Saudi Arabia accuses al-Qaeda of attacking Shia mourners

Saudi authorities have accused al-Qaeda militants for a recent attack against a group of Shia Muslims participating in a ceremony marking the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the third Shia Imam, in Eastern Province.

Saudi Interior Ministry spokesman, General Mansur al-Turki, told media on Wednesday that the attackers were “followers of the deviant ideology,” a term often used in Saudi Arabia to describe al-Qaeda.

On November 3, masked gunmen stormed a mourning procession for Imam Hussein (PBUH) in the village of al-Dalwah in al-Ahsa Governorate of Eastern Province, and opened fire as people were observing Ashura, the 10th day of the lunar month of Muharram.

Eight Shia mourners, including children, were killed and a dozen others sustained injuries in the terrorist attack.

The attack on Shia mourners in Dalwah comes as Saudi officials themselves show zero tolerance toward anti-government demonstrations in the oil-rich kingdom, and have harshly cracked down on such protests.

International human rights organizations have criticized Saudi Arabia for failing to address the rights situation in the kingdom. They say Saudi Arabia has persistently implemented repressive policies that stifle freedom of expression, association and assembly.

Activists say there are over 30,000 political prisoners in Saudi Arabia.


Day of Ashura Marked at Islamic Centre of England

One-Year old baby playing with decapitated head / GRAPHIC

Australia: Shia Muslims rally in Sydney to to spread message of peace, not war

Her friends giggled nervously under their black headscarves as they marched peacefully in the heart of Sydney with 3000 other moderate Shia Muslims.

The group met in Hyde Park yesterday to mark Ashura, the 10th day of the first month of the Islamic calendar Muharram, which honours the prophet Mohammed’s grandson Husayn ibn Ali, who was killed in 680AD.

“On the 10th day, Islam was pretty much hijacked by people who say they were Muslim but want to use oppression to take over Islam,” engineering student Ghufran Al-Khzali said of the event that triggered a schism between Sunnis and Shi’ites.

“We are hoping to spread the idea that peace can be achieved through speech and not war.”

The scheduled march came a day after Iraqi Shia religious leader Rasoul Al-Musawi, 47, was shot outside Husainiyah Nabi Akram centre in Greenacre, in western Sydney. Witnesses said the prayer hall had been threatened by men chanting slogans of Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL).

Mr Musawi reportedly is in a stable condition in Liverpool Hospital following surgery.

Tony Abbott blamed the shooting on “an ISIL death cult influence”. “The important thing is for all of us to absolutely reject this death cult,” he said.

Marcher Mehdi Mirzai moved to Australia less than two years ago and hopes Australians understand that Shia Muslims stand against the “brutality and war” of Islamic State militants.

“We don’t even think they are Muslim; Islam teaches love, peace and harmony,” he said.

Zahra Ali, 19, said Shi’ites were the main Islamic State target. “Today is against that kind of injustice and we want to spread the message that we are here for peace and justice,” she said.


Yemen: Over 30 killed in clashes between Houthi Shias, al-Qaeda

Over 30 people have been killed in the latest round of clashes between Houthi Ansarullah revolutionary fighters and al-Qaeda-linked militants in the town of Rada’ south of the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a, security officials say.

According to the security officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the two sides exchanged heavy artillery fire until early Tuesday, during which several civilians were killed and cars and residential places were damaged.

The indiscriminate shelling also forced dozens of families to flee Rada’.

Also on Tuesday, witnesses and tribal sources said two overnight US drone strikes killed at least 20 people near Rada’.
US officials have occasionally alluded to using drone strikes in Yemen but they have not officially confirmed such attacks.

Al-Qaeda militants frequently carry out attacks on Yemen’s security forces and have been locked in deadly battles with Shia Ansarullah fighters.

Meanwhile, al-Qaeda-linked violence against Yemeni security forces has grown since February 2012, when President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi came to power in a one-man election backed by Saudi Arabia and the United States.

Hadi replaced long-time dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was ousted after a year of mass protests across the country. Ansarullah revolutionary fighters played an instrumental role in the overthrow of Saleh.


Clashes between Saudi forces and anti-Shia militants kill 4

Clashes between Saudi security forces and gunmen suspected of carrying out a deadly terrorist attack against the country’s Shia Muslims have claimed the lives of at least four people.

The exchange of fire between the Saudi troops and armed terrorists left at least four people dead, including two members of the security forces, in the town of Buraida north of the Saudi capital Riyadh on Tuesday.

Fifteen people were also arrested in connection with the deadly terrorist offensive against the country’s Shia minority.

“We cannot confirm we are done with the security operations. We have dealt with what the preliminary information provided us with. But these arrests may lead to more information that opens up new areas of operations,” said Saudi Interior Ministry security spokesman Major General Mansour Turki.

Earlier on Tuesday, unidentified gunmen attacked a gathering of Shia Muslims and killed five mourners commemorating Ashura, the tenth day of the lunar month of Muharram that marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the third Shia imam.

The deadly assault, which was carried out in al-Ahsa, the largest governorate in Saudi Arabia’s restive Eastern Province, also left more than 30 mourners wounded.

Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and 72 of his loyal companions, were martyred on Ashura in the battle of Karbala against the second Umayyad caliph, Yazid I, in 680 AD. Imam Hussein was killed after he refused to pledge allegiance to the tyrant ruler.


Sayyed Nasrallah: Israelis Must Shut All Airports, Seaports during Any War

Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Tuesday a speech in which he tackled various topics.

Speaking via a television screen to Hundreds of thousands of people , who were commemorating the tenth day of Muharram in Beirut’s Dahyieh [Southern Suburbs], he thanked the huge crowds for their great presence on Ashoura ceremonies despite challenges, security concerns, and rain.

“These great scenes for tens of millions commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein all over the Islamic world, and condoling the Great Prophet[Mohammad] reflects the greatness of this martyr.”

Sayyed Nasrallah further added:” [Imam]Hussein is greatly present today as if he was martyred yesterday.”

Nothing to Stand between Imam Hussein, Followers

Commenting on the attacks that targeted the Husseini gatherings in Nigeria, Ehsa province in the KSA, Pakistan, and Iraq, he viewed that such aggressions “are signs that the aggressors are violent , weak, and ignorant.”

“We are adamant to confront those who launch war on us. Neither killing nor suicide bombs and shelling will stand between Imam Hussein and his followers. We will always respond with reiterating our pledge to Imam Hussein: Disgrace How Remote,” His Eminence vowed.

Al-Aqsa in Real Danger

Moving to the recent Zionist violations against the Holy al-Aqsa mosque and their attempts to judize this site, the Resistance leader mentioned that “the “Israelis” are getting advantage of the Islamic world’s turmoil to reach their objectives.”

“Today, if one stands to talk about dangers facing al-Aqsa Holy mosque, he would be right. This is not an exaggeration. This Holy place is really facing real and serious dangers. The Muslims must be aware of this calamity,” he mentioned.
In parallel, His Eminence warned that “al-Aqsa Mosque is in real danger as the Zionist entity is going on with Judization, settlements building and expelling the Palestinian from their land.”

“Despite of all our disputes, all Muslim scholars must launch a historic and firm position to save al-Quds and al-Aqsa,” Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized, urging the Arab League to take a decisive stance from the “Israeli” attack on al-Aqsa.

To “Israelis”: Fear Us

Concerning the continuous “Israeli” threats and talk about a third war with Lebanon, especially after the latest aggression against Gaza, Sayyed Nasrallah said: “This doesn’t stem from power, but from the “Israeli” fear.”

“They think that the evolution of the events will weaken the resistance and affect its readiness. They [“Israelis”] are collecting information and data that do not rely on what is written in some Lebanese newspapers and Arab media that Hizbullah began to get weak.”

He said “Israel” knew very well that Hizbullah was never distracted from eyeing Lebanon’s southern border contrary to what he said were Lebanese and Arab media reports that the Syrian conflict had exhausted the resistance’s capabilities.

“They [“Israelis”] know that going to war with the resistance will be very costly because we are more determined, stronger, more experienced … and we are capable of achieving such accomplishments.”

In response, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that “the resistance is fully ready in Southern Lebanon despite the presence of the dear resistance in Syria.”
“All what we have heard from the “Israeli” since the end of Gaza war till today , does not weaken us but reveals the enemy’s concerns.”

He recalled the recent “Israeli” fears stated by a senior officer who said that “in case of a new war with Lebanon, Ben Gurion Airport will be closed from day one.”
To the “Israelis”, Sayyed Nasrallah said: In case of war, “you must close your airports and ports. You will not find a place all along Occupied Palestine that the Lebanese resistance’s rockets won’t reach.”

“”Israelis” can’t launch war against Lebanon because they know that the resistance is always on alert and fully ready to fight,” His Eminence highlighted, noting that “the resistance today is more powerful and determined to fight the enemy.”

Takfiris to Be Defeated

On the recent events in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned: “The Syrian army and its allies had the upper hand in the Qalamoun battle and that the party was proud to be part of the battle to protect the region from the Takfiri threat.”

He also described the talks of Hizbullah’s withdrawal from Syria “as mere dreams.”
“The developments in Syria and the region make us more convinced that we have made right choices,” he added, and pointed out that ” We are part of the confrontation against the biggest danger facing the region. We have the honor to be part of the victory that will be achieved. Takfiris have no future and their plan has no life.”

“The goal of the enemy wasn’t only limited to control a certain city, but all of Syria. The whole world had agreed to topple the Syrian government within months, however nearly four years have passed and Damascus is still firm to the current day and Syria did not fall,” His Eminence asserted.

“The goal of the Takfiris was to control Syria and eliminate all communities of other religions and Muslim sects and even those in the Sunni community who do not agree with their viewpoint,” the Resistance Leader said. “Syria was waiting to face what is happening from massacres in Mosul and Anbar … As we enter the fourth year of the Syrian conflict, the Takfiris have not yet been able to control Syria.”

“Many Syrians remain safe in their villages. Isn’t that a great victory, a great achievement?”

In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah predicted that “the Takfiris have no future, they will be defeated and we will receive the honor of defeating them.”

Top Nigerian Shia cleric ‘Zakzaky’ blames Potiskum Ashura bomb blast on military

Leader of the Shiite Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky has blamed the military for Monday’s bomb attack on the Ashura procession in Potiskum, Yobe State.

About 30 people were martyred and 80 injured in the attack.

Speaking with reporters yesterday in Zaria, Kaduna State, Sheikh Zakzaky said he, on Sunday, alerted security agencies of a plan to attack the Ashura procession in Zaria.

He said: “The attack in Potiskum was pre-planned, as they did in Zaria on Quds Day, and the Movement had prior knowledge of the plan to be executed in Zaria, but it was least expected in Potiskum.”

The sheikh alleged that the bomb was thrown into the crowd by soldiers, who later came with armoured vehicles and shot at people at the Fudiyyah School.

He alleged that the plan was masterminded by Israel and the United States to clampdown on the Movement, adding: “Part of the plan was to use poisonous gas on the people during the procession from Tudunwada to Kwangila, in addition to planned bomb attack during the Zaria Ashura procession. Let them come out and dispute this claim. They are still bent on executing it. But we least expected an attack on the Potiskum procession. These people can do anything to satisfy their masters.”

Sheikh Zakzaky said the Potiskum attack was a continuation of the Zaria Quds “massacre”, adding: “Security operatives spent five months in Zaria planning the July 25 massacre. The plain clothes security operatives brought to Zaria for the aborted attack on Ashura have been withdrawn from the streets, but are still around contemplating the plan.”

He described the Zaria and Potiskum attacks as a shame on a nation, “which engages in war on its citizens to satisfy a foreign interest in exchange for worldly pleasure or reward”.

The cleric said: “If these people lived in the days of Imam Hussain, they would have done more harm to him than Yazid. There are Hussain and Yazid in every period. They are the Yazids of our time.”

He said: “The government is full of wild beasts, with an insatiable appetite for the citizens’ blood. They killed mostly children, dramatising the tragedy of Karbala. What we have is a heartless government backed by wild beast military with a license to kill. They cannot blame this atrocity on any group. We know it is them.”


"Ashura bomb attack in Potiskum is act of savagery and cowardice"

Ameer of Kaduna zone of the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Malam Muhammad Mukhtar Sahabi has described the Monday bomb attack on peaceful Ashura procession in Potiskum by the Nigerian military as an act of cowardice and savagery.

Malam Mukhtar Sahabi who made the statement at the on-going Muharram Majalis in Kaduna said, Nigeria government is hiding behind foreign made faceless terror cells to unleash heinous crimes on the Islamic Movement as well as on the citizens.

He explained that the Sheikh Zakzaky and the Islamic Movement has become a thorn in the flesh of Israel and U.S. of which the Nigerian was given the task of crushing in an all-out war.

“But they could not come out openly and fight the Movement, but always devising strategies to make it accidental or the handiwork of a terrorist group. We cannot be fooled. This is a directive chiefly from Israel and U.S. that Ebele Jonathan has agreed to implement to remain in power, now that election is approaching”.

Malam Mukhtar Sahabi stated that, “You can kill us, but you can never kill Islam. We pledged to defend our revered Leader to the last drop of our blood. You should however know that, you can never remain in power forever”.

He said, the government is employing provocative strategies to force the Movement to take up arms to justify the pre-planned ban on the Movement and subsequent nationwide clampdown. “We will remain calm as usual, because we have a divine guided leadership. One thing is for sure; injustice and oppression never last forever, truth and justice always prevail and triumph. We remain on the path of truth and justice”.

He called on members to be steadfast, engage in fervent prayers and strict devotion to Allah as the only weapon to crushing oppression and injustice. “Our ultimate goal is to attain martyrdom, theirs is to kill. We lose nothing, they fail. But let them come out openly and say they did it, so that they answer their names Bully Boys of Israel and United States. This is an act of cowardice and savagery typical of vampires and cannibals”, he stated.


Thousands of Shias including Sunnis participate at Potiskum Ashura martyrs’ funeral / Pics

The people killed by Nigerian security bomb attack in Potiskum during Ashura procession on Monday have been laid to rest. The funeral prayer was conducted by Malam Mustapha Lawan Nasidi in Potiskum attended by thousands of people and sympathizers including Sunni brothers.

A suicide bomber has killed at least 25 people and injured about 80 others in a procession of Shia Muslims marking the ceremony of Ashura in Potiskum, north-eastern Nigeria.

The soldiers later returned to Fudiyyah school with armoured vehicles and opened fire indiscriminate and killed 5 people with many who sustained various forms of injuries.