Photos: Ashura ceremony in Jannusan, Bahrain

Daesh Promoting Ideology in S. Arabia through Selling Children Clothes

A clothes store in Northern Saudi Arabia is selling T-shirts with ISIL’s logos in a bid to promote the extremist Takfiri ideology.

The Saudi officials were quoted by al-Khalij Online news website as saying that a store in Hail province in Northern Saudi Arabia has been selling clothes with the ISIL logo.

According to the report, the clothes that have been produced for children including mock suicide vests.

Saudi Arabia is the staunch supporter of the ISIL terrorists who are fighting against the Syrian and Iraqi people.

Also on October 5, dozens of Saudi clerics in a statement called for supporting the war against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as well as Iran and Russia, which are backing Syria in its fight against terrorism.

The Saudi clerics’ letter used sectarian terms against the regional quadripartite coalition members and blamed the West for not providing Takfiri militants in Syria with anti-aircraft weapons.

The foreign-sponsored conflict in Syria, which flared in March 2011, has claimed the lives of more than 250,000 people and left over one million injured.


Terrorists destroy UNESCO World Heritage site of al-Bara, northern Syria + Pics

The General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums has obtained new photos showing the intentional destruction of the antiquities at the hands of the terrorist organizations at al-Bara site in al-Zawyia Mountain, Idleb Countryside.

Al-Bara site is on the UNESCO World Heritage List within the file of the archeological villages in northern Syria, and it was included in the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2013.

The photos, published on the Department’s website, show the destruction of the stony coffins inside al-Mazouqa pyramidal tomb at al-Bara site, and the destruction of one of the pyramidal and ground tombs which date back to the Byzantine era.

The photos shed light on the huge and continued destruction of the archeological stones at the whole site through using explosives and heavy machinery with the aim of selling them to be reused in the illegal constructions which spread in the perimeter of the archeological site.

Some of the photos show the effect of the terrorist acts on the external stony facades of al-Mazouqa tomb and Deir Soubat, in addition to writings on the archeological walls inside the pyramidal tombs.


Photos: Ashura procession in Brisbane, Queensland (Australia)

Photography: Syed Hammad Kazmi Saqib Bhimani

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Saudi Shiite scholar warns against Ayatollah al-Nimr execution

A Saudi Shi’a scholar in Qom stressed that if this death sentence on Sheikh al-Nimr is carried out, there will be severe consequences for Saudi Arabia and the House of Saud, and warned this regime not to make any “stupid moves” against Ayatollah al-Nimr.

Hujjat al-Islam Abdul-Majid al-Baqshi, a Saudi Shi’a scholar, referred to the Saudi Interior Ministry’s upholding of its death sentence on Ayatollah Nimr al-Nimr saying that by announcing this death sentence on Ayatollah al-Nimr, the House of Saud seeks to change the grave situation facing the kingdom, put pressure on the people and suppress the protestors and those who demand freedom in their country.

On October 25, the Saudi court upheld a death sentence that was issued against the renowned cleric last year. The execution warrant will be sent to Saudi King Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud to be approved and then carried out. The execution of Ayatollah al-Nimr can be carried out by the Interior Ministry without any prior warning if the Saudi king signs the order.

Hujjat al-Islam al-Baqshi added that Ayatollah al-Nimr has committed no crime except supporting the oppressed people of Saudi Arabia who are seeking their stolen rights, however the Saudi regime has charged him with undermining their kingdom’s security, making anti-government speeches, and defending political prisoners, which he has denied.

The Saudi scholar stated that Ayatollah al-Nimr is one of the important Shi’a clerics in Saudi Arabia and reiterated that the protests currently taking place in the country are aimed at pressing the government to uphold the rights of this scholar.

The demonstrators have pledged to continue their campaign until the verdict is overturned.

He stressed that if this death sentence is carried out, there will be severe consequences for Saudi Arabia and the House of Saud, and warned this regime not to make any “stupid moves” against Ayatollah al-Nimr.

The founder of Qom’s Aal al-Bayt University stated that the Saudi government is one of the branches of the Zionist regime and added: “If the clergy were united, the House of Saudi would not dare to execute Ayatollah al-Nimr.”

Hujjat al-Islam al-Baqshi added that the scholars of the Islamic world must not leave Ayatollah al-Nimr behind and stated that by issuing statements, writing letters to the Saudi government, giving lectures and holding meetings, their protests will be heard.

His Eminence stated that this death sentence is an insult to the religion of Islam and said that wisdom, common sense and humanity dictates that we don’t take the side of the oppressors and that we support the oppressed.


Photos: Ashura procession in Sulaymaniyah city in Iraqi Kurdistan

Photos by: Riza Afsharipoor

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Photos: Ashura ceremony in Kharkiv city in Ukraine

Photos: Ashura procession in Homs city in Syria