Over 6,000 killed since Saudi aggression against Yemen

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Saudi Arabia has killed in excess of 6,000 Yemenis as Riyadh’s military aggression against the impoverished Arab country enters its seventh month, says Yemen’s Civil Coalition.

According to a report by the nongovernmental organization (NGO), which was published on Saturday, 6,091 Yemenis have lost their lives in the Saudi airstrikes and a total of 13,552 people have been injured.

There are 3,006 women and children among the dead. The report also says as many as 2,997 women and children have been wounded.

Targeting infrastructure, civilians

Yemen’s Civil Coalition stated that the Saudi airstrikes target civilians, the infrastructure and residential areas of Yemen in defiance of international norms and conventions.

The report also highlighted an escalation in the airstrikes against Yemen over the past two weeks, which has increased the number of casualties.

The attacks are mainly centered on residential areas in the provinces of Sana’a, Sa’ada, Hajjah, Ta’izz, Ibb, Jawf, Hudaydah, Dhamar, and Bayda, according to the report.

Educational, medical and historical locations across Yemen are also targeted in the airstrikes, the report stated, calling on the United Nations to investigate crimes committed by Riyadh against Yemen.

Saudi warplanes carried out new airstrikes on the district of Razeh in Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa’ada during the early hours of Sunday. There has been no report on the possible casualties.

Similar airstrikes left over 60 people dead across the country the previous day.

In the district of Munabbih in northern province of Sa’ada, at least 50 people were killed and over a dozen others injured in similar attacks on a local market late on Saturday. Saudi warplanes also targeted a residential area in the district of Majz in the province, killing 10 members of a family.

Three members of another family were also killed when their house was hit by an airstrike in Ma’rib Province.

In retaliation for the Saudi airstrikes, the Yemeni army, backed by popular committees, targeted a number of Saudi military bases in the border region, inflicting heavy losses on them.

Riyadh launched its military aggression against Yemen on March 26 – without a UN mandate – in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to the fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.


Israeli mock raids on Gaza

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Israeli warplanes launched mock raids on the Gaza Strip on Sunday morning, Quds Press reported.

The agency said that a big number of Israeli F-16s suddenly appeared in the skies of Gaza Strip and launched mock raids.

It said that the warplanes flew at low altitudes and broke the sound barrier causing panic among civilians who feared that fresh raids were in the making.

Quds Press noted that intensive overflights of reconnaissance planes were seen over the Gaza borders.

Israeli warplanes launched a series of raids on Gaza on Saturday targeting resistance training sites and a communication tower.


German organizations slam Israeli aggression on al-Aqsa

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Germany-based pro-Palestine groups have staged rallies and campaigns in support for the holy al-Aqsa Mosque, in Occupied Jerusalem, and the nonviolent Muslim worshipers.

A mass-rally bearing the title “No Way to Divide al-Aqsa” was organized Friday in Berlin by the Palestinian Assembly in Germany, along with a handful of feminist and youth organizations.

The rally-goers firmly denounced the Israeli attacks on al-Aqsa and voiced their heartfelt solidarity with Jerusalem’s Muslim congregation.

Another vigil kicked off Saturday afternoon in Germany’s western city of Recklinghausen, where protesters spoke out against Israel’s preplanned terrorism against Islamic and Christian holy sites in Occupied Jerusalem.
Other anti-Israel rallies and forums are expected to kick off on October 3 across Stuttgart in solidarity with al-Aqsa Mosque.

A statement by the Palestinian Assembly in Germany slammed the mounting Israeli aggression on al-Aqsa.

The group’s head Dr. Suhail Abu Shamala said such pro-Palestine campaigns come in response to the dangerous escalation in Occupied Jerusalem and attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque.

He called for pressuring the Israeli occupation to cease its violations and terrorism in Occupied Jerusalem.

He vowed that Germany-based activists will continue to step up pressure on the European stakeholders so as to pursue steps that would seriously deter the Israeli occupation.


Shiite Scholar: Prophet Muhammad’s religion is religion of justice and kindness

 Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Speaking in a meeting with visiting Egypt delegation to Iran comprising reporters and news men, General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought Ayatollah Mohsen Araki highlighted the profound role of media and journalists in present situation of world of Islam.
President of Iran top unity center beckoned to the standing setbacks world of Islam and Islamic nations wrestling with noting the current problems Muslims are mired in stem from measures perpetrated by those who claim they are Muslims.
“These people offer their wants in the guise of religion to people,” said the grand Ayatollah went on to add what they project as a religion run counter to Islamic principles and teachings which invite humankind to justice and mercy.
To Ayatollah Araki, Muslims should be even-tempered in facing different takes and thoughts refraining from any extremist moves and measures. They should be too well united against Takfiri groups and other extremists at the present situation.
To many a cleric, those who fell silent cannot disavow involvement in the violence, since their silence provide the groundwork for enemies to fulfill their malignant aims. Given that it is incumbent upon Muslims to act swiftly and cautiously.


Hundreds of Italians hold anti-Israel protest

Hundreds of Italian people have staged a protest rally against Israel’s presence at an exposition in the city of Milan.

Waving Palestinian flags, the demonstrators rallied towards the city center on Saturday and chanted anti-Israeli slogans such as “Netanyahu, terrorist empire” and “Against imperialism and its violence, resistance now and forever.”

The angry protesters called Israel’s participation in the Expo Milano 2015 “unacceptable.”

“We decided to organize this protest to criticize the expo and especially Israel’s presence at this event, which we believe is unacceptable,” said Francesco Giordano, a member of a local Palestinian advocacy group.

Demanding justice for Palestinians, the demonstrators also urged an end to Israel’s violence against the people there.

“We want free children. We’ve had enough of cemeteries, prisons. We want freedom and a normal life,” said Sara, a Palestinian woman living in Italy.

Over 750,000 Palestinians — now estimated to number nearly five million with their descendants — were driven out of their homes by Israeli forces on May 15, 1948.

Since then, the Israeli regime has denied Palestinian refugees the right to return despite United Nations’ resolutions and international law that uphold people’s right to return to their homelands.

The Israeli regime currently holds over 7,000 Palestinians captive, many of them without charge or trial.


US Presidential Candidate: I Love Muslims

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said that he loved Muslims and that he would contemplate using a Muslim in his Cabinet.

Trump, who is a front-runner among Republicans, made the remarks on Saturday when he was asked a question by CNN on what his take was on Muslim people.

“I love the Muslims. I think they’re great people,” Trump said after delivering a lecture to high school students in Urbandale, Iowa.

During a question-and-answer session with students, one student said that she regarded Muslim-Americans as an important segment of the country, asking Trump whether he would ponder putting a Muslim in his Cabinet or on his ticket.

“Oh, absolutely,” Trump responded. “No problem with that.”

The billionaire businessman, however, has not reacted to a questioner at a recent town hall meeting Thursday who suggested the US should “get rid” of Muslims.

Trump did not challenge an idea given by the questioner who said President Barack Obama was a Muslim and not American.

“Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don’t think so!” he tweeted.

Trump continues to dominate the crowded Republican field and according to new survey, a growing number of Republican voters in the US believe he is the most likely GOP candidate to win the 2016 presidential election.


ISIS bans internet in Deir ez-Zor, Syria

ISIS terrorist group has banned the internet in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, local sources said on Saturday.

The ISIS-affiliated Sharia Court has issued a decision to close all internet cafés in al-Bukamal city and other areas of Deir ez-Zor province.

“The Sharia Court hasn’t explained the reasons for banning internet in the province,” an activist said on the condition of anonymity. “It’s not clear whether the ban is temporary or permanent.”

Local sources in al-Bukamal reported that the terrorist group has banned the use of satellite internet devices “completely”.

“We are not allowed to use the internet anymore, not even in our houses,” a local activist said on the phone.

The ISIS-led Sharia Court has vowed that anyone violates the decision “will be mercilessly punished”.

Media activist Sarai al-Din said: “People of al-Bukamal city and in the villages of El-Bu Omar, Mouhasan, Mireiyah, Biwel, Sallou and Zibari are disconnected from the outside world after ISIS militants closed all internet cafés and confiscated all private internet devises on Saturday”

“This ban is mainly meant to prevent media workers and human rights activists from reporting on the ongoing atrocities by the terrorist group against civilians in Deir ez-Zor and its countryside,” al-Din said.


Ahlul Bayt World Assembly Sends Condolence over Demise of its Prominent Member Qalbi Hussain Rizvi

Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- Ahlul Bayt World Assembly has expressed its condolence in a message on the death of prominent Kashmiri Shia scholar,’Qalbi Hussain Rizvi’.

The full text of the message is as follows:

In the Name of God the Gracious and Merciful

“We belong to Allah and to him we shall return”

We are sorrowing demise of our great Kashmiri scholar Mulana Sayyed Qalbi Hussein Rizvi; a man who was a disciple of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Supreme Leader for a long time.

The late Rizvi who passed away near Ka’aba the house of god, translated dozens of books and articles in Urdu language during his corporation with the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly; therefore he did a great job for spreading Shiite teachings and the school of Ahlul Bayt in the subcontinent and especially Kashmir.

Ahlul Bayt World Assembly sends its condolence for this painful event, to the Imam Zaman (AS), scholars, noble people of Kashmir, followers of the Ahlul Bayt and his family and friends and prays that Allah almighty to resurrect him along with prophet (PBUH) and Ahlul Bayt (AS).


House of Saud source of corruption, sedition in Muslim world

Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani stated that the House of Saud is the source of a most of the corruption and sedition in the Islamic world and stressed that the Saudi attack on Yemen, which has killed innocent people there and revealed the true nature of the evil Saudi rulers.

Speaking at his first jurisprudence class of the new academic term, Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani stated the duty of religious scholars is to deal with deviations and innovations in religion and added that most Muslim countries only carry the name of Islam.

“They build mosques, but there is no guidance in them,” he said.

His Eminence criticized Saudi rulers’ allegiance and loyalty to the arrogant superpowers and to Israel, and said that as a result of their misinterpretations and deviant thinking, Saudi rulers are the source of corruption and sedition in the Muslim world and rule with tyranny.

The renowned source of emulation also referred to the 1987 incident in Makkah where pilgrims to the House of God were massacred by Saudi Arabian security forces during the Hajj period and honoured the martyrs of this incident.

Referring to Imam Ruhollah Khomeini’s historical message on this occasion, Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani noted several points and stressed on the importance of the Hajj pilgrimage, saying that the Hajj is a divine duty which has political, social and cultural dimensions.

He added that the late Imam emphasized that the political dimension of Hajj is the most neglected of all dimensions.

His Eminence explained that Hajj is a symbol of unity and solidarity of the Islamic ummah and said that Muslims should unite to solve the problems they face and thwart the enemies’ plots.

Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani added that the House of Saud have attacked Yemen and have killed innocent men, women and children over the past five months.

He added that this brutal bombardment shows their true and evil nature and has proved that they have deviated far from Islamic religious teachings.

He added that all Muslims should stand with the people of Yemen as our religion orders us to help any oppressed people against the enemies.

“We condemn the attack on Yemen and stand with the oppressed people of this country,” he said.

The professor in the Islamic Seminary of Qom explained that the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, has stressed that there is no difference between the last summers’ Israel attack on the Gaza Strip and Saudi Arabia’s current bombardment of Yemen.

“Just as we supported the people of Gaza, we support the Yemeni people,” he added.

He also condemned the recent Israeli aggression on Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque, saying: “We condemn this incident and are surprised at the silence of the Muslim world and Islamic scholars.”

Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani said we are surprised that some Muslim scholars and rulers of Muslim countries are silent in the face of this brutal crime. “al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to all Muslims and we should be united and harmonious in order to save it from the clutches of the Zionists,” he said.


Commemoration of Kashmiri Shia scholar Qalbi Hussain Rizvi to be held in Qom, Iran

Ahlul Bayt World Assembly -ABNA- Following the demise of a prominent Kashmiri Shia scholar, Qalbi Hussain Rizvi, a commemoration ceremony to be held tomorrow (September 21) by Grand Ayatollah doctor Hadavi Tehrani a member of the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly Supreme Council.

Time: 12 PM, on Monday September 21

Place: Institute of Ravaq-e Hekmat, Number 82, Alley 15, Ammar Yasir 55 Mitri, Qom

Sayyed Qalbi Hussain Rizvi was one of the Kashmiri Shia scholars of the Ahlul bayt World Assembly.

He passed away in the holy city of Mecca at around 4 AM on Friday following cardiac arrest.

During his blessed life he had done various activities for spreading Shiite school of thought in India and translated lots of books in this field.
