Grand Ayatollah Makarem: “Ashura is a thorn in the eyes of the enemies of Islam”


In a statement released to mark the beginning of the sorrowful month of Muharram, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi emphasized the need to avoid things which cause division among Muslims.

His Eminence explained that even if we travel the world over we will never find an event like Ashura in any time or place. Many people do not realize this fact but every year its magnitude becomes more visible. There is no event in all of human history which is as rejuvenating as the event of Ashura was. “Ashura unites both the followers of the Ahlul-Bayt (A) and Muslims as a whole and it also injects new blood which is filled with courage and bravery into the veins of the lovers of Imam Husayn (A) which powers them against the oppressors. Ashura also leads to the purification of the soul and develops ones morality and helps one turn toward God in repentance,” Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi explained.

In his statement, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi stated that evidence shows that more than any previous year, this Muharram’s mourning ceremonies for the Ahlul-Bayt (A) will be more passionate and more splendid. He stated that he hopes that all mourners, speakers and elegists do not forget how powerful Ashura can be.

The renowned source of emulation gave several pieces of advice to the believers on how to conduct themselves during this holy and sorrowful time.

First and foremost, he emphasized that the believers should try to partake in traditional mourning ceremonies which are the most pleasing to the Ahlul-Bayt (A) and to avoid any forms which are offensive and unbefitting to the dignity of the holy martyrs of Karbala.

When the mourners mourn the martyrs of Karbala, they should understand the objectives of Imam Husayn’s (A) uprising and the speakers and elegists should help the people to become familiar with the Imam’s objectives.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi encouraged mourners, especially the youth, to prevent the exploitation of mourning ceremonies by political and factional groups. Muslims should avoid forms of mourning which causes conflict between Muslims and gives the enemies excuses to attack Muslims, such as self-flagellation and insulting the sanctities of our Sunni brethren, emphasizing that any abuse will come at a great cost to the peace and security of Shi’ites throughout the world and will only serve our enemies. He said this in reference to attacks by Takfiri terrorists on Shi’ite mourners which occur every Muharram throughout the Islamic world, especially in Iraq and Pakistan.

His Eminence encouraged the believers to take advantage of the two-month long period of mourning that encompasses Muharram and Safar, saying mourning has great spiritual and moral effects on the soul. He especially encouraged the youth to participate with full vigour. He stated that commemorating the tragic martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A), his beloved family (A), and righteous companions (RA) on the plains of Karbala is a “thorn in the eyes of the enemies of Islam.”



US police shot black man 45 times

A new video footage shows brutality of US police against black people as eight police officers shot a mentally ill African-American man 45 times in Michigan.

The 49-year-old victim, Milton Hall, was killed by the officers in Saginaw in 2012.

The shooting aroused a local outcry and a federal investigation two years ago.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that released the video on Monday presented a testimony about the police shooting.

The video shows that eight police officers ringing the man in a parking lot with one dog growling at the poor man. Hall was not carrying any weapons except for a penknife. He was then shot by the officers 45 times and 14 of those shots struck him dead.

The ACLU gave the police dashboard footage to representatives of the Organization of American States in order to pressure the federal government to look at Hall’s death scene one more time.

In February, the Department of Justice said it could not find “sufficient evidence of willful misconduct” to prosecute the eight officers.

During the Monday hearing, Mark Fancher, a lawyer with the ACLU of Michigan, said the officers were likened a “firing squad” and slammed the Justice Department for not prosecuting them.

Fancher said the incident was “not only reckless, but clearly unjust, and also grossly violated Milton Hall’s human right to life.”

In an interview with Press TV last month, American political commentator Randy short said Washington’s population policy for African-Americans involves mass abortion, mass incarceration and an “incremental genocide” by the police.

Short said that not only American police officers are not punished for killing blacks but they are often “rewarded for murdering blacks.”


Russia wants Iran, KSA in Syria talks

Russia’s foreign minister has stressed the role of Iran and Saudi Arabia in efforts to end the Syria crisis, saying it will be a “great mistake” to exclude the two states from any future talks on the issue.

In a Monday interview with Russia’s ITAR-TASS news agency, Sergei Lavrov pointed to the election of Staffan de Mistura as the new UN envoy to Syria and said “chances are improving now for the resumption of the political process” aimed at ending the foreign-backed violence in the Arab state.

The top Russian diplomat also hailed de Mistura’s visit to Iran earlier this month as part of efforts to revive the stalled peace process, saying all Syria’s neighbors should participate in any future negotiations on the chaotic situation in the Middle Eastern country.

“We consider it to be a great mistake to exclude countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia from the list of negotiators,” Lavrov stated, adding, “All Syrian neighbors without exception should be represented at the negotiating table.”

Referring to the collapse of previous rounds of talks on Syria amid the absence of key regional powers, Lavrov said “the principle of inclusiveness should be applied not only to the Syrian participants in the process but also to external players.”

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of nearly 200,000 people, according to reports.

In early 2014, two rounds of international talks were held in Switzerland in an effort to find a political solution to the turmoil in Syria. However, the Russian-US proposed negotiations, known as Geneva II, failed to bear fruit amid the obscene of influential regional players, particularly Iran.


Austria to honor Iran’s Kiarostami

Leading Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami has been selected to be honored with the Austrian Decoration for Science and Art.

Austrian President Heinz Fischer is slated to present the award to Iran’s acclaimed auteur Kiarostami.

The number of recipients of the Decoration for Science and Art is limited to a maximum of 72 at any one time including 36 recipients for science and 36 for arts.

In each of the two groups there are 18 Austrian citizens and 18 foreign nationals.

Kiarostami was recently honored with the Life Achievement Prize in Art at the 2014 International Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival in Turkey.

Born in 1940, Kiarostami has received highly positive reviews and acclaim from international critics for his diverse works of art such as painting, photography, poetry and filmmaking.

He has also garnered many prestigious awards, including the 1997 Cannes Golden Palm award and the 2008 Glory to the Filmmaker award of the Venice Film Festival.

The veteran filmmaker was also hailed by the Japanese government for his valuable works and activities in promoting Japanese culture in the world and developing cultural relations between two countries of Iran and Japan.

“One of the most admired contemporary auteurs of cinema, Abbas Kiarostami is an inspiration for emerging as well as established filmmakers. His approach to filmmaking, which often defies conventional techniques, is much discussed and often emulated,” the head of Film Programming at Doha Film Institute Ludmila Cvikova had earlier commented.

Taste of Cherry, The Wind Will Carry Us, And Life goes On,Through the Olive Trees, Like Someone in Love  and Where is the Friend’s Home are some of his better known films.


The banner of Imam Hussein raises on the rock of Trolltunga in Norway / Pics

On the begging of the month of Muharram (Lunar Month), a Lebanese man resident of Norway raised the banner of Imam Hussain (A) over one of the most dangerous places of the world the rock of ‘Trolltunga’

Trolltunga (Troll’s tongue) is a piece of rock jutting horizontally out of a mountain about 700 metres (2,300 ft) above the north side of the lake Ringedalsvatnet in the municipality of Odda in Hordaland county, Norway. The cliff is located east of the Skjeggedal area, about 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) east of the village of Tyssedal and the Sørfjorden (a branch off of the main Hardanger Fjord). The name translated to English is The Troll’s tongue.

In a Shocking Decision French Politician Reverts to Islam

In a shocking decision to Marine Le Pen’s party, a French far-right councilor has reverted to Islam, sending a video message to officials of the anti-immigration party to praise the Muslims’ holy book, the Qur’an, and asking them to join him.

“Both are demonized and very far from the image portrayed in the media,” Maxence Buttey, a councilor in the eastern Paris suburb of Noisy-le-Grand, told Le Parisien newspaper, drawing up similarities between the Front National party and Islam, The Telegraph reported.

“Like Islam, the FN defends the weakest. The party denounces exorbitant interest rates charged on the debt of our country, and Islam is against the practice of usury.”

Buttey, 22, reverted to Islam recently.

Yet, his decision became known after he send officials of the anti-immigration FN party a video in which he praised the “visionary” virtues of the Qur’an and urged them to become Muslims.

The video was a shock to many members of the party, which announced suspending Buttey from a regional FN committee.

“Religion is a private choice which I respect but it must not enter into the sphere of our political activities,” Jordan Bardella, a local party secretary, said.

“The proselytizing video which Maxence sent out is unacceptable.”

France is home to a Muslim community of nearly 6.5 million, the largest in Europe.

Le Pan’s party has been adopting anti-Islam agenda for years. She took over the National Front from her father, party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has several convictions for racism and anti-Semitism.

Le Pen has objected to schools serving Halal meat for Muslim pupils, a controversial issue in France, which has banned the wearing of the full-face veil in public and headscarves in state schools.

She also compared Muslim street prayers to Nazi occupation in a speech given during a rally in 2010.

Buttey, who remains a party member and a councilor, said he found Islam after finding it difficult to believe the official version of 9/11 attacks.

Moreover, he had doubts about the “Merah affair”, referring to the al-Qaeda inspired French gunman, Mohammed Merah, who killed seven people in the south of France in 2012.

“Some of my voters will be disappointed by my choice,” Buttey admitted.

“But I’m ready to explain to them that Islam has a mission to unite all men and women.”

The new Muslim reverts defended Islam against false campaigns propagated about it.

“I am against the niqab [full-face veil],” he said, adding that Islam did not call for believers “to cut off heads as the Islamic State group does.”

Buttey said he had decided to revert after lengthy discussions with the local imam, whom he met while campaigning for election earlier this year.

“I was Catholic but when I reread the Bible I noticed all its inconsistencies,” he said.

“When I read the Qur’an thoroughly, I understood that this religion is more open.”

Buttey is not the first far-right politician who finds Islam after long study.

In 2013, Arnoud Van Doorn, a former member of the far-right Freedom Party (PVV), embraced Islam after an extensive study into the religion.

He was among party leaders who helped produce an offensive film titled Fitna in 2008 that linked Islam and the Qur’an to violence.

But after Muslim outcry at the movie, Doorn began to read more about Islam and Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him), leading him to embrace Islam in 2013.


Sheikh Zakzaky: Karbala event is a test for the Ummah

NIGERIA – The Leader of the Shiite Islamic Movement Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky further spoke on the issue of Ashura tragedy on the 3rd day of Ashura gathering in Zaria, Nigeria. He said, the issue of Karbala is a test for the  Believers  and as for Unbelievers they  can never  outmaneuver Allah. Imam Husain (A) and his followers were tested and they passed the test.

This is one of the ways Allah test those who have faith, and those who are faithless and went astray after clear evidence to them is the curse of Allah.

Karbala, where Imam Hussain (A) and his followers were killed, is now a city of millions. The desert of karbala is a land of glory as Occupiers of Heaven see light emanating from the land of Karbala. Its sand is used for prostration during Sallah for its blessings.  The killings of Imam Husain (A)  on the land was foretold by the holy Prophet as reported.

On the killing of the holy Imam, Sheikh said Allah executes his affairs base on wisdom, thus, left this to happen while He is ever powerful to abort it. There is wisdom behind the incident. Also, He sent his messengers  to guide people to  the rights. Others attempted to kill them to frustrate the message. Allah in his wisdom protected Prophet Muhammad(SAWA)  against being killed,  at which killing  him means ‘killing’ the message altogether. The prophet succeeded in delivering the message of Allah amid much sufferings and persecution in the process.

The holy Mecca, where the Prophet left out of persecution of believers, he eventually made victorious entry to it. The Arabs were overpowered and they submitted unwillingly. He set the captives free out of his mercy.  They submitted to him not by their  choice. The Prophet established Islam.  When departing the world , he appointed his brother Ali as his successor.  They disobeyed Ali (A) and eventually killed him at last. They also killed Hassan (A).

With all this, they were not satisfied as they finally unleashed their anger in totality on Imam Hussain (A) . They even mentioned it at Karbala addressing the Imam: ‘we will kill you for the enmity we have of your father’. And they committed the horrific incident in the history of humanity.

So, Karbala divided the Ummah into two: The believers who are with Imam Hussain and  his enemies on the other side.  Had Allah wished He could have given upper hand to Imam Hussain, as he gave to the Prophet (SAWA) against unbelievers,  but Allah wanted to test the believers.  With this test, true believers are differentiated from the hypocrites who might be with Imam Hussain should he got upper hand.

In karbala only those with true faith defended Imam Hussain and martyred with him. They are the champions and victorious.

Alas, After Imam Husain was martyred his lovers and supporters became very few even in Mecca, a situation that may be the opposite had it been Imam Hussain got upper hand and had power.

The issue of Karbala shows that many things are covered going by the way its opponents continue to label the gatherings as wrong and innovation. More issues will continue to emerge during mourning gatherings as those things covered will eventually come to light.

Israel to build Palestinian-only city

Israel is planning to build a Palestinian-only city in the northernmost part of Israel in a bid to decrease the number of Palestinians living in mostly Jewish-populated areas.

According to Israeli media outlets, the city is to be built near the coastal city of Acre (Akka) at the northern extremity of Haifa Bay, next to the Jdeideh Makr Arab community.  

It is still unclear when the city is to be built and its municipal status is still unclear.

Many of Palestinians have condemned construction of the planned city, which is designed to accommodate a population of 40,000.

They say establishing a city for a specific population group is unethical and that all ethnic groups should be permitted to live there.

According to reports, Israel’s Housing and Construction Ministry has been engaged in designing the city for the past four years, after the decision to construct it was made in a 2008 cabinet meeting.


Media: Release Gitmo videotapes

Media outlets in the United States on Monday demanded the immediate release of Guantanamo force-feeding videos, despite the US government’s appeal to a court.

Washington claims that releasing the videos would compromise national security.

A US federal judge had ordered the government to publicly release videotapes of a Syrian hunger-striking prisoner who was force-fed at the notorious US-run Guantanamo prison in early October.

The court is due to rule on the tapes’ release in the beginning of November.

Rear Admiral Kyle Cozad, the commander of the US Guantanamo joint task force, said, “Releasing the videos as the court has ordered will give rise to security and operational harms” to the Guantanamo operation.

He added that the videos show Abu Wa’el Dhiab being force-fed and the location of prison guards and the room used during the practice.

Forty-three-year-old Dhiab from Syria started his hunger strike 18 months ago to protest his indefinite confinement without charge. He is protesting force-feeding procedures administered by prison authorities. Lawyers for the prisoner said his treatment was abusive.

“It is hard to imagine a more explicit description of the process utilized than that which is found on videotapes of the actual execution,” Cozad said.

The 16 news groups said the videos have been withheld for other reasons.

“This is a case of the government seeking secrecy to prevent accountability, not to protect national security,” said the news outlets, which include The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Guardian.

“There is no imminent threat of a public release that might compromise national security,” they argued in a court document.

Dozens of prisoners at Guantanamo have engaged in hunger strikes for years to protest their confinement.

However, US officials no longer disclose how many of the 149 prisoners at the base are on hunger strike and meet the guidelines for force-feeding.


‘Iraq, Syria can contain terror alone’

A senior Iranian official has hailed a recent victory by the Iraqi army against the ISIL Takfiri militants, saying the triumph proves that Iraq and Syria can contain the terrorist group on their own.

The Iraqi military, supported by volunteer forces, succeeded in mopping up the last of ISIL Takfiri militants in the town of Jurf al-Sakhar, near the capital Baghdad on Monday.

 Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian congratulated the Iraqi nation, government, and armed forces on the victory.

“The mop-up operation in Jurf al-Sakhar by the Iraqi armed and volunteer forces and without foreign intervention can serve as the best example for freeing and clearing areas in Iraq and Syria of Takfiri terrorists,” the top diplomat said.

“This successful operation proved that the Iraqi government and people defend their sovereignty, independence, national unity, and territorial integrity,” he added.

The army has been fighting the terrorist group for nearly six months now.

The ISIL terrorists currently control large areas of land across Syria and Iraq. They have committed terrible atrocities in both countries, including mass executions and beheading of local residents as well as foreign nationals.