Pakistani Shiite gunned down by Takfiri terrorists in Karachi

Takfiri terrorists gunned down a Shia mourner of Imam Hussain (as), named Ali Haider, in Gulshan e Shamim, Azizabad area of the city whereas two other mourners Kamran and Zulfiqar got injured.

According to the report, Ali Haider and his friends were taking Zuljanah last night and when they passed through Gulshan e Shamim, terrorists of banned Ahl e Sunnat wal Jama’at fired upon them killing Ali Haider.

The body of martyred Haider was shifted to old Rizvia Imambargah last night however his funeral prayers were offered at Khair ul Amal Imambargah in Incholi today after Zuhrain prayers.

Kamran and Zulfiqar who got injured due to firing are admitted in hospital.


Saudi female fined for playing Shia prayer call on phone

According to a Monday report on the website of the Manama Post, an Arabic newspaper published in Bahrain, the Department for Health Affairs in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province has stripped a Shia employee working in the Maternity and Children Hospital in the city of Dammam of a full month’s salary after she reportedly played the Shia prayer call on her mobile phone.

An image of the paycheck of the health staffer, identified as Abrar al-Assif, was released in the report with a box showing that the monthly salary had been forfeited “due to the Shia prayer call being played on the mobile phone.”

The incident came reportedly months ago with the date on the paycheck showing it was close to the holy month of Ramadan, although it went viral on the Internet on Sunday.

Many on the social media expressed deep anger at the decision, saying it is proof of the kingdom’s violation of human rights.

Assif reportedly did not protest the decision out of fear that she may lose her job.

The Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia has a minority Shia population in its eastern regions. The community has launched protests and demonstrations over the past four years demanding more of a say in the political system and more freedom for its members to practice their religion.

Courts in the kingdom have also handed down death sentences to senior Shia activists, including Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who faces capital punishment despite strong criticism of the decision by governments and international organizations.


Yemeni Forces Renew Missile Attacks on Saudi Military Bases

According to the Arabic-language al-Mayadeen television, the missiles destroyed Khabash military base in Najran on Sunday.

On Saturday, the Yemeni rockets also destroyed a Saudi boat in the coastal waters of the port of Al-Mukha in Ta’iz province.

Saudi Arabia’s navy vessels retreated from Yemen’s coastal waters after the Yemeni army and popular forces targeted and destroyed a Saudi warship in the waters near Bab al-Mandab Strait, the fourth Saudi warship sinking in Yemen’s offshore waters in the last one month.

The Saudi warship was targeted with Yemeni missiles in the coastal waters in Ta’iz.

The sunken ship had repeatedly fired rockets on residential areas in Ta’iz province, inflicting casualties and destruction there.

It was the fourth time that a Saudi warship is completely destroyed during the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

Other Saudi battleships retreated fast following the attack.

On Friday, two smaller vessels of the Saudi navy were destroyed by the Yemeni missile attacks.

The coast of al-Mukha is located in Bab al-Mandab strait and the Saudi-led forces have been trying hard for several months now to win control over coastal regions near the waterway.

On October 25, the Yemeni forces fired rockets at a Saudi-led coalition warship and destroyed it near al-Mukha coast.

On October 11, another ship which belonged to the Egyptian army and named al-Mahrousa was destroyed by Yemeni missiles in the coastal waters near al-Mukha coast.

On October 9, Yemeni army and popular forces also fired missiles at a Saudi warship, and destroyed it in Bab al-Mandab Strait.

The warship was wrecked off the Southwestern coast of Yemen, in the Bab al-Mandab Strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden.

Saudi Arabia has been striking Yemen for 229 days now to restore power to fugitive president Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh. The Saudi-led aggression has so far killed at least 6,920 Yemenis, including hundreds of women and children.

Hadi stepped down in January and refused to reconsider the decision despite calls by Ansarullah revolutionaries of the Houthi movement.

Despite Riyadh’s claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi warplanes are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.


Extremist Pakistani cleric proclaimed to implement ISIS’s ideology in the country

An extremist Pakistani cleric, Molana Abdul Aziz, once again announced to run a campaign “Tehreek e Nifaz Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah” (campaign for implementation of Quran and Sunnah) to implement the system based on ISIS’s ideology in the country.

Islamabad where peaceful citizens are not allowed to carry out a mourning procession in remembrance of Imam Hussain (as), this terrorist announced, in a press conference, to start a campaign for implementation of a system based on injustices, oppression and violation of Human Rights in name of Islam whereas in reality, there is no place for such things in the true Islam.

The rebellious Molvi Abdul Aziz further said in the press conference that he does not want collision with the government and would peacefully run his campaign. While issuing the charter of his campaign the molvi said “Use of speaker should be restricted for different sections of the society, syllabus of schools and madaaris (religious institutions) should be merged. Quran and Sunnah should be implemented in courts and takfiri Ulema would be appointed as Qazi in place of judges. Banns on media, taxes and co-education system should be ended and a committee of a thousand Ulema (takfiri) would be made for making other laws.

After reading this charter every sane human could understand that this extremist cleric wants to initiate a campaign against the constitution of Pakistan. Also, everyone is aware that Molvi Abdul Aziz and his followers consider ISIS’s system as ideal and want to implement that very system in Pakistan.

The distressing point is that a rebellious person is talking about initiating a campaign against the constitution and law of Pakistan in the Capital and no action has been taken against him. This shows that Nawaz government plans to initiate a takfiri campaign in Pakistan upon the will of Saudi government.


Amnesty International warns over raise of executions in Saudi Arabia, at least 151 people put to death this year

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Rights group Amnesty International sounded alarm bells yesterday over a spike in executions in Saudi Arabia, where at least 151 people have been put to death this year.

The latest execution was yesterday of a Saudi convicted of killing a policeman trying to arrest him for smuggling drugs, the interior ministry said.

“So far in 2015, on average, one person has been executed every other day,” said Amnesty.

It said this rate far exceeds annual execution tolls in recent years which “have rarely exceeded 90 for the entire year”.

Last year, there were 90 executions in the ultra-conservative kingdom, “meaning that so far there has been a 68% increase in executions” over all of 2014.

This year’s toll is the highest since 1995 when 192 executions were recorded, the London-based rights watchdog said.

“The use of the death penalty is abhorrent in any circumstance but it is especially alarming that the Saudi Arabian authorities continue to use it in violation of international human rights law and standards, on such a wide scale, and after trials which are grossly unfair and sometimes politically motivated,” Amnesty’s MENA programme deputy director James Lynch said.

Saudi executions are usually carried out by beheading with a sword.

The watchdog renewed previous criticism of Riyadh for imposing the death penalty for non-lethal offences, such as those relating to drugs.

Lynch urged Saudi authorities to “halt all impending executions and urgently establish a moratorium on executions as well as overhaul the kingdom’s deeply flawed justice system”.

Out of the 151 executed so far this year in Saudi, 71 are foreign nationals, said Amnesty.

It warned that “foreign nationals, mostly migrant workers from developing countries, are particularly vulnerable as they typically lack knowledge of Arabic and are denied adequate translation during their trials.”

It also raised concerns over “the apparent use of the death penalty as a political tool to clamp down on Saudi Arabian Shia Muslim dissidents”.

Last month, the Supreme Court confirmed the death sentence against Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a leader of anti-government protests.

His nephew, Ali al-Nimr, was also sentenced to death along with two other activists who were minors when they were arrested over anti-government protests that erupted in the wake of the Arab Spring.

“The use of the threat of executions as a tool to punish and intimidate political dissidents by the Saudi Arabian authorities is an appalling abuse of power,” Lynch said.


Three Shi’ites hurt in attack on Imam Sajjad Hussainiya in Karachi

KARACHI, Pakistan – Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Three Shia persons were injured in a cracker attack on an Imambargah (Hussainiya or Shia religious palace for mourning) in North Nazimabad just a day after a Shia man towing away Zuljanah with his motorbike was killed in a Takfiri attack in Azizabad, police said.

According to the Hyderi Market police and Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen (MWM), the attackers riding a motorcycle threw a cracker at the Imambargah Hussainia Sajjadia on Monday evening when people were paying respect to an Alam. The blast left Zain, 17, Mujahid Hussain, 22, and Aziz Rehman, 40, wounded. The three victims were rushed to hospitals, the police said, adding that the condition of Zain was stated to be serious.

The attack was carried out during a majlis being held for women inside the Imambargah, said a spokesperson for the MWM.

Before this incident, a 45-year-old Shia man pulling along Zuljanah with his motorbike was shot dead in a Takfiri attack on the main road in Azizabad late Sunday night, according to the area police.

The Azizabad police said that a passerby, Rahim, was wounded in the attack, while a spokesperson for the MWM said at least two persons were wounded in the Takfiri attack.

Ali Haider, 45, was towing away Zuljanah with his motorbike in Gulshan-i-Shamim when armed pillion riders attacked him, said Azizabad SHO Jamal Leghari.

He said bullets also hit a man passing by the area in a rickshaw, Rahim, who along with Ali Haider were shifted to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.

Doctors declared Ali Haider dead on arrival, the SHO said. He added that no other person was wounded in the attack.

However, the MWM spokesperson said two persons, Kamran and Zulfiqar, were also wounded in the attack. He said Ali Haider was targeted because he was an Azadar (a mourner). The targeted killings of Shia community members reflected the performance of the Sindh government and law enforcement agencies, he said. He also referred to the recent killing of Hasnain in Liaquatabad and demanded action against banned militant outfits.

“The killing of two Shia community members recently and the Monday evening attack on Imambargah demonstrated inefficiency of security institutions,” said the MWM spokesperson. He was of the opinion that there was a rise in number of attacks at a time when local government polls were near.


Afghan president denounce heartless beheading of Shi’a women and child in Zabul

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Monday condemned the beheading of a group of Shia Hazaras, including a child, in the southern province of Zabul, the scene of deadly clashes between rival Taliban groups.

Local officials in Zabul province said the headless bodies of four Shia men, two women and one child, who were kidnapped by armed men in October from neighbouring Ghazni province, were found in Khak-i-Afghan district of troubled Zabul on Sunday.

The circumstances surrounding the beheadings are unclear. Some local officials pointed the finger at fighters from the so-called Islamic State group (IS) in the province, but the government does not have control of the area and the claim could not be independently verified.

Groups associated with ISIS have made growing inroads in Afghanistan this year, attracting fighters and support away from disenchanted members of the Taliban.

“The heartless killing of innocent individuals, especially women and children, has no justification in any religion or creed,” Ghani said in a statement.

Ghani, who was “profoundly saddened” by the killing, said he would convene “an extraordinary security meeting to seek ways for tracking down and punishing the perpetrators of this atrocious crime” later on Monday.

The US also issued a statement condemning “yesterday’s beheading of seven civilians, including women and a child” through its embassy in Kabul.

Also on Monday Afghan officials said heavy fighting continued between militants from the two groups of Taliban in at least three districts of Zabul province.

The skirmishes, which first erupted on Saturday, involved fighters loyal to the widely-recognised Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour and fighters led by Mansoor Dadullah.


Over 200 Syrian children shot killed just in one minute by ISIS militants / Video

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A horrific ISIS video which purportedly shows 200 Syrian children being lined up and gunned by militants has been revealed to be a jihadi propaganda video from 2014.

The sickening mass execution video was posted online by an anti-ISIS activist based in Yemen and quickly started to draw condemnation from social media users shocked by the atrocities.

However the footage is believed to have filmed in late August 2014 and the victims are prisoners of war who were caught by ISIS after the jihadi group overran the Assad held Tabqa airbase in Syria.

Forced to lie side-by-side and with their faces in the dirt, the video shows about 200 Assad soldiers fighting in the Syrian Arab Army stretched out in a long line to the left and right.

Behind them, at least a dozen gunmen armed with assault rifles and handguns stand poised and ready to fire.

One militant then begins firing at point blank range – shooting each prisoner individually as he makes along the row of victims.

Others beside him also open fire, mostly using their machine guns, and the area is filled with dust, obscuring much of the bloodshed.

The video is believed to have been filmed close to Tabqa airbase after the strategic site was overrun by militants.

ISIS continues to control a swathe of territory, including Raqqa, the capital of the terrorists’ self-proclaimed caliphate.   

ISIS is known to have carried out mass executions of prisoners in the past. In one instance, 1,700 Iraqi military cadets were slaughtered in a mass killing that lasted an entire day and night.

Grisly footage of the killings – likely to rank among the group’s worst atrocities – showed executions on an industrial scale near Tikrit in Iraq.

Young men were filmed falling from trucks and pleading for their lives before being lay down in shallow graves and sprayed with bullets.

Others were shot individually and their bodies dumped into the Tigris River, while an excavator was required to shift vast piles of bodies as the executions continued into the night.

In addition to the mass killings, the terrorists have also attempted to invent new ways in which to murder people.

Public beheadings, dismemberment, and throwing people from tall buildings are a common occurrence within ISIS territory.

Other killings are held in areas of significance. After the jihadis overran the ancient city of Palmyra, Syria, in May, they killed dozens inside its ancient Roman amphitheatre.



Bahrain government spends million dinars out of place

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – “The annual report of the Bahrain National Audit Office revealed that millions of dinars have been spent out of place”, said Ali Aljabal, the former chairman of the Northern Municipal Council. “This puts the situation of state services under risk.

The size of corruption outlined by the report indicates a significant fault in the structure of state-service institutions. It also reveals that the management of its projects and assignments of its officials are politicized, especially at the senior level”.

Aljabal said such substantial corruption highlights Bahrain’s need for an inclusive reform starting with the amendment of politicized laws and unilateral control over national decisions, even those relating to state-services.

He mentioned that the report documented that municipalities are yet to receive unsettled advertisement bills worth of 3,070,000 Bahraini dinars ($8m+).

On the other hand, he said, the Ministry of Municipalities has spent less than 55% of its budget, although many of its projects have been put to a standstill. Many households are also waiting for the government to repair or rebuild their homes. Instead, these funds were spent on less important projects, he said.

In a separate matter, the report revealed that the Ministry of Education has not set an annual teacher recruitment plan. Furthermore, the Ministry of Health has recruited 398 people who were not on its recruitment plan. Although thousands of Bahraini graduates remain unemployed.

As to the Ministry of Works, Municipal Affairs and Urban Planning, there has been no development in its budget despite its need.


Imam Sajjad International Conference kicked of in holy Karbala

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Coinciding with the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Ali al-Sajjad, son of Imam Hussain (A’), the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine witnessed the opening of the Sajjadain Rhythmical-supplication Second International Conference on the 9th of November 2015.

The conference was attended by many remarkable figures, who are specialized in Human Rights, from around the world, such as Lebanon, Tunisia, Bahrain, Iran, France, Switzerland, Germany, America and some other countries.

A stately ceremony was performed, begun with reciting holy verses of the Noble Quran, followed by a speech delivered by His Eminence sheikh Abdul-Mehdi al-Karbala’e, Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, in which he said:

The conference of this year will be centered on a substantive issue concerning the Human Rights system. This conference is an initiative through which we can let the world know about the epistemic treasure that Ahlul-Bayat (A’) left for us and we can easily find that in the treatise of Human Rights which is written by Imam Ali al-Sajjad, son of Imam Hussain (A’).

He also said that the Human Rights system is fundamental to the societies to regulate the social system humanitarianly, economically, socially, and educationally; especially nowadays where we live the struggle for applying the Human Rights system. He added that the problem being confronted in terms of applying this system comes after defining the references on which the Human Rights system is based.

He said further that the noticeable tense political and social controversy along with the attempts of ascendency, control, and oppressing people made it urgent to codify and apply the Human Rights system which ensures providing food and accommodation; it is important for the social, economic, and psychological security of human beings, and therefore the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was officially announced in 1948.

Remarkable figures also delivered speeches through which they expressed their gratitude for holding this conference, in addition to casting light upon taking the treatise of Rights of Imam al-Sejjad (A’) into consideration and it should be interpreted realistically.
