Captive Saudi Soldier Hails Yemeni Forces Treatment

Yemeni media have released footage of Saudi soldier, Sergeant Faez Mufarrah Abdullah al-Asmari, taken captive in the al-Hathireh military base of Jizan on October 1.

Yemen’s al-Masirah news agency released footage of the Saudi soldier being treated and interviewed on Saturday.

In his remarks, Asmari reassured his family about his health and well-being, saying the Yemenis have met all his needs.

The Saudi sergeant said he was injured in the head during his capture, but the Yemenis have fully tended to him and helped his recovery, adding that he is in good condition now.

Asmari further called on the Saudi forces to renounce war and aggression as Yemen and Saudi Arabia are neighbors and have religious affinities.

In September, Yemeni media broadcast similar video footage of some Saudi soldiers whom the Yemeni army, with the support of the popular committees, had taken captive during clashes on the border with Saudi Arabia.


Shia Ulema deplore terror attacks on religious site in Saudi Arabia

Ulema from cities of Qatif and Dammam said that the terrorists killed innocent Muslim people.

They called for vigilance and awareness of the Saudi government and police to thwart menaces of terrorism.

They prayed to God for peace of souls of the martyrs and immediate recovery of those wounded in the terror attack.

An armed man attacked a religious site in Cihat city last night in east of Saudi Arabia and killed five and wounded nine persons.

ISIL terrorist group in a statement admitted responsibility for attack and named the invaders as ‘ Shoja’ al-dousari’.

Meanwhile, the group admitted responsibility for several terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, which left number of people dead last month.

In last August, following a suicide attack on a mosque in southwest of Saudi Arabia 15 persons were killed.

During two separate suicide attacks against Shia mosques in Saudi Arabia 25 people were killed last May.

The Saudi authorities declared in July that 431 persons related to ISIL had been arrested and several attempts to attack religious centers and security bases had been neutralized.


Photos: Muharram program hold in Jannusan, Bahrain

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the “Tenth” in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUT).

Shiite begin mourning from the first night of Muharram and continue for ten nights, climaxing on the 10th of Muharram, known as the Day of Ashura. The last few days up until and including the Day of Ashura are the most important because these were the days in which Imam Hussein and his family and followers (including women, children and elderly people) were deprived of water from the 7th onward and on the 10th, Imam Hussain and 72 of his followers were martyred or subjected to humiliation by the army of tyrant Yazid I at the Battle of Karbala on Yazid’s orders. The surviving members of Imam Hussein’s family and those of his followers were taken captive, marched to Damascus, and imprisoned there.

The Mourning of Muharram, Remembrance of Muharram, or Muharram Observances, is a set of rituals associated with Shia Islam, which takes place in Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. Many of the events associated with the ritual take place in congregation halls known as Hussainia.

The commemoration of the event during yearly mourning season, from first of Muharram to twentieth of Safar with Ashura comprising the focal date, serves to define Shia communal identity. At present, Muharram Observances are carried around the world from East to West and from North to South.

The words Azadari (Persian: عزاداری) which mean mourning and lamentation; and Majalis-e Aza have been exclusively used in connection with the remembrance ceremonies for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. Majalis-e Aza, also known as Aza-e Husayn, includes mourning congregations, lamentations, matam and all such actions which express the emotions of grief and above all, repulsion against what tyrant Yazid stood for.

The following photos are the first, second, third and fourth nights of Muharram 1437 in Jannusan of Bahrain.


Muharram Quranic Sessions Underway in Kuwait’s Mosques

According to Qaf news agency, the Quranic programs are organized to commemorate the occasion on the sidelines of the mourning ceremonies underway in the mosques.

Salih Al-Jahromi, Talal Al-Barik, Basil Bureza, Abbas Al-Baloushi, Sadiq Mirza, Hamdi Shibli, Zayd Al-Baqli, Muhammad Al-Mahdi and Abdullah Al-Khayyat, are some of the eminent Kuwaiti Qaris who recite verses from the Holy Quran in the sessions.

Mourning ceremonies have been held starting from October 15 (the beginning of the lunar month of Muharram) by Shia Muslims and others in different parts of the world.

They mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his faithful companions in the year 680 A.D.


Lebanese Cleric: Ashura, A Sublime School

Speaking to IQNA, Sayyed Jafar Fadlallah said although the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS) and the event of Ashura happened in a limited period of time, the movement contains all values and teachings of Islam.

He added that all of the faithful, no matter following which religion or sect, should benefit from the virtues and teachings of this uplifting school.

The senior scholar at Islamic Sharia Research Center in Beirut also stressed that preachers and eulogists should use the Ashura mourning ceremonies as an opportunity for enhancing Islamic unity.

The uprising of Imam Hussein (AS) focused on the theme of Tawhid (monotheism) and revolved around fighting injustice and oppression, Fadlallah further stated.

He noted that the issue of spreading justice and combating injustice is something that attracts followers of all faiths.

The cleric went on to say that Ashura mourning ceremonies should not be limited to elegies but the objectives of Imam Hussein (AS) uprising should also be clarified for the mourners. 

Shia Muslims, and others in different parts of the world, have been holding ceremonies starting from Thursday, to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions in the month of Muharram.

Imam Hussein (AS) and a small group of his followers and family members were martyred by the tyrant of his time – Yazid Bin Moaweya.

They were martyred in the battle of Karbala on Ashura- the tenth day of Muharram which is the first month on the lunar calendar.

Muharram mourning ceremonies reach their climax at noon on Ashura.


Photos: Muharram mourning hold at Imam Ali Center of Sweden

English Muharram mourning ceremonies held in Tehran

A group of foreign nationals located in Tehran along with Iranians who used to live abroad or even pay occasional visits to Iran, have gathered together to commemorate martyrdom of Imam Hussain on the Day of Ashura.

Commemoration ceremonies for Imam Hussain can be found all over the Islamic Republic of Iran during this Islamic month of Moharram. However a gathering in Tehran reflects to the extent that not only did the message of Imam Hussain, the message of truth, not die on the plains of Karbala, it is very much alive.

Mourners who originate from many different countries, such as the United States, South Africa, Australia and so many other places prove that by Imam Hussain laying down his life in Karbala, almost 1400 years ago, he kept the message of Allah alive and spread the truth to the four corners of the earth.

These foreigners, who have either temporarily or permanently relocated to Iran, have the opportunity to mourn and commemorate Imam Hussain in their native English language. This group offers a unique opportunity to its members to have these religious gatherings in English, where they can make a closer connection to the tragedy of Karbala and the legacy left behind.

“Every day is Ashura and everywhere is Karbala” is being reflected upon in these gatherings of eastern and western Muslims who say they are ready to answer the call of Imam Hussain, “Is there anyone to help me?”

Those in Tehran who are interested in participating in the gathering can attend it at Eyvan-e Shams Hall located at the beginning of Kurdistan Expressway, between Golha Sq. and Chamran Expressway, every night at Maghrib, beginning with prayers. It will last until the 11th of Moharram. The programs are opened to the public, preferably those who understand English.


20 Yemenis killed in fresh Saudi raids

At least 20 people have lost their lives and scores of others have sustained injuries in the latest wave of Saudi airstrikes against Yemen.

On Saturday, Saudi fighter jets bombarded a mosque and a gas station in the Hajr area of the Qabbaytah district in Yemen’s southwestern province of Lahij, killing seven civilians and wounding seven others.

Meanwhile, five Yemenis were killed and three more injured after Saudi bombers pounded the Saqayn district in the northern Yemeni province of Sa’ada.

Saudi warplanes also targeted a bank and a residential complex in the Mukha district of the southern province of Ta’izz, leaving four people dead and dozens more injured.

In the Khadir district of Ta’izz, Saudi missiles hit a gas station and killed four Yemenis. Several others were also wounded in the raid.


Terrorism Grew with US Troops in Afghanistan: Ex-President Karzai

The US mission in Afghanistan carried out since 2001 has only deteriorated the political situation in the country, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said.

On Thursday, US President Barack Obama announced that Washington will keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan throughout most of 2016, further maintaining 5,500 troops in after 2016, instead of fully withdrawing all of its forces from the country by the next year, as originally planned.

Afghan Khaama Press agency quoted Karzai as saying on Saturday that during the presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan, terrorism was not only rooted out, but also gained momentum.

3The former Afghan president added that the Afghan people agreed with the sustained presence of foreign forces 14 years ago only with a hope to tackle terrorism and maintain peace in the country.

In recent months, the Afghan government has been faced with a resurgent Taliban and the spread of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant extremists in several provinces.
