Al Wefaq on International Peace Day: Bahrain in most need for comprehensive peace

September 21st, 2015

Today, Bahrain is in most need for comprehensive peace on all levels far from the destructive security approaches.

The achievement of peace in Bahrain entails a real national project through courageous and genuine political and economic solutions that put the benefits of the country and its citizens in core consideration.

Peace is a national demand that should be reached by the implementation of justice, balanced representation of all society sides, respect of human rights and democratic principles and equality on the bases of citizenship and law.

These are the essential demands of the Bahraini opposition and the popular movement that erupted in February 2011.

In the strategic Declaration of the Non-Violence Principles, issued on 7th November 2012, the opposition parties in Bahrain presented nonviolence principles and encouraged others to adopt them:

1-    To respect the basic rights of individuals and community groups, and to defend it.
2-    To uphold the principles of human rights, democracy, and pluralism.
3-    Never to adopt any means of violence or violations to Human rights or democratic means.
4-     To condemn violence, in all its forms, sources, and parties.
5-    To defend people’s rights for freedom of expression and assembly.
6-    To emphasize and urge in our literature, speech, and programs on a culture of nonviolence and adopt peaceful and civilized means.

Sheikh Ali Salman, who is Secretary General of Al Wefaq opposition party and who played an essential role in the writing of this declaration, should not be in prison today for defending the democratic demands of the peaceful popular movement.


Bahraini scholar: No compromise to relocate al-Barbaghy Shia mosque

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Member of the (dissolved) Ulama Islamic Council, Sheikh Fadhel Al-Zaki, said “The Al-Barbaghy mosque is still demolished and they haven’t started rebuilding it yet. It is a historic mosque and demolishing it is considered a crime against religion and the whole nation. No one has the right to turn his back on this crime or mitigate it.”

In his response to what was published in the Al-Wasat newspaper that the mosque is getting ready to receive worshippers in its new location, Sheikh Al-Zaki said: “There isn’t any justification to changing the location of Al-Barbaghy Mosque. We are committed to rebuilding it in its original location. The authorities demolished it and it has hidden intentions behind changing its location.”

“The new mosque that was built near Al-Barbaghy is considered a new mosque and it will never be an alternative to the original one,” Sheikh Al-Zaki further stated.

It is noteworthy that Al-Wasat newspaper said in its publication that Al-Barbaghy Mosque was rebuilt in a new location.


Imam Khamenei receives war veterans and their families

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The following is the full text of the speech delivered on September 20, 2015 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with severely disabled war veterans.The following is the full text of the speech delivered on September 20, 2015 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with severely disabled war veterans.

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

I am very happy that I thankfully have another opportunity to meet with a group of you dear ones- even though this has not been enough. Some of the dear disabled war veterans said to me that they have been waiting for this meeting for 20, 30 years and I said to them in response that we are very sorry that they have been waiting for 20 years for a matter of such little significance. Anyway, part of it was because of our inability and part of it was our fault and other such issues. This is the case. Unfortunately we could not hold more meetings and if we could, we like to be with you a lot more than this.

First, Allah the Exalted has recorded your efforts and He will reward you for that. By Allah’s favor, you will receive more rewards on a daily basis. This is because unlike martyrs, your duty is still ongoing and you are subject to pain and to tests through a gradual process. Martyrs were hit by one mortar shell and one bullet and then they departed for paradise, they flew to paradise, and thus their mission was fulfilled. But this is not the case for you. Every day and every hour that passes, you have certain pains and difficulties and you are enduring them.

Allah the Exalted is aware of your hearts and He knows that you are enduring, and every minute, hour and day during which you endure these problems, increases your rewards. Therefore, it is precisely true that the rewards of disabled war veterans will increase on a daily basis. The more hours you are alive, the more your rewards will increase.

We have narrations that sometimes when we give away something – one dirham or a small amount of money – in the way of God, Allah the Exalted will return it to us on Judgment Day the size of Mount Uhud. What you did is like this. You offered one part of your body and you endured one deprivation, which is of course very important and for which you will receive many rewards, but these rewards are constantly increasing and expanding in number. Therefore, you should be thankful to God for this increase in your rewards.

Second, even in the present time, you war veterans are fighting. Even in the present time, you are in fact doing jihad with your disability. How? I do not only mean cultural jihad. I do not mean that you deliver a speech and make certain statements somewhere, do something special, donate money and teach something. Of course, these acts are important in themselves and they are jihadi acts, but the fact that you are sitting in a wheelchair, lying on your bed and walking in the streets and markets with a loss of your vision, your hands and your feet is fighting in itself. Why is that? It is because it shows the calamities and pains of our people during a difficult time. In fact, you are portraying the war and the Sacred Defense Era, like an image and picture, to all those people who are watching you. You are an image of the difficult times that the people of Iran went through and the great test that they passed.

The very essence of your presence and your existence is a battle, expression and promotion. Looking at you shows the crimes of those powers that supported and defended the regime of Saddam. Taking a look at you tells of the greatness and magnanimity of the Imam and the Revolution that managed to build you in this way and to send you to the arenas of war. Taking a look at you tells a part of the history and life of the people of Iran. Therefore, with their existence and presence among the people, disabled war veterans announce certain realities although they do not speak a single word and although they do not participate in any ceremony as promoters and as people who display something. The very essence of your existence tells of certain realities – historical, ideological, political and international realities. This is the case. This is rewardable in itself before Allah the Exalted. This was another point.

The third point is about the ladies who take care of you and your pains as your wives. As the gentleman said in his beautiful poem, these ladies are fighters in the real sense of the word. This is fighting and it is a great fighting. Their service is of great value. Nursing is not less painful – if not more – than suffering a disease. If one nurses, takes care of and listens to a disabled war veteran with his problems and his physical shortcomings and if one does not lose patience with him because of the natural impatience that he might show, this has great rewards before Allah the Exalted. I can tell you ladies – the wives of you disabled war veterans – that Allah the Exalted is giving you glad tidings because of the greatness of the work that you are doing. This is really a jihad and an epic. This is another point.

The last point is that you dear disabled war veterans and ladies, and your children, your relatives and all those people who play a part in taking care of you should try to preserve this great spiritual wealth. You should know that sometimes with our negligence, those great sources of wealth that are at our disposal will be taken away from us. If we show negligence, if we do not pay attention and if we do not act on the basis of this spiritual and divine position, what is available to us as spiritual wealth will be gone.

Therefore, we should be careful. I hope that God will give all of us the capability to preserve these divine blessings – some of which are worldly and some of which are otherworldly – and to thank Him for them.

Once more, I would like to welcome you dear brothers and sisters on the occasion of today’s meeting and your coming to this Hussainiyah and I thank you for that. I ask Allah the Exalted to gladden your hearts, to help you improve your work and to satisfy your needs and your requests. I hope that Allah the Exalted preserves your children, that He sweetens your lives and that He bestows on you a long life with complete health.

Greetings be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings


Release of political prisoners a solution to Bahrain crisis – says Shia scholar al

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Prominent Bahraini Shiite cleric Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour said that the shortest and less costly way to address Bahrain’s problem is by “activating national slogans that everybody accepts and taking the human rights and political reform route,” demanding the release of political prisoners, mainly Sheikh Ali Salman, in order to “revive optimism in the country”.

During his Friday sermon delivered at the Imam Sadiq Mosque on September 18, 2015, Sheikh Sanqour said: “There is a common rhetoric among government parties, pro-government authors, as well as popular political societies and figures working in the field of human rights and political affairs, for they all believe in protecting political and human rights; they believe in the people’s right to freedom, social justice, equality, education, good livelihood, freedom of expression by peaceful means, be part of the decision-making process, work in any government institution, etc.”

“All these parties talk about the importance of coexistence between citizens, maintaining national cohesion, stability, and taking the political and human rights route. They all talk about rejecting sectarianism, extremism, corruption, marginalization and provoking discourse. So where is the problem? Why haven’t we reached a solution to the crisis yet?,” he stressed.

“The problem is that there is no serious intention to activate these slogans. If these parties worked hard to implement them, we would have been fine,” Sheikh Sanqour further stated.

“The shortest and less costly way to address Bahrain’s crisis is to launch a dialogue,” he highlighted, calling for “the release of all prisoners of conscience, mainly Sheikh Ali Salman”. He considered that this release would revive optimism in the country. Sheikh Sanqour then concluded his sermon by saying: “Let Sheikh Ali Salman’s appeal be a chance to drop all the charges brought against him, so it would be a positive message to establish a basis for putting an end to the crisis.”


Iraqi Commander of Shrine Defender Forces Martyred in Syria

Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA-  Sayyed Alaa Mousavi, one of the commanders of Iraq’s Islamic Resistance group Hezbollah al-Nojaba, martyred as a result of injuries in the fight against ISIS in Syria.

Some time ago he was also injured in a battle with al-Nusrah terrorists in Latakia, Syria, but this time he could reach the noble place of martyrdom.

Hizbullah al-Nojaba is a Shia group that coordinates several fighting groups, including those of Iraqi, Yemeni, and Bahraini origin. They are defending Hazrat Zainab (SA) holy shrine in Syria and so many of them till now were martyred in this holy way.


The Mona Relief organization brings hope to Yemen ahead of Eid Al Adha

The Mona Relief organization – A Yemeni-based charity for humanitarian relief and development – managed earlier this September to deliver valuable aid to war-stricken Yemenis, at a time when many feel they have been abandoned by the international community.

Independently run by Fatik Al Rodaini in Yemen (a journalist and human rights activist) and Dr Riaz Karim in the UK, the Mona Relief organization has already made its mark in Yemen, offering the poorest and most most vulnerable a sympathetic shoulder to lean on.

While most relief agencies remain bogged down by politics, forced to play a game of cat and mouse with wealthy patrons in order to keep their operations going, the Mona Relief organization has defiantly outsourced its funding, calling on private donations to prevent any form of political hijacking.

A former official at the UN, Dr Karim has said to be determined to offer Yemen and all Yemenis the future they deserve – one filled with hope and joy.

With Eid Al Adha being only a few days away, the Mona Relief organization was adamant no Saudi-run blockade or other logistic impediments would keep their team from distributing the food, medicine and other aid they had reserved for the city of Hodeidah.

One of the poorest city of Yemen, Hodeida seaport has suffered a great deal under Saudi bombing. Most of the city infrastructures have been laid to waste, leaving tens of thousands to fend for themselves in the harshest conditions possible.

While relief was only temporary, the Mona Relief organization managed to raise a few smiles.


For help with funding DONATIONS


Spain university’s professors visit the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – A group of tourists including five Spanish university professors made use of the special programs arranged for these pilgrims in the Ghadir portico of the holy shrine of Imam Ridha (A’).

Along with an interpreter, they also visited the museums of the Razavi holy shrine. Office of Non-Iranian Pilgrims Affairs donated the tourists some gifts as memorials.

Travelling to Iran with the purpose of tourism, the tourists described Iranian people as very intimate and warm people and viewed the huge crowd of pilgrims inside the holy shrine very magnificent.

Alicia, holder of M.S. in pharmacy said, “I did not know the eighth Imam of the Shi’ite at all but I am happy to be in this place; it is very beautiful in terms of architecture and decorations.”

“In the holy shrine, the history and literature of Iran and Islam has been put on display”, Lardes, another tourist, said.
The Spanish tourists happily prospected to have the chance of being in the holy shrine once more.

The Imam Reza Shrine in Mashhad, Iran is a complex which contains the mausoleum of Imam Reza, the eighth Imam of Twelver Shiites. It is the largest mosque in the world by dimension and the second largest by capacity.


Photos: Saudi youth Masked risk their lives to protest against al-Nimr imminent death penalty

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Youth in Awamiyah risk their lives to demonstrate against Ali Al-Nimr’s imminent death penalty. They also held photo’s of the 6 other prisoners who have also been given death penalties. These youth remain masked to avoid identification, arrest reprisals from Saudi authorities.