US protesters call on Saudi Arabia to free Sheikh Al-Nimr / Pics

Protest rallies have been held in different US cities against the unjust sentence handed down to a Shia cleric in Saudi Arabia.

The protesters have condemned the death sentence for prominent cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, according to social media.

On October 15, Nimr was sentenced to death at the Specialized Criminal Court in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. In reaction to the sentence, people took to streets in the city of Qatif in Eastern Province to condemn the move.  There have also been demonstrations in other countries.

The senior Saudi Shia cleric, who was attacked and arrested in July 2012, is accused of delivering anti-regime speeches and defending political prisoners.

On Friday, a senior Iranian cleric warned Saudi Arabia against executing the death sentence.

“We warn Saudi Arabia… that this government will pay a heavy price for a [possible] execution of a Shia cleric,” Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahhedi Kermani told worshippers at the weekly Friday prayers in Tehran.

Human rights activists say the sentence issued for Sheikh Nimr was politically motivated.

Amnesty International has denounced the verdict, calling it “appalling”.

PHOTO: The supporters of Sheikh Al-Nimr in CHICAGO, USA show their disgust at the Saudi’s death penalty of the innocent Sheikh and call to FreeNimr

PHOTO: The Nimri’s of LOS ANGELES demonstrate near the Saudi consulate to ‪Free Nimr‬

PHOTO: The supporters of Sheikh Al-Nimr in ATLANTA, USA


Iran’s Quran Radio Produces Quranic Programs in 7 Languages

Iran’s Quran Radio has started the production of Quranic programs in 7 languages.

The programs are in English, French, German, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic and Swahili, Fars news agency reported.

They will be gifted to Islamic radios in other countries to be broadcast in the holy month of Ramadan next year (June- July 2015).

Recitation of the Quran, interpretation, and Quran teaching are among the contents of the programs.

They are being produced with the cooperation of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization and Al-Mustafa International University.


7th Conference on martyrdom of Imam Hussain held at Rawilpindi

Rawalpindi Arts Council arranged 7th Shahadat-e-Imam Hussain Conference in connection with sacred month of Muharam.

The conference was presided over by Chairman Anjuman Aalmi Tehreek Panjtan Pak Pir Dr Azmat Ullah Sultan. DG Khana Farhang Iran Muhammad Akbari was chief guest at the occasion. The conference was also addressed by Syed Farhad Ali, Sayda Ruqia Shah, Agha Nayyer Abbas, Ali Akbar Kazmi, Naeem Qureshi, Syed Qamar Zaidi, Allah Yar Niazi, Hakeem Mehmood, Maulana Saleem Haider, Rafiq Mughal, Nisar Abbas, Syed Hasnain Sherazi and others religious scholars.

The speakers addressing at the occasion said that Shahadat-e-Imam Hussain is an example of truthfulness. They said that Imam Hussain refused to accept falseness which is need of the time. Resident Director RAC Waqar Ahmed thanked all the honorable guests. The conference was also attended by the leaders from Christian, Hindu and Bohra Community.


Indian Students to Hold Conference : "ISIL-Threat to the World Peace"

India’s Muslim Students Organization (MSO) has organized a conference to look into the formation of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group.

The conference, entitled “ISIL; Threat to the World Peace; Creation of CIA, Mossad and Saudi Intelligence” will be held in the Indian city of Jaipur on November 1.

The ISIL is a militant group in Iraq and Syria believed to be supported by the West and some regional Arab countries.

The terrorist group claims as an independent state the territory of Iraq and Syria, with implied future claims intended over more of the Levant, including Lebanon, occupied Palestine, Jordan, Cyprus, and Southern Turkey.

The ISIL militants have seized large swathes of land in Iraq and Syria, terrorizing all communities, including Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds and Christians in the areas they have captured.


Syria: Army Keeps Terrorists under Siege in Homs City

 The Syrian army continued its advances in Homs and prevented the foreign-backed terrorists from fleeing a strategic district of the city to the neighboring regions.

The army units besieged the militants in Al-Wa’ar district of Homs city, killing tens of them in heavy clashes.

Also in the past 24 hours, the army units made major advances in Aleppo city and its surrounding areas and completed their siege of the city.

The army also seized back control over several strategic regions in Aleppo countryside.

The army units regained full control over Al-Hosseynia, En Al-Jarn and Al-Vaviya towns in Aleppo countryside on Monday.


Photo: ISIL Beheading Syrians by sword

ISIL terrorist group has beheaded Syrian people by sword by the excuse of Insulting the religion

The terrorist group expressed the reason of this criminal action to fill the atmosphere with fear. These beheadings has done while people were watching .


More wounded terrorists from Syria moved to Israeli hospitals

Forces of the Israeli occupation transferred two wounded terrorists from Syria to Nahariya Hospital in Galilee in the north of the occupied Palestine over the past 24 hours.

The occupation authorities gave conflicting figures about the number of hospitalized terrorists who have been taken from and to the disengagement area in the Syrian Golan for cure.

The Israeli Walla website reported that two wounded suffering from injuries in the face, limbs and chest were transferred from Syria to Nahariya Hospital, adding that the Hospital have treated 408 so far.

Many terrorist organizations including Jabhat al-Nusra – designated by the UNSC as a terrorist group that should be combated besides ISIS under Chapter VII of the UN Charter- spread in the disengagement zone and gain support by Israel.

Hospitalizing members of terrorist groups who get injured during army operations is just one aspect of the unlimited support provided to these groups by the Israeli occupation authorities, a kind of support that has amounted to no less than the Israeli enemy launching acts of aggression against sites of the Syrian army inside the Syrian territories in various incidents.


Islamophobia threatens Muslims’ rights in Belgium

Belgium’s Muslim women speak out against social exclusion for practicing their religion.

Hind is a 31-year-old Moroccan woman living in Brussels without a job. She also happens to be a Muslim who wears the Niqab, a hijab that covers the face.

”I’m looking for a job … and here in Belgium there is a new law we cannot work with our veil,” said Hind, who did not want to reveal her last name. “We have to take it off to work.”

A law banning the full-face veil came into effect in Belgium in 2011. Veiled women objected to the law, which bans clothing that obscures the identity of the wearer in places like parks and on the street.

But in 2012 the Belgian Constitutional Court rejected appeals and ruled that the ban did not violate human rights.

Esma, a 31-year-old Moroccan doctor, told The Anadolu Agency that women tend to get excluded from society in Belgium for even wearing the traditional hijab – which she wears.

”When you graduate from any studies and you want any job, they ask you to not wear it,” she said. ”It’s not allowed in many activities to wear the headscarf,” she said.

Hind and Esma are two of the hundreds of Muslims who gathered Sunday in Brussels to protest Islamophobia and the mysterious death in his prison cell Sept. 15 of a man with a Middle Eastern background.


Muharram mourning ceremonies commence in Bauchi, Nigeria / pics


Saturday last week, Muharram 2, 1436 AH (25/10/2014), hundreds of Ahlul Bayt followers in Bauchi began Ashura ceremonies.

Men women and children were seen in orderly manner heading for the Kobi central playground, draped in black carrying black, red and green flags and reciting elegies lamenting the the martyrdom of grandson of the Holy Prophet, Imam Hussain (AS) in the plain of Karbala 61 years after Hijra. The Ameer, Malam Ahmad Yusuf Yashi started his lecture by extending condolence to the Prophet’s Pure Progeny (A’imma), from the Holy Prophet to the last of the Imams (AS), the Awaited Saviour.

He narrated the tragedy of Karbala citing many popular references, saying the event of Ashura and Karbala is now very well known among the people. According to him, due to constant remembrance of the tragedy by followers of Ahlul Bayt (AS), the mystery surrounding the issue has now become more manifest in the society.

The session was completed by songs of lamentation and drama depicting the event of Karbala.


40.000 Muslims in France prisons

“Muslims in French prisons reach up to 60% claimes France’s UMP party deputy Guillaume Larrive.

The conclusion drawn by Larrive in a report as part of an action plan ‘against Islamist radicalisation in prison’. This action plan is now likely to involve several hundred prisoners, Le Figaro reported.

The report estimates that 60% of the prison population in France, that is to say 40,000 prisoners, can be considered Muslim, ‘culturally or originally’.

French deputy Larrive, who has worked on the budget of the Prison Service for 2015, calls for ‘setting up specialized anti-radicalization shock therapy units (USAR) for prisoners returning from jihad’.

However, French daily Le Monde, firstly regarded the statistics as a ‘shock-number’ of the week, argued the findings of the report citing the related part of it, in which involves some observations of the author of the book ‘Islam in prison’ Farhad Khosrokhavar.

The observations or estimations of Khosrokhavar covered only ‘those close to large urban centers and neighborhood institutions’, not all French prisons, Le Monde claimed.

Le Monde claimed the report allows us to question on the findings, emphasizing ‘the statistics 60% does not originate from an official census since ethnic and religious statistics are prohibited in France.’”
