British Woman Arrested over Abuse of Muslim Group on London Bus

A British woman was detained by police and framed charges of a racially aggravated public order offence after she racially abused a Muslim group on a London bus.

The dilemma started when a footage showing a woman’s anti-Muslim tirade on a London bus was uploaded to Facebook.

The video was filmed on a bus in north-west London and uploaded on Facebook by a person, who wrote, “Yesterday I was out with my mum and this happens.”

Another commentator added: “Muslims are being abused, harassed and threatened on the bus. #Islamophobia.”

It starts with a woman in the middle of a rant. She’s shouting and swearing at a pregnant Muslim woman, and threatening to kick her in the stomach.

The abusive woman goes on to lob several insults, calling the other woman an ISIS supporter, a suicide bomber and saying: “go back to your country.”

At one point the bus driver stops the bus and tries to calm the woman down – to no avail. When the bus starts up again the confrontation escalates.

The video was viewed more than 750,000 times before it was taken down or blocked on Friday morning (it’s unclear who took it down and why).

The incident sparked criticism on social networks.

“This behavior is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated on our network,” Mike Weston, Transport for London (TfL)’s Director of Buses told Daily Mirror on Saturday.

“Passengers who use our services should be allowed to do so without fear of abuse and we are working closely with Metroline and the police to fully investigate this incident.


Takfiri Groups Follow in Footsteps of Yazid: Iraqi Cleric

Speaking to IQNA, Sheikh Foad Kazim al-Miqdadi said Takfiri terrorist groups who shed the blood of innocent people are taking the same path that Yazid took.

He said Islam condones none of the atrocities committed by Takfiris, including the massacre of people and desecration of Islam’s sanctities.

Sheikh al-Miqdadi underlined that these terrorist groups’ mentality and views originate from Wahhabi ignorance.

He said their ideology and thought is the opposite of the movement of Imam Hussein (AS) that introduces the true Islam.

According to the senior cleric, the movement of Imam Hussein (AS) is a model for distinguishing the truth from falsehood.

Moderation is the axis and basis of Islam, he stressed, saying that the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS) was also a model of moderation.

He said the movement proves that people’s blood should only be shed on the path of God and in defense of humanity and human dignity.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Sheikh al-Miqdadi said the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) in the battle of Karbala was a profound lesson for all generations to stand up against injustice and oppression.

He went on to urge scholars and preachers to promote the teachings and features of the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS).

Shia Muslims, and others in different parts of the world, have been holding ceremonies starting from Thursday, to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions in the month of Muharram.

Muharram mourning ceremonies reach their climax at noon on Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram which is the first month on the lunar calendar.


Syrian Troops Kill ISIS Terrorists in Daraa

The army killed a number of terrorists in al-Bajabja neighborhood, South of the old customs building, around the technical institute and East of the shoes factory in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood in Daraa city on Sunday.

Also on Sunday, the army conducted a military operation against a group of al-Nusra Front terrorists to the East of the bridge of al-Ghariyeh al-Gharbiyeh village, Northeast of Daraa city, killing and injuring all the terrorists and destroying their arms and ammunition.


Photos: Muharram mourning hold in Malaysia 1437-2015

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the “Tenth” in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUT).

Shiite begin mourning from the first night of Muharram and continue for ten nights, climaxing on the 10th of Muharram, known as the Day of Ashura. The last few days up until and including the Day of Ashura are the most important because these were the days in which Imam Hussein and his family and followers (including women, children and elderly people) were deprived of water from the 7th onward and on the 10th, Imam Hussain and 72 of his followers were martyred or subjected to humiliation by the army of tyrant Yazid I at the Battle of Karbala on Yazid’s orders. The surviving members of Imam Hussein’s family and those of his followers were taken captive, marched to Damascus, and imprisoned there.

The Mourning of Muharram, Remembrance of Muharram, or Muharram Observances, is a set of rituals associated with Shia Islam, which takes place in Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. Many of the events associated with the ritual take place in congregation halls known as Hussainia.

The commemoration of the event during yearly mourning season, from first of Muharram to twentieth of Safar with Ashura comprising the focal date, serves to define Shia communal identity. At present, Muharram Observances are carried around the world from East to West and from North to South.

The words Azadari (Persian: عزاداری) which mean mourning and lamentation; and Majalis-e Aza have been exclusively used in connection with the remembrance ceremonies for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. Majalis-e Aza, also known as Aza-e Husayn, includes mourning congregations, lamentations, matam and all such actions which express the emotions of grief and above all, repulsion against what tyrant Yazid stood for.

The following photos are the beginning of Muharram mourning in Malaysia. (1437-2015)

Britain to announce new counter-extremism measures

British Prime Minister David Cameron is to announce new counter-extremism measures aimed at countering Takfiri ideology and stopping young Britons from joining the Daesh terrorists in Syria.

“We know that extremism is really a symptom; ideology is the root cause – but the stakes are rising and that demands a new approach. So we have a choice – do we choose to turn a blind eye or do we choose to get out there and make the case for our British values,” Cameron will say in his remarks, an excerpt of which was released by the British media before the scheduled announcement on Monday.

Among the main highlights of the new measures are plans to grant parents the right to cancel the passports of their 16- and 17-year-children and the prohibition of those with convictions related to extremism and terrorism from working in positions that bring them into contact with children or people who require special attention.

“The government’s new counter-extremism strategy is a clear signal of the choice we have made to take on this poisonous ideology with resolve, determination and the goal of building a greater Britain,” the statement adds.

The British premier is also expected to label religious extremism as one of the UK’s worst social problems and “the struggle of our generation.”

According to Cameron’s office, at least 338 people, including 56 under the age of 20, have been arrested over terrorism-related charges since the beginning of the year, 157 of whom had links to Syria, where Takfirism has led to extreme violence.


Karbala provides great investment to Muslim world

Ayatollah Makarem said Karbala provided a great investment to the Islamic world such that during its own time, the tragedy became a great scandal for the Umayyad Dynasty and during subsequent periods, became an important movement to combat all deviations and oppression.

The martyrdom of Imam Husayn, his family and companions on the plains of Karbala provided a great investment to the Islamic world such that during its own time, the tragedy became a great scandal for the Umayyad Dynasty and during subsequent periods, became an important movement to combat all deviations and oppression, Ayatollah Makarem said during his speech at a meeting of the Central Council of Religious Delegations.

The revered source of emulation added that the Umayyad Dynasty’s are considered as the main enemies of the Muslims and that, Abu Sufyan was the first enemy of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad and that the wars fought against the fledgling Muslim community were fought due to his encouragement. After the victory of Islam, the Umayyad’s joined the hypocrites in order to influence Muslims and achieve their goals.
“Unfortunately, they were successful in spreading their influence,” he said.

His Eminence explained that the many uprisings that occurred after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn were inspired by the tragedy of Karbala and that through Imam Husayn’s uprising, the Umayyad Dynasty was not able to return Islam to the Days of Ignorance as they sought to.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi added that the Ahlul-Bayt strived to keep the flame of mourning for Imam Husayn burning and added that during the minor and greater occultation’s of Imam al-Mahdi, this is the duty of the religious scholars.

He pointed out the difficulties in mourning for Imam Husayn throughout history, saying that during the kingdom of Reza Pahlavi, no one in Iran dared to hold mourning ceremonies on Ashura and those who dared to mourn would do it behind closed doors with the curtains drawn but today, mourning for Imam Husayn is widespread and has even reached everywhere in the world.

The teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom said the enemies have realized the power and capacity of mourning for Imam Husayn and this bothers them as when the lights of mourning for Imam Husayn are turned on, their illegitimate interests are at stake.

“Therefore, they have decided to be antagonistic toward this culture,” he said.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi stated that the enemies have two strategies to combat the culture of Ashura – the promotion of open conflict among Muslims and the deviation of their mourning ceremonies to turn them away from their true meanings.

The renowned source of emulation warned against the enemies’ attempts to “sow deviation in our mourning ceremonies.”

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said that the enemies believe that if they can infiltrate religious groups and ceremonies, little by little, people will distance themselves from these rituals.

The Iranian scholar stated that foreign media do not show any images and videos which exemplify the grandeur and glory of our Muharram mourning ceremonies but rather they broadcast videos of the damaging practice of tatbir (self-flagellation) on television and satellite channels as they seek to equate the image of tatbir with Ashura.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said that young people are more at danger from the enemies’ plots and called on religious groups to try to attract young people to mourning ceremonies, adding that lecturers should use these opportunities to encourage the youth to fulfill their religious duties.


Iran Arrests Assailants on Mourning Ceremony in Dezfoul, Iran

Head of Iran’s Law Enforcement Police Brigadier General Hossein Ashtari announced on Monday that his forces have arrested the assailants who launched a terrorist attack on a Shiite mourning ceremony in the Southwestern city of Dezfoul on Friday.

Unknown assailants killed two and injured two others in an attack in Iran’s Southern Khouzestan province on Friday night.

“The assailants of Dezfoul shooting attack were arrested last night (Sunday night) and we are running interrogations,” General Ashtari told reporters on Monday, adding that further information would be released to the public in future.

Informed sources disclosed on Sunday that the assailants who launched the terrorist in Dezfoul on Friday had received training in US military bases in Iraq and infiltrated the country for carrying out terrorist attacks.

“The gunmen who attacked the mourning ceremony have undergone military training in US military bases in Iraq and they have crossed the border for conducting terrorist operations during the holy month of Muharram,” an informed source told the Persian-Language Dana news agency on Sunday.

The source explained that the terrorists’ operations are aimed at sowing the seeds of discord between Shiite and Sunni Muslims in Khuzestan province.

“The incident happened at 22:30 (local time) Friday night in Safiabad district in Dezfoul when unknown assailants driving in a Peugeot car riddled a ceremony to mourn for (Shiites’ Imam Hossein (AS)’s brother) Hazrat Abolfazl (AS) with bullets,” an informed source told FNA on Saturday.

According to the source the assailants who had covered their faces killed two and wounded two others.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, and Commander of Khouzestan’s Law Enforcement Police Mohammad Reza Eshaqi said that police forces are investigating the case.

“This incident could be the result of a personal dispute,” he added.

Also, Director-General of the Interior Ministry for Security Affairs Javad Zarrinkolah announced that the incident in Dezfoul is under scrutiny, adding that a team of the country’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) will be sent to Khouzestan to study the case.


Pro-Palestinian rallies held in US

Thousands of Americans have taken part in a couple of massive rallies in US States of Chicago and New York to express their support for the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli violence.

According to different estimates, up to 2,000 protesters took to the streets of New York on Sunday, carrying Palestinian flags.

The protests were organized by the NYC Students for Justice in Palestine, which is part of a wider movement called NY4Palestine. The protesters chanted “Free Palestine” as they made their way down Manhattan to the Times Square, where the crowd grew larger.

The protesters condemned Israel’s violence against Palestinians and its surge of aggression during the past few weeks.

Jewish activists also joined the rally in support of the Palestinian cause and against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s aggressive policies.

Tensions rose at the Times Square as Palestinian activists were confronted by a pro-Israeli rally that was also held at the center of Manhattan. No major accidents were reported between the opposing sides.

Another rally in Chicago also attracted thousands of people who descended on the streets while bearing placards and Palestinian flags to voice their support for the oppressed nation.

The large crowd, organized by the Coalition for Justice in Palestine, marched downtown near Congress and Michigan Avenue. They, too, demanded an immediate end to the Israeli aggression and occupation.

The protesters urged the US government to stop using their taxes to support Israel. They also called for boycotting the Israeli regime and holding it responsible for its numerous human rights violations against Palestinians.

The latest wave of tensions in the occupied territories was triggered in August, by the Israeli regime’s new restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the al-Aqsa Mosque.

According to Palestinian sources, at least 45 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since the new conflict broke out at the beginning of October.


Mina incident must not be forgotten: Imam Khamenei

Leader of the Islamic Republic has criticized silence of western powers claimants of human rights on Mina incident.

Ayatollah Khamenei addressed a meeting of Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization officials and staff on Monday, where he specifically demanded more dynamism in part of the diplomacy machinery of the country in addressing Mina incident ‘in assertive manner as possible.’

“The bitter event of Mina incident was a test for our piety; however, we should not forget the event itself and the policy of silence by the hegemonic powers of the west claimants to the human rights on this great tragedy; as to our own responsibility, the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization and country’s diplomacy should address the issue strongly,” he emphasized.

“The hosting Saudi Arabia is the first responsible body for the death of 7,000 Muslims; we expected to see a single voice of objection by the Islamic world; however, no other voice was heard than that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and even governments whose citizens had died in the event, averted their heads to the issue,” Ayatollah Khamenei lamented. “Addressing the issue in more responsible manner was a serious demand from the diplomacy arrangement of the country to prevent in the future any similar events from happening; the face evidence shows that the lackluster performance by the host country was the most effective factor; in any condition, this is not a political issue, but the lives of thousands of Muslims while observing their Hajj rituals in the attire of ihram are at stake, which should be addressed,” he demanded.

“Those countries which stir media hype for death of even single citizen adopted a policy of silence, which would serve their ally state’s interest best; if they are honest in their claims, they should seek and demand identification of the possible perpetrators of the event and their retribution,” he emphasized.

“Any campaign to keep the issue alive is to raise the issue in international community which should target human rights organizations and western governments as if they had been accomplice in the event,” concluded the Leader.


Photos: Supreme Leader Receives Hajj Officials