CNN: US Army Airdrops Tons of Ammo to New Militant Group in Northern Syria

“C-17 cargo planes dropped ammunition on 112 pallets to be retrieved by opposition fighters on the ground from a US-vetted group called by Washington the Syrian Arab Coalition,” CNN quoted an unnamed US official as saying on Monday.

The CNN claimed that this was a first step in a US effort to boost support to what the White House refers to “as moderate opposition forces fighting regular Syrian troops loyal to President Bashar Assad”.

The US calls Al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, the Al-Nusra Front, and the Free Syrian Army whose members have almost all joined the ISIL and the Al-Nusra Front as moderate forces.

Reports given out by several western think-tanks said some 34 to 36 militant groups are fighting the government in Syria, all of which are “extremists and the difference is only in the level of extremist ideologies that they pursue”.

The newly-named Syrian anti-government force was first mentioned by policy undersecretary at the US Defense Department Christine Wormuth during Congressional testimony in September.

She said the group was being trained as part of a train-and-equip mission for “anti-Assad opposition factions in Syria”.


Research: Britons Fail Islamophobia Victims

Revealing the impact of Islamophobic attacks on British Muslims, a new study found that victims are left feeling trapped after suffering abuse, saying the often receive no support from fellow citizens.

Two rockets hit Russian embassy in Syrian capital

Early reports on Tuesday morning indicate that Takfiri terrorists fired two shells at the embassy as scores of people had gathered around the compound to express appreciation for Moscow for its air support in Syria’s battle against militants in the country.

An AP report said that the fist shell struck an area inside the Russian embassy in central Damascus and “smoke billowed from inside.” It added that the next shell landed in the area as people were fleeing the site.

This is while Russian press reports cite eyewitnesses as saying that “several shells” exploded “outside” the Russian embassy.

There has yet been no report of casualties following the attack.

‘Act of terrorism’

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is cited by the local RIA Novosti news agency as saying that Russia considers the shelling of its embassy compound in Damascus as an act of terrorism.

The foreign-backed terrorists on the outskirts of the Syrian capital have targeted the Russian embassy in the past but it was not immediately clear whether the Tuesday morning attack was intended at the pro-Russia demonstration or the embassy itself.

Russia launched an aerial campaign against terrorists in Syria on September 30 at the request of the Damascus government.

More than 250,000 people have lost their lives in the violence fueled by foreign-backed Takfiri groups in Syria since March 2011. The Syrian army has been engaged in heavy battles against the extremist militants on many fronts across the country over the past four years.


Saudi airstrikes kill seven people in Yemen

The latest wave of Saudi air raids against Yemen has claimed the lives of seven people, including a child, in Yemen.

According to reports, five people, including four women, lost their lives and 10 others sustained injuries in the Saudi air raids on the Khawkhah district of Yemen’s western Hudaydah Province on Tuesday.

Saudi warplanes also launched three air raids against the Baqim district and four assaults against the Hidan district, both located in the northwestern Yemen Sa’ada Province. The attacks killed a woman and a child.

Elsewhere in the west, Saudi aircraft launched two airstrikes against Sana’a Province.

Yemen has been under military strikes on a daily basis since Saudi forces launched their military aggression against their southern neighbor on March 26, in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to fugitive former Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.

About 6,400 people have reportedly lost their lives in the Saudi airstrikes, and a total of nearly 14,000 people have been injured since March. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, 505 children have been among the fatalities.

The Yemeni army and allied Popular Committees have been retaliating against the Saudi aggression by striking targets on the kingdom’s soil.

Reports on Tuesday said that Yemeni forces have managed to take control of a village in the southwestern Saudi Arabian region of Jizan.

The Arabic-language al-Masirah satellite television network recently reported that the Yemenis had shot down a Saudi reconnaissance drone in Sa’ada Province.


Iran’s Judiciary Chief Welcomes Decision to Boycott Frankfurt Book Fair

Iran’s Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani on Monday welcomed a decision by the country’s ministry of culture to cancel plans for a national stand in this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair over the presence of the apostate writer, Salman Rushdie.

Addressing a meeting of high-ranking judiciary officials in Tehran, Ayatollah Amoli Larijani said the decision by Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Ali Jannati to boycott the Frankfurt Book Fair was a proper response to the West.

“Inviting a debauched and apostate person such as Salam Rushdie to this exhibition was a disrespect to (all) Muslims,” Ayatollah Amoli Larijani stated.

The Islamic Republic of Iran boycotted this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair after organizers of the event refused to reconsider their decision to invite Rushdie to make a speech at the event.

Juergen Boos, director of the Frankfurt Book Fair, on Monday defended the presence of Rushdie at the event, saying, “We feel a strong politicization this year and freedom of expression will be a key theme.”

Iran had earlier stressed in a letter to the organizers of the exhibition that it will not participate in the event if Rushdie appears at a news conference ahead of the annual fair’s opening.

“When we learned of the presence of Salman Rushdie at the book fair in Frankfurt, we sent a letter of protest and called on other Muslim countries to do the same,” Iran’s Deputy Culture Minister Abbas Salehi had said on October 6.

“In the coming days, we will try to convince the leaders of the fair to change their mind. We will seriously consider not participating (if they stick to their decision).”

The British Indian novelist and writer was sentenced to death by Imam Khomeini for insulting Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in his fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, which was written in 1988 and sparked global protests by Muslims around the world.

The 67th Frankfurt Book Fair is slated to be held in the German city from October 14 to 18, 2015.


Shiites not the only victim of Takfirism in Iraq, Syria

Speaking to preachers, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said “it must be stressed that the enemies want to destroy all Muslims and Islam as well. Today, the enemies and Takfiri groups have killed a large number of Sunnis in Iraq and Syria. This issue does not just affect Shi’ites alone.”

During a meeting with a group of preachers and clerics from deprived regions of Iran, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi stated that more so than other regions, deprived regions need to learn the religious sciences.

The renowned source of emulation referred to the upcoming solemn Islamic lunar month of Muharram and the day of Ashura, which commemorates the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, his family and companions, and stated that the missionaries should use the opportunities they have during the upcoming few weeks to explain important Islamic beliefs, law and morals to the people.

“Ashura is an important asset that contains many capacities to promote Islam and the seminarians should use the opportunities they have during Muharram to explain these issues. The culture of Ashura can solve many social problems,” he said.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi added: “It should be noted that the enemies’ propaganda against Islam, and especially against the Shi’ite school of thought, is greater now than any other time.”

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi explained that today, there are several thousand Persian-language satellite networks spreading propaganda against Islam. This propaganda has caused many social problems as well as doctrinal and moral corruption in Iranian society in recent years. He encouraged preachers to increase their efforts to thwart the enemies’ attacks through these means.

He said despite all the attacks, the Shi’ite school of thought and Shi’ites are expanding. In response to the false propaganda against Shi’ism, there must be parallel attempts to increase our positive propagation in an enthusiastic and passionate manner. “Preachers must observe unity among Muslims, but this unity does not mean that they should not explain the acts and issues related to the Ahlul-Bayt,” he added.

The revered source of emulation explained that all the positive issues must be expressed without offending others, adding that he took this approach in his Quranic exegesis “Tafsir-e Namouneh” [The Ideal Commentary]. “For example in the face of verse of wilayah [5:55], we did not explain any virtues which show disrespect the to the [lofty] status of Imam Ali,” he said.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi stressed that words spoken by the preachers “must not sting,” but rather they should use words which maintain the honour and interests of Islam should be maintained.

“It must be stressed that the enemies want to destroy all Muslims and Islam as well. Today, the enemies and Takfiri groups have killed a large number of Sunnis in Iraq and Syria. This issue does not just affect Shi’ites alone,” he explained.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi emphasized that Shi’ites and Sunnis must rely on the many similarities between them and added that these similarities become obvious during the time of Hajj. There are many similarities among the two sects but there are also many differences and we must stand against the enemies’ attempts to create dissension among us.

“The Zionists are engaged in attacking Muslims over these differences and those who are killed are not only Shi’ites, but Sunnis as well,” he said.


Saudi airstrikes continue killing Yemenis

At least one civilian has been killed and another wounded in Saudi Arabia’s latest airstrike on Yemen.

The civilian casualties came on Monday after Saudi fighter jets targeted Mahabishah district in the northwestern Yemeni province of Hajjah.

Saudi warplanes also carried out raids against several districts in northwestern province of Sa’ada, destroying a telecommunications network.

Earlier on Sunday, Saudi fighter jets targeted residential areas in the town of Hidan in Sa’ada Province several times, killing four civilians and injuring eleven others.

The war planes also bombarded the town’s market place 20 times, killing four people there.

According to Yemen’s al-Masirah TV network, the Saudis used cluster bombs in the attacks on the Hidan market.

Saudi fighter jets also pounded Sana’a province, leaving five Yemenis dead.

Fifteen others lost their lives when a prison was bombed in the central province of Bayda. A group of prisoners managed to escape from the prison after the attack.

Saudi warplanes also bombarded the residential area of Yemen’s Presidential Palace in the capital, Sana’a.


Iran Awaiting Saudi Explanation for Mina Incident: Deputy FM

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said the county expects Saudi Arabia’s authorities to give a full explanation about a deadly crush in Mina, near Mecca, that killed hundreds of pilgrims from different countries, including Iran.

Tehran is still waiting for a straight answer with full clarification from the Saudi officials over the Mina incident, Araqchi said on Monday.

On Sunday, Iran’s Judiciary Spokesman Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei said Tehran is making efforts to win the cooperation of other Islamic countries in a bid to sue those behind the Mina tragedy.

The Iranian judiciary, administration and particularly the foreign ministry are pursuing the issue to sue the culprits with the cooperation of other Muslim countries and push for preventive measures to avoid such incident in the future, he stated.

According to Iranian officials, around 4,700 pilgrims, including 465 Iranians, were killed in the crush on September 24 when performing religious rites.
