Iran to face China in volleyball final

Iran’s men’s national junior volleyball team is set to face China for the title of the 17th Asian U20 Men’s Volleyball Championships in the Persian Gulf kingdom of Bahrain.

The two Asian powerhouses, which have already booked their tickets for the FIVB Volleyball Men’s U21 World Championship scheduled for next year in Mexico, will clash in the Bahraini capital, Manama, on Saturday.

Earlier in the day and before the final match, host nation Bahrain, will take on South Korea in the third place play-off match.

On Friday, Iran advanced to the finals after defeating host nation, Bahrain, 3-1 (25-14, 21-25, 26-24 and 25-15).

“Bahrain lost today, but they showed they are a very good team, a very strong team,” Iran’s coach, Farhad Nafarzadeh, said after the match.

Bahrain’s coach Ali Ridha admitted that a very good team defeated his, saying, “We played two very good sets. Iran has more experience than our team. They have a good team, they are taller than us – they are strong. They know when they get to 20 points how to win a set.”

China also cruised its way into the gold medal match following a competitive four-set game against South Korean opponents.

The young Chinese athletes edged past South Koreans 3-1 (23-25, 25-22, 25-17 and 26-24).

The 17th Asian U20 Men’s Championship opened in Bahrain on October 17, and will wrap up on October 25.

Pool A consisted of Bahrain, the Maldives, Saudi Arabia and Thailand. Chinese Taipei, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait and Uzbekistan were in Pool B, while China, New Zealand, South Korea and Sri Lanka made up Pool C.

Iran had been drawn in Pool D along with Hong Kong, India, Qatar and Turkmenistan.


‘Iran not to shut down N-facilities’

A senior Iranian negotiator says the Islamic Republic will not accept to shut down or even suspend the activities of any of its nuclear facilities in its talks with six world powers.

“All nuclear capabilities of Iran will be preserved and no facility will be shut down or even suspended and no device or equipment will be dismantled,” Abbas Araqchi, who is also Iran’s deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs, said on Saturday. 

“We will not retreat one iota from the country’s nuclear rights, but we are fully ready for transparency and confidence-building,” he said, adding that Iran will push ahead with “industrial-scale enrichment” of uranium to meet the country’s civilian needs.

Araqchi also repeated Iran’s call for the removal of all sanctions against the country, saying: “All sanctions should be lifted and the Islamic Republic of Iran will not accept even a single instance of sanctions to remain in place under a [final] comprehensive nuclear deal.”

The Iranian official’s remarks came in response to repeated demands from the West that Iran shut down the Fordow nuclear facility in central Iran.

Meanwhile, US Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman said on Thursday that the P5+1 group, which is negotiating with Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program, has offered the country ideas that are “equitable, enforceable and consistent” with Tehran’s desire for a civilian nuclear program, claiming that Iran would be responsible for any failure to reach a permanent accord over its nuclear work.

Iran and the P5+1 group of countries – Russia, China, France, Britain, the US and Germany – are in talks to work out a final deal aimed at ending the longstanding dispute over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy program as a November 24 deadline approaches.

Sources close to the Iranian negotiating team say the main stumbling block in the way of resolving the Western disputes over Iran’s nuclear energy program remains to be the removal of all the sanctions imposed on Iran and not the number of centrifuges or the level of enrichment.

Tehran wants the sanctions entirely lifted while the US, under pressure from the pro-Israeli lobby, insists that at least the UN-imposed sanctions against Iran should remain in place.


EU ‘expects’ extra UK share in budget

A vice president of the European Parliament (EP) says Europe expects the UK to contribute an extra £1.7 billion to the EU budget, warning that the bloc would be “exasperated” if London tried to avoid paying.

Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, a German member of the EP and one of the parliament’s six vice presidents, made the remarks on Saturday, saying the UK must make the two-billion euro (USD 2.5-billion) budget contribution to the EU.

Brussels has been demanding that the UK pay the extra amount by December after a recalculation of the country’s national income since 1995 found that Britain’s economy has enjoyed better-than-expected performance in comparison with other European countries.

Lambsdorff said “everybody has to pay their dues,” arguing that “if you have higher GDP growth than forecast, that also means logically that you have a higher contribution to the community’s budget.”

“That is a logical consequence. That is something that everybody has signed up for,” Lambsdorff added.

The EP vice president’s comments come a day after British Prime Minister David Cameron said the UK will refuse to pay the amount, describing the union’s behavior as “appalling.”

Cameron also warned that such behavior would certainly affect Britain’s decision whether to remain in the EU.

The British prime minister is calling for a renegotiation of Britain’s EU membership terms, saying that the reforms are crucial to persuade Britain to stay in the bloc. Cameron has also vowed to hold an in-out vote on the country’s EU membership by 2017.


China: Anti-graft fight will never end

China’s top anti-graft official says the fight against deeply-ingrained corruption will never end, signaling nonstop pressure against government fraud in the world’s second-largest economy.

Chinese politicians must follow the rules and implement the Communist Party’s discipline due to the tough and complicated anti-corruption drive, China’s head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Wang Qishan said on Saturday.

“The fight against corruption and the construction of a clean government is still ongoing,” Wang noted.

The Chinese Communist Party promised this week to boost the anti-graft campaign.

President Xi Jinping kicked off an anti-corruption campaign two years ago. Since then, several high-profile lawmakers have been expelled from the ruling Communist Party and charged with corruption.

China investigated more than 25,000 people for corruption in the first half of 2014.

The vow to punish graft came only days after the Communist Party began an investigation into former domestic security chief, Zhou Yongkang, by far the highest-profile figure caught up in Xi’s corruption crackdown.

President Xi has pledged to root out every corrupt official as widespread graft threatens the survival of the Communist Party.


Tunisia warns of attacks during vote

The Tunisian prime minister has warned of possible terrorist attacks during the North African country’s parliamentary elections, as the government tightens security ahead of Sunday’s vote.

“We know that this [elections] will be a target (for militants) because it is unique in the region. It brings hope,” Mehdi Jomaa said on Saturday.

The Tunisian premier said the success of the country’s landmark elections may be a threat to those who oppose the country’s transition to democracy.

“They know that the success of (the elections) is a threat to them, not only in Tunisia but throughout the region,” he added.

Meanwhile, Tunisia’s Defense Minister Ghazi Jeribi has called on Tunisians to cast their ballots and “not to be afraid of the threat of terrorists who aim to stop this election.”

The country’s security forces are on high alert ahead of the key elections, in which approximately 5.2 million voters are eligible to cast their ballots.

On Friday, Tunisian police killed six Takfiri terrorists who had taken a number of people hostage in a suburban house near the capital, Tunis.

The militants, five of them women, were reportedly planning an attack to mar the country’s parliamentary elections.

More than 13,000 candidates started their official electoral campaigns around three weeks ago for the 217 seats in the country’s National Assembly.

The Islamist Ennahda Movement and the secular Nidaa Tounes Party are expected to win the majority of votes in the upcoming elections.

Authorities have warned that militants would launch a spate of attacks in an attempt to destabilize the country.


Fresh clashes erupt in West Bank

Fresh clashes have erupted between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters who were furious about the recent death of a Palestinian teenager at the hands of Israeli troops.

The skirmishes broke out in the village of Silwad, north of the West Bank city of Ramallah, on Saturday, a day after Orwah Hammad, 14, was shot in the head there.

The Israeli army added that the youth, who was a US citizen, was about to throw a petrol bomb at Israeli motorists.

“The forces fired immediately to neutralize the danger…and confirmed a hit,” said an army spokeswoman.

Also on Friday, Israeli police in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) fired tear gas to disperse stone-throwing Palestinian protesters.

Clashes have been taking place every night after Israelis said a driver, identified as Abdel Rahman al-Shaludi, rammed his car into a railway stop in al-Quds, killing a baby girl and injuring eight others on Wednesday. He later died of injuries sustained from Israeli forces’ gunfire.

The Tel Aviv regime claims that the incident was deliberate, but family of the 21-year-old said it was an accident.

Israeli media also reported clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces in al-Quds’ Silwan neighborhood on Saturday, ahead of the upcoming funeral of al-Shaludi.

The timing of his funeral has been set by Tel Aviv, which has also said a maximum of 80 people could attend the ceremony, the Israeli Radio reported. The teenager’s funeral is also set to be held on Sunday.


Top Pakistani Shia cleric says Pakistan is the Base of ISIS

Allama Sajid Naqvi, Chief of Shia Ulema Council, has said that takfiri terrorism including  ISIS originated from Pakistan but they were bound to fail because of Shiites rational course of action.

“Masterminds of ISIS are those who invented takfiri nasbi terrorists in Pakistan and their prime target were Shia Muslims but we defeated them by unity of Muslims and now ISIS are disgusted, condemned and isolated outfit,” he said speaking at “Ulema Conference on Protection of Azadari and Defence of Shiites,” in Karachi.

He said that those who stage rallies and public gatherings for Hazrat Usman lacked any right or justification to oppose the mourning processions and congregations.

“We need alternate policies to stop genocide against Shia Muslims in Karachi and other parts of Pakistan. We should remain vigilant during Moharram in particular and strengthen our unity to counter plots of enemies,” he urged.

The SUC officials namely Allama Arif Wahidi, Allama Baqar Najafi, Allama Shabbir Maisami, Allama Shahenshah Naqvi and Allama Jafar Subhani also spoke at the scholars’ conference.


Bahrain: Chairman of Shura Al Wefaq called in for interrogation

The Bahraini Authorities have called in Sayed Jameel Khadim, the chairman of Shura Al Wefaq (consultative board), for interrogation this morning.

Al Wefaq believes this measure is related to tweets he posted, expressing his opinion in the upcoming legislative and municipal elections. The opposition societies in Bahrain declared they will boycott the elections that manipulate the people’s will.


“Shi’ites must never insult the sanctities of other religions during Muharram” Grand Ayatollah Makarem

During a meeting with a group of eulogists from the Revolutionary Guards in Qom, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi discussed the role the uprising of Imam Husayn (A) has played throughout history but warned Shi’ite mourners of the tragic impact their words can have if they insult the personalities of our Sunni brethren.

Referring to the recent celebration of the event of Mubahilah, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said that it is clear that the verse of Mubahilah in the Quran [3:61] refers to the lofty status of the Ahlul-Bayt (A), saying: “This is agreed upon my both Shi’ite and Sunni commentators.”

In regards to the upcoming month of Muharram, where Shi’ite Muslims mourn the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A), the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi pointed to the narration from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (A) wherein the sixth Imam stated: “Surely, there is a burning heat in the hearts of the believers with respect to the killing of Husayn that will never cool down!” and said: “Every year, we see this heat with our own eyes, it will never fade and will stay forever.”

His Eminence called on preachers to take proper advantage of poetry but warned them to use credible sources and authoritative books and stay away from weak narrations and falsifying history when composing poetry and also warned them from offending the dignity and lofty statuses of the Imams of the Ahul-Bayt (A), following: “Poetry should reflect the words that have been expressed by the great scholars and preachers of the Master of the Martyrs (A) and they must be identical to reality.”

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi emphasized that mourning ceremonies and sermons be constructive and have a profound effect on the believers, saying that the event and the culture of Ashura has shaken the thrones of tyrants and oppressors. It was a major influence on Imam Khomeini (RA), who saw the victory of Islamic Revolution in the light of the revolution of Imam Husayn (A). People in their millions came out to face the unjust Shah of Iran in mass demonstrations after holding mourning ceremonies in Muharram and Safar. They were able to overthrow the evil Pahlavi monarchy because of their love for Imam Husayn (A).

He emphasized that unity between Shi’ites and Sunnis is the most important element to address blind extremism and terrorism. He added that the knowledge of the Ahlul-Bayt (A) must be propagated in a respectable manner because Takfiris want to ignite the fire of strife between Shi’ites and Sunnis. He strongly emphasized that Shi’ites must never insult the sanctities of other religions during their mourning ceremonies because the result of their insults will only lead to the shedding of Shi’ite blood in different parts of the world.


Yemeni Houthi Shia: “Ayatollah Khamenei is the leader of the Islamic world”

Some Yemeni Zaydi scholars, in a meeting with the General Secretary of the international Islamic Awakening Association, emphasized that Ayatollah Khamenei is not just Iran’s leader but the leader of all Muslims in the world.

On Saturday evening of 18th October, Dr Ali-Akbar Velayati the General Secretary of the international Islamic awakening association met with some Zaydi scholars from Yemen and said: “We are aware of your victories and we are very glad about it. Our relation with Houthis go back a long time and we are familiar with the thoughts of Allamah Sadruddin al-Houthi who is the spiritual leader of Ansarullah and the father of the martyr Husayn al-Houthi and Abdul-Malik al-Houthi who is the leader of Houthis in Yemen. I am happy that the Houthi and revolutionary leader of Yemen lead wise and brave movements in that country.”

Dr Velayati added: “Ansarullah brought about a transformation in Yemen which is unique in the history of this country and Ansarullah’s consecutive victories prove that everything is based on an organized plan”. He indicated that they should learn from the past events and overcome the obstacles one by one.

He continued: “We know that your goals have not been achieved during the past 3 years after the downfall of Abdullah Saleh. What was known as “Gulf transition Plan” was not suitable for Yemen and Ansarullah refused this plan wisely.”

He stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran is very proud of Ansarullah’s brotherly treatment of other religions and they hope a role like Hezbollah’s in Lebanon is played by Ansarullah in Yemen. Mentioning Lebanon’s Hezbollah cooperation with Lebanese Army, Dr Velayati stated: “In the last years Lebanese Army and Hezbollah fought together against the terrorists and defeated them. The fact that Yemeni Army cooperated with Ansarullah in Sana’a is a proof that Ansarullah has public acceptance in Yemen.”

Velayati underlined that Iran supports the Islamic awakening movements, including Yemen’s Ansarullah and said, “The Islamic Republic supports Ansarullah as it sees the movement in line with the materialization of a part of the Islamic awakening. In some countries Islamic Awakening movements started but they faced defeats, however we are hopeful that they will gain success soon and the Islamic awakening will spread worldwide and the Islamic world will overcome its enemies and the Zionists.”

In a response to a question asked about the effects of Yemen’s revolution, he expressed: “The important issue is that the road to freeing Palestine passes from Yemen since Yemen has a strategic location and is near Indian Ocean, Gulf of Oman and Bab al-Mandeb.”

At the end he stated that supporting the campaign for freeing Palestine and supporting the resistance can be one of the most important favours of Yemen for Palestinians. He continued: “In the last war in Gaza, the only country which supported Palestinians, both in deeds and words, was the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Palestinian leaders in Gaza announced that what they had and what helped them in the fight against the Zionists was Iranian’s support.”

Zaydi scholars in this meeting also stressed that Ayatollah Khamenei is not just leader of Iran but he is the leader of the entire Islamic world.
