20 Chinese fight with Islamic State gunmen south west Kirkuk

 KIRKUK, IRAQ – Iraqi Security sources disclosed that about 20 Chinese fighters are fighting with Da’ish organization (Islamic State) south west Kirkuk, pointing that three of them were killed earlier in air strikes.

The dead three Chinese were buried in a cemetery in Rashad area, the sources added.

“There are gunmen from 12 nationalities are fighting with Da’ish organization in the province”, the sources elaborated.

Some parts of Kirkuk, 280 km north of Baghdad, are under Da’ish control after occupying Mosul city and its progress towards Salahal-din and Diala provinces.

No other details were given.


Turkish "double game" in Syria disclosed, US sources

BAGHDAD, IRAQ –  Media sources spoke of “double game” played by Turkey in Syria, where it provides Islamic State fighters with “covert support”, while “pretending it will not participate in the war against them”.

The sources, quoting US official, did not disclose whether the support was financial or military, but confirmed that Turkey and Qatar are supplying support to Islamic circles, including in Libya.

Observers believe that the “covert” Turkish role resulted in disparity among the international coalition in the war against Islamic State organization that led to differences in the strategy of the war.

Turkish politician Nour al-Deen Yilmaz pointed that the Turkish double attitude on the war affected the destiny of the Syrian Kurdish Kobani city.

Yilmaz believes that despite the importance of Kobani city, near the Turkish borders, disclosed the non-seriousness of Turkish President Recceb Tayyib Erdogan in the decision not to participate in the war against IS that led to “new tensions” between Washington and its important regional ally, Turkey, which resulted in Turkish isolation regionally.

Other media reports disclosed few days ago that Turkish stamps were found on IS fighters’ passports.

Sky news showed passports for IS gunmen, from different nationalities that were found by the Kurdish fighters in Syrian Kobani city, which proved the continuation of the Turkish government facilitating the entry of IS members into Syria.

Despite Turkish statements that it is “an active player” in the war against extremist organization, the contradictory reports proved the opposite, observers believe.


Syria: More terrorists killed across the country, a drone shot down in Deir Ezzor

Army military operations on Wednesday resulted in the killing of scores of terrorists and the destruction of their weaponry as the army units targeted terrorists’ gatherings and hideouts across the country.

An army unit shot down a drone over al-Maqaber area in the city of Deir Ezzor, northeastern Syria, according to a military source in the province.

In another context, an army unit destroyed a car bomb driven by a suicide terrorist affiliated to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization in Hweijet Sakr in the city of Deir Ezzor.

A source in the northeastern province told SANA reporter that an army unit targeted a Hummer car loaded with explosives that was heading towards a military post in the aforementioned area, destroying the car bomb and killing the terrorist driving it.

The source added that other army units clashed with ISIS terrorists in the neighborhoods of al-Sinaa, al-Hweika and al-Rashidiyeh, leaving a number of them dead and others wounded.

Units of the armed forces killed  many terrorists after targeting their gatherings and dens in a number of areas in Aleppo and its countryside, destroying their vehicles and weaponry.

A military source told SANA many terrorists were left dead and others wounded in Ain al-Bayda, al-Marja, Ard al-Malah, Kafar Kar, Hananou, west of al-Nairab and Salah Eddin.

Other units of the armed forces, the source added, killed a number of terrorists in al-Mansoura and destroyed many of others’ vehicles in the Old City, al-Kallasa, al-Ashrafiyeh, al-Kastello and at Beidin roundabout.

A military source said the army eliminated terrorists in Nahlya, Kfar Haya, Kfar Najd, al-Arba’een Mount and Bazzeh farm in Idleb countryside.

Units of the armed forces foiled two attempts by terrorists to infiltrate into the west of Atman and al-Tiba towns in the countryside of the southern province of Daraa, leaving a number of them dead and others wounded, in addition to killing scores of terrorists in Jbeib area.

Army units killed many terrorists in the farms of al-Khazrajiyeh in the surrounding of Sasa in Damascus countryside.

Army units destroyed terrorists’ hideouts with all weapons inside them in Bir Ajam,Nab’ al-Sakhr and Mas’hara in Quneitra countryside. Terrorists inside the hideouts were killed.

Army units targeted and killed many terrorists at al-Alam roundabout in the city and destroyed terrorists’ vehicles and dens with all terrorists inside near al-Shouli roundabout and in the areas of Aqraba, al-Hamidiyeh, al-Qahtaniyeh, Um Batina, Jebata al-Khashab, al-Sweisa and Breiqa in the countryside.

In Homs countryside, a military source said the army, along with popular defense groups, are engaged in fierce battles against ISIS terrorists in the surrounding of Mount al-Shaer, where hundreds of terrorists were killed or wounded. Clashes are still ongoing.

The army targeted ISIS hideouts in the surroundings of al-Shaer Mount and in Aqerbat in  Homs countryside. A convoy of vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns was also targeted and  destroyed and dozens of terrorists were killed.


Pakistan: Saudi-backed terorists planned to hit 21 Pakistan Shia scholars, politicians and Iranian envoy

PAKISTAN – The police Tuesday warned of possible terrorist attacks on different religious and political personalities in the country on occasion of 9 and 10 of Muharram.

According to a private TV channel, a letter in this regard has been sent to the Ministry of Interior. The police informed that the terrorists had prepared their plan to attack key religious personalities and political figures.

Those on the hit list include Iranian ambassador to Pakistan Faisal Saleh Hayat, religious scholar Allama Nasir Abbas, Mushahid Hussain Syed and Dr Ghazanfar Mehdi.

The police said terrorists had planned to specifically carry out foul plays in Rawalpindi and Islamabad during the Ashura.


Pakistani media and rulers keep quiet over the killing of an innocent Shia child

Last evening, terrorists, most probably the Deobandi hit men, threw a hand grenade at a group of Shia mourners, all females, outside the Islamic Research Centre (IRC) mosque, injuring nine woman and killing one-and-a-half-year old girl Batool Waqar.

The hit men as usual made an escape and the police remained silent, as they have always done. There is nothing new in the police behaviour. They have to obey their masters on whose mind the Shia genocide is the last thing.

What is significant to note here is that the Tweet-crazy and sloganeering-obsessed Bilawal did not open his mouth and Tweet account to say a word about the child or her killer. The PPP government kept quiet. The MQM for which the Shias of Sindh have given unprecedented sacrifices kept quiet as it has recently formed an alliance with the Shia-killers of ASWJ/SSP/LeJ.

The reporting of Batool’s killing has been interesting. All the newspapers briefly flashed the killing on their web sites. But within five to eight hours, the news disappeared altogether.

One can verify it by tracking how the likes of Dawn, The News, and Express Tribune only briefly flashed the news of Batool’s killing, but then relegated it to the pages one cannot easily access.

Some mainstream Urdu papers did not mentioned at all. One is referred to Dunya and Jang to find out how they ignored yet another act of the Shia genocide in Pakistan.

The newspapers were busy reporting how an 80-year old man in Kashmir was killed by the Indians. This report is still unverified, but is the main item on many newspaper’s web sites. The innocent Shia girls and eight women with severe injuries have been forgotten.


US lawsuit over Israel nuke long overdue

Former US congressional staffer Rodney Martin says the lawsuit over the contribution of American charities to Israel’s nuclear weapons program is long overdue.

“The lawsuit in federal court is long overdue, but I dare say they face an uphill battle for variety of reasons,” he said in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday.

He made the comments after a new federal lawsuit in the US seeks the release of a government report about how American charities contribute to Israel’s secret nuke program.

The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy has filed a lawsuit in the DC District Court to obtain an unclassified study conducted in 1987 for the Pentagon titled “Current Technology Issues in Israel.”

The report named three institutions — Israel’s Weizmann Institute, Technion University, and Hebrew University — which raise “substantial tax-exempt charitable funding through affiliates in the United States.”

The study discovered that Technion University technicians were involved in developing nuclear missile re-entry vehicles and were working at Israel’s Dimona nuclear weapons plant.

“It’s important to note that the United States is not truly independent when it comes to external forces and political forces,” Martin said.

“The United States judiciary is festooned with Jewish judges that maintain dual Israeli citizenship,” he said. “The United States judiciary is very politicized.”

The Jewish lobby in the United States is capable of “creating bogus charities and bogus nonprofits for the purpose of collecting millions of dollars in the United States in addition to the regular appropriations that the United States Congress appropriates to support various and nefarious Israeli projects, including their nuclear program,” he said.


Obama: ‘Hiding’ won’t stop Ebola spread

President Barack Obama says US politicians are following policies to tackle the Ebola virus disease that would “have us running in the opposite direction and hiding under the covers.”

He made the remakes on Wednesday after meeting with doctors and nurses who have volunteered to fight Ebola in West Africa, where the epidemic has already killed about 5,000 people.

Obama called the American medical workers “heroes” who deserve to be treated “with dignity and with respect.”

He also warned states like New Jersey and New York that have imposed mandatory quarantines on doctors and nurses who have treated Ebola patients in West Africa.

“We have to keep in mind that if we’re discouraging our health care workers, who are prepared to make these sacrifices, from traveling to these places in need, then we’re not doing our job in terms of looking after our own public health and safety,” he added.

“I put those on notice who think we should hide from these problems,” Obama said. “This is America. We do things differently.”

“We don’t run and hide when there’s a problem,” he said. “It’s because we don’t react to our fears but instead we respond with commons sense.”

Obama has authorized the Pentagon to deploy troops to West Africa to fight the spread of the deadly disease. Under the president’s order, some 3,600 troops could be sent to West Africa. Hundreds of US soldiers have already been deployed to Liberia.

There is currently no known cure for Ebola, which is a form of hemorrhagic fever with diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding as its symptoms.

The Ebola virus spreads through direct contact with infected blood, feces or sweat. It can also be spread through sexual contact or the unprotected handling of contaminated corpses.


Bahrain keeps activist behind bars

The Bahraini regime has decided to keep prominent rights activist, Nabeel Rajab, behind bars for a longer time by adjourning his trial.

On Wednesday, a court in the capital Manamah adjourned Rajab’s trial and set a new hearing for Sunday.

Many rights activists and organizations have called on the Al Khalifa regime to release the activist, who is also the director of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR).

In a tweet shared in early October, Rajab said the Bahrainis that join the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Syria and Iraq are actually members of security agencies belonging to the Persian Gulf monarchy.

“Many #Bahrain men who joined #terrorism #ISIS came from security institutions and those institutions were the first ideological incubator,” Rajab tweeted, using another abbreviation for the ISIL.

The activist was detained after the tweet and charged with “publicly insulting official institutions.” He may have to serve jail terms of up to three years.

He was under the regime’s custody in Jaw prison in eastern Bahrain from July 9, 2012, until May this year.

Since mid-February 2011, thousands of pro-democracy protesters have held numerous demonstrations in the streets of Bahrain, calling for the Al Khalifa royal family to relinquish power.

On March 14, 2011, troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates invaded the country to assist the Bahraini government in its crackdown on peaceful protesters.


California university students rally to remove Islamophobe Bill Maher as commencement speaker

TV host Bill Maher’s controversial comments about Islam have sparked a petition to remove him as the December commencement speaker at the University of California, Berkeley.

The Change.org petition, which had gathered nearly 2,000 signatures by Monday afternoon, was authored by Marium Navid, a senator with the student government group Associated Students of the University of California, with the support of Khwaja Ahmed, a member of the the campus advocacy group Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian Coalition, the campus’ Daily Californian reported Sunday.

“Bill Maher is a blatant bigot and racist who has no respect for the values UC Berkeley students and administration stand for,” the petition reads. “In a time where climate is a priority for all on campus, we cannot invite an individual who himself perpetuates a dangerous learning environment. Bill Maher’s public statements on various religions and cultures are offensive and his dangerous rhetoric has found its way into our campus communities.”

Navid said allowing Maher to speak at Berkeley, a campus made famous by 1964’s free speech movement, would give legitimacy to provocative comments he made earlier this month on his HBO show, “Real Time With Bill Maher,” describing Islam as “the only religion that acts like the Mafia, that will fucking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book.”

“People say he has the right to freedom of speech, and I agree with that,” Navid told the San Jose Mercury News. “The problem is that when you bring him to the university, you’re pretty much putting him into a privileged position. You’re raising his voice.”

This spring saw numerous student protests against commencement speakers at other colleges and universities, including successful campaigns to cancel Condoleezza Rice at Rutgers University, International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde at Smith College and former UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau at Haverford College.


Google employee held for trying to join ISIS terrorists in Iraq

A 30-year-old former Google employee, who was allegedly plotting to join the Islamic State (ISIS) ranks in Iraq, has been detained by Hyderabad Police.

Software engineer Munawad Salman, hailing from Tamil Nadu, got attracted to jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) through social media networks and had planned to join its forces, a senior police officer said today.

Salman, who had worked at the Hyderabad office of technology giant Google before quitting his job around seven months back, was picked up on Tuesday following inputs that he was making efforts to procure a visa to Saudi Arabia from where he allegedly planned to flee to Iraq, he said.

He reportedly studied posts of the ISIS and their propaganda on the internet and social media platforms for past six months and had planned to join the group’s fighters in Iraq. “Salman was picked up yesterday and he was bound over also. We have counselled him through his parents and his brother to keep up good behaviour. He was asked to keep away from indulging in those activities. Now he has been let off. We have not registered any case,” a senior intelligence officer told PTI.

“He has been asked to desist from such things, and if he is found indulging in such activities again, a specific case will be booked and he will be arrested,” he said.

“After quitting his work at Google, he is jobless. He was planning to go out of the country and trying for a visa. He is from Tamil Nadu and for job purpose he came to Hyderabad,” the officer said.

The Hyderabad Police had in August “foiled” an alleged attempt by a group of four young men from the city, including two engineers, to join the rank of ISIS after they were tracked down to Kolkata from where they were allegedly preparing to flee to Iraq.

The youth, who were “attracted” towards the ISIS propaganda on social networking sites and net-based mobile messenger, were questioned and let off after counselling.

The Hyderabad Police had on October 22 arrested a suspected SIMI operative and an aide of Indian Mujahideen media in-charge (both youth from Maharashtra) from Secunderabad. They were allegedly planning to go to Afghanistan to get training from militant organisation Al Qaeda for carrying out terror activities in India, police had earlier said.
