Research: British Muslim Women 71% more Likely to Be Unemployed


Discrimination against Muslim women in the workplace means they are much more likely to be unemployed than white Christian women – even when they have the same qualifications and language skills – research showed.

British Muslim women are around 70 percent more likely to be looking unsuccessfully for work, according to the University of Bristol’s Nabil Khattab, who spoke at the British Sociological Association’s annual conference in Glasgow, The Independent reported.

The recent national Labor Force survey showed the unemployment rate among Muslim women was 18 percent, compared with 9 percent for Muslim women and 4 percent for white Christian women. This has previously been attributed to Muslim women being less well educated and less fluent in English, but Khattab says his data shows the discrepancy is also likely to be explained by employer discrimination.

Khattab analyzed a sample of 2,643 from the national Labor Force survey to compare the rates of those looking for work without success. He adjusted the sample in order to compare women with similar educational level and language abilities and controlled for marital status, children and strength of religious belief.

He found that Muslim women were 71 percent more likely than white Christian women to be unemployed, even when they had the same educational level and language skills. Muslim women were 57 percent more likely to be unemployed than white Christian women.

“Economic activity among Muslim women in the UK remains considerably lower and their unemployment rate remains significantly higher than the majority group even after controlling for qualifications and other individual characteristics,” Khattab said.

He added that the conspicuousness of Muslim women’s religious background was likely to be a key factor in explaining their exclusion. “They wear the hijab or other religious symbols which makes them more visible and as such exposed to greater discrimination.”

Source: FNA

Fire causes damage to Turkish mosque in Greece


The roof and interior of a mosque in Greece were damaged in a fire, Greek foreign ministry said on Saturday.

The fire broke out at the Mahmut Aga Mosque just before Friday prayers in the city of Komotini in northeastern Greece.

According to an initial report, the short circuit is believed to be the cause of the fire, but the exact reason will be ascertained after a probe, Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman Konstantinos Kutras said in a press conference.

Komotini authorities told Anadolu that firefighters had to be called in to put out the blaze. The Turkish Foreign Ministry released a statement Saturday urging Greek authorities to thoroughly investigate the incident.

The Turkish ministry said that it expected Greece to take all necessary measures to provide peace and safety to the Turkish minority community living in Greece’s Western Thrace.


Source: ABNA

Australia mosque comes under 2nd attack this year

The photo shows damage caused by an arson attack at the Toowoomba Mosque in Australia on April 17, 2015.

The photo shows damage caused by an arson attack at the Toowoomba Mosque in Australia.

A mosque in the northeastern Australian state of Queensland has come under arson attack for the second time this year.

Fire broke out early Friday in the mosque in the Darling Downs region’s Toowoomba city.
Reports indicate the attack seriously damaged the mosque.
Australian police sources say an investigation has been launched into the incident. There are currently no suspects.
Police and Corrective Services Minister Jo-Ann Miller arrived in Toowoomba following the attack.

“This has been the second attack on this Islamic community in three months. It’s shocking, it’s outrageous and we want people to come forward so that the police can get the names of the perpetrators, so they can investigate it and if necessary they are charged,” Miller said.

Reports say the fire started in the mosque’s office before spreading to other parts of the building.

The photo shows Australian police officers standing outside the mosque in Toowoomba.

The photo shows Australian police officers standing outside the mosque in Toowoomba.

Authorities say the incident is suspicious and they are seeking to determine any connections between the blaze earlier in the day and another attack three months earlier.

The latest act of violence against the mosque in Australia comes as the country’s Muslim community has been experiencing a wave of Islamophobia.

Source: PressTV

Islamic Centre of England to launch Allamah Tabatabai Award (ATAward)

The Islamic Centre of England is pleased to launch the inaugural Allamah Tabatabai’s Award (ATAward), initiated to acknowledge and award hard working students. ATAward would like to provide students with inspirational leadership, guidance and support to improve their own future prospects and their communities.

GCSE and A-level students are presented prestigious awards and prizes in an annual Award Ceremony for their high achievements. In addition, a comprehensive Mentoring scheme is developed to provide personalised guidance to the winners striving for a successful future.
Registration is required to be considered for the ATAward and the deadline this year is the 15th of May 2015.
For more information visit ATAward website / FB page: you require further information please do not hesitate to get in touch via email:

Iranian Leader’s Letter in Hands of European Youth / Photos

A group of youth in Cologne ( Germany’s fourth-largest city) welcomed Iranian Leader’s message to Euroupe, as scholars, intellectuals and academicians from across the globe continue finding access to the open letter of the the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei to the youths of Europe and North America.

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Source : FNA

Southern California Muslim women hand out hundreds of roses to promote peace and unity / Photos

The Muslim Women Network of Southern California handed out free roses over the weekend to promote peace, unity, diversity and freedom.


Fatemeh Nassirian, right, president of the Muslim Women Network of Southern California, hands out a free rose at the Irvine Spectrum.

The group planned to hand out 1,500 roses at the Irvine Spectrum, Downtown Disney and the Beverly Center in Los Angeles.

Besides distributing roses, the Muslim women planned to spread messages of Islam, including from the prophet Muhammad: “Feed the hungry and visit the sick, and free the captive if he is unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. ”

“There are too many misconceptions about Islam. Unfortunately usually the media doesn’t display the life of real Muslims. They mostly talk about the people that hijacked name of Islam, and everything they do is against true teachings of Islam.
Those terrorists not only kill non-Muslims but their main targets are real Muslims,” said Shalizeh Aftabi, an organizer of the event. “For example a while ago in Iraq in just one day ISIS killed almost 1,700 young Shi’a Muslims.”

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Source : ABNA

Islamophobia in Germany; Mosque set on fire in the university of Witten / Photos

A mosque was on fire in Germany on Tuesday morning in the university city of Witten, located in the district of North Rhine-Westphalia, according to German daily DerWesten.


The daily reported that an identified man was filmed from inside the mosque on Monday night at around 23.30 local time entering the mosque “Sultan Ahmet Cami” and pouring the contents of a gasoline can in the prayer room. After he reportedly set the gasoline on fire, he fled the scene using the entrance gate of the mosque. The man was reported to have entered the building from the back, via its window.

There were four families with children living in the building, but fortunately, the fire extinguished by itself. One of those living in the mosque, Veysel Arslan discovered that the smoke had filled the praying room as he woke up to morning prayer.

Arslan reportedly said, that he smelt something burning when he arrived at the praying room at 5.30am. He said, “At first we thought the tea burnt. But then we noticed the smoke in the prayer room.”

The police seized the crime scene and experts are examining the burn marks. Xenophobic attack has not been excluded from the investigation.




Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia sees first Quran reading in 85 years


The Hagia Sophia was turned into a museum accessible to all by the secular founders of modern Turkey in the 1930s and secular Turks are wary of any moves to re-Islamise the building.

A passage from the Holy Quran was recited late Friday at a ceremony in the Hagia Sophia to mark the opening of a new exhibition “Love of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).”

It was read by Ali Tel, imam at the Ahmet Hamdi Akseki Mosque in Ankara, the official Anatolia news agency said.

The ceremony was attended by top Turkish officials including the head of the country’s religious affairs agency Diyanet, Mehmet Gormez.

Anatolia said it was the first recitation of the holy Holy Quran in the Hagia Sophia for 85 years.


Ali Tel (imam at modern Akseki Mosque) reciting a passage from the holy Quran.

The exhibition inside the Hagia Sophia is a show of calligraphic work in devotion to the Muslim Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) and runs until May 8.

The magnificent edifice was constructed in the sixth century as a church in the Christian Byzantine Empire and was the seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, the former name of Istanbul.

When Ottoman forces under Mehmet II conquered the city in 1453 he ordered the immediate conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque. Islamic minarets were built around its Byzantine dome.

It served as a mosque until after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire when in the mid-1930s the authorities of the new Turkish state under secular leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ordered it to become a museum for all.

But under the rule of the Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP), co-founded by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan which came to power in 2002, there have been noises about reconverting the Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc caused a furore in November 2013 when he indicated that he hoped to change the status of the Hagia Sophia, saying it looked “sad” but hopefully would be “smiling again soon”.

Greece reacted furiously at the time, saying such statements “are offending the religious feeling of millions of Christians.”

Auspicious birth anniversary of ‘Sayyida al-Zahra’ celebrated in Sweden / Photos

On the auspicious birth anniversary of Prophet Muhamamd’s daughter ‘Sayyidah Fatima’ a group of Muslims  In the city of Göteborg in Sweden at a booth called “hijab booth” asked non-muslims to try hijab for the first time and then write their feelings on a notebook. this might be the first encounter of some people with Islam. They also distributed 1444 pieces of cakes and 1444 roses.


“Muslims celebrate birth anniversary of Fatima al-Zahra every year but now we want to invite even non-Muslims to participate”, says Marjan Noory, who is involved in organizing the party. She hopes that even non-Muslims wish to participate in the festivities at Gustav Adolf Square.


“This is a great opportunity for non-Muslims to meet us and ask questions and doubts in their mind about Muslims believes and activities. Unfortunately there are still prejudices about the Muslim woman in western countries. I am a Muslim and the fact is that I choose to wear Hijab by my own decision and I am not forced to do that. Always my non-Muslim friends ask me that if I am forced to wear Hijab and is it not permissible for women to drive or have driving license?”

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This is an annual event in Göteborg. Here is some pictures from their last year party:

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Hijab Introduces Islam to Indiana Students

Fighting misconceptions associated with Muslim headscarf, Muslim students at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, arranged a hijab handout to their colleagues to educate them about Islam and address stereotypes drawn by media over the past decade.

Islam Awareness week – U.S.

“[highlight]People may have Muslim friends that they are able to ask too, but not everyone has a Muslim friend. So we want to be here as that Muslim friend,[/highlight]” Muslim Student Association President Noor Ayesha told Ball State Daily.

The event was hosted during Islamic Awareness week, hosted by MSA to spread awareness about Islam through April 9.

Standing from noon till 3 pm, MSA members offered free scarves on Monday to people wishing to try hijab in the Atrium during their Experience Hijab event.

The MSA members have also shown people how to wear the hijabs.

Ayesha asserted that wearing hijab is a personal decision based on faith for Muslim women.

“[Once, someone] asked why some people get offended when they’re asked about their hijab, and I don’t know anyone who gets offended, but I think it’s similar to … [when] you ask someone who wears tattoos what every single one means. It’s very personal,” Ayesha said.

Along with the hijab experience, the awareness week will host a panel discussing feminism in the Islam faith.

This will be a discussion of Eastern and Western cultures as they apply to women’s rights.

Adding more in-depth to the event, Rachael Collins, a non-Muslim MSA member, paired with a member to show the documentary “Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think” on the night of April 6.

“The film directly addresses extremism,” Collins said.

“They show research from studies that there are a billion people who practice [Islam] and most of them don’t support this ideology and belief system. The diversity that you see in the Christian faith is the same kind of diversity you see in the Muslim faith.”

Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s affiliations.

Blowing Misconceptions

Joining MSA as a part of her diversity training, Collins, a clinical mental health counselling graduate student, wanted to challenge anti-Muslim bias.

“There’s a difference between the Islamic faith and the Islamic culture and tradition, and that was a big one,” Collins said.

“The women in MSA are very strong, independent, smart and capable, so maybe some of the ideas that I had about gender roles in the faith were really challenged.”

The awareness week also hosts a final event with a four-person panel in Ask A Muslim.

The panel consists of two Muslim students and two Muslim professionals.


“[The panelists will] tell you a little about their lives and where they come from and you can ask them questions like, ‘Why do you wear that thing on your head?’ Some people choose to be ignorant and some just haven’t been exposed, and we want to provide that exposure,” Ayesha said.

Discussing current events, including the Chapel Hill shooting in which three Muslim students were killed, the panel hopes to diffuse any misconceptions that can cause further violence.

“We want to bring to light these events … eliminate the ignorance. We don’t want to take a political approach, we just want to show the human side,” Ayesha said.

“These are people who were doing great things for the world and they died.”

Though there are no official estimates, the US is home to an estimated Muslim minority of six to eight million.

An earlier Gallup poll found that the majority of Americans Muslims are loyal to their country and optimistic about their future in the United States.

Source: On Islam