Islamic Jihad: Intifada 3 Has Begun, Harming Al-Aqsa a Red Line

The martyr was named as Mohannad Shafik Halabi, a resident of Al-Bireh located adjacent to Ramallah.

“Mohammed Shafik Halabi, 19, is a member of Islamic Jihad,” a senior member of the Gaza-based resistance group told AFP on condition of anonymity, after the group issued a statement hailing the attack and saying it was in response to Israeli terrorist crimes against Palestinians.

Just days before the attack, Halabi posted on Facebook that “the third intifada has already begun.”

“We are at the start of a true intifada,” wrote Islamic Jihad in an announcement. “The situation is at the breaking point – this isn’t a storm in a teacup. Today (Prime Minister Binyamin) Netanyahu is reaping what he sowed. The Palestinian people have spoken – harming Al-Aqsa is a red line.”

Hamas welcomed the brave attack and called for additional operations. Hamas spokesperson Hussam Bardan called the attack an act of heroism, and said, “we support every attack of this type.”


US senators urge Obama to stop training militants in Syria

“The Syria Train and Equip Program goes beyond simply being an inefficient use of taxpayer dollars. As many of us initially warned, it is now aiding the very forces we aim to defeat,” the four senators — three Democrats and one Republican — said in a letter.

Democratic Senators Chris Murphy of Connecticut, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Tom Udall of New Mexico and Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, called President Barack Obama’s program to train and arm militants in Syria a “total failure” that needs to be stopped immediately, before causing “additional harm” to the Syrian people.

“We ask that you cease the Syria Train and Equip Program and look for alternative ways forward,” read the letter, addressed to Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, and CIA Director John Brennan.

The $500-million program is the centerpiece of Obama’s Syria policy. However, the program has faltered because most of its small cadre of trained militants have either defected to other terrorist groups or surrendered arms to salvage their lives.

“US CENTCOM confirmed that some of the fighters that we trained and equipped had turned over ammunition and trucks to al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, al-Nusra Front. In exchange for safe passage, the fighters, trained by the US, gave up approximately 25% of their US-issued equipment,” the letter further noted.

Pentagon officials admitted last month that the program has also fallen far short of its objective of training more than 5,000 militants each year, and of the several dozen who have been trained, only “four or five” are actually on the battlefield.

The US Defense Department announced last week that the entire program is “under review,” although recruitment for militants is still ongoing in other countries.

The training program, allegedly aimed to train anti-Daesh (ISIL) forces, is run by US Special Forces in Turkey and Jordan, and is separate from a similar covert program by the CIA.


77 Palestinians injured by live, rubber bullets in 24 hours: Red Crescent

The PRCS’s spokeswoman Errab Foqaha said on Sunday that a total of 77 Palestinians had been wounded in the past day.

According to the data, 18 Palestinians were injured from live rounds and 59 from rubber bullets.

Another 139 Palestinians have also been treated for tear gas inhalation and six for injuries sustained in beatings by Israeli security forces or settlers.

State of emergency

On Sunday, the Red Crescent also declared a level-three state of emergency in the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem), which indicates that the given situation requires a significant response from a humanitarian system.

It also reported at least 14 attacks against its staff and vehicles by Israeli forces and settlers over the past 72 hours.

Earlier in the day, Israeli police shot dead a Palestinian youth identified as Fadi Samir Mustafa Alloun near the Damascus Gate of al-Aqsa Mosque compound after accusing him of attempting to stab an Israeli settler.

This is while a video showing the moments leading to Alloun’s death show him running toward an Israeli police patrol as a group of settlers are chasing him.

Following Alloun’s killing, tens of Israeli settlers stormed Palestinian homes and properties in the area, shouting anti-Arab and anti-Islam slogans. They also stormed Alloun’s home and reportedly abducted three of his family members.

A day earlier, Palestinian sources said two Israelis were killed and two others wounded in a clash between a Palestinian youth named as Mohannad Rafiq Halab and Israeli settlers in the occupied Old City of al-Quds.

In recent months, Tel Aviv has applied harsh restrictions on entries into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds since.

Figures show that, on average, 39 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli forces per week since the beginning of the year.


Boko Haram violence an ‘affront to humanity,’ Ban declares

“The continuing violence by Boko Haram is an affront to international law, to humanity and to religious faith, said Mr. Ban in a statement issued yesterday evening by his spokesperson.

According to the statement, the UN chief extends his heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and the Government of Nigeria, and wishes a speedy recovery to those injured. He reiterates the United Nations’ support to the Nigerian Government in its fight against terrorism.

“The Secretary-General also recalls the vital importance and obligation to respect international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law in countering terrorism,” the statement concludes.


Egypt’s Mina crush death toll rises to 138

Egypt’s Minister of Religious Endowments Mokhtar Gomaa said during a press conference on Sunday that 96 Egyptian pilgrims are also still missing.

The Egyptian minister added that 17 others are also still receiving treatment after being injured in the crush in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca, on September 24.

Meanwhile, Indonesia has raised its death toll from the incident to 100 after confirming nine more deaths. Indonesian officials say 28 people remain missing and six others are currently receiving treatment in Saudi hospitals.

India has also reported that 58 of its nationals have been confirmed dead so far and 78 others remain missing.

This as the latest figures from Pakistan show that 57 people have died, 47 been injured, and 102 gone missing.

Credible inquiry urged

Meanwhile, the chief minister of the northern Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, requested a credible inquiry into the incident and to establish the exact number of pilgrims killed in the stampede.

“There should be no blame game. There should be an inquiry because lives of millions of people are at stake. I request, on the behalf of this House and as a concerned person who is associated with it, for a credible inquiry,” the chief Minister said in the state Assembly.

This comes on the same day that Iran, which has the highest number of deaths in the crush, held a funeral for victims after their bodies were sent back to their homeland. Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization says 4,700 people, including 464 Iranians, also lost their lives in Mina.

The rise in the number of the deaths confirmed by different countries comes as Saudi Arabia has refused to update its initial death toll of 769.

The crush occurred after two large masses of Hajj pilgrims fused together in Mina.

Some two million people were participating in Hajj rituals when the incident took place.

Saudi Arabia has also failed to take responsibility for its role in the tragedy and has not yet apologized to the countries that lost nationals in the incident.

Riyadh has come under pressure by many who say mismanagement by Saudi authorities resulted in the high number of casualties.


Photos: Imam Ali Islamic Center in Texas launch Kids’ Eid Ghadir exhibition

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – On March 10, 632 CE, in the tenth year of Hijra, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) received a revelation from God, ordering him to halt the pilgrims at a pond called Khum, a place near Mecca, and to designate Imam Ali (PBUH) as his successor in guiding and ruling Muslims.

Eid al-Ghadeer is also known as Eid al-Akbar (the greatest Eid) in Islamic narrations, since Muslims believe that the mission of all the previous messengers of Allah became accomplished on this day.

Photos: Ghadir Khum festival hold in Istanbul, Turkey

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – On March 10, 632 CE, in the tenth year of Hijra, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) received a revelation from God, ordering him to halt the pilgrims at a pond called Khum, a place near Mecca, and to designate Imam Ali (PBUH) as his successor in guiding and ruling Muslims.

Eid al-Ghadeer is also known as Eid al-Akbar (the greatest Eid) in Islamic narrations, since Muslims believe that the mission of all the previous messengers of Allah became accomplished on this day.

Ten Pakistani Shiites killed in September 2015: Report

Ten Shia Muslims were martyred by takfiri terrorists, in Pakistan, during the last month i.e. September 2105.

Those innocent people were killed at the time when both the National Action Plan and operation Zarb e Azab have been fully operational in the country against Taliban, Daesh, Al-Qaeda and other similar organizations that have been involved in terrorist activities and major terrorist incidents in the country.

However, organizations that promote sectarianism and incite killing in the name of sect are still working in the country either under the shelter of political parties or by changing their names and hence been exempted from this policy. The name of banned Ahl e Sunnat wal Jamaat (Sipah e Sahaba) is on the top of the list of such organizations and it has even openly threatened to kill Shia Muslims.

According to the reports, takfiri terrorists had killed 10 Shia Muslims during the month of September 2015.

Riaz Alvi was martyred on 4th September in Charsadha, Zeeshan Haider was killed on 7th September in D.I. Khan, Qaiser Abbas and Khizar Abbas got killed on 11th September in Peshawar, Najaf Shah and Kashif were martyred in D.I. Khan on 16th September, Irfan Haider was killed in Karachi on 19th September and Asad Ibrahim embraced martyrdom in Liaqatabad, Karachi on 30th September.


Photos: Russian warplanes in Syria