Urge Saudi Arabia to cancel death penalty for Ali al-Nimr

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – UK Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has called on the British premier to urge Saudi Arabia to commute the death sentence of Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr, a young Saudi man, over his alleged role in anti-regime protests in the Arab kingdom.

 “As you may be aware, Ali has now exhausted all his appeals and could be executed any day – in a particularly horrific manner, which involves beheading and the public display or ‘crucifixion’ of the body,” said Corbyn in letter to David Cameron on Friday, adding that “numerous fair trial violations” appeared in Nimr’s trial.

Corbyn urged the premier to raise the case directly with his Saudi counterparts and “request that they commute the unjust and horrific sentence… which violates any number of international laws.”

The Labor Party leader also rejected the Ministry of Justice’s bid to provide services to Saudi Arabia’s prisons.

“Will you step in to terminate the Ministry of Justice’s bid to provide services to the Saudi prisons system – the very body, I should stress, which will be responsible for carrying out Ali’s execution?,” Corbyn further wrote.

He highlighted the urgency of Nimr’s case, saying that “the secrecy of the Saudi system means that he could face execution at any time.”

“There is therefore no time to spare in taking this up with the Saudi authorities, if we are to prevent a grave injustice,” he wrote in conclusion.

Nimr, the nephew of prominent Saudi Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, was arrested during an anti-government protest in Qatif, Eastern Province, back in 2012 when he was only 17 years old. He was later convicted of alleged criminal activities and handed down a death penalty by Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Criminal Court in May 2015.


The statement of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly over ‘Tragedy in Mina’

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

“.. And whoever goes forth from his house towards Allah and His Messenger, and then death overtakes him, his reward is indeed with Allah…”

The catastrophic disaster of Eid al-Adha in the holy land of Mina, which resulted in the death and injury of hundreds of guests of Allah, has caused deep sorrow and concern: sorrow for a large number of believers and pilgrims of Allah of various nationalities who lost their lives, and concern for the fate of administration of the Two Holy Mosques in Mecca and Medina.

Given that the Mina region has witnessed numerous tragedies for pilgrims, the basic question by Muslims around the world is that why no decisive measures are taken for the prevention of such events? And why even worse and bitterer events with more casualties occur every year? Why the lives and the health of this huge number of pilgrims who go to Hajj are not considered so important?

In yesterday’s incident, more than anything, negligence towards the security of the pilgrims is significant; and the question is: if the blocking of the paths was necessary, why pilgrims were not notified of alternative paths? Why no guideposts were arranged to guide the pilgrims who were too weary after one night of lodge in the land of Mash’ar? Why not enough security forces were present to control the large population? Why there were no quick medical or relief services for the victims?

If initial efforts were accomplished to help the wounded pilgrims, the death toll was surely lower. Why this year, when the number of pilgrims was less than other years, the hospitality was like this? And why the government of Saudi Arabia is bragging rather than adopting a sense of duty and responsibility?

In addition to Mina, there is another example of negligence towards the security of the pilgrims, which is the development project that is being continued in Mecca during the Hajj where the frightening shadows of cranes and unstable structures are being seen over millions of pilgrims and two weeks ago killed dozens of them.

It is much regrettable that the Court of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia officially confessed the negligence of the construction work on safety issues!

The Ahlul Bayt World Assembly appeals to Islamic scholars, muftis, heads of Islamic states, human rights organizations, international organizations, particularly the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which agreed to reduce the number of pilgrims, and the great Islamic Ummah to move collectively to shift the administration of pilgrimage and pilgrims from the monopoly of one single country to all Muslim countries in order to use the capacity and facilities of all Muslims to put an end to these tragic disasters.

The Ahlul Bayt World Assembly expresses its condolences on this sad tragedy to the Holy Spirit of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.), his Infallible Household (peace be upon them) and to the Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei and all survivors and mourners across the Muslim world.

We further pray to Almighty Allah to bestow His mercy upon the victims and wish speedy recovery for all the injured pilgrims. O’ Allah! We complain to you on the absence of our Holy Prophet, and on the nonappearance of our Imam, and on the high number of our enemies and low number of ourselves and severe conditions and attacks against us!

The Ahlul Bayt World Assembly

25 September 2015

The head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization said at least 1,300 people have been killed in a crush during Hajj pilgrimage rituals outside Mecca.

He added that the overall death toll is expected to exceed 1,500.


25000 processions from inside and outside of Iraq prepare for Ashura month

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The Husseinian Rites Department in Iraq and other countries have begun to prepare for the month of sorrow “Ashura”. 25000 processions from inside and outside of Iraq began to prepare for Ashura approximately a month ago.

Riyadh Ni’ma Selman, director of the department, invited the media agencies to participate and cover the whole commemoration to broadcast the true image of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) and the goals of his revolution, in addition to delivering the valor of the Iraqi warriors who have adopted the Husseinian principles and been fighting the evil forces.

He also called on the processions to cooperate with the security forces in terms of maintaining peace during the pilgrimages.

He added that security plans were set, in addition to plans for arranging the flow of pilgrims and offering them services.


House of Saud does not deserve to administer Hajj

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – During his Friday prayer sermon delivered to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom’s Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’sumah, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Mohammad Sa’idi said that Iran’s Iran-Iraq War martyrs, wounded and veterans defended Islam, their country, and the obeyed the commands of the Guardian Jurisprudent of their time and sacrificed their lives on this path.

He added that next Friday, we will celebrate Eid al-Ghadir, the day which God Almighty introduced Imam Ali as the caliph and successor of the Prophet Muhammad and it was Imam Ali who demonstrated the correct way of practicing Islam after the Prophet’s passing.

“We hope in these days, greater efforts must be made to introduce Islamic and Shi’a knowledge, especially to the younger generation,” he said.

Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi referred to Thursday’s traumatic stampede in Mina, saying: “The Saudi’s incompetent management of the situation was the cause of these incidents.”

The trustee of the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’sumah stressed that despite an 80-year-long history of holding the Hajj ceremony, the Saudis do not deserve to hold it.

He added that last year more than twenty million pilgrims participated in the Arba’in commemorations in the Iraqi holy city of Karbala and despite the insecurity and numerous threats from Takfiri terrorists, there were no problems.

“However, the Saudis cannot handle two million pilgrims,” he said.

His Eminence added that the Saudi’s role in this incident made this years’ Eid al-Adha bitter for the Muslims of the world, and emphasized that: “Being a custodian of a holy shrine is a huge responsibility and according to God Almighty, only the pious have the ability to fill this role but it is still to be seen whether the current custodians have followed the example of the Quranic verse in this regard or not.”

“The House of Saud do not think about God’s satisfaction and they consider attracting their American master’s attention as more important than anything,” he said.

Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi referred to 1987 incident in Makkah, where hundreds of Hajj pilgrims were killed by the Saudis and noted that this years’ crane collapse at the Sacred Mosque and Thursday’s incident in Mina are the most telling evidence that the Saudis do not deserve to run the Two Holy Mosques.

His Eminence continued: “Reports say that the convoy of a Saudi prince [Muhammad ibn Salman Al Saud] travelling in the opposite direction of the pilgrims was the main reason for the high number of pilgrims being killed. The Saudi government is desperately trying to hide the cause of the incident, but they can never hide from their role in the crimes of the previous day.”

He said that this fact was mentioned by the late Imam Khomeini in 1987, wherein he said that the Islamic world should stand with one voice on this issue and a new plan should be presented to administer the Two Holy Mosques.

Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi stated that Thursday’s catastrophe was an overwhelming tragedy for all of us and added that Iran’s Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, also offered a message of condolences over the tragedy to Imam al-Mahdi and to the survivors and declared three days of mourning.


Death toll of Iranian pilgrims in Mecca rises to 136

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – At least 136 Iranian pilgrims have lost their lives in a deadly crush during the Hajj pilgrimage rituals in Mina, outside the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, according to the head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization.

Saeed Ohadi said on Saturday that 102 Iranian pilgrims had been wounded in the tragic incident while 344 others were still missing.

He noted that Iran has set up 10 teams to identify the injured pilgrims hospitalized in the Saudi port city of Jeddah and the city of Ta’if.

He said the identification of the wounded Iranian pilgrims is difficult due to tight security in Saudi Arabia.

At least 2,000 pilgrims lost their lives in the catastrophic entanglement after huge pilgrim processions were joined in their course on Friday.

It has been reported that the convoy of Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud, the son of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, had arrived at the site, forcing the pilgrims to change their original direction of movement.

Iran’s readiness to transfer killed, injured

Secretary General of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) Ali Asghar Ahmadi said Iran is conducting preliminary work to transfer the bodies of the killed pilgrims to the country and send medical aid to the injured.

He added that the Iranian government plans to send a delegation, headed by Culture Minister Ali Jannati, to Saudi Arabia and noted that the team would be dispatched to the country immediately after receiving visas.

Ahmadi said the delegation would be accompanied by the IRCS head.

He noted that two planes are ready to transfer the bodies of the killed Iranian pilgrims and those injured in the Mina crush to Iran after receiving the Saudi government’s permission.

In a Friday message, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani ordered the formation of a special task force to address the incident in Mina.


Muslim candidates win appeal to run in Myanmar election

Eleven of the more than 100 candidates rejected following a vetting process earlier this month have had their appeals approved, the Myanmar Times said, though many Muslims who say they were unfairly disqualified remain excluded from the much-anticipated general election.

A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said earlier this week that the disqualifications risk “undermining the confidence of the Burmese people and the international community in these elections.”

One of the candidates who were reinstated, Khin Maung Cho, said that a statement issued by nine embassies warning against “religion being used as a tool of division and conflict during the campaign season” may have influenced the commission’s partial reversal.

The disqualifications, which were made on citizenship grounds, follow the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims after their temporary citizenship cards were revoked earlier this year.

Myanmar officially maintains that the Rohingya are interlopers from Bangladesh and refers to them as “Bengalis” despite evidence that many have roots in the country going back generations.

Foreign Minister Wanna Maung Lwin on Thursday defended the decision to strip Rohingya of their voting rights by arguing that green card holders in the U.S. are also not allowed to vote.

Myanmar’s two main parties have both failed to field any Muslim candidates, a move observers believe is an attempt to assuage Buddhist extremists. The 11 who were reinstated are independents or from smaller parties.

Since a reform process began in 2011, when the military regime installed a semi-civilian government, Myanmar has seen bouts of anti-Muslim violence accompanied by widespread hate speech led by prominent Buddhist monks.


Theology students, Ulema protest Mina tragedy

Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami and Ayatollah Abbas Ka’bi, members of the Assembly of Experts, were also present at the event.

The protestors voiced out abhorrence of the Thursday disaster in Mina, Saudi Arabia, that left almost 2,000 pilgrims dead and 2,000 injured.

The gathering also called for punishment for those who are responsible for that tragic incident.

Due to the stampede in Mina during the Hajj rituals on Thursday 2,000 Muslim pilgrims were killed and over 2,000 wounded.

The pilgrims were on way to jamarāt to perform Hajj rituals there. The Stoning of the Devil is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.

Muslim pilgrims fling pebbles at three walls (formerly pillars), called jamarāt, in the city of Mina just east of Mecca.

It is one of a series of ritual acts that must be performed in the Hajj.


15 Civilians Killed in Boko Haram Terrorists Attack in Niger

The attack followed two months of calm in the area and took place as Muslims marked Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice.

“We found a dreadful scene, around 15 people had been executed, four of whom were from Nigeria,” Hassan Ardo, an official from the Diffa governorate told the Tele Sahel television station.

The attackers had also torched 22 houses, a car and a mill, he said, and left four others wounded.

The station said the attack took place Thursday night and was carried out by around a dozen armed militants who had arrived on foot at the village on the banks of the Komadougou Yobe river on the border with Nigeria.

One of the victims was the village chief, the Afani private radio station reported.

In June, 38 civilians were killed — including 10 children — in a Boko Haram attack targeting two villages close to Diffa on the border with northeast Nigeria, where the terrorist group has waged a bloody uprising since 2009, leaving at least 15,000 dead and more than two million others homeless.


Israel fears Palestinian stones not Arab regimes

 “It is ironic that the Israelis are afraid of the stones thrown at them by the Palestinians but are not afraid of the Arab regimes who are still asleep and negligent of what this regime is doing in Jerusalem. In the shadow of this humiliating silence, they are implementing their colonial projects in Jerusalem,” said Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Ali Fadhlullah.

Speaking to a gathering of Lebanese Hajj pilgrims in Makkah, the Lebanese scholar stated that there is no path except through Islamic unity to liberate Jerusalem from the clutches of the Zionist occupiers and added that this cannot be realized until Muslims believe in unity with their hearts.

The Lebanese cleric also criticized Arab and Islamic countries over their silence in the face of the Zionist regime’s crimes against Islam’s third-holiest site, the al-Aqsa Mosque.

Hujjat al-Islam Fadhlullah explained that the Zionist usurpers seek to cut off the Palestinian relationship to the al-Aqsa Mosque, arguing: “If Israel decides to continue its actions in Jerusalem, it will face a new intifada.

In the process of an intifada, they will stop their crimes, but if Arab countries don’t react, Israel will have peace of mind to continue its operations to Judaize the al-Aqsa Mosque.”

His Eminence said that the increased interference of Western countries in regional issues only deepens the existing crises and conflicts and have added to the further tragedies and tension, especially in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Arab countries should rely on their own power to solve their domestic problems and not have hope in the help of foreigners.

Speaking to a gathering of pilgrims in Makkah, he stressing that they should seize the opportunity of this spiritual pilgrimage to expand their horizons and strengthen their links with others and openness to everyone.

Hujjat al-Islam Fadhlullah also met with several Shi’ite religious and political personalities in Makkah and called for discussion over the issues in the Islamic world and ways to unite Muslims at a time when almost the entire Arab and Islamic world is choked in political and sectarian crises.


Saudis bar Iran’s health minister from visiting Mina victims

According to the Health Ministry’s spokesperson Iraj Harirchi, the Saudi officials also refused to provide necessary facilities for the dispatch of an Iranian team to help aid those pilgrims who were injured in the incident.

He said the Iranian health ministry announced readiness to dispatch a medical team to Saudi Arabia immediately after the catastrophic incident to assist the Iranian pilgrims there but were denied access by the Saudi officials.

He went on to note that the Iranian medical teams who have been stationed in Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the Hajj time, are presently working in harsh conditions to render aid to the wounded Iranian pilgrims in Saudi hospitals.

He said about 91 Iranian pilgrims who have been hospitalized are generally in good conditions.

The main concern now, the official noted, is the great number of the Iranian pilgrims who have gone missing and there are still no information available about their destinies.

131 Iranian pilgrims have thus far been declared dead in Thursday Mina disaster, 85 of them are injured in Saudi hospitals and Iranian healthcare centers in Mecca, and 365 of them are sorrowfully still missing.

The relatives of the most disastrous fatal even in the history of Hajj pilgrimage are still shocked with hearts filled with deep sorrow both in Saudi Arabia in Iranian pilgrims’ camps and back home in Iran, awaiting justice to be observed for the creators of this catastrophe for the Islamic world.

Many world experts, political and religious officials believe mismanagement was the real cause for the various incidents in this year’s Hajj pilgrimage, including the fall of a huge crane, a fire disaster in a hotel, a fire which spread in the camp of the Egyptian pilgrims in Mina desert, and above all, Mina stampede.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has ordered a task force to be set up to follow up the incident.
