Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom Condemns Sheikh al-Nimr’s Death Sentence

The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom has issued a statement in regard to the Saudi Interior Ministry’s upholding of its death sentence on the prominent anti-Saudi regime activist and Shi’ite cleric, Ayatollah Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, in which they warned the House of Saud of the severe consequences if they dare to implement the sentence.

The statement was signed by Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi and has been translated as follows:

In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

The approval by the infamous Saudi Arabian court system to sentence the militant cleric Shaykh al-Nimr to death has sparked the anger of Muslims throughout the world. Without doubt, this decision comes while the savage Saudi regime kills dozens of innocent Muslims in Yemen every day and after their incompetence which led to the tragedy in Mina and the deaths of thousands of [Hajj] pilgrims to the House of God [Ka’bah].
By announcing this sentence, isn’t the Saudi regime attempting to cover up their crimes in Yemen and in Mina?! Also, aren’t the offenses of Shaykh al-Nimr and those like him only attempts to obtain human and Islamic rights for the oppressed Shi’ites of Saudi Arabia?! And also, can such a regime call itself the keeper of the keys of the Holy Ka’bah and the Custodians of the Two Holy Shrines?!

What is certain is that the Saudi regime – which has pandered to the criminal United States and Zionist regime over the years and various events have proven this to everyone – is now on the verge of decline. The Saudi regime has oppressed this militant cleric and others like him and has unjustly shed the blood of thousands of oppressed Yemenis and has sadly killed thousands of Hajj pilgrims in Mina. The day will come for this sinister regime and grounds for its destruction will be laid, God-willing.

The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom has condemned the Saudi court for the approval of the death sentence on the militant cleric, His Excellency Shaykh al-Nimr and calls for his release and for all Muslims and scholars of the Islamic world to raise their voices against this sentence.

May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.

Mohammad Yazdi
Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom
October 27, 2015

New female suicide group formed by ISIS to carry out bombings

The ISIL terrorist group became so desperate for suicide bombers, they have now started to train up an all-women battalion of bombers in Syria.

Activists from the human rights group ‘Syria is being Slaughtered Silently’ say that sources inside the ISIL held city of Raqqa learnt the terrorists have turned to women to carry out training for deadly attacks.

An Egyptian woman was offered a large amount of money and the promise to ‘go to your husband in heaven’ if she became an ISIL suicide bomber.

It is thought the new terrorist bride suicide squad will be trained up to carry out deadly bomb attacks as the terrorist group believe women are less likely to arouse suspicion.

The activist group also suggested that it is unlikely ISIL will use foreign terrorist brides from the notorious al-Khansaa brigades, who patrol the streets of Raqqa.

The propaganda success of the al-Khansaa brigades, which are thought to include several British women including ex rocker Sally Jones, are a key part of ISIL’s terrifying image.

Due to the value of foreign women in ISIL held territory, the terrorist group have been targeting Arab women to make up the new suicide battalion, having run low of teenagers.

The activist group’s report also cited a woman known only as Farah, who is from Raqqa. She says an ISIL woman approached her and hinted ISIL needed women for “battles to protect Raqqa”.

Farah was told that the defense of Raqqa was part of her “duty to the city”.

“The conversation of this woman started to evolve trying to convince me to join ISIS (ISIL), but what more surprised me was that she asked me to join a new women battalion of ISIS (ISIL) and their mission is not to fight , but to carry out a suicidal operations being the enemy of ISIS (ISIL),” she said.

“They (the enemy) won’t expect that a woman would do such an operation,” Farah was told.

The ISIL recruiter also told Farah that the terrorist group would “take care of her family after her death and will give the large sum of money before the implementation of the operation”.

“Alkhansa’a battalion has a bad reputation among the civilians, and it is a nightmare for the women in Raqqa city as a result for the practices they do to provoke people for personal reasons,” activist Abu Mohammed wrote.

The activist said that some of the women who joined al-Khansaa battalion used to work in prostitution before the arrival of ISIL and “joined to get high salaries” or avoid being stoned.

The female suicide squad suggests ISIL’s fears for its defense of the city of Raqqa with a large forthcoming Kurdish-led offensive expected soon.


Chinese Muslim leader urges Hong Kong government to support minorities

The Hong Kong government must work hard to create a better living environment and more school opportunities for ethnic minorities who have made the city their home, says a leader of the Chinese Muslim community.

Ebrahim Yeung Yee-woo, honorary secretary of the Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association (CMCFA) , and one of the most influential Muslim organizations in the city, criticized Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying for “not showing much support” to the Muslim community.

He expressed that non-Chinese Muslims still face discrimination and struggle to adapt to life in Hong Kong.

Last month the Zubin Foundation think tank recommended that a top official such as the chief secretary or chief executive should spearhead a committee to address problems faced by ethnic minorities.

Educators also complain that Hongkongers who do not speak Chinese are increasingly looking to the mainland for post-secondary studies, while minority advocacy group Unison says some landlords appear reluctant to rent flats to families from ethnic minorities.

In an interview with the Post, Yeung suggests it is high time the government did more to help.

“After the 1997 handover, a lot of ethnic minority people came to Hong Kong. They struggle to adapt to life here and people look at them in a strange way,” the 75-year-old complains. “The government should seek to improve their living environment.”

When asked whether Leung has shown the Muslim community enough support, Yeung says: “There wasn’t much. At least he should provide more schooling opportunities and help them with language learning because they see Hong Kong as their home.”

According to official statistics, half of Hong Kong’s 300,000 Muslims are Indonesian, followed by about 40,000 Chinese, 30,000 Pakistani and some Indians, Malaysians and Africans. These figures suggest Muslims account for roughly a third of the 600,000 non-Chinese residents in Hong Kong.


Website in Japan provides information on halal food, restaurant

Japan is poised to become a halal-friendly destination, especially in cuisine, thanks to the surge in the number of tourists heading to the country, mainly from Muslim countries.

Also, as Tokyo prepares to host the 2020 Olympics, the annual number of tourists is expected to surpass 20 million.

Many of these tourists are especially coming from Indonesia and Malaysia, and halal food, which complies with Islamic dietary guidelines, is in great demand now.

One website, which provides a wealth of information on halal food in Japan, is Halal Gourmet Japan ( The site provides all sorts of halal or vegetarian restaurant information for Muslims throughout Japan, even including information on where they can go for karaoke. In the future, the site aims to become the No. 1 portal for Muslims visiting Japan by providing information on food, sightseeing, lifestyle and the culture of Japan.

The site includes pictograms indicating restaurants that are halal-certified, if a restaurant has halal seasoning, if the owner or chef is Muslim, if there are separate kitchens and dedicated cutlery for halal food, if no alcohol served or if alcohol is not used in cooking.

Also, if there is a dedicated place to pray, if Wi-Fi is available, if vegetarian dishes are available, and so on.


Maldives to host Islamic finance conference in November

A joint conference by Institute of Islamic Finance and companies of the banking sector will be held on November 4 at the Maldives National University.

The conference will be inaugurated by the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA)’s Governor Azeema Adam.

In addition to companies and institutes under the Maldives banking sector, companies from Malaysia, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka will also be in attendance.

During the conferences, attendees will discuss the challenges facing the Maldives Islamic finance sector and their solutions, as well as future ventures for the industry.

According to MIB, the conference will focus on the enhancement and expansion of the nation’s Islamic Finance industry, with senior officials of local and foreign companies leading the talks. Senior officials and executives from the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Hajj Corporation, Amana Takaful and the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) will partipate in the conference.


ISIS burns 3 clan elders in southern Nineveh

According to a local source in Nineveh, the ISIS militants executed three of the clan elders of Jabour tribe on charges of cooperating with the government forces in the province.

“The ISIS organization committed, today, a new crime when it put three of the elders of Arab tribes from Jabour tribe inside cages and burned them in the center of Qayara District in southern Nineveh,” the source said.

The source, who requested anonymity, added, “The ISIS read the death sentence of the organization’s court after accusing them of spying and cooperating with the Iraqi government.”


Rain blows up dozens of ISIS explosive devices in Iraq

A security source in Anbar said on Tuesday, that tens of explosive devices, planted by ISIS west of Ramadi, have exploded as a result of rain and high humidity.

“more than 75 of explosive devices exploded in Doulab area in Kabisa in the city of Heet, (70 km west of Ramadi), because of rain and high humidity in the air and the earth,” the source said.

The source, who asked to remain anonymous, added: “those devices were planted by ISIS elements in the streets to impede the progress of the security forces.”
