ICRC Ready to Help Identify Iranian Victims of Mina Incident

Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) representative office in Tehran Olivier Martin voiced the committee’s readiness to help in the process of identifying the bodies of the Iranian pilgrims who were killed in a September crush in Mina, Saudi Arabia.

In a meeting with Secretary General of Iran’s Red Crescent Society Ali Asghar Ahmadi in Tehran, Martin said the ICRC is prepared to provide Iran with whatever help necessary to identify bodies of Iranians who went missing in the incident.

While 465 Iranian pilgrims are confirmed to have died in a deadly crush of people in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca, on September 24, a number of the bodies have not still been identified.

Elsewhere in the meeting, the Iranian official made it clear that Tehran will not approve of even a single pilgrim remaining unaccounted for.

Ahmadi also underlined that the Saudi government must give the ICRC an explanation for the Iranian nationals who have gone missing in the incident.

On Monday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani lauded the efforts made to return home the bodies of the Iranian pilgrims who lost their lives in the crush.

The return of the bodies from Saudi Arabia came a few days after Ayatollah Khamenei sent a clear message to the Saudi government.

Addressing a military ceremony on September 30, Imam Khamenei warned Riyadh that the slightest disrespect for the Iranian pilgrims or its failure to repatriate the bodies of victims will draw Iran’s “severe and tough reaction”.

The bodies of 218 Iranian victims have been repatriated so far.


Nigerian Muslim leaders urged people to shun violence

As world Muslims prepare to welcome the new Hijri year, a Nigerian Muslim leader has advised Muslims to emulate the Islamic teachings and morals of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as their goal and mission to be followed.

The Imam also urged Muslims and non-Muslims to shun violence and any act capable of jeopardizing the peace of the nation.

“You must have the fear of Allah and behaving in the most acceptable manner to your fellow human being,” the Amir of the Muslim Congress (TMC), Imam Luqmon Abdul Raheem, was quoted as saying by Pulse Nigeria daily .

“Let them revive the teachings of the Prophet by preaching peace wherever they find themselves,” he added.
Abdul Raheem also asked the faithful to learn how to forgive, stressing that “Allah himself forgives.”

He called on Muslims to be prayerful, saying that prayer is the key to overcome any situation they found themselves in.

The prominent Muslim figure was talking at the 1436 annual lecture of the Congress titled ‘Sustaining the Change Mantra’ at the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos state.

Thousands of Nigerians gathered at the stadium to listen to the program, which was sponsored by the TMC.

On his own part, Imam Adewunmi Adebayo, who is the Waili of Lagos State Muslim Congress, urged Nigerians to assist the federal government by collectively tackling insurgency.

He urged Muslims to shun acts capable of tarnishing the image of Islam, asking Nigerians to exercise tolerance as directed by the Prophet.


Two British Islamic organizations join clean-up campaign at Riverside park

Two British Muslim organizations have joined hands in a clean-up campaign in South Tyneside, northeast England, offering upstanding citizen role models for fellow citizens in order to create a more pleasant environment for people of all faiths.

“It went really well. We had about 20 volunteers but we had a lot of words of encouragement from passers-by as well,” Project Manager Abu Tayeb told The Chronicle on Sunday.

“We have done these neighborhood clean-up programs before in Newcastle but we wanted to spread it out more and encourage more people to get involved.

“The government’s austerity cuts have had knock-on effect (I have no idea what this is) things like littering and, as a Muslim, part of our duty is to be active in the community and help our communities,” he added.

Abu Tayeb was referring to a new clean-up campaign led by volunteers from UK Islamic organizations One Community and the Islamic Diversity Centre (IDC).

Rejecting anti-social conduct in the borough’s biggest parks, members of both groups embarked on their clean-up campaign at the Riverside Park, in Hebburn, South Tyneside.

By cleaning the park, the Muslim groups offered a true image of Islam, which instructs its followers to preserve the environment.

“Indeed, it is reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said ‘removing a harmful thing from the path is a charitable act.’ If we are true to the teachings of our religion, we should be having a positive effect on the world around us, and this initiative is a great way to do just that,” Abu Tayeb said.

“The beautiful thing about this campaign is you don’t have to be of a certain religion to get involved – it’s about coming together for the common good.”

It is noteworthy that South Tyneside’s Lord Mayor joined the volunteers in the clean-up campaign.


Bodies of 90 Mina victims arrive in Tehran

Bodies of 90 Iranian pilgrims killed in Saudi Arabia’s Mina tragedy arrived in Tehran on Tuesday morning.

The flight carrying the bodies of 90 Iranian Hajj pilgrims killed in the recent tragic incident in Mina, near the Saudi city of Mecca, has landed in Tehran.

During two previous flights, bodies of 218 Iranian Hajj pilgrims killed in Mina tragedy have delivered to Tehran.

An official repatriation ceremony was held on Saturday morning, October 3, at Tehran’s Mehrabad Airport in the presence of Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani and a number of high-ranking officials.

People around the country have held funeral ceremonies for the victims the bodies were delivered to their hometowns.

The crush occurred on September 24 after two large masses of pilgrims fused together.

Saudi Arabia claims nearly 770 people were killed in the calamity, but officials with Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization has announcd the number to be over 4000 people. 465 Iranians, lost their lives in the tragedy.


Four Muslims shot dead in southern Philippines

A Muslim father and three of his children were killed after gunmen broke into their house and shot them early Monday morning in the southern Sulu province of Philippines, according to media reports.

A police report said that the Ayub family was asleep in the island town of Banguingi when three men armed with M-16 rifles barged in and fired on all the occupants around 1 a.m. (GMT1800 Sunday).

Those killed were the father Junaid Ayub, 52 year-old, and children Adzani, 3; Auja, 16, and Almasin, 10.
Two other children, Alnaid, 15 and Rene, 9, were wounded and taken to Zamboanga city hospital for treatment.

From its side police officer Sherwin Ladja said an investigation had indicated that three men carried out the attack, noting at the same time that the killers after the incident had fled aboard a motorized outrigger.

Police are still looking for a motive for the attack.

It is worth mentioning that Sulu province is a stronghold of the Al-Qaeda linked Abu Sayyaf group, while a majority of the locals possess high-powered firearms.

Since 1991, the Abu Sayyaf armed with mostly improvised explosive devices, mortars and automatic rifles, have carried out bombings, kidnappings, assassinations and extortions.


Saudi King Hospitalized for Dementia

Informed sources told Arabic-language al-Ahd news agency that King Salman is now in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) section of King Faisal Specialist Hospital in the Saudi capital.

The sources also said that given the Saudi king’s unstable and aggravating health conditions, officials have ceased plans to transfer him to US hospitals.

King Salman, 80, is thought to have Alzheimer’s or dementia and the government is practically administered by his Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.

According to witnesses, his exact state of dementia is a source of speculation but he is known to have held cogent conversations as recently as last October. He can also forget what he said minutes ago, or faces he has known all his life. This is typical of the disease.

Sources close to the Saudi monarchy revealed earlier this year that the number of hospital visits by King Salman in the last few months has increased and that he did not walk around, as he did before.


Our Shiite scholars need to be active in cyberspace: Hojjatolislam Akhtari

Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- Hojjatolislam Akhtari, who was speaking at the unveiling ceremony of the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly’s new digital products, pointed to the activities of the Assembly in recent years and said: “Now more than 350 million people around the world are benefiting from the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (AS) and this is our biggest activity in the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly.”

Referring to the Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA), he also said: “Lunching an accurate news agency for the Shiite Muslims around the world was a very important thing for us and now by ABNA we could inform people about what is really happen in Yemen, Bahrain and other countries.”

“In Mina tragedy we were among the first news agencies that covered the news, so we could bring more visitors to our website,” he said.

The Secretary General of the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly also pointed to the writing and translating of more than 1700 books and said: “For promoting teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (AS) we translate our books to more than 55 languages and now we are going to increase that to 60 languages.”

Akhtari also referred to the University of Ahlul Bayt as the Assembly’s important activity and said: “Till now more than three thousand Shiite scholars have graduated from the university in different countries and now they have reached a proper place among Muslim nations.”

“Now there is a good opportunity for promoting Shi’ism in Africa, Latin America and South America; in this case we need to produce applications and to be active in cyberspace,” he added.

At the end of his speech Akhtari also said: “Shia logic is the logic of wisdom; so we are ready to debate with the leaders of other religions in this field.”


A surge in number of Scottish reverting to Islam

Glasgow Central Mosque has been witnessing a surge in the number of Scottish people reverting to Islam, a phenomenon noticed in mosques across the country, OnIslam reported.

“I’d done a degree in comparative religion and had to analyze all the religious texts,” Hannah, a 25-year-old administrator from Glasgow who recently reverted told The Sunday Herald.

Hannah is one of about 200 Scots who take the decision to revert to Islam annually at Glasgow Central Mosque.

Her conversion was shared online by the Glasgow Central Mosque along with others including 20-year-old Jade from the Shetland Isles, and Katie, also 20 and an administration worker from Glasgow, who made her Shahada last month.

With the increasing number of reverts, Edinburgh central mosque says it has now started support groups for new Muslims.

The total number of reverts is not known, but according to a report by Faith Matters, 5,200 people now join the UK-wide Muslim population of three million every year.

Scotland’s community is significantly smaller at 90,000 people, over one-third of whom live in Glasgow.

“We are seeing an influx, particularly in the number of women expressing an interest in Islam.

Many found out more about Islam that led them to different conclusions,” Rizy Mohammad, a coordinator at the Glasgow Central Mosque, said.

“There is also the spiritual dimension. They’ve been part of the material world, done the shopping thing and now they are looking for a deeper connection.”

The decision to revert to Islam has not been easy to many Scottish reverts, especially with media focus on extremist voices which ruin the image of the faith.

“When a person takes the Shahada they are treated like a superstar and everyone wants to know their story,” Dawud Duncan, originally from Oban, who became Muslim nine years ago, said.

Duncan, who now lives in Glasgow, hosts an online radio program for reverts and also aims to set up a support and advocacy group.

“New Muslims have so much to offer the Muslim community and Scotland,” said Duncan.

“This would include a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of the cultural issues our society faces. Converts find it easier to explain Islam to a Scottish audience.”


Iran gathering evidence on Mina tragedy: Intelligence Minister

Iranian Intelligence Minister said on Mon. the Islamic Republic has so far held various sessions on pursuing the Mina tragedy during which the Ministry of Intelligence has become required to collect documentation to probe into the cause of the incident.

Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi made the remarks on Monday at a funeral service held in the southern city of Shiraz in Fars Province for a number of the Iranian pilgrims that were killed in the Mina tragedy near the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

He added the Intelligence Ministry has begun its work to determine whether the incident had been deliberate or not.

“The Mina incident is not an issue that only Iran is concerned with, but rather it is a key issue for the world of Islam and 22 mourning Islamic countries,” said Alavi, adding the tragedy has an ‘international dimension’ that Iran and other Islamic nations must work together to pursue.

“The vice president for legal affairs is also making arrangements to file a lawsuit with international legal entities on behalf of the bereaved families of the victims to urge proper action on the tragic event,” the intelligence minister said.

Alavi further criticized Saudi authorities’ incompetence and imprudence for failing to show a proper response to the Mina incident which had subsequently worsened the depth of the tragedy, saying if the Saudi government had cooperated with Muslim nations in tending to the injured and identifying the victims’ bodies, it could have lessened the extent of the tragedy and the Muslims’ outrage.

“The Leader’s strong stance in regard to the Mina incident was the turning point which forced Saudi officials to express their condolences to the Iranian nation,” said Alavi.

Last week, Iran’s Leader Ayat. Khameni said the country’s possible response to Saudi misconduct and disrespect toward Iranian pilgrims and victims will be “firm and severe.”

The human crush of September 24 in Mina, Saudi Arabia, during the Hajj pilgrimage rituals, claimed lives of about 4,700 people, including 464 Iranians, according to Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization.


Iran Calls for Formation of Islamic States’ Police to Boost Security of Hajj Rituals

Iran’s Police Chief Brigadier General Hossein Ashtari lashed out at the Saudi government for its inability to ensure security and safety for Hajj pilgrims, saying the Iranian police is prepared to undertake the responsibility.

Addressing a ceremony in Tehran on Monday, General Ashtari said that the recent deadly crush in Mina, outside the holy city of Mecca, which claimed the lives of at least 464 Iranians, indicated the incompetence and irresponsibility of Saudi rulers.

Iran’s Law Enforcement is prepared to undertake the great responsibility of providing security for Mecca pilgrims, he stressed.

He further criticized the indifference of Saudi police and officials towards the deadly incident.

Saudi police and statesmen would better give the responsibility of ensuring the Hajj security to the police forces of Islamic countries if they are not capable of managing the pilgrimage, General Ashtari underscored.

According to Iranian officials, over 4700 pilgrims including 464 Iranians died in a crush in Mina on September 24, when performing religious rites. The incident marked the worst Hajj disaster in 25 years.

Hajj, the world’s largest annual gathering of people, has already witnessed numerous deadly crushes, fires and riots in the past.

Saudi authorities have come under fire for their inability to ensure the safety of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who converge on Mecca every year.
