Over 90,000 Palestinians arrested by Israel since 2000

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The Israeli occupation forces arrested over 90,000 Palestinians since the start of Al-Aqsa Intifada on September 28th, 2000, the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs said on Sunday.

Such arrests targeted all categories of the Palestinian society, including injured civilians, sick persons, girls, children, MPs, lawmakers, and the elderly, the documentation department at the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs reported.

The Palestinian arrestees included 12,000 children below the age of 18 and 1,200 women, four among whom gave birth to their newborns in Israeli lock-ups.

The commission added that there are 200 children and 25 women still behind Israeli bars.

According to the report, the Israeli occupation arrested more than 65 lawmakers and ministers over the same period.

The Israeli occupation authorities issued 25,000 new or renewed administrative sentences against the Palestinian detainees. 480 inmates are still held administratively in Israeli jails.

At least 83 Palestinian detainees died of harsh torture and preplanned medical neglect in Israeli jails since 2000. Dozens of others died shortly after they were released as they succumbed to diseases they caught while jailed.

The Palestinian detainees suffered all kinds of torture and maltreatment during their arrest period, the group further documented.


Israeli forces raid Al-Aqsa Mosque again

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Israeli occupied forces raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Monday and deployed heavily in the courtyard, leading to clashes with Palestinian worshipers ahead of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Officials from the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Endowment said that dozens of Israeli forces raided the holy site and fired stun grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets “haphazardly” in the area, Ma’an reported.

Around 15 snipers deployed on the roof of the southern mosque, while Israeli forces in riot gear were stationed in the main courtyards.

Witnesses said Israeli forces closed the doors of the southern mosque with chains and forcibly evacuated worshipers from the area through the Hatta Gate.

Locals also said that Israeli soldiers used hammer drills and oxy fuel wielding tools to remove several windows from the mosque.

Only the Hatta, Chain, and Council Gates were open for Palestinians to access the holy site, with worshipers performing dawn prayers outside of the compound early Monday.

Clashes broke out on Sunday after Israeli forces raided the compound.

Young masked Palestinians “threw stones and fireworks at full equipped police and border police forces”, who responded with “riot dispersal means”, Israeli police said of Sunday’s clashes.

Calm returned to the compound later on Sunday morning and most police were withdrawn, an AFP journalist reported.

Palestinians have been alarmed by an increase in visits by extremist Jews and fear rules governing the compound will be changed.



Eyewitness account of Mina disaster: Saudis did nothing to save us for couple of hours!

Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- In the worst hajj disaster in a quarter century, two huge waves of pilgrims converged Thursday on a street near a religious site in Mina, and around 2,000 people were crushed or trampled to death, while so many other were injured.

Following this tragedy accident Iranian Daily Shahr Ara conducted an interview with ‘Haj Hamid Shaker Nijad’, one of the survivors of the accident:

When the accident happened?

It was around 8 AM. We were in Mash’arul Haram, a place between Arafat and Mina. Pilgrims stayed in that place for one night and performed the especial rituals of this place. After that we moved toward Mina for Rami Jamarat. We were in our way to Mina but after a while the crowd stopped and didn’t move anymore; all people were standing shoulder to shoulder so we were not able to move forward or backward. There was a deplorable condition, no water and no oxygen to breathe.

How long you were kept in this condition?

Maybe around 30 minutes; but if you were here you would understand that you can’t stand a quarter under this weather in usual condition. The weather here is too hot so it is not even easy for you to walk and in this horrible condition the time going for you very slow.

How was the reaction of pilgrims in that situation?

Gradually a wave of fear began to rise in all people; we were feeling the fear of death. At first we were thinking that the way should be open soon, but there were high pressures on our chests and we have no oxygen to breath. Fear of death had caused some pilgrims to show certain reactions; some of them were shouting and trying to escape.

You mean there was no way to escape?

There was no way. We were so near to death so we made ourselves ready to die. All the people were in this condition but some of them could control themselves and the other couldn’t. At that time Saudi police called on people to stay on their places and urged them to don’t move; after that some African pilgrims decided to save their lives, so they pushed other people and tried to reach the tents by climbing them; these reactions brought more stresses among people and so many people were crushed to death under the foot.

As it is appear in the news and photos there were lots of people falling down on each other.

Yes, I saw how people being trampled underfoot in the crowd. There was no place to fall; so by falling of the first person, many people fell on him. I saw someone who was so crushed and all his stomach and intestines had spilled out.

Saudi government blames African pilgrims for this deadly disaster, what do you think about that?

Certainly it was Saudi’s fault; they caused this tragedy by blocking the ways. They also did nothing for saving us for 3 or4 hours. We had no water; if there was a quick medical care the number of victims could never reached this huge amount.  

How Saudis were carrying the corpses and the wounded?

It was terrible; very very terrible; they put live people and the dead on each other. They were carrying the corpses and the wounded people by trucks because there were not enough ambulances!!!



Top Sunni scholars condemn Mina tragedy

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A number of Sunni Ulema in northwestern province of West Azarbaijan of Iran said imprudence on the part of Saudi authorities has taken a heavy toll on Hajj pilgrims.

The Sunni Ulema also expressed regret over the fatal incident in Mina and offered condolences to the world Muslims.

According to Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, the death toll of the Iranian pilgrims reached 169.

Meanwhile, the numbers of injured and missing Iranian pilgrims are 46 and 298 respectively.

The pilgrims were on way to jamarāt to perform Hajj rituals there. The Stoning of the Devil is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.

Muslim pilgrims fling pebbles at three walls called jamarāt, in the city of Mina just east of Mecca.

It is one of a series of ritual acts that must be performed in the Hajj.

Many world experts, political and religious officials believe mismanagement was the real cause for the various incidents in this year’s Hajj pilgrimage, including the fall of a huge crane, a fire disaster in a hotel, a fire which spread in the camp of the Egyptian pilgrims in Mina desert, and above all, the Mina stampede.

Meanwhile, First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri held the Saudi government responsible for the Thursday stampede tragedy during hajj pilgrimage in Mecca. More than 2,000 pilgrims lost their lives with hundreds still missing.

‘The Mina incident was a very significant issue for us which unveiled Saudi Arabia’s mismanagement,’ he said.

Jahangiri expressed dismay at the two fatal incidents of crane crash and stampede during current hajj rituals and said, ‘The Government of Iran believes that the Saudi government shall be held accountable and will investigate the causes of the tragedy.’

On September 24, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei declared three days of national mourning following the deaths of several hundred Hajj pilgrims, including Iranians, in the holy city of Mecca.

‘The Saudi government is required to accept its heavy responsibility in this bitter incident and meet its obligations in compliance with the rule of righteousness and fairness. Mismanagement and inadequate measures that were behind this tragedy should not be undermined,” the Leader said.


Iraq warplanes kill 40 ISIS leaders in Anbar

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A security source in Anbar declared Sunday the death of nearly 40 leaders in the ISIS organization in an aerial bombing that targeted a site for them in the province.

The source informed, “In the late hours of yesterday, Iraqi Army Aviation conducted an air strike against Kabisa plant in Anbar province, killing about 40 leaders of the organization,” adding also that, “The bombing led to the destruction of tens of vehicles for ISIS.


Construction of mosque begins in Crimean peninsula

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The construction of Crimea’s central mosque began on Yaltinskaya Street in Simferopol on Friday, Interfax reported.

The mosque will be built on an area of 2.7 hectares and will have four 49-meter-high minarets, which will have domes of 18 meters in diameter. The mosque will be able to simultaneously accommodate up to 3,000 worshippers. Valuable kinds of stones will be used to decorate it.

Local Muslims had been requesting the construction of a cathedral mosque for over 15 years. It will be built by Turkish construction company. The project carries a price tag of two billion rubles.

“Given our agreements with the Turkish side, I believe that we will build the mosque through joint efforts,” Crimean Mufti Emirali Ablayev said during the groundbreaking ceremony for the mosque.

Crimea’s head Sergey Aksyonov, for his part, said that “we will jointly find the money to build the mosque, which will make Simferopol and the whole of Crimea even more beautiful.”


Saudi strikes hit Yemen wedding party, kill several women

A number of women have been killed after a Saudi airstrike on a wedding party in the southwestern province of Ta’izz as more civilians fall victim to the kingdom’s military aggression against its impoverished southern neighbor.

Yemen’s al-Masirah news channel reported on Monday that the attack hit a wedding ceremony in the port city of Mocha.

Saudi fighter jets targeted a market in Razih district in the northwestern Yemeni province of Sa’ada, al-Masirah reported. There were no immediate reports of possible casualties in the attack.

Saudi warplanes also targeted areas in east and south of the capital, Sana’a.

Saudi jets also reportedly targeted Yemen’s central province of Ma’rib over 25 times.

On Sunday, more than 40 Yemenis, mostly women and children, were killed as Saudi jets pounded areas in Hajjah and Ta’izz provinces.

Meanwhile, Yemen’s popular committees, backed by Ansarullah fighters, on Monday launched fresh attacks on Saudi positions in retaliation against the Riyadh regime’s airstrikes.

The allied Yemeni forces fired a barrage of rockets at a military base in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan region. Three Saudi armored vehicles were also destroyed in another attack in the same region.

A report by al-Ahd news website also said that the Yemenis had killed and injured tens of pro-Saudi militants in Ma’rib and destroyed ten vehicles belonging to them.


China authorities ban Islamic names, threatened to bar

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Chinese authorities have banned many Muslim names in China’s northwestern district of Xinjiang and threatened to bar students with such names from attending schools, in the latest crack down on Uighurs’ religious rights.

“My daughter’s name is Muslime, so the village police came to our house and told us that we must change our daughter’s name as soon as possible,” Uighur woman named Turakhan told Radio Free Asia.

“The police explained to us that a name such as Muslime was officially forbidden. Under such circumstances, we were forced to change our daughter’s name.”

The Muslim woman was recounting how she was asked to change her daughter’s Muslim name which became banned in Xinjiang’s Hoten prefecture.

“It is the decision of the township and village authorities. Don’t ask any foolish questions,” the police also told Turakhan.

Some 22 Muslim names, including 15 names for males, were mentioned in the region’s “list of forbidden Muslim names,” in a bid to counter “extremism” in the Muslim dominant region.

An official announcement said that Muslim names like Bin Laden, Saddam, Hussein, Arafat, Mujahid, Mujahidulla, Asadulla, Abdul’aziz, Seyfulla, Guldulla, Seyfiddin, Zikrulla, Nesrulla, Shemshiddin and Pakhirdin are banned.

Amanet, Muslime, Mukhlise, Munise, Aishe, Fatima, Khadicha [Khadija] are the seven banned female names.

Muslim residents and imams were informed about the list by the head of the Political and Law Enforcement Office at the Township Party Committee.

“Village party secretaries or village police have already informed the imams that they must obey the township authority’s restriction on some Islamic names,” the policeman said.

“So in the Hoten region, everybody, including the imams and residents, know which names are legal and which names are forbidden.”

Muslims children with forbidden names are threatened of not being allowed attending kindergarten and elementary school, according to residents.


Banning Muslim names in Xinjiang has been condemned by Uighur leaders who called it a “foolish decision.”

“Giving children religious or ethnic names is a basic human right,” Ilshat Hesen, vice president of the Washington-based Uyghur American Association, said.

“Even in China’s constitution and regional ethnic autonomy laws, there exists no such forbidding of names.”

He added that some high-ranking, pro-China and pro-communist Uighur officials have had typical Muslim names, such as Seyfiddin Azizi, Isma’il Ahmed, Nur Bakri, since the Chinese revolution in 1949.

“More than 80 percent of Uighur traditional names are Islamic names that come directly from the Qur’an and other Islamic texts,” he noted.

“There have been no authorities or governments in China’s history, including the Manchu Qing Dynasty or nationalist government, which have forbidden Uyghur names.”

Last Ramadan, some parts of the far western Xinjiang district banned Muslim party members, civil servants, students and teachers from fasting during the holy month.

Earlier in December, China banned the wearing of Islamic veiled robes in public in Urumqi, the capital of the province of Xinjiang.

The law in the predominantly Muslim region came as Beijing intensified its so-called campaign against “religious extremism” that it blames for recent violence.

Earlier in 2014, Xinjiang banned the practicing of religion in government buildings, as well as wearing clothes or logos associated with religious extremism.

Last May, Muslim shops and restaurants in a Chinese village in northwestern Xinjiang were ordered to sell cigarettes and alcohol or face closure.


Iran’s Larijani demands Hajj crush fact-finding committee

Speaker of Iran’s Parliament Ali Larijani in a message to his Islamic counterparts underscored the necessity for the establishment of a fact-finding committee by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to probe into the recent deadly crush in Mina, Saudi Arabia.

About 2000 pilgrims were killed in a Thursday crush in Mina, near Mecca, when performing religious rites. With the death toll rising, many pilgrims are still unaccounted for in the incident that marked the worst Hajj disaster in 25 years.

In his Monday message to the parliament speakers of Islamic countries, Larijani condoled his counterparts on recent disastrous incidents during the pilgrimage, including the Mina tragedy.

He further urged the OIC and its inter-parliamentary union to find the root causes of the incidents by forming a fact-finding committee, saying the Saudi government is to blame for the huge disaster and should be accountable.

Given the large scale of the incident and the history of similar events in recent years during the Hajj rituals, it is expected of the OIC parliaments to take appropriate measures in a bid to prevent the recurrence of such painful tragedies in the future, Larijani said.

So far, 169 Iranian pilgrims have been pronounced dead and near a hundred others are confirmed to have been wounded in the tragic event.

At least 296 Iranian nationals who went missing after the tragedy are still unaccounted for.

The incident came nearly two weeks after tens of Hajj pilgrims were killed in another tragic incident in Mecca.

On September 11, a massive construction crane crashed into Mecca’s Grand Mosque in stormy weather, killing at least 107 people, including 11 Iranians, and injuring 201 others.

Hajj, the world’s largest annual gathering of people, has already witnessed numerous deadly crushes, fires and riots in the past.

Saudi authorities have come under fire for their inability to ensure the safety of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who converge on Mecca every year.


Former Grand Mufti of Lebanon: No way except jihad to liberate Palestine

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – In regard to the Israel army’s storming of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque and its precincts the former Grand Mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Muhammad-Rashid al-Qabbani, said in a statement that the superpowers have supported and continue to support state terrorism against Palestine and the Palestinian people since the establishment of the so-called State of Israel as a Western colony on the Arab lands of Palestine in 1948.

He added that these Zionist terrorist groups, including the Haganah and the Stern Gang, committed massacres in Deir Yassin and burned and shelled many Palestinian homes and villages with their tanks and artillery.

Shaykh al-Qabbani added that the Western countries who established the Zionist colony in Palestine are responsible for the extermination of the Palestinian people and their expulsion from their homeland and all the crimes committed by Israel since 1948, which included brutal massacres and genocide.

The Lebanese Sunni scholar said that the Zionists’ recent acts of terrorism against the al-Aqsa Mosque and its precincts, which included the storming, siege and the killing of worshipers at his holy site, should be nothing except the signs of the beginning of a battle to liberate of Jerusalem and all of Palestine and completely eliminate this Western colony of terrorism in Palestine [Israel].

His Eminence stressed that all Arab and Muslim armies must participate in this battle.

He explained that Israel and all the countries which support it are involved in schemes to ignite sectarian wars between Arabs and Muslims and divide them in order to prevent their unity as this will lead to liberation of Palestine.

“Do Arabs and Muslims and their countries realize this apparent and hidden deception among their people and countries?” he asked.

Sheikh al-Qabbani believes that the foreign mandate which divided Arab countries after World War II through the Sykes-Picot Agreement sought to distract Arabs from the Palestine issue by creating internal differences among them so that they could take over Palestine and establish a Western Zionist colony for their own imperialist purposes there.

He called on Muslim scholars and governments to rise up and liberate Palestine, saying it is the duty of all Arab and Islamic people to support Palestine and its people and not to fear their weapons.

The former Grand Mufti of Lebanese added that in the Holy Quran, God told us: “Do not slacken in the pursuit of these people. If you are suffering, they are also suffering like you, but you expect from God what they do not expect” [4:104] and added that there is no way to liberate Palestine without jihad in the way of God and that compromise with the Zionists will only cause further damage and keep Palestine in the hands of the occupiers.

“God has promised victory over the deceptive Israeli enemy and the promise of God is the truth,” he added.
