Hoisting the black flag of Imam Hussain on the dome of Husainiyyah in Zaria, Nigeria / Pics

The Leader of the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria, led the hoisting of a black flag on the dome of Husainiyyah Baqiyyatullah in Zaria on Friday the 1st of Muharram 1426 (24/10/14).

The flag was donated to the Islamic Movement  from the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (A), Karbala, Iraq.

Hundreds of thousands witnessed the event from far as the red flag on the dome of the Husainiyyah was replaced with the black flag with inscription of ‘ya Hussain’ on it. This, heralded the beginning of Ashura Mourning gathering at Husainiyyah.

The 1st day of Ashura in Zaria, Nigeria / Pics

Pictures taken during the first gathering of Ashura Mourning at Husainiyyah baqiyatullah, Zaria on 1st of Muharram 1436 (24/10/14). Sheikh Zakzaky delivered lecture on the fall of new Islamic Year 1436, the significance of new year and bloody act of the enemies of the Prophet (S) who killed his son Imam Husain (A) in the sacred month of Muharram. Hijrah, Sheikh said, is Sunnah of the Prophet and it was not initiated by any body as claimed by those who want to give credits to their favorite ones.

Sheikh further spoke on the migration of the Prophet to Medina, formerly Yathrib. It was renamed the City of the Prophet ( ie Madina) or Tayyba. The city became the city of Islam with the coming ot the Prophet (S), thus Islam got a center where Islam can be fully practiced. This shows the necessity of having Islamic state where  it can be fully practiced at full scale. From Medina Islam spread to other parts of Arabian peninsula to the extent it reached the whole world. For Islam to have center where it spread to other parts of the world is necessity.

Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) is a creation of enemies of Islam to give it a bad name, just like Boko Haram in Nigeria. All this is done to show that Boko haram and ISIL are trying to establish Islam, thus portraying Islam in bad shape. Whereas  the first center or state of Islam established- that is Madina by the holy Prophet, there was no single blood shed. In contrast, the people of Medina received the Prophet warmly as they sing the praise of him  to welcome him to the new city.

The Prophet entered Madina after having stayed for a while at Quba, waiting for his family members to arrive. Imam Ali (A) left Mecca with the family members of the holy Prophet. Before he left Mecca he challenged the pagans to chase him if they are really strong enough to face him. A group of youths, instigated by their masters, chased  him to fight him. They could not face the young Ali, though one of them tried to challenge him but humiliated. The Imam arrived in Quba, where he met the holy prophet and together they entered Medina.

Those who claimed Islam flourished through war and fighting should know that Medina – the first Islamic center,  received him and made him leader peacefully. Not only that the people of Medina defended their new leader against attacks by pagans and their allies with their blood and wealth. Medina became a center where Islam governed peacefully, without shedding of blood. Contrary to present new groups, who resorted to killings and destructions, on behalf of the enemies of Islam who created them.

Supplication of imam Hussain was recited by Leader and closing prayer.

Sheikh Isa Qassim: Bahrain elections have no value

Bahrain’s prominent Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Ahmed Qassim has questioned the country’s upcoming parliamentary elections, saying they lack value.

During his sermon at the weekly Friday Prayer in Imam Sadiq Mosque located in Bahrain’s Diraz area, Qassim said the Manama regime’s opposition groups can only take to the polls when there is some hope from participating in the elections, Bahrain’s Lulu TV channel reported.

Raising questions about a claimed democracy in the small Persian Gulf kingdom, the cleric termed as “meaningless” a democracy that only allows those supporting the government to express their views.

Opposition groups are not permitted to give their opinion, he said, adding that if none of these groups take part in the elections, “then the choice will be worthless.”

Qassim also condemned explosions and the burning of cars as “unacceptable” and “an attempt to destabilize” the country.

“It is the right of all opposition groups to have participation and supervision in the elections. … what kind of democracy is it that only allows the government to express its views? The ability of candidates is more important than their numbers,” he further stated.

Bahrainis have held protests across the country calling for the boycott of the elections scheduled to take place on November 22.

The elections will be the first since protests broke out in Bahrain more than three years ago.

Since mid-February 2011, thousands of protesters have held numerous demonstrations in the streets of Bahrain, calling on the Al Khalifa royal family to step down from power. The protesters have also slammed the Manama regime’s arrest and torture of political activists.

Many Bahrainis have been killed and hundreds injured and arrested in the ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.


Hezbollah official: ISIL committing worst crimes against Muslims, Qur’an

A senior official of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah says the ISIL Takfiri group is committing the most heinous crimes against the Muslims and the holy Qur’an.

The barbaric acts by the ISIL group and Takfiris are a clear example of anti-Islam moves and are regarded as the worst crimes that could be committed against Muslims and Qur’an, said Sheikh Ali Damoush, the director of Hezbollah’s external relations office, during a Thursday gathering in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad.

He added that Takfiri groups such as ISIL are disseminating their evil thoughts and tarnishing the image of Islam and Muslims by raising doubts among non-Muslims and waving a flag which reads “God is great.”

He added:”Wahhabi groups spent more than USD 80 billion last year to promote Shiaphobia around the globe.”

Damoush also called on Muslims to stand up to the ISIL and other Takfiri groups operating in Syria and Iraq.

Lebanon has also been rocked by the spillover of the conflict in Syria.

Recently, Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah also has said the Lebanese resistance movement is determined to defeat terrorists and Takfiri militants.

He said the resistance movement is strong and will be victorious in its fight against the terrorists.

The ISIL terrorists currently control large swathes of territory across Syria and Iraq. They have committed terrible atrocities in both countries, including mass executions and the beheading of local residents as well as foreign nationals.


Thousands of Bahrainis protest Saudi death sentence against Sheikh Nimr

Demonstrators in Bahrain have taken to the streets in support of prominent Saudi Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, who has been sentenced to death by Riyadh.

On Friday, protesters in the coastal village of Malikiyah and on the island of Sitra condemned Saudi Arabia for sentencing the dissident cleric to death and demanded his release.

On October 15, a Saudi court handed down the death penalty to Sheikh Nimr after convicting him of sedition.

The cleric was attacked and arrested in July 2012, accused of delivering anti-regime speeches and defending political prisoners.

In reaction to the sentence, people took to streets in the Saudi city of Qatif to condemn the move. There have also been demonstrations in other countries.

On Friday, a senior Iranian cleric warned Saudi Arabia against executing the death sentence.

“We warn Saudi Arabia… that this government will pay a heavy price for a [possible] execution of a Shia cleric,” Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahhedi Kermani told worshippers at the weekly Friday prayers in Tehran.

Human rights activists say the sentence issued for Sheikh Nimr was politically motivated.

Amnesty International has denounced the verdict, calling it “appalling”.

Rights groups say Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are committing systematic human rights abuses.


We cannot stop Intifada in J’lem: Israeli police

A senior Israeli police officer said Thursday that the police might not be able to entirely stop the current Palestinian intifada (uprising) in occupied Jerusalem, but it would attempt to reduce its severity.
He stated in press remarks on Thursday that the Israeli police could decrease the tension and impose a period of relative calm in the holy city by intensifying its presence in its neighborhoods and using extreme force against protestors.

Widespread violent clashes, described as unprecedented since the second intifada, have been raging since Thursday morning in east Jerusalem between Palestinian young men and Israeli troops in protest at the killing of 20-year-old Abdul-Rahman Shaludi by Israeli guards at the railroad station in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

Meanwhile, the Israeli police declared a number of entry restrictions on Muslims’ access to the Aqsa Mosque on Friday.

A large number of Israeli security forces have been deployed since the early morning hours in the vicinity of the Old City and the Aqsa Mosque.


Al-Qassam: We destroyed Israel’s "invincible army" myth

Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said that its last battle with the Israeli occupation had delivered a severe blow the fighting spirit of its forces and exploded the myth of its invincible army.

This came during a ceremony held in Khan Younis under the theme “A nation constructing its victory” to honor the families of more than 600 martyrs killed during the last Israeli war in Gaza.

“Al-Qassam had already declared ahead of Al-Asef Al-Makoul battle that it would fight a war to break the enemy’s fighting spirit, and the martyrs contributed to crush its will and dispel the legend of its routed army,” a spokesman for the Brigades said during the ceremony.

“The heroic acts and triumphs of your Brigades and all men of honor from the other factions on the battlefield have been achieved by the grace of God and then by our preparedness because we know very well that only the language of force works out with the usurping enemy,” the spokesman added.

He also hailed the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in Gaza despite the atrocious massacres that had been committed by the Israeli army against thousands of innocent children, women, and elderly civilians.


Bahrain elections worthless: Cleric

Bahrain’s prominent Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Ahmed Qassim has questioned the country’s upcoming parliamentary elections, saying they lack value.

During his sermon at the weekly Friday Prayer in Imam Sadiq Mosque located in Bahrain’s Diraz area, Qassim said the Manama regime’s opposition groups can only take to the polls when there is some hope from participating in the elections, Bahrain’s Lulu TV channel reported.

Raising questions about a claimed democracy in the small Persian Gulf kingdom, the cleric termed as “meaningless” a democracy that only allows those supporting the government to express their views.

Opposition groups are not permitted to give their opinion, he said, adding that if none of these groups take part in the elections, “then the choice will be worthless.”

Qassim also condemned explosions and the burning of cars as “unacceptable” and “an attempt to destabilize” the country.

“It is the right of all opposition groups to have participation and supervision in the elections. … what kind of democracy is it that only allows the government to express its views? The ability of candidates is more important than their numbers,” he further stated.

Bahrainis have held protests across the country calling for the boycott of the elections scheduled to take place on November 22.

The elections will be the first since protests broke out in Bahrain more than three years ago.

Since mid-February 2011, thousands of protesters have held numerous demonstrations in the streets of Bahrain, calling on the Al Khalifa royal family to step down from power. The protesters have also slammed the Manama regime’s arrest and torture of political activists.

Many Bahrainis have been killed and hundreds injured and arrested in the ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.


Ukraine to go to polls on Sunday

Ukraine is set to hold general elections on Sunday in a move that may dramatically reshape the 450-seat parliament.

The vote will be held in much of the country except in the restive east. No election will be held in the strategic Black Sea Crimean Peninsula either. The region, home to about two million people, joined the Russian Federation following a referendum in March.

The vote was called in August as President Petro Poroshenko came under pressure to purge the parliament of lawmakers, allegedly tied to the overthrown government of Viktor Yanukovych.

As many as 4.6 million Ukrainians are eligible to take part in the snap parliamentary elections.

Opinion polls show the president’s own party, the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, will win the elections, but it may not be able to form a majority and may have to join forces with nationalist parties.

The leaders of the breakaway eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk have refused to allow the polls to be held in territories under their control, with a population of almost three million.

Ukraine’s mainly Russian-speaking regions in the east have been the scene of deadly clashes between pro-Russia protesters and the Ukrainian army since the government in Kiev launched military operations in mid-April in a bid to crush the protests.


Washington snubs Israeli war minister

The Obama administration has rejected the Israeli military affairs minister’s requests to meet several high-ranking officials during his five-day visit to the United States this week.

Moshe Ya’alon met with US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power.

But the White House and State Department reportedly refused Israeli proposals for meetings with Vice President Joe Biden, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, and Secretary of State John Kerry.

Ya’alon has been critical of Kerry’s efforts to forge a peace deal between Tel Aviv and Palestinians.

Earlier in the year, he called Kerry’s efforts for Israeli-Palestinian peace “messianic and obsessive.”

In response, the State Department lashed out at Ya’alon for making “offensive and inappropriate” comments about Kerry.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that the remarks are “offensive and inappropriate especially given all that the US is doing to support Israel’s security needs.”

In a recent interview, the controversial minister said the borders of several Middle Eastern countries are bound to change in the future as a result of recent developments in the region.

Ya’alon added that the borders of some countries in the region were artificially drawn by the West.

He did not say whether the borders of Israel, also drawn by Western powers after World War I, would change or not.