they will keep children away from religion.

Uighur Muslims are a Turkish-speaking minority of eight million in the northwestern Xinjiang region.

Also known as East Turkestan, the region has been autonomous since 1955 but continues to be the subject of massive security crackdowns by Chinese authorities.

Rights groups accuse Chinese authorities of religious repression against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang in the name of counter terrorism.

In August, the northern Xinjiang city of Karamay prohibited young men with beards and women in burqas or hijabs from boarding public buses.

Similarly, Xinjiang banned the practicing of religion in government buildings, as well as wearing clothes or logos associated with religious extremism, last November.

Last year, China banned Muslim students and government staff from observing fasts in the month of Ramadan, while encouraging locals to abstain from wearing veils.

Shocked by the outrageous incident, many took to social media to express their views.

Source: ABNA