Al-Khalifa congratulated Saudis for organizing successful Hajj

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said all the more strange that the Bahraini Al Khalifa dynasty congratulated the Saudi’s for organizing a successful Hajj. “Is this not ignorance and stupidity?”

During his advanced jurisprudence class at Qom’s Grand Mosque, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi stated that there is no doubt that the mismanagement of the Hajj pilgrimage by the Saudi authorities caused this tragedy and added that the accident was preventable but the authorities either did not want to or could not take the necessary steps to prevent it.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi referred to the Saudi regime’s mishandling of this incident, and explained that such an incident of this extent is rare and unique: “Unfortunately, instead of first sympathizing with the family of the bereaved, failing to determine a group to investigate the cause of the accident are punish the offenders and compensating the victims for their losses or adopting measures (even with the help of others) so that such incidents are not repeated in the future, they said ‘this was due to divine fate and destiny which are inevitable!’ This is pure mismanagement!”

He criticized the Saudi’s excuse, saying: “Can we remove road controls and say the death toll from the accidents that will occur are caused by divine fate and destiny?”

The teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom explained that the House of Saud have not understood the meaning of divine fate and destiny, saying: “Even worse is that the Saudi Grand Mufti [Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al al-Shaykh] had stated that some pilgrims want to be killed in Mina and to reach a high station [in the hereafter] and put their selves in harm’s way.”

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said that if they had planned for such incidents and dealt properly [with the results] of this tragedy, it would not have been so severe.

“This incident was very unfortunate and surprising,” he added.

He said all the more strange that the Bahraini Al Khalifa dynasty congratulated the Saudi’s for organizing a successful Hajj. “Is this not ignorance and stupidity? We want them to come to their senses and to reform their approach,” he said.

The Iranian scholar emphasized that the Hajj pilgrimage belongs to the entire Islamic community and said one of the adverse effects of this issue is the attack on the sanctity of the Hajj which unfortunately, brought about great damages, adding: “These losses cannot be simply and easily compensated for.”

In conclusion, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi expressed hope that God will compensate [the victims] in different ways for this great loss to the Islamic world.


First group of Iranian hajj pilgrims arrive Tehran

The first flight of Iranian hajj pilgrims returning from Saudi Arabia landed at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport at 13:10 local time (09:40 GMT) on Monday.

Director general of Hajj Affairs at Iran Airports Company (IAC) Manouchehr Sepasi had reiterated that the Iranian pilgrims return flights will start today and continue until Oct 17.

Sepasi noted that some 64,100 Iranians have made the pilgrimage trip to perform Hajj.

Expressing regret over the fatal incident in Mina, he offered condolences to the Iranian government and the families of the killed pilgrims.

‘We are waiting for the permits of Iranian government and Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization to return home the bodies of the Iranian pilgrims killed during a rush in the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina.’

The death toll of the Iranian pilgrims reached 169 on Monday.


International Quranic figures condole deaths of renowned Iranian Quran reciters in Mina tragedy

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A number of internationally-known Quranic figures sent messages of condolences over the deaths of two prominent Iranian Qaris (reciters) in a recent tragedy in Mina, near the Saudi city of Makkah.

At least 169 Iranian pilgrims, including the two reciters, Mohsen Hajihassani Kargar and Amin Bavi, have so far been confirmed dead in the crush during the Hajj rites on September 24, which claimed the lives of over 2,000 people.

Senior Egyptian Quran master Ahmed Ahmed Noaina in a message described the tragic event as a disaster and extended condolences to Iran’s Quranic community and the bereaved families of the two Qaris.

Muhammad Taha Abdul Wahab, another senior Quranic figure in Egypt also offered condolences over the deaths and prayed Allah to bestow His mercy and remission on the two and fortitude for the families. 

Egyptian Quran master Farajullah Shazli also expressed condolences on the death of prominent Iranian Qari Mohsen Hajihassani Kargar. He said these pilgrims who lost their lives during the Hajj rituals are martyrs. He prayed God to bestow His mercy and blessings on the victims of the tragedy.

Iraqi Quran master Adnan al-Salehi and internationally-acclaimed Quran master Yahya al-Sahaf also sent messages of condolence over the tragic deaths of Hajihassani Kargar and Bavi.


Iran Rejects Arab Media Reports on Former Envoy’s Visit to S. Arabia

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham dismissed as false some media reports that claimed the former ambassador to Lebanon, who is among the Iranians missing after a recent crush near Mecca, has travelled to Saudi Arabia incognito and on a fake visa.

In a statement on Monday, the Iranian spokeswoman described the reports by some Arab media outlets as “hasty and incorrect,” saying that they are pursuing certain political purposes.

The Al Arabiya TV claimed official records show that the name of the former Iranian ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi “does not appear among this year’s pilgrims”.

Afkham said that Roknabadi has gone on Hajj pilgrimage on his regular passport and that the Saudi authorities have precise information about all Iranian pilgrims, including Roknabadi.

There is no doubt about the former diplomat’s legal entry into Saudi Arabia, she added.

Roknabadi, who served as Iran’s ambassador to Beirut from 2010 to 2014, remains unaccounted for following the huge crush in Mina, Saudi Arabia, which killed hundreds of Hajj pilgrims last week.

About 2000 pilgrims died in the Thursday crush when performing religious rites. With the death toll rising, many pilgrims are still unaccounted for in the incident that marked the worst Hajj disaster in 25 years.

So far, 169 Iranian pilgrims have been pronounced dead and nearly 300 Iranians remain missing.


Karbala officials, clergies condole with Imam Khamenei, people

Meanwhile during the course of the past two days representatives from the holy shrines of Imam Hussein (a.s) the shrine of His Holiness Abulfazl Al Abbas (a.s), that of Imam Ali (a.s), Al Daawa Party, Iraqi Supreme Islamic Council and a group of prominent clergies and state officials have in meeting with Iran’s Consul General Masud Hosseinian expressed their deep sympathy with the Iranian nation and the bereaved families.

Karbala religious leaders and state and party officials expressed sympathy with Imam Khamenei the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Iranian government, nation and the bereaved families.

They said that both Almighty Allah and the Islamic nations know quite well that the Saudi officials are in both worlds fully responsible for the human tragedy of the Muslim World.

Representative of Grand Ayatollah Safi said, ‘The pure bold of those martyrs will never be wasted and Almighty Allah will take revenge on His guests’ lost lives from the creators of that heinous crime.’


President Rouhani: Saudi invasion of Yemen leads to its isolation

President Rouhani has said Saudi’s invasion of Yemen has widened the distance between the monarchy and the Islamic countries including Iran.

Meeting with members of US think tanks on Sunday evening in New York, Iranian president touched upon different regional and international issues. Given the complicated situation in the Middle East, Rouhani asserted that policies and measures adopted by Western countries in the name of fighting terrorism has triggered more violence and insecurity in the region.

“However, amidst all the difficulties in the region, Iran’s nuclear deal was a promising success, reviving the idea of negotiation as the most beneficial solution for all,” he said.

Rouhani asserted that Iran is loyal to its commitments under JCPOA and believes its implementation as advantageous for all.

Noting the Syrian crisis, president said “it is one of the most crucial issues of the region today; the Syrian government is in need of reform indeed, yet the first step has to be eradication of terrorism in the country,” adding that “Iran is ready to cooperate with any country who prioritizes fight against terrorism in settling the crisis.”

“The fight against terrorism should not target the Syrian government who is a critical actor in settling the issue,” Rouhani underlined.

He also stressed the need for cooperation in this regard, saying that no country would be able to overcome the terrorism issue alone.

Asked on Iran’s role in the region and the issue of Iranophobia, President Rouhani stressed the peaceful nature of Iranian policies, asserting that, “Iran has never invaded any country; despite all propaganda against Iran, it is clear that it has never been and will not be a threat on regional and international stage.”

“Iran believes in territorial integrity and national unity of all countries and is ready to aid any country in this regard,” he stated.

Rouhani, considering Tehran-Riyadh relations, expressed regret over the unfriendly ties, and underlined the Saudi invasion of Yemen as isolating Saudi Arabia from Islamic world as well as Iran. “As members of the Islamic family, we have to accept and tolerate the differences and prepare the ground for further cooperation on different fields,” Iranian President reiterated.


David Cameron: Bashar al-Assad must be toppled

British Prime Minister David Cameron has insisted that Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad must be toppled, even if he ends up playing an interim role in any transitional government.

“We want a Syria without ISIL and without Assad, because frankly there is no future for the Syrian people with a country which has either one or the other, both need to go,” Cameron said in New York on Sunday.

“But we should be clear… Assad going is in Syria’s interests and ours too.”

The British prime minister who is in the US for the annual UN General Assembly meeting emphasized that Assad could not be part of Syria’s future in the long run.

“What we are saying, as we have always said, is you need on top of the military campaign against ISIL you need a political strategy and a peace settlement where you have a transition in Syria from Assad to something else, that has always been the case, it needs to happen and that is still the case,” Cameron has been quoted as saying by Reuters.

The British prime minister had earlier been quoted by the media as saying that Assad can stay on as part of a transitional government.

However, he had emphasized that the incumbent Syrian president should not be part of Syria’s future in the long run.

Other reports earlier said the British prime minister was preparing to tell the United Nations General Assembly that peace in Syria is impossible while President Assad remains in power.

However, unnamed government officials had been quoted as saying that London believes Assad would not necessarily have to go immediately as part of any peace deal for Syria.


Did Iranian pilgrims cause Hajj stampede?

Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- While all Muslims around the world are sorrowing over the death of more than 2000 pilgrims in the hajj of this year, Saudi authorities shamelessly are trying to blame others for this tragic event.

After blaming African pilgrims or calling this accident as a destiny from God, Saudi authorities now are pointing an accusing finger at Iran, where nearly the most of victims are from.  

In this regard Saudis have lunched some campaigns against Iran under the name of ‘Iran kills Pilgrims’.

Asharq Al-Awsat daily which is related to Saudi royal family, today, in an illusory quotation from an unknown Iranian official in Hajj department claimed that Iranian pilgrims are in charge of Mina disaster!

“The Hajj tragedy that has left hundreds of people dead and injured was caused by a group of Iranian pilgrims who failed to follow instructions from Hajj authorities. The accident occurred after a group of around 300 Iranian pilgrims failed to follow orders and caused the accident,” Asharq Al-Awsat claimed.

For investigating the authenticity of the news, Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- has conducted an interview with one of Iranian Hajj officials in Mecca who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid any threat from Saudis.



ABNA: Asharq Al-Awsat daily claimed that 300 Iranian pilgrims caused the Mina accident as they allegedly moved against the crowd, thus provoking pilgrims to panic. Since you were there, can you tell us if such claims are valid?

Not true at all. Those who have attended Hajj in recent years know very well that it is impossible to walk against the crowd. Moreover, the incident occurred in the morning of Eid, long before pilgrims even attempted to perform Rami; and so why would anyone be walking back? It makes no sense whatsoever!

ABNA: In past years, pilgrims were able to move in all directions via corridors – was it the same this year?

No actually it wasn’t! This year there was no alternative route made available to pilgrims. Everyone had to use the same corridor, at the same time without any alternative provision.

ABNA: Asharq Al-Awsat daily claimed that when the 300 Iranian pilgrims in question travelled from  Mozdalafe to Mina they failed to go to their tents. Is that true?

This is not true. After coming to Mina we went to our tents and ate breakfast; then we moved toward Jamarat. As I said before this event happened near Jamarat not at the entrance of Mozdalafe. There was a one-way road toward the Jamarat. Also, how is it possible for 300 people to move against thousands?!

ABNA: So what prompted this tragedy?

Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia is responsible! The Saudi police blocked the road, forcing people to move in a very small and closed up road. They sent most of Hajj pilgrims on Street 204, but unfortunately that street was closed out! Police then called on those people in the front to sit adn wait. When they sat down those behind thought the way had been opened up and as a result moved forth. People began tripping over one another and mayhem ensued.

ABNA: Do you know why the authorities blocked the road?

Maybe they did that to prevent people from being accumulated on the bridge of Jamarat, and prevent people from falling off the bridge. Either way the move was callous.

ABNA: How did the Saudi Police react to the accident?

The Saudi security forces were terrible; they did nothing. They were just watching as people began dying. No efforts were made to help anyone.

ABNA: Asharq Al-Awsat also claimed that the Iranian pilgrims had a schedule and should have gone to Rami, arguing that the heads of the Iranian caravan ignored the schedule and as a result put people in harm’s way.

Also this is not true; in fact there was no such schedule. This is pure fabrication.

ABNA: So why are the Saudi authorities putting those accusations forward?

Clearly, they don’t want to accept any responsibility and so they are trying to deflect blame by finding a scapegoat.

ABNA: Asharq Al-Awsat claims it source is an unnamed Iranian hajj official!

It mentioned no name because all of these claims are fabricated. Iranian hajj officials vehemently denied these claims.

ABNA: To introduce Iran as the main cause of the accident some Saudi sources have also claimed that  Iranians were arrested, is it true?

No, this report is also a baseless rumor.

ABNA: Why so many victims of the tragedy were from Iran and Africa?

Actually, the tents of African and Iranian pilgrims were set up near where the accident happens which is why they suffered most.

ABNA: As you know Saudi rescue forces arrived 2 or 3 hours after the accident, how can such a thing be possible?

Unfortunately, the Saudi government wasn’t prepared to manage such an event.

The End



Imam Hussain shrine sends 420 canopies to popular mobilization forces

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Nearing winter soon, the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has provided the popular mobilization and other security forces with 420 canopies.

It’s been mentioned that 500 canopies had been allocated and used to temporarily accommodate pilgrims of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) during the millionth pilgrimages, and now, 420 of them have been given to the security forces in terms of supporting them.

"Saudi Wahhabi authorities just observed pilgrims to die and do nothing"

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – As criticism against Riyadh regime continues to mount over a deadly incident near the holy city of Mecca, a survivor says a large number of Saudi Arabian soldiers looked on as hundreds died, Press TV reports.

An Iranian survivor of the September 24 incident in Mina, whose name was not revealed, said only a handful of Saudi soldiers assisted those being trampled in the crush.

“When I returned to the disaster point to help, Saudi soldiers prevented me from entering the area. This, as only a handful of Saudi soldiers were helping the victims, while a large number of them were standing by idly and looking,” the man told reporters.

The incident occurred as a large crowd of pilgrims were on their way to participate in the symbolic stoning of Satan in Jamarat. Reports indicate that Saudi authorities had blocked a road to Jamarat, forcing another column of pilgrims who had completed the ritual to return on the same route.

A number of other survivors have also shared similar accounts, saying that mismanagement by the Saudi authorities and a poor rescue response complicated the situation.

Some accused Saudi soldiers of selectively rescuing suffocating pilgrims based on their nationalities.

According to accounts, some died after being trapped for up to four to five hours under bodies.

Some two million people were in Mecca for the annual pilgrimage at the time of the crush.

According to Saudi Arabia’s Health Ministry, the death toll from the incident stands at about 770.

The head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, Saeed Ohadi, however, says the disaster has killed around 2,000 pilgrims, including some 170 Iranians. Tens of Iranians have also been wounded, while about 300 Iranian nationals are still missing.

The incident occurred just days after a crane collapse into the Grand Mosque, which killed more than 100 people.
