25mn kids out of school in Pakistan

A recent report shows that Pakistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world, with some 25 million children between 5 and 16 out of school, Press TV reports.

According to a report by Alif Ailaan, a local alliance for education reform, around 70 percent of the out-of-school children have never attended school.

Mazhar, a child laborer who has never been to school told the Press TV correspondent in Islamabad, “I have been working at this workshop for some years now. I financially support my family by working here. I wanted to go to school but my parents never sent me there.”
It also shows that the proportion of out-of-school children rises as the level of education increases so that by the higher-secondary level some 85 percent are not in school.

Mosharraf Zaidi, who works for the promotion of children’s education in Pakistan, told the correspondent, “The poor state of education in Pakistan is entirely, entirely the responsibility of the Pakistani state. No country in the world has become educated on the back of private sector or on the back of religious schools. Every developed county, every country that is doing well and has a chance to do well in the future is doing well because its state, its government, invested in the capacity of its people by giving children an education.”      

The report goes on to state that there are 13.7 million girls out of school and 11.4 million boys out of school.

It also shows that while most of the boys choose not to go to school, a majority of girls’ parents do not permit their attendance.


Massachusetts: parents upset over Islam in school curriculum

REVERE, Mass. – Some parents in Revere were angry when they learned students were being taught about Islam and the Muslim religion.

“No religion should be taught at school. In their paper it says Allah is their only God. That’s insulting to me as a Christian who believes in just Jesus only,” said Anthony Giannino.

A section of the textbook describing the beliefs of Muslims says, “I bear witness that there is no God but Allah.”

Giannino immediately pulled his son out of the classroom.

“We don’t believe in Allah. I don’t believe in my son learning about this here,” he said. “If my son was from another country and came here, he would have been catered to. But where he’s not being catered to, they give him an F.”

The superintendent of Revere Public Schools wrote the parents a letter explaining that it is simply part of the history in that section of the curriculum, and stated, “I want to be very clear that no religion is taught with the purpose of converting students to that religion…”

Other parents said they had no issue with the assignment.

“What is Muslim about, what is Christianity about. That’s what I teach at home. Everybody should respect everybody else’s religion,” said Idalia Garcia.

“When you’re talking about a specific region in the world, there’s going to be traditions and there’s gonna be religions that children should learn about,” said Ovidio Raffa.

But some parents said they did not want their kids learning anything about Islam.

“They should also say to you, ‘in history, your son is going to learn about Islam,’ send out a letter,” said Giannino, who also said he was starting a petition and had plenty of supporters.


Sayyed Nasrallah Navigates Bekaa on Foot: Golden Opportunity to Break ISIL

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that takfiri militants of Qalamoun and Arsal barrens “are incapable of invading any Bekaa region,” emphasizing that “our preparations are very advanced,” local daily Al-Akhbar reported Tuesday.

During the “Annual Meeting of Scholars and Informers” on Monday, prior to the month of Muharram, Sayyed Nasrallah urged unity among Muslims which “we are badly in need to it”, called for staying away from provocation and for “providing a refined and bright Islam to the contrary of the one provided by ISIL (the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and similar groups.”

His eminence called for a strong and effective presence in Ashoura’ gatherings, stressing that people of Resistance will not be attacked and Hezbollah will not allow anyone to attack them.

He also reiterated sticking to the choice of fighting off the Takfiri terrorist armed groups, underlining that sacrifices that Hezbollah paid are much less than the victories that Resistance has so far achieved.

He also reassured that the security situation is under control to a large extent, but if certain violation occurs “this does not mean that we have failed, because the greatest countries in the world cannot proclaim its security is under control by 100%.”

Sayyed Nasrallah explained that his latest visit to Bekaa region in eastern Lebanon was “to increase my reassurance”, highlighting that the recent events in Brital and Asal Al-Wared barrens were just “detailed limitations which have been recovered”, contrary to the prevailing media exaggerations.

“In war time, we would have a day of joy and a day of sorrow,” he said, adding that “I was briefed on the situation on ground, and traveled on foot several kilometers between positions. I assure you that we are very strong on the ground, preparations are very advanced and our plans are well-knit, and we are ready for any step they (takfiri groups) might do.”

Sayyed Nasrallah elaborated that the gunmen are incapable of invading any Bekaa area because they are trapped and facing a real crisis, stressing that they have three choices: either to die of cold, to return back to Syria, or to leave Arsal as civilians to inside Lebanon through smuggling.

Moreover, Hezbollah Secretary General said that each day passes “our belief gets stronger that our fight in Syria was to protect Lebanon… Today, we – the Resistance axis – are the victorious. When enemies’ schemes fail, that means you are victorious, knowing that the battle still has long way before reaching the final victory.”

“We are in front of golden opportunity to break the takfiri scheme,” his eminence expressed.

Sayyed Nasrallah, however, believed that ongoing conflict is neither on Syria, nor on toppling President Bashar Al-Assad, but to re-draw a new map of the region, emphasizing that survival of ISIL serves the US and Turkey interests.

He described the International-Arab coalition against ISIL as “nail trimming operation” and “setting red lines” for this terrorist group in order not to affect the Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Arbil, indicating that raids launched since the beginning of the operation are equal to the raids launched in one single day during July war that the Zionist entity launched on Lebanon in 2006.

Sayyed Nasrallah stated that United States uses ISIL as scarecrow to frighten, blackmail and exhaust the regional countries to impose its hegemony, especially in Syria and Iraq. He voiced beliefs that Turkey would not engage in the international coalition against ISIL, and would only meet the U.S. requirements for real strategic and geographic gains in return.

“It (Turkey) may extend its influence down to Aleppo, and therefore will not provide aid to the Kurds of Kobanî, and will not move any step that might threaten ISIL,” Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah concluded.


England: Keighley Mosque opens door to public

Keighley Bradford – A MOSQUE in Keighley will open its doors to the wider public next month.

The Madinah Mosque, in Spencer Street, Highfield, will stage an open day from late morning to mid-afternoon on Sunday, November 16.

Adnan Mehmood, head of community relations for the mosque, said previous open days had been very successful. He added that the last one had been held about four or five years ago.

“People do see mosques as being very closed, and think they don’t know what is happening there,” he added.

“But we want to say ‘come inside and see what we do, ask questions, there’s nothing to be worried about’.

“The open day will be quite a relaxed event, and we’ve invited our local MP Kris Hopkins We may have a small presentation, a few exhibits and there will be an opportunity for people to ask questions. Hopefully we’ll be able to lay on some food as well.”

He said the mosque has been operating for 15 years and has a congregation of between 400 and 500 on Friday prayer days.

The mosque is part of the UK Islamic Mission, and as part of this organisation’s national community action day is staging a clean-up in Devonshire Park and Utley Cemetery this Sunday

Keighley is a town and civil parish within the metropolitan borough of the City of Bradford in West Yorkshire, England.


Saudi court sentences two more Shi’ite Muslims to death

RIYADH: A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced two more people to death in connection with protests by Shia minority that began three years ago, official media said.

The latest convictions followed last week’s death sentence against prominent Shia cleric Nimr al Nimr, a driving force behind the demonstrations.

A special court in the capital Riyadh issued the latest verdicts “as a deterrent to others,” the Saudi Press Agency said late Tuesday.

A third person, named Hyder Ali al Namily, 23, was jailed for 12 years.

SPA named the accused as Dawood Hussain al Marhun, 18, and Abdullah Hassan al Zaher, 17, who allegedly were tried on charges including “participating in marches and rallies that caused riots” in the Eastern Province community of Awamiya.

They were also allegedly accused of “chanting slogans hostile to the state with the intent of breaching security and overthrowing the regime,” attacking security forces, and stealing medical supplies from a pharmacy to treat people injured during protests.

Two people had already been sentenced to death in June for “taking part in forming a terrorist group” and other crimes linked to the Shia demonstrations.

Several others have received multi-year jail sentences.

Most of Saudi Arabia’s estimated two million Shias live in the east, where the vast majority of the wealthy kingdom’s oil reserves lie.

Many Shias complain of marginalisation and discrimination in the Sunni-dominated kingdom.

They began demonstrating in February 2011 after an outbreak of violence between Shia pilgrims and religious police in the Muslim holy city of Medina in western Saudi Arabia.

Protests escalated after the kingdom’s intervention in neighbouring Bahrain to support a Sunni monarchy against an uprising led by the Shia majority.

Hundreds were arrested in Saudi Arabia, according to Amnesty International.

Tension rose further in July 2012 when security forces arrested the grey-bearded Nimr, who was shot and wounded.

After the sheikh’s conviction last week, his family accused the court of ignoring his “peaceful and non-violent approach,” saying the case had caused “social and political discontent”.


Saudi Grand Mufti Warns ‘Twitter is the Source of All Evil’

The top Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia has used his own television show to warns Twitter users that the micro-blogging site is the “source of all evil and devastation”.

Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh, who is the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, spoke on Monday during his Fatwa television show, according to a report from AFP.

“If it were used correctly, it could be of real benefit, but unfortunately it’s exploited for trivial matters,” al-Sheikh said.

He added that Twitter is “the source of all evil and devastation” and “people are rushing to it thinking it’s a source of credible information, but it’s a source of lies and falsehood.”

Twitter is hugely popular among both men and women in the ultra-conservative state, and has sparked heated religious and political debate.

According to the Global Web Index in 2012 Saudi Arabia had the highest percentage of active Twitter users in the world, with more than 50% of its online population using the micro-blogging service.

The explosion in interest in the service is often credited to the Arab Spring revolution in 2011, when information was disseminated using Twitter and other social media outlets.

The reaction on Twitter to al-Sheikh’s comments was mixed. Some agreed with him, with one respondent writing:

“I swear the mufti has spoken the truth; the evils of Twitter are many.”
While others questioned his opinion:

“Respected sheikh, how can you judge something without using it?”
And others still mocked the cleric:

“This is why I will repent, and close my account to distance myself from this great evil.”


Berlin allowed to conceal arms deals

The German government is not required to disclose information about its arms deals while they are in their early stages, the country’s highest court says.

According to a ruling issued by Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court on Tuesday, the German administration is not obliged to provide the parliament (Bundestag) with details of its military export transactions.

Judges at the Karlsruhe-based court ruled that “parliamentary control shall apply only to completed processes.”

A number of German Green party lawmakers, including Hans-Christian Ströbele, Claudia Roth and Katja Keul, had brought the case against the government, arguing that the parliament had not received adequate information about the country’s arms shipments to Algeria and a controversial deal with Saudi Arabia.

However, the court said that revealing preliminary negotiations with arms firms in the lead-up to doing business with them could affect the “diplomatic dimension” of Germany’s arms export decisions.

In recent years, Germany has signed a bundle of arms deals with Algeria which are reportedly valued at 10 billion euros.
In 2011, it also approved the sale of around 200 German Leopard battle tanks to Saudi Arabia, but opposition lawmakers criticized the deal with Riyadh as a breach of the country’s weapons export guidelines.


Israelis detain 7 Palestinian fishermen

The Israeli navy forces have detained at least seven Palestinian fishermen after opening fire on them off northern Gaza Strip.

The Israeli navy arrested the fishermen off the coast of Gaza City, on Wednesday.

“The Israeli navy arrested seven fishermen from one family in Sudaniya in the sea off northern Gaza,” the head of the Gaza fishermen’s syndicate, Nizar Ayash, said.

An unnamed employee of a human rights group also said Israeli forces had forced a boat of fishermen “from the Bakr family to stop, detained them, and dragged the boat to an unknown location.”

The Israeli army also confirmed the incident, saying that the seven Palestinians in two vessels had sailed beyond the six-nautical mile fishing limit, which is part of Tel Aviv’s naval blockade.

“This morning, two vessels sailed beyond the permitted fishing zone,” a spokeswoman for the Israeli army said.

The Israeli forces reportedly opened fire on the fishermen, leaving one injured. The fishermen were all taken in for questioning.

According to Gaza’s fishermen syndicate, Israel has on numerous occasions violated a cease-fire agreement signed on August 26, following its 51-day war on the Gaza Strip, which killed nearly 2,140 Palestinians and injured thousands of others.

“Since signing the truce, the Israeli army has violated (the agreement) eight times, arresting fishermen and destroying a giant fishing boat, in addition to firing at fishermen on a daily basis,” the syndicate’s leader added.

Under the cease-fire agreement, Tel Aviv said it would immediately expand the fishing zone off Gaza’s coast and allow fishermen to sail as far as six nautical miles from shore.

Tel Aviv’s actions have significantly damaged Gaza’s fishing industry.


UK warned over US drone cooperation

A former director of Britain’s spy agency has warned that British soldiers working along with US troops on controversial drones program could be at risk of breaking international law.  

David Omand, former head of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), issued the warning in a report released on Wednesday.

The report raised concerns about “embedded” officers from UK’s Royal Air Force (RAF) working along with American colleagues and piloting US drones. The British military and intelligence experts are based at the US Air Force’s command and control facility for remotely-piloted aircraft (RPA) in Nevada.

Omand argued that UK’s cooperation with the US military in its deadly drone strikes must not involve British officers in any illegal activity.

The former GCHQ called for new guidelines to ensure that Britain “does not inadvertently collude in RPA or other counter-terrorism actions that could be held contrary to international law.”

Jennifer Gibson, a lawyer at the legal charity, Reprieve, commented on Oman’s remarks, saying “When figures such as the former head of GCHQ suggest Britain needs to distance itself from the US drone program, the UK government needs to listen.”

“There can no longer be any doubt that covert US drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen contravene international law. As long as the UK continues to support this program – through the sharing of intelligence, air bases and personnel – it is complicit in these illegal drone strikes,” Gibson added.

The UK currently possesses 500 of its own drones, with the number expected to rise significantly over the next years amid a £2-billion investment program. In addition, a £1-billion contract with French aerospace multinational Thales will see the addition of a fleet of Watchkeeper surveillance drones.


Ebola tests spark riot in Sierra Leone

Two people in Sierra Leone have died in a riot sparked by health workers attempting to take a blood sample from an elderly woman suspected to be infected with Ebola, doctors say.

At least two people have died and 10 others wounded during clashes between security forces and a machete-wielding mob in the eastern town of Koidu on Tuesday, hospital doctors said on Wednesday.

“Two bodies are now at the mortuary. I cannot say whether they have bullet wounds or what caused their deaths as the corpses have not … been examined [yet],” said one of the doctors.

The group of men successfully prevented the medical doctors from drawing blood from a 90-year-old woman, who was the mother of a youth leader, to test for the deadly Ebola virus.

“Ebola contact tracers visited the house of a prominent youth leader to take a blood sample of his ailing 90-year-old mother but were barred by a gang of youths” who said the woman did not have the disease, an eyewitness said.

Police are on the lookout for the son of the elderly woman, a youth leader named Adamu Eze, who commands wide support in the town and is thought to have gone into hiding.

Health organizations say the deadliest Ebola epidemic on record has infected over 6,000 in Sierra Leone and neighboring Liberia and Guinea, killing nearly half of them.

In Sierra Leone alone, the epidemic has claimed nearly 1,200 lives as of October 14, according to latest World Health Organization figures.

Globally, more than 4,500 people have died from the disease.

Ebola is a form of hemorrhagic fever whose symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding.

The virus spreads through direct contact with infected blood, feces or sweat. It can also be spread through sexual contact or the unprotected handling of contaminated corpses.

Ebola remains one of the world’s most virulent diseases and kills between 25 to 90 percent of those who contract the disease. There is currently no known cure for Ebola.