Israel assassinated Palestinian resistance fighter along with his little girl, and pregnant wife

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A Palestinian collaborator with Israeli occupation disclosed that Israel targeted the fighter’s vehicle despite knowing about the presence of his wife and young girl in the car.

The unnamed collaborator confessed that he was involved in the assassination of a Palestinian resistance fighter, Yasser Mohamamd Taha, in 2003.

A security source of Hamas said that Israeli intelligence officers followed the car that was carrying Martyr Yaser Taha in Gaza in 2003 and ordered to strike it with three missiles. This led to the death of fighter Taha, his little girl, and his wife who was pregnant.

The fighter belonged to al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas Resistance Movement.

Israel has always blackmailed vulnerable Palestinians and turned them against their own people.


Army visit to East Lancashire mosque ‘opens doors’

In the first event of its kind in the UK, the Army Engagement Group was invited by religious leaders from the Minhaj-ul-Quran mosque in Nelson to give a presentation to those attending evening prayers.

The group, which tours the country explaining the Army’s role to various audiences, then faced a question and answer session at the Carr Street centre, which dealt with subjects such as the effects of conflict on civilians and career opportunities in the military.

Earlier in the day they had also visited Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School and Sixth Form College and Tauheedul Islam Boys’ School in Blackburn.

Col Philip Harrison, deputy commander of 42nd Infantry Brigade, said: “It’s important that we talk with communities in our region so that we better understand their perspectives and they have a better idea about our role in society.

“It’s clear from the questions we were asked after our presentation, and the discussion we had over our meal, that everyone found the evening helpful and informative.

“But this is just a starting point for us and I’m looking forward to more opportunities to meet with many members of the Muslim community, and other faiths, across the North West.”

General secretary of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (UK), Moazzam Raza, described the event as “informative”, adding: “It’s very important that local communities understand the services that the civilian and state institutions provide for the nation, the challenges they face and support they require.

“It is equally important that the great institutions of our country understand our diverse communities and serve them accordingly.”

Faz Patel, who works with the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, said: “We have had a great day. 

“It was quite something for ours to be the first mosque in the country to host a visit by the Army Engagement Group.”


UN experts call on Saudi Arabia to cancel execution of al-Nimr

Ali al-Nimr was given the death penalty in May after taking part in demonstrations three years ago for democracy and equal rights in Saudi Arabia’s oil-producing Eastern Province.

“Any judgment imposing the death penalty upon persons who were children at the time of the offense, and their execution, are incompatible with Saudi Arabia’s international obligations,” the U.N. group said in a statement Tuesday, invoking the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Saudi Arabia is a party.

France said it was “concerned” about the situation.

“Opposed to the death penalty in all cases and circumstances, we call for the execution to be called off,” Foreign ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said.

France does not usually comment on death penalty cases in Saudi Arabia due to their frequency. It has nurtured strong relations with Riyadh Wahhabi due to its tough stance on the Shia Muslims.

Nimr was convicted of sedition, rioting, protesting and robbery in the Eastern Province district of Qatif, home to many of the Wahhabi-ruled kingdom’s minority Shia, who say they face entrenched discrimination.

Nimr, who activists said was 17 at the time of his arrest in 2012, was also convicted of chanting anti-state slogans in illegal protests and inciting others to demonstrate, according to state media.

“Saudi Arabia’s plans to behead and crucify someone arrested as a child are indefensible,” said Donald Campbell, spokesman for international human rights charity Reprieve.

“The international community – particularly Saudi Arabia’s close allies, the UK and the U.S. – must stand with the French government and U.N. experts against this outrage, and call on the Saudi authorities to put a halt to this unjustified killing.”

The conviction of Nimr, a nephew of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a prominent Shia cleric who is also on trial, followed that of Rida al-Rubh, 26, the son of another cleric who has been critical of the authorities.

The clerics are part of a group of around a dozen defendants on trial for their part in protests and violent unrest in Qatif, particularly in the village of Awamiya, where police officers and facilities have been attacked.


Afghan forces kill 150 Taliban militants

Afghan officials say 150 Taliban militants have been killed and dozens of others wounded in an operation aimed at retaking northern Kunduz Province’s capital city.

Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense said in a statement released on Thursday that 90 militants had also been injured in the fight for the city of Kunduz, which is located 250 kilometers (155 miles) north of the country’s capital, Kabul.

According to the statement, there were no civilian casualties in the operation.

Afghan Special Forces earlier said they had recaptured the city from the militants.

Taliban militants seized Kunduz on September 28, taking over government buildings, a hospital, and also releasing some 600 prisoners at a detention center, including Taliban commanders.

The recapturing of the strategic city was significant for Afghan troops as Kunduz Province lies on a crossroads that connects some key regions of the country.

The city has been witnessing battles between security forces and militants since April.

Ongoing violence in Afghanistan comes 14 years after the US and its allies invaded the country as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. Although the Taliban were removed from power because of the invasion, many areas in the country are still threatened by insecurity.


Bahraini Prince Injured by Yemeni Military

On September 14, several sources revealed on their twitter accounts that Khalid had been either killed or injured in Ma’rib.

According to al-Safir newspaper, Khalid has not appeared in front of the public ever since then and was even absent in the funeral ceremony of Dubai ruler’s son and the media have just been informed by his office that he is running affairs and fulfilling his daily duties.

But sources close to Khalid told the daily on Wednesday that he had been injured in Ma’rib, without disclosing further details.

The report came after informed sources announced on September 21 that son of the Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, was also killed in the Yemeni revolutionary forces’ attack in Ma’rib province, rejecting claims that Sheikh Rashid has died of heart attack.

“Sheikh Rashid and a number of other UAE forces were killed in a Yemeni forces’ Katyusha attack in Ma’rib province and reports on his death as a result of a heart attack are only aimed at deceiving the Emirati people who are demanding withdrawal of the UAE troops from Yemen,” the Yemeni Press quoted informed sources as saying.

The UAE news websites had claimed that Sheikh Rashid had died of a heart attack.

A Saudi-led coalition force has been striking Yemen for 190 days now to restore power to fugitive President Abed-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The Saudi-led aggression has so far killed at least 6,433 Yemenis, including hundreds of women and children.

Despite Riyadh’s claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi warplanes are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.


Iran supports Russian airstrikes in Syria

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham on Thursday voiced the country’s support for Russia’s attacks against Takfiri terrorists in Syria.

A real fight against the root causes of the phenomenon of terrorism, which is a common threat against regional and global peace and security, is a necessity, Afkham stressed.

The fight against terrorism requires “serious resolve and joint international action based on cooperation with the Iraqi and Syrian governments that shoulder the main burden of the anti-terror campaign,” she added.

“Given the official request of the Syrian government from the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran considers Russia’s military operation against armed terrorist groups in Syria as a step in line with the fight against terrorism and towards the resolution of the ongoing crisis in the region,” Afkham announced.

Russia launched its first air strikes against terrorist targets in Syria hours after Russian parliament gave a formal consent to President Vladimir Putin to use the country’s military in Syria to fight terrorism at a request from the Syrian President Bashar Assad.

“In accordance with the decision by Supreme Commander of Russian Armed Forces Vladimir Putin, aircraft from the Russian Aerospace Force began today (Wednesday) an operation which involves precision airstrikes on ISIL land-based targets in Syria,” spokesman for Russian Defense Ministry Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

Meanwhile, the office of Assad welcomed Russia’s decision to carry out air strikes in Syria, saying the military support came at the request of Damascus.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011. In the past four years, more than 240,000 people have died in Syria -overwhelmingly civilians– and around 4 million Syrian people are now refugees in other countries. Another 7.6 million are displaced inside Syria.


Enemies resent Iran independence: Imam Khamenei

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on Thursday called on the Iranian armed forces to speed up their progress and boost their preparation to gain such power that enemies would not even think of attacking the country.

In a meeting with Iranian Army commanders and officials in the northern city of Noshahr, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described as “valuable” Iran’s current military achievements in different fields, but at the same time urged accelerated progress due to the “historical lags” in the country’s development.

“By accelerating their progress and boosting their preparedness, (Iran’s) Armed Forces should create such power that enemies would not even dare to think of any (anti-Iran) offensive,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Leader further referred to the Iranian nation’s resistance against the policies of Global Arrogance as the main reason behind the hostilities towards the country, rejecting as “incorrect” the perception that the enmities would fade away if the country backs down on its positions.

“The enemy is seeking the surrender of the Islamic Establishment, and the hostilities would not end by giving in to them,” the Leader stressed.

In relevant remarks last year, Ayatollah Khamenei had underscored that the Iranian nation will never give in to pressures of the US and other world powers.

“The (world) powers should know that the Iranian nation will not be brought to its knees, because it is a lively nation, and the youth of the country are moving ahead in the right direction,” the Leader said at the time.


Saudi should ‘accept responsibility’, offer ‘apologies’ for Mina incident: FM spokeswoman

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman urged the Saudi government to accept full responsibility for a last week’s crush of people in Mina that killed thousands of Hajj pilgrims, including hundreds of Iranians, saying Riyadh owes the Islamic countries an apology.

Marziyeh Afkham on Tuesday once again blamed the tragic incident on Saudi Arabia’s “mismanagement and incompetence,” urging the Kingdom to stop shirking responsibility and shifting the blame onto others.

She said Riyadh’s obstinacy, deflecting the blame for Mina deaths and shirking responsibility for the disaster will further “taint the image of Saudi Arabia in the world.”

The Thursday crush of pilgrims in Mina, near the Saudi city of Mecca, has killed more than 4,000 people during religious rituals, marking the worst ever Hajj disaster.

So far, around 240 Iranian pilgrims have been pronounced dead in the incident. Some other Iranians are still unaccounted for.

Elsewhere in her comments, Afkham slammed Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir’s recent comments about development in Syria and Yemen as “unconstructive and irrelevant”, stressing that “military interference” in Syria and Yemen have just escalated extremism and instability across the region.

“By adopting belligerent policies, Saudi Arabia has unfortunately turned into the main source of spread of extremism and bellicosity,” she deplored.

The spokeswoman also called for the international community’s serious action to prevent Saudis from continuing their aggressive policies and killing of civilians.

Saudi Arabia has been involved in a military campaign against Yemen since March 26.

Leading a military coalition, Riyadh has been launching deadly air strikes against Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement in an attempt to restore power to the fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

On Monday, two airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition targeting the Houthis struck a wedding party, killing 28 people and wounding dozens.


Indian police nabs six over fatal beating of Muslim

Police in India have detained six people over the death of a Muslim man severely beaten by purported Hindu extremists over rumors that his family had eaten beef.

Mohammad Akhlaq, 50, was dragged out of his house on the suburbs of the Indian capital, New Delhi, and was assaulted by some 100 people on Monday night, a police officer said on Wednesday.

“When our team reached the spot, a crowd was there outside his house. They (police forces) managed to rescue him and take him to the hospital, but his life could not be saved,” said senior police officer Kiran S., adding, “We have arrested six people and deployed additional personnel to contain any further repercussions.”

Akhlaq’s 22-year-old son was also critically wounded in the attack and was taken to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at a nearby hospital.

The rumor that the family had eaten beef spread after a calf was reported missing in Dadri village, 35 kilometers (22 miles) from the capital.

“An announcement about the family consuming beef was made at a temple, after which the mob descended on the man’s house,” said Kiran.

According to Akhlaq’s daughter Sajida, the family had mutton in the fridge, not beef.

“They (the attackers) accused us of keeping cow meat, broke down our doors and started beating my father and brother. My father was dragged outside and beaten with bricks,” she said.

Killing cows is banned in many parts of India, a majority-Hindu country with a sizeable Muslim population of some 180 million.


Senior cleric condemns Saudi regime for their neglect in Mina crush

Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, the head of Tqrib Global Association condemned the Saudis neglects in Mina event and asked the World Court and other international associations to investigate the case.

Ayatollah Araki who was interviewing with the correspondent of the Center of Supervision on Mosques Affairs, stated his words in condemning Saudis. He said:

“Saudis at least were charged to deliver drinking water to the wounded. Even no SOS helicopter were not sent to shed water on their bodies in order to protect them in front of high temperature in Mina. Hundreds of people are killed in such condition that there had not been no bomb explosion or any other causes of suddenly death. They are died gradually. It means, Saudi SOS and police had enough time to save the wounded pilgrimages but they neglected and didn’t do that. Instead, they left the wounded people to be died slowly”

Ayatollah Araki continued: “It was not the first year of Mina Ceremonies execution. This ceremony backs to hundred years back. But it is never happened like this. Surely, closing the way caused to this incident. Those people who had been in Mina, know this matter very well that for happening such bitter event, just it enough to close one of the entrances ways to Mina. “

The head of Tqrib Global Association condemned the Saudis neglects in Mina event and asked the World Court and other international associations to investigate the case.
