ISIL beheading a uni. professor while her children watching

An Iraqi proffesor who had protested against crimes ISIL commited in Mousel-Iraq has beheaded infront of her children.

ISIL terrorists beheaded “Hanna Al-Baghdadi”, former university professor thursday morning while her family and also her children were watching this brutal crime.

She was accused of posting some notes in her facebook page against ISIL and critised this terrorist group’s activities against innocent people.


Top Nigerian Shia Cleric: Why we organize Sallah Feast?

 “Obviously we are here to eat and exchange friendship pleasantries as part of Eid celebration, but beyond the food lies a significant message of unity and genuine understanding of each other”.

This was the statement by His Eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Yaqoub Zakzaky (H) during an interview with Press TV at the fifth edition of Sallah Feast organized by the Resource Forum of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria.

Sheikh Zakzaky said, the feast was aimed at breaking the artificial barrier created between the people and the Islamic Movement, saying that the occasion had poster more understanding and relationship across all segments of the society.

“Through the event one hears first- hand information, and hearsay. It is also an avenue for interaction with people from different religious beliefs to ensure harmony in the society”, said Sheikh Zakzaky.

The Leader further said, the occasion had recorded success in view of the number of people who honour the invitation over the years and the cordial relationship that exists as a result.

Personalities at the occasion included Evangelist Musa D, Misal, Chairman of  Youths  Wing of Christians Association of Nigeria North East, Gombe State, Pastor Gayus Iswa Mahdi of ECWA Church, Gombe State, Pastor Yohanna Buru from Kaduna and  Pastor John Ayuba Duchi, CAN Soba Local Government branch.


Urgent: Head of Iran’s Assembly of Experts ‘Mahdavi Kani’ dies

The chairman of Iran’s Assembly of Experts, Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani has died, Iran’s official IRNA news agency reported Oct. 21.

He was hospitalized on June 4 due to heart problems. The 83-year-old cleric had been in a coma since then.


Martyrs of Shiite Islamic Movement remembered in Kaduna, Nigeria / Pics

NIGERIA – Kaduna zone of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria under His Eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H) has over the weekend visited tombs of martyrs of the Islamic Movement from the zone, as a mark of honour.

The rally took off from Layin Kosai mosque in the heart of Tudunwda Kaduna in the morning with songs of praise for the martyrs.

At the graveyard, Coordinator of the Mu’assasatu al-Shuhahda (Martyrs’ Foundation), Malan Abdulhamid explained the virtue of martyrdom and its rationality in raising high the status and flag of Islam.

Malam Abdulhameed Bello cited instance of the Quds Day killings in Zaria, which he said has raised the status of Islam since then, adding that it signaled the victory of Islam and has cleared some misconceptions about the Islamic Movement.

He also said, the crime carried out by the Nigerian security operatives was part of an old-aged plan to crush the Islamic Movement without success.

While enumerating activities of the Foundation, Malam Abdulhamid Bello charged members to pay their martyrs, which he said would greatly assist in the upkeep of families of the martyrs.

Also in his speech, Malan Mukhtar Sahabi, the first on his return from studies abroad, urged members to hold firm unto their allegiance towards Sheikh

Zakzaky, saying martyr is never a coincidence but Allah’s merciful choice.

He also called on members to intensify worship and avoid sinful acts to earn Allah’s mercy.

Malan Mukhtar Sahabi reiterated the need for continuous payment of Martyrs’ due as a religious obligation.

Supplications were recited by Malan Auwal Tudunwada before all the three sections of the martrys’ tombs.

Top Iraq Shiite cleric meets prime minister in sign of support for government’s anti-IS fight

Iraq’s top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, has met with the country’s prime minister in a sign of support for his newly-formed government and its struggle against the ISIS extremist group.

Iraqi state TV says The Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, arrived in Najaf on Monday and met the Supreme Religious Authority, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, at his arrival and Ayatollah Sistani received Abadi at his residence in Najaf province.

The meeting has great significance because Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, believed to be 86 years old, has shunned many politicians in the past years in protest of the way they run the country.

Al-Sistani lives in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, 160 kilometers (100 miles) south of Baghdad, and rarely appears in public.Al-Abadi’s newly formed Cabinet is striving to push the ISIS extremists out of the sprawling territory they have seized in recent months.

On Monday Iraqi Prime Minister, Haydar al-Abadi will go to Tehran in his first visit ever since taking office a month ago. The visit aims at “unifying the efforts” in the battle against the so-called “Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant” (ISIS), according to the Information Office.

The Information Office of the Prime Minister said that the visit will last for one day. It includes a meeting with the Iranian officials to unify the efforts to help Iraq in its war against the terrorist organization ISIS, in addition to strengthening cooperation in many fields.


Top Iranian Commander: We shall turn the life of Al-Saud into hell If Al-Nimr is executed

The head of the Iranian Organisation for the Mobilisation of the Oppressed, known in Persian as the Basij, General Muhammad Reza Naqdi, warned the Saudi authorities on Saturday that there would be repercussions for executing the opposition Shi’ite religious scholar, Baqir Al-Nimr, stressing that once the Saudi rulers have perpetrated this crime, it will not pass without a response.

Naqdi said that: “If Al-Saud commits such a crime against Sheikh Al-Nimr, its move will not remain unanswered and Muslims will change this world to a hell for them.”

He added that “the death sentence should be seen as a verdict issued by a blasphemous and sinister regime,” rather than as an act by “a Sunni government against a top Shiite cleric”.

The Iranian news agency said that Sheikh Al-Nimr “is accused of delivering anti-government speeches and defending political prisoners”.

The Guardian newspaper reported that the senior Shiite cleric led protests in Qatif at the height of the Arab uprisings in 2011.

“Saudi Arabia’s harsh treatment of a prominent Shiite cleric is only adding to existing sectarian discord and unrest,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Saudi Arabia’s path to stability in the eastern province lies in ending systematic discrimination against Shiite citizens, not in death sentences.”


New report exposes Ankara links to ISIL militants

A newly-released report has shed further light on the Turkish government’s links to the ISIL militants, showing that Ankara is helping the Takfiri terrorist recruits cross the border into Syria.

A reporter working for Britain’s Sky News has obtained documents showing that the Turkish government has stamped passports of foreign militants seeking to cross the Turkey border into Syria to join the ISIL terrorists.

Passports from different countries were recovered in a village near Syria’s strategic town of Kobani across the Turkish border.

Turkey has time and time again been accused of backing ISIL terrorists in Syria.

Meanwhile, a large number of foreign passports recovered from terrorists killed during Syrian army operations show that many of the ISIL militants in Syria had traveled from Libya, Chechnya, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Belgium and France.

The Ankara government continues to block the supply of military equipment and reinforcements for Kurdish fighters defending Kobani against the terrorists.

Ankara also prevents Turkish Kurds from crossing the border into Kobani to join the anti-ISIL battle for the city.

Kobani and its surroundings have been under attack since mid-September, with ISIL militants capturing dozens of nearby Kurdish villages.


Congress hindering US deal with Iran

American analyst Dr. E. Michael Jones says the US Congress under the Israeli influence is trying to stop President Barack Obama from reaching a deal with Iran over its nuclear program.

Jones made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Monday when asked about a report showing that Obama will do “everything in his power” to avoid a vote in Congress on any nuclear accord with Iran.

Jones said that there are currently two Israel lobbies that control Congress members.

“Congress is controlled by the Israel lobby, that being said there are now two Israel lobbies in the United States, there is AIPAC… and there is J Street and J Street is the more liberal leftwing Jewish Israel lobby and they are supporting the Obama administration,” he said.

“The American officials are puppets of the Zionist lobby,” he said, adding that “what you are seeing here is the Congress firmly in the hands of the Israel lobby trying its last gasp attempt to stop the Obama administration from concluding a successful nuclear deal with Iran.”

Iran and the P5+1 group — Russia, China, France, Britain, the US and Germany – are negotiating to narrow their differences over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy program ahead of a November 24 deadline.

A senior US official told the New York Times that “we wouldn’t seek congressional legislation in any comprehensive agreement for years.”

Meanwhile, President Obama needs congressional approval before being able to permanently terminate sanctions imposed against Iran, something Tehran insists should happen as part of any comprehensive deal.

Top US negotiators suggested a step-by-step suspension of sanctions so that Obama could turn them back if necessary.

Many lawmakers view that plan as an effort by the White House to bypass the US Congress.

“Congress will not permit the president to unilaterally unravel Iran sanctions that passed the Senate in a 99 to 0 vote,” said Senator Mark Kirk, a leading Republican critic of the nuclear talks.


Iran condemns bomb attacks in Iraq

Iran’s Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the deadly bombings against pilgrims in the holy Iraqi city of Karbala and expressed sympathy with the families of the victims.

On Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham voiced the Islamic Republic’s firm support for the Iraqi nation and government in their fight against the ominous phenomenon of terrorism.

She said that national unity and solidarity among different Iraqi tribes and groups as well as the strong determination of the Iraqi government, nation and army in confronting terrorism can thwart the current plots against Iraq and the region.

Afkham also called on the international community to take a firm stance with regard to the fresh wave of terrorist attacks in Iraqi cities.

Earlier on Monday, three car bombs exploded simultaneously near government offices in Shia holy city of Karbala, killing at least 16 people and injuring 40 others.

Also on Monday, at least 17 people lost their lives and 28 others were injured after an assailant blew up his explosives among worshipers leaving a Shia mosque in a commercial area in the center of Baghdad following midday prayers.

Iraq has been witnessing similar deadly incidents almost on a daily basis. Dozens of civilians, mostly in Shia neighborhoods, have lost their lives in Baghdad over the past week.

The overall security situation in Iraq has worsened over the past months after the ISIL Takfiri terrorists, of whom many are foreign militants, took control of parts of the country’s northern and western regions.


Iran Experts Body head passes away

Chairman of Iran’s Assembly of Experts Ayatollah Mohammad-Reza Mahdavi Kani has passed away following a months-long coma.

The 83-year-old veteran politician died in a hospital in the capital city of Tehran on Tuesday morning. Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani had gone into a coma on June 4 due to a major heart attack.

He was elected as the chairman of the Assembly of Experts in March 2011. The high-ranking body of experts elects and oversees the activities of the leader of the Islamic Revolution.

The senior Iranian official was also a founder and the leader of the Combatant Clergy Association, a prominent religious, cultural and political foundation formed with the objective of protecting the achievements of Iran’s Islamic Revolution.

Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani was a close ally of the founder of the Islamic Republic, the late Imam Khomeini, and played a key role in events that culminated in the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

He also took up several important posts after the revolution, including the interior minister in the cabinet of second Iranian President Mohammad-Ali Rajai and member of several key government committees and councils.

The prominent cleric has written several books on a wide range of religious and scientific issues and was the founder and chairman of renowned Imam Sadeq University, which specializes in humanities.

Iran’s President has announced two days of national mourning over the senior cleric’s death.