‘Brazil will fix misuse of public funds’

Brazil’s president says public money was most likely stolen in relation to a scandal at the state-run oil company, Petrobras, Press TV reports.

Dilma Rousseff, whose political party has been implicated in an embezzlement and bribery scandal, told reporters in the capital, Brasilia, that her administration would firmly work for the recovery of the stolen funds.

“I will do my best to reimburse the country if there was misuse of public money. We want it back,” Rousseff said, while responding to the latest allegations of bribery involving Petrobras and top government officials.

Meanwhile, former director of Petrobras, Paulo Roberto Costa, recently admitted that money embezzled from the company was given to the president’s Worker’s Party in order to buy political favor.

He also claimed that some of the bribe money helped fund Rousseff’s 2010 presidential campaign.

President Rousseff was chairman of the company between 2003 and 2010, when much of the embezzlement and bribery scandal is believed to have happened.

She will take on pro-business opposition candidate, Aecio Neves, in the runoff presidential election slated for October 26.

“The eternal enemy is corruption and the idea that the president is connected to corruption is a big deal. She isn’t going to convince everyone of the contrary, but recognizing the corruption now will help her solidify her base while appealing to undecided voters,” a Brasilia resident told Press TV.


Ukraine seeks financial help from EU

Ukraine has requested an additional 2.55 billion dollar loan from the European Union in order to pay off its gas debt to Russia.

European Commission spokesman Simon O’Connor said on Tuesday that Ukrainian authorities made the request as they met with Russian and EU officials to resolve a gas price dispute.

O’Connor went on to say the EU’s executive body will consider the request along with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

“The commission remains very committed to supporting Ukraine in line with earlier commitments,” he added.

Ukraine’s Energy Minister Yuri Prodan was in Brussels on Tuesday for talks with his Russian counterpart Alexander Novak and the European Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger in an attempt to resolve the dispute over Kiev’s unpaid gas debts to Russia.

Russia cut off gas deliveries to Ukraine after Kiev failed to make a 1.95-billion dollar payment of its 5.2-billion dollar debt before the June 16 deadline.

During a visit to Serbia on Thursday, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin warned of “major transit risks” to Europe’s gas supplies from his country this winter unless Ukraine settles the gas dispute with Moscow.

European leaders are concerned over the gas row as Moscow provides 30 percent of Europe’s total gas demand with key pipelines on Ukrainian territory. Ukraine itself is also at the risk of facing gas shortage in the winter if the mooted disagreement is not resolved.


ISIL, Kurds clash in northern Kobani

Fierce clashes erupt between Kurdish fighters and the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Syria’s strategic city of Kobani across the Turkish border.

After about two days of relative calm, the clashes took place in the northernmost part of the city as night fell on Monday.

According to reports, the Kurdish fighters had the upper hand in the battles and managed to push the militants out of some areas of the city.

US-led coalition forces also conducted occasional skirmishes and airstrikes.

The ISIL Takfiris have committed widespread acts of violence, including mass executions, abductions, torture and forcing women into slavery in the areas they have seized in Iraq and Syria.

Meanwhile, Press TV has learned that Washington has moved its base from Jordan to Turkey to train radical extremists who are fighting the Syrian government

According to a 2013 estimate, the city of Kobani, also called Ayn al-Arab, is inhabited by Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, and Armenians.


Saudis continue to voice support for Sheikh al-Nimr

People in Saudi Arabia have continued their demonstrations against the death sentence issued for a prominent Shia cleric.

According to reports on Monday, residents of the village of Awamiyah in the Qatif region of the kingdom’s Eastern Province took to the streets to condemn the death sentence issued for the Saudi cleric, Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr.

The Awamiyah protest, which came nearly one week after a court sentenced him to capital punishment, began on Sunday and is reportedly expected to last for three days.

Several towns of the Eastern Province, including Qatif and neighboring Tarout Island, have been the scene of demonstrations to announce solidarity with Nimr.

The recent spate of demonstrations comes after Nimr was sentenced to death at the Specialized Criminal Court in the Saudi capital city of Riyadh on Wednesday.

The prominent Shia cleric was attacked and detained in Qatif in July 2012. His arrest sparked widespread protests in the kingdom, claiming the lives of several anti-government demonstrators.

Sheikh Nimr is accused of disturbing the country’s security, giving anti-regime speeches, and defending political prisoners.

Amnesty International has called the death sentence for Sheikh Nimr “appalling,” saying the verdict should be quashed since it is politically motivated.

International human rights organizations have repeatedly lashed out at Saudi Arabia for failing to address the human rights situation in the kingdom. They say Saudi Arabia has persistently implemented repressive policies that stifle freedom of expression, association and assembly.


3 Terrorist Car Bombs in Holy Karbala Claim Dozens of Martyrs, Injured

At least 33 people have been killed in Iraq in a series of bombings in the capital city of Baghdad and the holy city of Karbala.

An assailant blew up his explosives among worshipers leaving a Shia mosque in a commercial area in the center of Baghdad following midday prayers on Monday.

Iraqi officials who spoke on condition of anonymity said at least 17 people lost their lives and 28 others were injured.

Hours later, three separate car bombs went off simultaneously near government offices in the Shia holy city of Karbala, killing at least 16 people and injuring 40 others.

There has been a rise in bomb attacks by the ISIL militant group in Iraq during the last week, claiming scores of lives.

On Sunday afternoon, a bomb explosion outside a Shia Muslim mosque in western Baghdad left 17 worshipers dead and dozens wounded.

The overall security situation in Iraq has worsened over the past months after the ISIL Takfiri terrorists, of whom many are foreign militants, took control of parts of the country’s northern and western regions.

According to the United Nations, at least 1,110 people were killed in acts of violence across Iraq in September.

The ISIL terrorists have been committing heinous crimes in the captured areas, including mass executions and beheading of people. They have threatened all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians and Izadi Kurds.


Australia: Perth mosques, Islamic school vandalised in weekend attacks

AUSTRALIA – Two Perth mosques and an Islamic education centre have been vandalised in weekend attacks.

Slogans including “ban Islam” and using profanities were spray painted on the walls of an Islamic school and mosque, and beer bottles were thrown at another mosque.

Muslim sheikh Burhaan Mehtar said these sorts of religious attacks were becoming more common.

“Perhaps it’s better to ignore this minority group that are terrorising Australian Muslims, but there is a limit to what people can actually digest and they do become fearful at what happened,” he said.

“These type of things breed fear in the hearts of the innocent ladies and children, especially who want to perhaps ride around the worship centre or come by bike to the mosque.

“You do feel a bit stressed, anything can happen.”

He said the wider Australian Muslim community was very tolerant, but many were becoming sad and fearful over the perceived rise in anti-Islamic sentiment.

Police said they were investigating the graffiti attacks, but there had been no recent increase in racially-motivated crime.

“Western Australia is a tolerant and inclusive state, and people should respect the diversity in our community,” a spokeswoman said.

The graffiti came days after a peaceful anti-Islamophobia rally in the Perth CBD was interrupted by a group of anti-Muslim protestors.

Many of the counter-protestors were issued move on notices by police for inciting violence.

Mr Mehtar encouraged the wider public to attend a national mosque open day this Saturday, to help answer any questions they may have about the religion.

The Southern River Islamic mosque will be open to the public, with activities including a BBQ, guided tours, question and answer sessions and scarf dying.

“It is a time to come and have a barbecue with us, have a tour and ask us any questions you wish to ask.”

“If there is something troubling you or on your mind and you feel that Muslims are such and such, come and ask, come and meet us.

“We hope that it’s going to be one of the ways of creating harmony and a balance in society.”


Watch New York police frisk man in Muslim dress

A shocking video that apparently shows a New York police officer pushing two Muslim men up against a wall just because of how they are dressed has sparked fury online.

YouTube star Adam Saleh uploaded the video to the internet after claiming he had had enough of police officers ‘racially profiling’ him when he is dressed in traditional Muslim clothing.

Adam runs a YouTube account called TrueStoryASA with his friend Sheikh Akbar where the two young men make funny and prank videos.

However, they decided to make a new video for their 650,000 subscribers after becoming frustrated at police following them when they are dressed in traditional Muslim attire.

In the three minute video, branded “messed up and cruel” by online fans of the pair, the two young men are first seen wearing western clothing and having an argument in American accents.

A police officer stands close by and appears to watch as the two play out a row that, at one point, gets physical.

Despite Adam ‘threatening’ and pushing Sheikh, the officer does nothing.

Just 20 minutes later, the two young men have changed into traditional Muslim dress and are walking past the officer again.

They again pretend to have an argument but the officer, who appears to have no clue it is the same men as earlier, instantly steps in and demands to know what is going on.

The officer, whose face is blurred throughout, asks the men what is going on, but when he is told it’s nothing, asks sternly: “What’s all the arguing about, why are you dressed like this?”

Adam and Sheikh attempt to tell the officer there is nothing going on and walk off, before the cop demands they not walk away and pushes them up against the wall.

He is then seen frisking Adam, asking: “What is this? Is it a gun? Is it a knife?”. It was a mobile phone.

Sheikh is then pushed up against the wall and searched before Adam takes off his headdress and tells the officer: “I’m the same guy as before. I came 20 minutes earlier, we hit each other and you did nothing.”

In a posting on his Twitter account, omgAdamSaleh, Adam said: “And this doesn’t just happen to me, it also happens with Muslim women wearing hijab and people with a skin color that isn’t white.

“Don’t think this is gonna stop me from wearing my Arab clothes…Ima continue to wear it and film what I want without any harm to anyone.”

Viewers immediately took to Twitter to attack the officer’s behaviour, which many claimed was depressingly familiar.

One user, adams_habibi, said: “These words literally show how intolerant that officer was, I can do nothing but shake my head”, while another called ThatAriHipster, said: “Really sad of what this world has come to this need to be stopped”.


Senior Iranain Shia cleric ‘Ayatollah Araki’ visits top Lebanese cleric ‘Sheikh Qablan’

Head of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki visited one of the prominent Lebanese cleric, Sheikh Abdol Amir Qablan and discussed various unity related areas.

“In this meeting Islamic World related issues were discussed and proposed plan of Islamic resistance clerics was welcomed by Sheikh Abdol Amir Qablan,” said the seasoned cleric.

In Ayatollah Araki’s term, the necessity of Islamic resistance for standing against the enemies and refraining from any measures lead to dispersion was accentuated in the meeting.

In this meeting, Ayatollah Araki also underscored it is incumbent upon Muslims to be more discreet over the plots hatched by Takfiri groups, stressing that the machinations concocted by extremist groups and enemies.

Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought arrived in the Lebanese capital of Beirut so as visit top ranking officials of the country and his One day meeting for foundation of the union of resistance Ulima was held in Beirut on October 20.


Prominent Sunni cleric demands Saudi King to cancel Sheikh Nimr death sentence

Molavi Abdul Hamid Esmaeel Zehi, Friday prayer leader in the Iranian southeastern city of Zhedan, sent a letter to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia demanding the cancellation of death sentence for Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al Nimr.

Molavi Esmaeel Zehi in this letter referred to the chaotic situation in the world of Islam and stressed unity and fraternity as the basic necessities of the Muslim community calling interaction and wisdom as the ways to achieve them.

Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, in parts of his letter addressed King Abdullah saying,” Since the enemies of Islam are in constant ambush to make the best of any situation and fuel the fire of intrigues in the Islamic countries, here on behalf of the Iranian Sunni clerics, I demand that your highness make use of the special kingdom power to cancel the death sentence for Sheikh Nimr al Nimr.”

Iranian senior cleric called this measure a reason for boosting solidarity and expansion of fraternity among Muslims and noted,” Certainly the cancelation of this sentence will be followed by several positive outcomes and will lead to expansion of unity and fraternity among Muslims.”

Nimr was sentenced to death by the Specialized Criminal Court in the Saudi capital Riyadh on charges of disturbing the kingdom’s security and making anti-government speeches.


UK Shiite Muslim Mum flying al-Abbas black flag outside home tells neighbours it’s definitely not a show of support for Islamic

A MOTHER flying a black flag outside her family home in a quiet suburban street has told her neighbours: “We are not supporting Islamic State.”

Shazia Ramzan, 35, shocked her neighbours when she raised what looked like the black flag of jihad in her street.

Passers-by threatened to call the police after Prime Minister David Cameron said anyone seen with the Shahada flag should be arrested.

But mum-of-two Shazia said it was not the same banner used by the terrorist organisation – and she branded IS as “scumbags”.

She said: “We did not want to cause any grief by putting the flag up. But I’m scared that our house will be bricked.

“Islamic State are scumbags. Islam does not say what they proclaim; Islam is beautiful and a true religion when followed correctly.

“They are not Muslims. True Islam does not say anything Islamic State does.”

Shazia hoisted the Abbas flag at her semi-detached home in Newport.

The large flag honours Muslim martyr Al-Abbas with white lettering on a black background.

The flag looks similar to the one flown by jihadists – which reads “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God”.

But Shazia and her family are Shias unlike Islamic State who are made up of militant Sunni fighters.

She added: “People see the black flags and Islamic State immediately comes into their heads.

“I just want them to know that we have nothing to do with IS.”

The Dutch government has banned the public display of the Isis flag but it is not currently illegal in the UK.
