ISIL oil customers have US permission

The US has information about the ISIL terrorists’ sale of oil from fields in areas under their control in the Middle East, an anti-war activist says.

Don DeBar made the remarks on Press TV on Saturday after US State Department official Julieta Valis Noyes revealed that Washington was considering attacks against Syria’s oil pipelines.

It is not exactly clear who controls the oil fields that are outside of the government control in Syria and Iraq, “but it is not easy to hide an oil tanker in the ocean from satellites that can read license plates on the ground,” he said.

The American TV host said giant companies, mostly active in the energy sector, are the ones that shape the US foreign policies.

“The United States’ foreign policy is driven by multi-national corporations and paramount among those in terms of actual industrial production are energy companies or really the more specifically oil companies,” said the activist.

“The United States knows where the oil is going. Somebody that the oil companies here allow the US the permit is getting the oil,” DeBar noted.

According to reports earlier in the day, Noyes, the US deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, recently said in London that Washington may target oil-related infrastructure inside Syria.

She said that the attacks would include “kinetic strikes against some of the pipelines” and other “physical action to stop the flow.”

DeBar stated that the US “entire history” is replete with wars against the “economic assets of those it deems its enemies,” which makes the issue “not controversial at all.”

David S. Cohen, US Treasury Department undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said on Thursday that the militants are amassing a fortune of $1 million a day through black market oil sales.

Since late September, the US and some of its Arab allies have been carrying out airstrikes against ISIL inside Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

The ISIL terrorists have been committing heinous crimes in the captured areas, including mass executions and beheading of people.

The ISIL militants received training to use light and heavy weapons with the help of the US government at a secret base in Jordan in 2012, informed Jordanian officials say.



Iran junor v-ballers ace clash of titans

Coasting to their fifth Asian U20 title, Iran junior volleyballers give China no quarter in the 17th Asian U20 Men’s Volleyball Championships final.

The Saturday clash in the Bahraini capital Manama marked a straight-set win (25-19, 25-18, 25-19) for Iran, who conceded only the first five points to the Chinese.

Rahman Taghizadeh’s cast-iron arms blocked the sixth Chinese attack in the first set, establishing the victorious trend, which followed through to the end. The star managed to shine like diamond throughout the rest of the confrontation.

“I promised you before that at the end of the competition it must be the best volleyball that wins,” said Iran coach Farhad Nafarzadeh.

“They worked very hard for this, working, working, working, step-by-step. Today the players showed they were one team and they were the best in the competition.”

“In 2007 I was with the Iran youth team when we won the gold medal, and I hope next year we can repeat history and win another gold medal,” he noted.

On Friday, Iran advanced to the finals after defeating Bahrain 3-1 (25-14, 21-25, 26-24 and 25-15).

China also cruised its way into the gold medal match following a competitive four-set game against South Korean opponents.



Brazil gearing up for runoff vote

People in Brazil are preparing to cast their votes in a presidential runoff as both contenders wrap up their election campaign.

On Sunday, Brazilians are set to vote in a runoff, which has been described as the hardest-fought in the country’s recent memory.

Polls will open at 0900 and close at 1800 GMT, and the results are expected on Monday morning. The winner will be sworn into office on January 1, 2015,

According to the latest opinion polls by Brazil’s major polling firms, Ibope and Datafolha, incumbent president Dilma Rousseff has a clear lead of between six to eight percentage points over Aecio Neves.

According to the statistics released by Ibope, Rousseff has 49 percent of voter support while her rival has 41 percent. The other polling center, Datafolha, gave the lead to Rousseff with 48 percent of the vote versus 42 percent for Neves.

Lower income voters prefer Rousseff, a 66-year old socialist. Neves, a pro-business Social Democrat, enjoys the lead among high-income voters and the highly educated.

In Brazil’s October 5 elections no candidate managed to win the absolute majority, thus putting off the final decision to the Sunday runoff. 

Rousseff, 66-years-old, was elected Brazil’s first woman president in 2010.

Pro-business Neves has gained ground since his surprise performance in the first round, when he finished second ahead of popular environmentalist Marina Silva and behind Rousseff.

On October 12, Neves secured Silva’s endorsement, enhancing his chances for Sunday’s vote.

Meanwhile, recent allegations of bribery involving Brazil’s state-run oil company Petrobras and top government officials are likely to adversely affect Rousseff’s runoff campaign.



US silencing truth by defaming Putin

UPDATE: Here is a translation of Putin’s address at Valdai.

Today at the Valdai International Discussion Club meeting in Sochi, Russia’s President Putin correctly and justifiably denounced Washington for destabilizing the world in order to serve its own narrow and selfish interest and the interests of the private interest groups that control Washington at the expense of the rest of the world. It is about time a world leader denounced the thuggish neocon regime in Washington. Putin described Washington’s double standards with the Roman phrase: “What is allowed for God [the US] is not allowed for cattle [the rest of the world].”

RT reports on Putin’s address here. RIA Novotsi reports here.

Curiously, the Russian media has not, at this time of writing, produced an English translation of Putin’s full remarks. Perhaps the Russian media do not realize the importance of Putin’s words. Too much of the Russian media is owned by foreign interests who use the access to Russian readers to attack and discredit the Russian government. It is amazing that the Russian government allows Washington’s propaganda within its own ranks. Perhaps Moscow accepts Washington’s propaganda among Russians in order to protect the broadcasts in the US of RT, RIA, and Voice of Russia. But the balance is uneven. The Russian broadcasts in the West report otherwise unreported news; they do not defame America.

See also: Putin: world leaders blackmailed, Putin: US escalates worldwide conflict, and German MP: sanctions without proof.
I did not see any reporting of Putin’s address in the US print and TV media. Clearly in the US there is an absence of public discussion of US foreign policy and foreign reaction to it. A country in which propaganda and silence rule out awareness and public discussion is not a democracy regardless of what it calls itself.

Washington long ago learned the dark art of silencing truth with defamation. Washington used defamation to overthrow Iran’s elected leader, Mossadegh in 1953, to overthrow Congo’s prime minister Patrice Lumumba in 1960, to overthrow Guatemala’s President Arbenz in 1954, to overthrow Venezuela’s President Hugo Chevez in 2002, a coup that was cancelled by the Venezuelan people and military who threw out Washington’s stooge replacement and reinstalled Chavez, to overthrow Ukraine’s elected President Yanukovych in 2013, to overthrow Honduras President Manuel Zelaya in 2009 , to overthrow in 2013 Mohamed Morsi, president of the first democratically elected government in Egypt’s history, to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in ongoing efforts to overthrow Assad in Syria and the government of Iran, and in failed attempts to overthrow Indonesia’s Sukarno, Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam, and Castro in Cuba.

Today Washington’s target is Vladimir Putin. This is the height of folly and hubris. Putin’s public support far exceeds that of any American president in history. Currently, the level of public support for the Obama regime and the US Congress is far too low to be compatible with a functioning democracy. If the US is actually a democracy, it is the most dysfunctional democracy in world history. Practically no one, except the powerful private interest groups who own Washington, supports the US government. Everyone else despises Washington.

As the result of 13 years of murderous destruction of life and property in the Middle East and Africa, a dysfunctional and collapsing US economy, and a display of unrivaled arrogance, Washington has destroyed America’s soft power. Abroad only the deluded few and those paid by US-financed NGOs still have a good opinion of the United States.

In all world polls, the US ranks as the greatest threat to world peace. Washington has made our country a despised nation, and we the people have done nothing about it.

You would never know this from the US print or TV media or even from most of the UK and Western European media. As I reported on October 16, Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor of one of Germany’s most important newspapers, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, has written a best-selling book in which he reports that the CIA owns everyone of significance in the major European media. In his own words, Udo Ulfkotte says that he was “taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.”

As a former Wall Street Journal editor, Business Week columnist, columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service, columnist for a German magazine and French and Italian newspapers, I observed and experienced the gradual impoundment of any dissent from Washington’s line. It became clear that the path to journalism success in the West was to lie for the Establishment in Washington, largely a private establishment along with the dark off-budget “security” agencies bolstered by the neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony.

Much of Russian media and Putin’s advisors are fully aware of Washington’s media campaign to defame President Vladimir Putin. The internet site Russia Insider today asked the pertinent question: “Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?” As Russia Insider makes clear, the answer is most certainly.

Click the URL above and view the front pages of the UK Sun, Daily Mirror, and Daily Express. I would bet that these are front pages designed in Washington or Langley and are in fact paid ads by the CIA or National Endowment for Democracy or by one of the Republican or Democrat organizations that sponsor Washington’s overseas propaganda.

Of course, these UK rags can be dismissed as sensational junk comparable to the US versions that are for sale at grocery store checkout counters–”movie star abducted by aliens in UFO.” So scroll down the page of the above URL and look at the covers of Newsweek and The Economist. Once these were respected publications. Today I would bet that no one reads them and that they are dependent on CIA subsidies for their existance. Nevertheless, they impact the European, Canadian, Australian, and Japanese media and no doubt the media of other countries on the borders of the US empire. A number of gullible fools still think that America has a free press.

Be sure to notice this section of the report from Russia Insider:

“The issue of manipulation of news by intelligence services has been in the news recently with revelations that the CIA and German Secret Service (GSS) have long-running programs to influence how media executives and top journalists convey and interpret the news, including direct cash payments.
“Here are some examples they point to:
– Portraying him [Putin] as a scheming dictator trying to rebuild a repressive empire.

– Claiming he personally ordered the murder of a number of journalists, and personally ordered a KGB defector to be murdered with radiation poisoning.

– Frequently citing unsubstantiated rumors he is having an affair with a famous gymnast.

– Allegations that he has stashed away billions for his personal benefit, without providing evidence.

– Recent article in newsweek claiming he leads a luxurious and lazy lifestyle, sleeping late.

– Recent article in NYT focusing on a supposed personal arrogance.
Hillary Clinton mentioning in speech after speech that he is a bad guy, a bully, that one must confront him forcefully.

– Frequently using pejoratives to describe his person – “a jerk and a thug” (Thomas Friedman this week in the NYT)

– Mis-quoting him on his regret about the collapse of the Soviet Union.

– Articles about a supposed super-luxury villa built for him in southern Russia.

– The over-the top headlines in the western media (they were worst of all in Germany) portraying him personally responsible for murdering the victims of MH17.

– And soft stuff – magazine covers making him look sinister, monstrous, etc.”

If you are not already aware, I am pleased to introduce you to The Saker, a pseudonym for a high level US military analyst who lives in Florida. No, it is not me. Be sure to read the interview with Saker, which is at the bottom of the article.

Every day readers ask me what they as individuals can do. Some possibly are government trolls who hope I will answer “overthrow the government” so that I can be arrested as a terrorist. My answer to the question is that people are powerless until enough of them are informed. If people become informed and will take a stand, then the people can force the government back under their control. If this does not or cannot happen, democracy in America is dead, and our life as a free people protected by the Constitution and law against the power of the state is finished.

Possibly America is already finished and will now finish the rest of the world in its insane neoconservative drive to establish Washington’s hegemony over the entire world. Russia and China are not going to submit to being Washington’s vassals and India had enough of being a colony under Great Britain. If the crazed hegemons in Washington persist, nuclear war will be the outcome.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.


Nigeria mule left to die over Ebola fear

A Nigerian drug trafficker has died at a Spanish airport after cocaine bags inside his stomach split open and airport staff did not touch him over Ebola fears.

The man, who had arrived at Madrid-Barajas airport on a flight from the Turkish city of Istanbul on October 18, succumbed to the symptoms of a cocaine overdose and started shaking on the floor, Russia Today (RT) reported on Saturday.

However, nobody approached the man for at least 50 minutes as he was thought to be an Ebola patient.

Airport officials reportedly called medical specialists who found the man “unconscious with a weak pulse and suffering breathing difficulties.”

Minutes later, it turned out that the man was not infected with the virus, and finally, he was taken to hospital. It was, however, too late and he died 25 minutes after arriving at hospital.

His wife said the Nigerian had not travelled to his homeland in the last four years.

Ebola is a form of hemorrhagic fever whose symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding. The virus spreads through direct contact with infected blood, feces or sweat. It can be also spread through sexual contact or the unprotected handling of contaminated corpses.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the deadliest Ebola epidemic on record has infected 10,141 and claimed 4,922 lives so far.

Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia have taken the brunt of the spread of the disease, which is running amok in West Africa.

The media hype over Ebola comes at a time when thousands of people in Africa and other parts of the world die every day from hunger and preventable diseases. Mainstream Western media, however, pay very little attention to such issues.



Anti-Israel activists arrested in S Africa

South African police forces have arrested dozens of anti-Israel activists, who were demanding an end to food imports from Israel.

According to police, 57 people who had protested in a department store in Johannesburg were arrested on Saturday and charged with public disturbance.

A Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement member, Tasneem Essop, said some of the arrested campaigners were minors.

“It is completely ridiculous and it goes against the values we wish to uphold,” she said.

She also said the demonstration was entirely peaceful and protesters had only walked into the shop and lay on the ground holding their placards.

Essop went on to say that the protesters were not arrested inside the department store and had left the building when the police approached them. 

Members of the BDS Movement were demanding the department store halt food imports from Israel.

They expressed disappointment over the store’s annual purchase of over a million dollars worth of food products from Israel.

The protesters also said they would like the retailer to cut all trade ties with Israel.

The BDS Movement is a worldwide campaign aimed at increasing economic and political pressure on Israel to comply with the movements’ goals, amongst which are the end of Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel.


US army woos recruits by alcohol, girls

The United States army has used alcoholic drinks and women to recruit football players.

In a Saturday statement, the US Military Academy at West Point, New York, acknowledged that it disciplined 20 cadets for promoting underage drinking and other misdeeds, the Gazette reported.

The report said the academy wooed the army football team’s recruits through the misconduct, which included an alcohol-fueled party and a dinner date with female cadets.

The US police also escorted the footballers’ party bus, which was packed with cheerleaders.

The academy later reported the recruiting violation to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), but no suspensions were announced and no one was dismissed from the team.

The Military Academy’s statement called the misdeed “a minor infraction” of the NCAA regulations, adding it itself takes the matter “very seriously and adjudicated this at the highest level of the disciplinary code.”

Army Major Dwight Mears, a West Point graduate and former history professor at the academy, said such violations are nothing new at the academy.

“That’s not shocking, considering in the past the academy has basically waived its own administrative procedures to keep players on the field,” he noted.

Meanwhile, West Point spokeswoman Theresa Brinkerhoff said the misdeed would be dealt with “administratively” and the details would not be disclosed.

In August, a probe into athlete conduct at US Air Force showed that a core group of football players had engaged in drug use, drinking, sexual assault, and academic cheating.


India to go ahead with Iran investment

With the political inhibitions of the previous government out of the way, India has chosen to push through with its plans to invest in the Iranian port city of Chabahar, Press TV reports.

Afraid of clouding relations with the United States, the previous administration of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh would not get the investment off the ground. However, the present government headed by Premier Narendra Modi cleared the move just a few months after taking office.

Iran’s Chabahar Port, located 72 kilometers (44 miles) west of Pakistan’s Gwadar port, holds immense strategic and economic significance for India. It is already connected to the city of Zaranj in Afghanistan’s southwestern province of Nimruz and can serve as India’s entry point to Afghanistan, Central Asia and beyond.

Trade ties between Iran and India have been witnessing a boom. According to Indian sources, the export of engineering goods and products to Iran has increased dramatically.

In July, shipments showed an increase of around 140 percent, which amounted to $177 million. Last year, the figure only stood at $52 million.


Uruguayans to elect new president

Uruguayans will go to the polls to elect their next president in a close contest between former President Tabara Vazquez and his rival Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou.

Polling stations are scheduled to open at 0900 and close at 2030 GMT on Sunday.

Until recently, Vazquez was expected to have the majority of the votes. However, latest polls show a runoff on November 30 is more probable as no candidate could gain the majority of the votes in the first round of the election.

The most recent opinion poll gave Vazquez over 40 percent support, while Lacalle Pou had 32 percent.

The third candidate, Pedro Bordaberry, garnered some 15 percent support in the poll.

Lacalle Pou, however, could have more chance to win in the runoff since he enjoys the support of other center-right parties.

Vazquez, 74, is an oncologist who served as president from 2005 to 2010. He is campaigning on the platform of reducing poverty, improving education and working conditions, and expanding welfare coverage.

Lacalle Pou, a 41-year-old lawyer and legislator, is a son of former President Luis Alberto Lacalle, who was president between 1990 and 1995. Having served as the president of the Chamber of Deputies in 2011, he is considered as a moderate conservative.

Outgoing President Jose Mujica, who is barred from running for a second consecutive term by the constitution, has a popularity rating of 62 percent.

The South American country of 3.3 million has a developing economy thanks largely to Mujica’s programs.





US Ebola nurse treated as ‘criminal’

An Ebola nurse who has just returned from Sierra Leone slams the US government for a mandatory 21-day quarantine despite testing negative for the virus.

Kaci Hickox said in an article on Saturday that she was “made to feel like criminal,” after she was placed in quarantine at a New Jersey hospital upon her return.

On Friday, New Jersey governor Chris Christie and New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced a new policy, which requires those who had contact with Ebola sufferers to go through mandatory isolation for 21 days.

“This is not a situation I would wish on anyone, and I am scared for those who will follow me,” Hickox wrote in the article.

Hickox, who is a volunteer nurse with Doctors Without Borders, said she was held upon her arrival at the airport where she was questioned for hours by officials wearing protective clothes.

“I sat alone in the isolation tent and thought of many colleagues who will return home to America and face the same ordeal,” she wrote. “Will they be made to feel like criminals and prisoners?”

The governors made the decision a day after Dr. Craig Spencer tested positive for Ebola upon returning to New York after treating patients in Guinea.

Dr. Spencer, a physician for the humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders, became the fourth person diagnosed with the disease in the US and the first in its largest city.

There is currently no known cure for Ebola, which is a form of hemorrhagic fever with diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding as its symptoms.

The epidemic has already killed 4,922 out of the 10,141 known cases in eight countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).