Iraqi Forces Kill about 500 ISIL Terrorists in Jurf Al-Sakhar

Iraqi security forces killed 498 terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group, including non-Iraqis, during the liberating operation of Jurf al-Sakhar, sources said.

Thirty of the ISIL terrorists were from Chechen and 24 others were from Syria and Saudi Arabia, the sources said, adding that 60 of the killed terrorists were snipers and 29 others were suicide bombers.

The Iraqi security forces liberated the district of Jurf al-Sakhar from the control of the ISIL terrorists on Friday.

“The security forces and brave men of the volunteers eliminated the ISIL terrorism in the district,” Governor of Babil province, Sadiq al-Madlol, said.

The ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently control parts of Syria and Iraq. They have threatened all communities, including Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Ezadi Kurds and others, as they continue their atrocities in Iraq.

Senior Iraqi officials have blamed Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some Persian Gulf Arab states for the growing terrorism in their country.

The ISIL has links with Saudi intelligence and is believed to be indirectly supported by the Israeli regime.


Lifting of ban on Muharram processions in Kashmir demanded

In Kashmir, people staged a demonstration at press enclave in Srinagar demanding lifting of ban on Muharram processions in the territory.

Scores of people, mostly youth, assembled at the Press Enclave in Srinagar under the banner of Youth Development Forum Badgam and held the demonstration.“To hold and carry out the Muharram procession is our religious right which is guaranteed by the constitution. The authorities have no right to snatch our fundamental rights,” the protesters told media men.

“We demand that our sentiments and religious rights should be respected by the authorities,” they added.

It is worth mentioning here that traditionally main procession of 8th Muharram used to start in Srinagar from Shaheed Gunj and culminate at Dalgate after passing through different areas while the procession of 10th Muharram would start from Aabi Guzar and end at Zadibal. However, the authorities banned these processions in 1990 and now only small mourning rallies are allowed in selected areas.


24 European banks fail health check

Twenty four banks in the European Union have failed health checks of their finances, a European banking regulator has warned.

The European Banking Authority (EBA) identified a 25-billion-euro ($32-billion) shortfall for the banks, saying that 14 of the lenders must act to raise more capital to be able to endure a series of economic shocks, including high levels of unemployment and low economic growth.

The review, which was based on the banks’ financial health at the end of 2013, examined 123 EU banks.

The EBA report put the focus on Italian banks, Banca Carige, Monte dei Paschi, Banca Popolare di Milano, and Banca Popolare di Vicenza. It said the worst affected was Monte dei Paschi, which had a capital shortfall of 2.1 billion euros.

Austrian bank, Oesterreichische Volksbanken, Cypriot bank, Hellenic Bank Public Company, Irish bank, Permanent TSB, and Portugal’s Banco Comercial Portugues failed the stress tests, the EBA added.

Two Greek banks, two Belgian banks, and two Slovenian banks also failed the financial health check, meaning that they have not raised enough capital.

The EU banking regulator said the banks will have from six to nine months to fill the gaps.

“We are still far from a solution to the banking crisis and the challenges facing the banking sector,” Colin Brereton, from the world’s second largest professional services network, PwC, said.

Britain’s Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group and Barclays were also subjected to the EBA financial stress tests. The banks did not fail the health checks but Lloyds passed the tests narrowly, with capital under adverse scenarios of 6.2 percent, close to the 5.5-percent benchmark.


UK hands over last base to Afghans

The last British-run military base in Afghanistan has been handed over to the country’s security forces, bringing an end to the UK’s combat operations in the Asian country.

On Sunday, the British combat troops at Camp Bastion in Helmand Province prepared to leave Afghanistan.

The end of the British military intervention in Afghanistan was marked by a ceremony, in which the country’s flag was lowered and folded.

The camp had been the main base of the British troops in Afghanistan since 2006.

British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon admitted in a statement that “mistakes were made” by politicians during his country’s presence in Afghanistan, adding, “We’re not going to send combat troops back into Afghanistan, under any circumstances.”

He said Britain would continue to assist Kabul through “institutional development.”

A total of 453 British forces were killed in Afghanistan since their military presence began in 2001.

About 10,000 British soldiers were sent to Camp Bastion during the height of the Afghan war in 2009.

A small number of UK forces are expected to remain at the British-run military academy in Kabul after 2014.

The British transfer comes as Washington also decided to hand over the US-run Camp Leatherneck, the last US Marines camp, to Afghans.

The United States, Britain, and their allies invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, as part of their so-called war on terror. Although the offensive removed the Taliban from power, insecurity continues to rise across the country.


Kobani fighting death toll ‘over 800’

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says more than 800 people have been killed during ongoing clashes between Kurdish fighters and Takfiri ISIL militants in the Syrian border town of Kobani.

The Britain-based monitoring group said on Sunday that 481 ISIL terrorists have been killed in exchange of fire with Kurdish forces, while 313 Kurds have lost their lives fighting to defend Kobani, known in Arabic as Ain al-Arab.

The figures do not include ISIL losses to US-led airstrikes, which the Pentagon alleges to stand at “several hundred.”

Also 21 civilians have been killed in Kobani ground fighting.

Meanwhile, the first contingent of forces from Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), known as Peshmerga, will head for Kobani on Sunday.

According to Kurdish media, 150 Peshmerga soldiers – led by Sihad Barzani, the brother of the KRG President Massoud Barzani and the commander of the region’s artillery brigade, will operate heavy weapons to provide cover for Syrian Kurdish fighters defending Kobani.

Kobani and its surroundings have been under attack since mid-September, with the ISIL militants capturing dozens of nearby Kurdish villages.

The ISIL advance in the region has forced tens of thousands of Syrian Kurds to flee into Turkey, which is a stone’s throw from Kobani.


Pakistan: 7,000 policemen to be deployed for Muharram security

RAWALPINDI – Pakistan: Around 7,000 policemen would be deployed in Rawalpindi district to ensure security besides the army and rangers would also be deployed during the Muharram-ul-Harram.

It is to be stated that 316 mourning procession and 1765 of Majalis would be held from Muharram 1st to Muharram 10th. Under the security plan, no one would be allowed to stand on rooftops of commercial and residential buildings situated along the routes of mourning processions and carry the weapons. According to police spokesman, Rawalpindi police has completed all the arrangements to maintain peace during the Muharram and 7,000 policemen, volunteers, elite force and lady police would be deployed to give security cover to the processions.

Special checking of the procession routes will be completed after clearance by the bomb disposal squad and there will also be aerial surveillance of mourning processions to ensure foolproof security. CCTV cameras and walk through gates will be installed to provide complete security cover to the mourners.

City Police Officer CPO Hamyun Bashir Tarar had organized various meeting with the Ulema, traders and District Peace Committee members. CPO said that security of Rawalpindi has further tightened to avert any untoward incident.

Main mourning procession of the Muharram will be taken out from the Colonel Maqbool Imambargah and it will culminate at the Imambargah Qadeemi after passing through its designated route.

The Qadeemi Imambargah will be the central point where all processions will gather from different localities of the city.


Pakistani security forces foil major terror plot ahead of Muharram in Balochistan

QUETTA: Security forces foiled a major terrorism plot on Saturday when they seized a huge cache of arms and explosives from Balochistan’s Mastung district, a security official said.

The official, requesting anonymity, told that intelligence agencies acting on a tip-off conducted a raid at a house in Kanak area of Mastung district, some 50 kilometres southwest of Quetta.

He said a suspect was arrested during the raid and was shifted to an undisclosed location for interrogation.

“One of the rooms was filled with explosive material,” he said, adding that forces also recovered arms and ammunition from the house.

“Forces did not face any resistance during the operation,” he said.

He said the intelligence suggested that the explosive material and weapons were being brought to Quetta to carry out terrorism activities during the holy month of Muharram.

Quetta, the capital of insurgency-hit Balochistan province, has been plagued by rising sectarian violence in recent years.

The raid by security forces follows major acts of terrorism in the city earlier this week, which included a suicide bombing on Maulana Fazlur Rehman – the leader of the largest religious political party in Pakistan’s parliament – who escaped unhurt in the attack.

Terror stalked the provincial capital on Thursday when three separate gun-and-bomb attacks claimed at least 13 lives.

A deadly gun attack on a bus killed eight members of the ethnic Hazara Shia community, which has been a constant target of sectarian militants. A planted bomb attack on security forces later on Thursday claimed the lives of three more civilians.

Banned militant group Jundallah claimed responsibility for the attempt on the JUI-F chief’s life, while sectarian militants Lashkar-i-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Hazara community and security forces.

Earlier today, the Balochistan police department constituted three teams headed by two senior officers to probe the recent acts of terrorism in the capital.

Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Quetta, Razzaq Cheema formed investigation teams headed by Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Asad Raza and SSP Operations Aitzaz Goraya, to probe the recent incidents in Quetta.

According to a senior police officer, the CCPO entrusted the task of investigation to both officers and directed them to submit reports as early as possible.

“Investigation teams have collected body parts of the suicide-bomber from the spot and has sent them for DNA testing to Lahore,” he said.

Members of the investigative teams also visited the spot of the suicide bombing on the Jamit Ulema-i-Islam Fazl (JUI-F) rally to collect clues regarding the attack.

Chief Minister Balochistan Dr Abdul Malik Baloch had taken serious notice of the terrorism incidents and had ordered police to catch the culprits.

“We have got leads in one case,” said Quetta Police chief Razzaq Cheema.

He said that police had detained around 30 suspects, who were currently under interrogation.


Iran Majlis to vote on new minister

Iran’s Majlis (parliament) will hold a vote of confidence on President Hassan Rouhani’s nominee for minister of science, research and technology on October 29.

Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said on Sunday that lawmakers will examine the qualifications for Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, who was proposed by President Rouhani.

In a letter to Larijani, Rouhani nominated Nili Ahmadabadi as his proposed minister according to Article 133 of Iran’s Constitution.

Nili Ahmadabadi is a professor of metallurgy at the University of Tehran, and the current chancellor of the prestigious institution.

Iran’s parliament impeached the former minister, Reza Faraji-Dana, in August.

Faraji-Dana failed to obtain a vote of confidence as 145 lawmakers voted in favor of his dismissal, while 110 were against and 15 abstained. Faraji-Dana needed half plus one of the votes to remain in his post.

Faraji-Dana was accused of politicizing the academic environment. He was also criticized for appointing some political figures as his advisors and deputies, and following policies that ran counter to the country’s interests and impeded science production.


Tripoli operation draws al-Nusra threat

The al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front militants have threatened Lebanon’s army following its launch of a major operation against terrorist activities in the flashpoint city of Tripoli.

The Takfiri militants threatened in a statement issued on Sunday that they will execute Lebanese soldiers they kidnapped in the northeastern border town of Arsal if the army continues the operation in Tripoli.

“We warn the army against carrying out its military escalation against our … brothers in Tripoli,” the statement said, adding, “We demand that it end its siege of them and launch a peaceful solution” to the situation there.

“We will otherwise be forced within the next few hours to end the file of the captives and consider them as prisoners of war,” the terrorist group warned, saying, “The first execution of one of the captives will take place at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.”

The Lebanese army has deployed its units to the crisis-hit neighborhoods of the city, following heavy clashes with militants in the area.

The army has said it will push ahead with its operation “until the gunmen are eradicated and all armed appearances are prevented in Tripoli.”

Tensions have soared in Lebanon since August, when the army fought deadly clashes with the al-Nusra Front in Arsal.

The Takfiri terrorists have abducted more than three dozen soldiers and security forces over the past few months. They have executed at least three of the hostages.

The Takfiris say Beirut must release fellow militants held in Lebanese jails in exchange for the captive soldiers.

Over the past months, Lebanon has been suffering from terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda-affiliated militants as well as random rocket attacks, which are viewed as a spillover of the conflict in Syria.


Iran oil output to reach 4.3mn bpd

A senior Iranian oil official says the country plans to increase its crude oil production to 4.3 million barrels per day (bpd) soon, amid hopes for the removal of anti-Iran sanctions.

“In the near future, Iran’s oil production capacity will reach 4.3 million barrels,” Mansour Moazzami, the Iranian deputy oil minister for planning and supervision on hydrocarbon resources, said at a Sunday conference in Tehran.

The official also pointed to Iran’s current refining capacity of 1.8 million bpd and noted that the figure will rise to three million in the next few years.

Meanwhile, Iran has increased its natural gas production by 100 million cubic meters and, apart from exports to Iraq, Oman and Turkey, the country has no problem meeting its domestic needs during the cold season, Moazzami pointed out.

In May, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said oil production capacity of the Islamic Republic would reach four million bpd by the end of the current Persian calendar year in March 2015.

Iran will be capable of extracting from its oil reservoirs for the next six decades as the country’s proven oil reserves are estimated at 157 billion barrels, the NIOC says.

Tehran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – China, Russia, Britain, France, and the United States – plus Germany are drafting a final deal on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy program with a view to removing sanctions against Iran, notably its oil sector.

The two sides clinched a landmark interim deal in the Swiss city of Geneva on November 24, 2013.