Forum in Najaf Discusses Aspects of Imam Ali’s (AS) Character

Aspects of Imam Ali’s (AS) character in political, economic, scientific and educational arenas were discussed in a forum held on the second day of the 3rd edition of Qadir International Festival in the holy city of Najaf.

According to the website of Alawi holy shrine, “Al-Qarawiyyah” School of the holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS) hosted the forum on October 20.

It included four scholarly sessions attended by academic figures and scholars from Iraq and a number of other countries.

Imam Ali’s (AS) justice in government based on Shia and Sunni sources and Nabawi Hadiths, the Qadir event and Imam Ali’s (AS) viewpoints on political, social, economic and human issues were some of the themes presented at the sessions.

Addressing the forum, Qolamali Haddad Adel, head of Iran’s Academy of Persian Language and Literature, presented a speech on “Shia Thought and Its Role in Unity among Islamic Sects and Other Religions”.

“Imam Ali (AS), an Existence for the Whole Creation” by Muhammad Shaghir, Islamic philosophy lecturer of Beirut University, and “Harmony of Logic and Beauty in Imam Ali’s (AS) Sermons” by Hamed Naser Al-Dhalemi from Basra University were two other papers presented at the program.

Also in this program, Muhammadreza Al-Turaihi from George Town University discussed the relation between the Holy Quran’s verses and authentic Hadiths about Imam Ali (AS).

Titles of other papers presented at the forum included “Imam Ali’s (AS) Sermons”, “Imam Ali (AS) in Qadir event”, “Alawi Thought; Imam Ali’s (AS) Letter to Malik Ashtar”, “Ali (AS); Imam of Mankind”, “Economic and Financial Policy of Imam Ali (AS)”, “Quranic Verses Revealed about Imam Ali (AS)”, “Imam Ali (AS); Human Way of Life”, “Imam Ali (AS) and Islamic Government” and “Justice in Imam Ali’s (AS) Letter to Malik Ashtar”.

The 3rd Qadir International Festival was held from October 19 to 21 at Imam Ali’s (AS) holy shrine in Najaf.

It was organized by the Astan (custodianship) of Alawi holy shrine under the supervision of Iraq’s Shia Awqaf Office.

Some 100 scholars and religious figures from 33 countries participated in the international event.


Turkish Woman Who Desecrated Quran Arrested

Turkey’s cyber police have detained a woman who desecrated Islam’s Holy Book.

The woman, named Gul Bayaz Atiq, had posted a photo on Twitter which shows her insulting on the pages of the Quran.

The publication of the insulting photo caused so much negative reaction in Turkey’s Islamic society that the country’s prosecutor general ordered an investigation into the case, which led to the woman’s arrest. She was detained in Istanbul and her computer and smart phone were also confiscated.

Atiq told the police that she has no religious beliefs and has posted the photo out of disdain for Turkey’s government officials. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is said to be among those who have lodged a complaint against the woman.

School of Shiite student in Kano resumes classes after fire incident / Pics

Students of Fudiyyah School Rijiyar Lemu in Kano has on Tuesday resume studies after fire incident on Monday that gutted classes and offices of the school.

The school, under the stable of the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria under the leadership of Sheikh Zakzaky in Kano was razed by fire in the early hours of Monday (20/10/2014), in which some classes, staff room and store were burnt down.

While the fire razed structures in the school, fire fighters from the state fire service, youths from the neighbourhood and parents came to the rescue and put out the fire.

 The school headmaster, Malam Auwalu said, all equipments in the building were lost in the fire incident, which he said could not be quantified in monetary terms at the time.

Malam kabiru Yunusa Fagge of the Local Government Education Department confirmed the incident and called for tight security measure in the school to avoid future occurrence.

Management of the school expressed gratitude to all those who assisted in putting out the fire, and commended the cordial relationship between the school management and the community.

The cause of the fire incident was yet to be identified.


ISIL launches chemical attack in eastern Kobani

Kurdish fighters defending the Syrian city of Kobani against the ISIL say the Takfiri militants have used chemical weapons.

Kurdish officials and doctors said on Wednesday that the terrorists released a sort of toxic gas in the eastern side of the Kurdish city late on Tuesday.

Aysa Abdullah, a senior Kurdish official based in Kobani, said the victims had symptoms that included dizziness and watery eyes and that there was no equipment to precisely determine what kinds of chemicals had been used.

Other reports said the victims were transferred to a hospital in neighboring Turkey.

Many have joined the ISIL from Iraq’s former Ba’athist regime, highly skilled at using chemical weapons.

The Ba’athists are led by Izzat Ibrahim, the henchman of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

The ISIL terrorists have been committing heinous crimes in the captured areas, including mass executions and beheading of people.

The ISIL militants received training to use light and heavy weapons with the help of the US government at a secret base in Jordan in 2012, informed Jordanian officials say.


Saudi king’s nephew admits to Riyadh support for ISIL

Billionaire Saudi businessman Alwaleed bin Talal has admitted to the kingdom’s support for the ISIL Takfiri terrorists who fight against the Iraqi and Syrian governments.

The Saudi business tycoon, who is a member of the Saudi royal family, told CNN on Monday that “some extremists in Saudi Arabia” provided financial support for the terrorists.

Alwaleed, however, claimed that the oil-rich monarchy has now stopped funding the militants.

    “Unfortunately, some extremists in Saudi Arabia… did fund certain extremist elements in Syria,” said Alwaleed, a nephew of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz.

“But Saudi Arabia has taken very strict rules to stop that from happening. And yes, right now all this has been stopped completely,” he added.

The ISIL Takfiri terrorists, who currently control parts of Syria and Iraq, have committed widespread acts of violence, including mass executions, abductions, torture and forcing women into slavery in the areas they have seized in the two countries.

They have threatened all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Izadi Kurds and others, as they continue their atrocities in Iraq.

Since September 23, the US and some of its Arab allies — Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates — have been conducting airstrikes against the ISIL inside Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

The Western powers and their regional allies — especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – have been supporting the militants operating inside Syria.


Car bombs kill at least 37 in Baghdad Shia neighborhood

At least 37 people have been killed and dozens more injured as two separate car bombs rock Iraq’s capital Baghdad.

At least 27 people were killed and 37 others injured after a car bomb exploded near a service station in Baghdad’s central district of Karrada on Wednesday.

A further 10 people were killed and 29 others wounded after the second car bomb went off across the street from a hospital in the Shia neighborhood of Sadr City.

According to local residents, the blast took place when an explosives-laden car which was parked across from the hospital blew up.

Over the last two weeks, Baghdad has seen an increase of bomb attacks, for some of which the ISIL Takfiri group has claimed responsibility.

On Tuesday, a series of bomb attacks claimed the lives of at least 21 people in and around the Iraqi capital.

On Monday, three car bombs exploded simultaneously near government offices in the Shia holy city of Karbala, killing at least 16 people and injuring 40 others.

The overall security situation in Iraq has worsened over the past months after the ISIL Takfiri terrorists, of whom many are foreign militants, took control of parts of Iraq’s northern and western regions.

According to the United Nations, over 1,110 people were killed in acts of violence across Iraq in September.

The ISIL terrorists have been committing heinous crimes in the captured areas, including mass executions and beheading of people.

The ISIL militants received training to use light and heavy weapons with the help of the US government at a secret base in Jordan in 2012, informed Jordanian officials say.


Jewish settlers set fire to 200 olive trees in Nablus village

Jewish settlers set fire to Palestinian olive trees to the west of Hawara village, south of Nablus city, at noon Wednesday.

Mu’een Dumeidi, the Hawara village council chairman, told the PIC reporter that scores of masked Jewish settlers, disguised as Palestinians, set 200 olive trees on fire.

He said that firefighters from nearby Burin village arrived to the scene and put off the blaze with the help of local municipality teams and civil guards, which helped block the spread of fire to nearby groves.

The mayor said that farmers did not harvest the burnt trees because they were still waiting for permission from the liaison office.

Jewish settlers systematically harass farmers in the village and assault their trees especially in the western areas and at olive harvesting seasons.


Erdogan: U.S. Weapons Airdrop to Kobani ’Wrong’

Turkish President Recep Tayyeb Erdogan said on Wednesday it was wrong of the United States to air drop military supplies to Kurdish fighters defending the Syrian border town of Kobani, as some weapons were seized by militants of the so-called ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIL) besieging it.

“What was done here on this subject turned out to be wrong. Why did it turn out wrong? Because some of the weapons they dropped from those C130s were seized by ISIL (ISIL),” Erdogan told a news conference in the Turkish capital Ankara.

The Pentagon denied the news on Tuesday, claiming that the vast majority of the U.S. supplies dropped on Sunday had reached the Kurdish fighters despite an online video showing ISIL fighters with a bundle.

Asked about a plan for Turkey to facilitate the passage of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters to Kobani to help in its defense line, Erdogan said he proposed this move in a telephone call with U.S. President Barack Obama at the weekend.

“That aid that you would deliver to the PYD and PKK is unacceptable for us,” Erdogan said in a press conference at Ankara Esenboga Airport before leaving for an official visit to Latvia.

“I have difficulty understanding why Kobani is so strategic for them because there are no civilians there, just around 2,000 fighters,” Erdogan said. “At first they didn’t say yes to peshmergas, but then they gave a partial yes and we said we would help.”

He added that talks were continuing among officials on the details of the peshmergas’ transit through Turkey.

The PKK is the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, considered a terrorist organization by Turkey and some other countries. It has waged a 30-year campaign against the Turkish state. The PYD is the Unionist Democratic Party, which the Turkish government believes is in league with the PKK.


Bahraini ISIL Terrorist Killed in Syria

A Bahraini ISIL terrorist was killed on Wednesday during the battle of Howayjet al-Sakr in Deir Ezour, eastern Syria.

Social media accounts revealed that “Abu Moatasem al-Bahraini” was killed in Syria, without identifying whether he was killed by the US-led coalition airstrikes or by the Syrian army.

The Bahraini regime authorities recognized that over 100 national have been fighting in ISIL ranks in Syria and Iraq.


1st “Muslim Women’s’ viewpoints” Seminar to be held in London

The 1st International Seminar under the banner of “Muslim Women’s’ viewpoints” to be held in UK Capital City of London on Friday October 23 with Head of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thoughts, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki in attendance.

The seminar to be mounted and held by the cooperation of the Global Association of Muslim Women, the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Though and London Islamic Center.

It is worthwhile noting that the Global Association of Muslim Women which is titled, from now on, ‘association’ in this Statute, is a global, nonprofit and nongovernmental organization which aims at improving and enriching the participation of Muslim women so as to forward objectives in global peace arena.

Informing female thinkers and pundits and Muslim elites in addition to furthering understanding among them in the realms of religion, culture, society and politics Is of objectives this association tries to fulfill

The Global Association of Muslim Women also tries to utilize the potential and activated capacity of active female thinkers and pundits and Muslim women in the world to further unity and rapprochement among Muslims.
